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1、七年级英语作文专项训练 一、你一定有过一个难忘而又意义的暑假。请你描述在暑假里发生过的事情,去过的地方。不少于60词。提示词:go to ,on vacation, weather, take a walk, go swimming, have fun, delicious food , the people, friendly ,have an interesting vacation . I went to Sanya on my vacation. The weather there was really hot. I took a walk with my parents on the

2、 beach. The sea was really beautiful. We had fun. We also ate the delicious sea food. It tasted so good that I couldnt forget it. The people in Sanya were really friendly. We had an interesting vacation in Sanya . I want to go there again.二、请描述你家乡的天气。The Weather In My CityHello, everyone! Im from An

3、yang. Do you want to know what the weather is like here? Let me tell you!Anyang is in the north of China. In spring.,Sometimes it is warm, and sometimes it is cold. In summer, it is very hot. But I like it very much because I like swimming. The autumn in Anyang is very nice. It is neither too cold n

4、or too hot. In winter, it is very cold. You can see heavy snow everywhere. I like snow. I like to make snowmen with my friends. 三、现在是晚上8点,根据图表提供的信息,描述一下Tom一家的活动情况。60词左右。fatherread a bookmotherwatch TVgrandmotherclean the roomtomdo homeworkMaryplay puter gamesLindawrite a letterIts 8:00 oclock now. T

5、oms family are at home. Toms father is sitting on a chair and reading a book Harry Potter. His mother is watching TV on the sofa in the living room. His grandmother is cleaning the room. His sister Linda is writing a letter to her pen pal. What is Tom doing now? He is doing his homework. But his you

6、ng sister Mary is playing puter games in her bedroom. They are having a good time. 四、假如你是李涛,你的加拿大网友Henry发来一封电子邮件询问你是如何度过周末的。请你结合实际情况,写一封不少于60个单词的电子邮件。Dear Henry , Thanks for your e-mail. Do you want to know about my weekends? Now I will tell you. On Saturday morning , I went to see Beijing Opera wit

7、h my parents. In the afternoon, I did my homework. On Saturday evening, I watched TV. On Sunday morning, I did my homework and then I played soccer with my friends. I did Chinese Kung fu in the afternoon. On Sunday evening, I played the guitar. Please write and tell me about your weekends. Yours, Li

8、 Tao 五、观察下面六幅图片,请以 my busy weekend 为题写一篇短文, 描述一下你周末的活动情况。不少于60词。I had a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, I cleaned my room. In the afternoon, I did my homework. It was a little difficult. In the evening, I went to visit my aunt. My aunt cooked a nice dinner for me. On Sunday morning , I went to th

9、e library and read some books. Then in the afternoon, I played soccer for two hours. At night, I stayed at home and watched TV. 六、下面图表里是Lily 和Jack 两个人的资料,请根据图表所列的信息,适当发挥联想,写一篇小短文。不少于60词。NameCountryappearanceFavorite sports/ instruments Get upGo to bedLilyEnglandbig eyesswimming / piano6:309:30JackCa

10、nadatall and thinplay soccer / guitar6:409:50Lily is an English girl. She has big eyes and she is very beautiful. Her favorite sports is swimming. She can play the piano very well. In the morning, she gets up at 6:30 and in the evening she often goes to bed at 9:30. Jack is from Canada. He is tall a

11、nd thin. He likes playing soccer very much. And he can also play the guitar well. He often gets up at 6:40 in the morning and goes to bed at 9:50 in the evening. Lily and Jack are both in Class One. They are good friends.七、请根据以下表格描述一下你的朋友Kate如何度过周末的。不少于60词。get up6:00 amplay volleyballafter lunchrun6

12、:20 amsee my friends5:00 pmhave breakfast7:00 am watch TVin the eveningdo my homework8:00 amplay puter games8:00 pmHelp my mother do housework9:3010:30 amgo to bed9:30 pmNow let me tell you about Kates Sunday. She usually gets up at 6:00. She runs in the park at 6:20. She has breakfast at 7:00. She does her homework at 8:00. Then she helps her mother do housework from 9:30 to 10:30. After lunch, she plays volleyball. At 5:00 pm, she goes to see her friends. In the evening, she watches TV for one hour. At 8:00 she plays puter games. she goes to bed at 9:30.

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