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1、五年级英语口语试题五年级英语口试试题1一、请读出下面的单词和短语。 1. piano 2. badminton 3. story 4. trip 5. happy 6. Childrens Day 7. go home 8. play the violin 9. go swimming 10. read a book二、请朗读下面的课文。Christmas Day Christmas Day comes in winter. It is always on the same day each year. Its on December 25th. We always get up early

2、on Christmas Day. When we get up, we find presents at the end of our beds. We open our presents in the morning. We have a big lunch at home. In the afternoon, we play games and have a good time, In the evening, Im very tired, so I go to bed at about 10 oclock.三、请回答问题。1. Whats your name?2. How old ar

3、e you?3. Do you like English?4. Whats your favorite sport?5. What did you do last Sunday?四、请仔细看图,并进行描述。(最少说出五个完整的句子)五年级英语口试试题2一、请读出下面的单词和短语。1. bread 2. farmer 3. badminton 4. piano 5. hospital 6. visit a friend 7. play the drums 8. clean the room 9. read a book 10. eat dinner二、请朗读下面的课文Dicks familyDi

4、ck is eleven. He has got a sister and her name is Anna. She is fifteen. Dick and his sister are in the same school. Their father and mother are teachers. Their father is an English teacher and their mother is a Chinese teacher. They are not in the same school. The have got many books. Some are Engli

5、sh books and some are Chinese books. Dick and his sister have got many books, too. They like reading very much. They often borrow books from the school library.三、英语报的记者来到了你们学校,他想了解有关小学生的业余生活状况,下面是他对你的采访:1. Whats your name?2. How old are you?3. What sports do you like?4. What do you do at weekends?5.

6、 What are you going to do this summer vacation?四、请仔细看图,并进行描述(最少说出五个完整的句子)五年级英语口试试题3一、请读出下面的单词和短语。1. June 2. weight 3. high jump 4. play the piano 5. Merry Christmas! 6. my 7. mine 8. dictionary 9. cry 10. know 二、请朗读下面的课文。 Last week, my friend Tommy came to Beijing to see me. He is from Britain. It w

7、as cold and rainy there just before he left. He spent his first day on the Great Wall. We went there together. It was very windy and cold that day, but Tommy was still very happy, because he really loved the Great Wall. Tommy enjoyed his days in China very much.三、请回答问题你交了一个来自美国的新朋友,是个可爱的小男孩,他拉着你问这问那

8、:1. What subjects you study?2. Who is the tallest in your class?3. What did you do last night?4. When do you go to school?5. Which is bigger, the desk or the table ?四、请仔细看图,并进行描述(最少说出五个完整的句子)五年级英语口试试题3一、请读出下面的单词和短语。1. drum 2. violin 3. play basketball 4. go to the concert 5. a liter of milk 6. pajam

9、as 7. eggplants 8. lemon 9. butter 10. fifty 二、请朗读下面的课文。 My familyMy name is Jack. Im happy to be your new friend. I live in a small old town in America. My father is 45 years old. He likes to go fishing. I often play it with my friends. I have a sister. Her name is Kate. She likes playing the violi

10、n very much. My mother is an art teacher. She likes playing basketball. She is a player of our towns basketball team. Kate and I like to watch the games about her. 三、请回答问题。一位英国的小学生来学校参观,他想了解一下中国小学生,他问了你一些问题:1Hello!1. Whats your name?2. How old are you?3. Do you like English?4. What do you often do a

11、fter class?5.What sports do you like ? 四、请仔细看图,并进行描述(最少说出五个完整的句子)五年级英语口试试题4一、请读出下面的单词和短语。1. visit my friend 2. policeman 3.play computer games 4. 120cm 5. under the tree 6. in the study 7. on Thursday 8. amusement park 9. go to bed 10. look for 二、请朗读下面的课文。 My favorite season If you ask to me favorit

12、e season? I want to say: my favorite season is autumn. Because autumn is cool and windy but isnt hot and cold. In the autumn, farmers can harvest theirs fruits of lador . The most exciting still can eat many tasty fruits. Such as: oranges,mangos, bananas, apples, pears. like fall best. 内容标准:能流畅地朗读与教

13、材难度相当的故事或短文,做到语音清楚、语调自然,达意三、请回答问题。英语报的记者来到了你们学校,他想了解有关小学生的业余生活状况,下面是他对你的采访:1. What grade are you in?2. What color do you like?3. Which season do you like?4. How many girls are there in your class?5. Where did you go last Sunday?四、请仔细看图,并进行描述(最少说出三个完整的句子)五年级英语口试试题5一、请读出下面的单词和短语。1.wednesday 2.May 3. s

14、pace4. fire station 5. clean my room 6. at the same time 7. in front of 8. come back 9. at night 10. one by one二、请朗读下面的课文。 I have a busy day . Its Saturday . On Saturday , I eat breakfast at six oclock. For breakfast , I have milk , bread , eggs and apples. I go to school at seven oclock .Im student

15、. Im in the middle school . I learn English very well. Im a class monitor. All teacher very like me, because I study very well. But I only 12 years old . I eat lunch at 12 oclock . I do my homework from one oclock to four oclock .I eat dinner at six oclock . After dinner , I watch TV from 6:30 to 8:

16、30.I go to bed at nine oclock. This is my busy day.三、请回答问题。英语报的记者来到了你们学校,他想了解有关小学生的业余生活状况,下面是他对你的采访:1. Whats your favorite subject?2. What food do you like ?3. Do you like spring ?4. What did you do on Saturday?5. Does your father a doctor?四、请仔细看图,并进行描述(最少说出三个完整的句子)五年级英语口试试题6一、 请读出下面的单词和短语。1. space

17、2. rabbit 3. high jump4. visit a friend 5. last night 6. pencil - box 7.movie theater 8. play basketball 9. go to school 10. read a book 二、请朗读下面的课文。My father is very busy every day .He usually gets up early and goes to work on foot .He likes walking to work, because it is good for his health. My fat

18、her goes home very late. When he comes back home, he feels very tired. He likes reading books. His favorite book is story book. He likes cooking too, and he is good at it. He sometimes cooks delicious food for my mother and me.三、 请回答问题。老师要为你建立一个健康档案,想了解你的基本情况,请你回答下列问题:1. Whats your name?2. How old a

19、re you?3. When is your birthday?4. How tall are you?5. How much do you weigh?四、 请仔细看图,并进行描述(最少说出五个完整的句子)五年级英语口试试题7一、请读出下面的单词和短语。 1. backpack 2. piano 3. volleyball 4. expensive5. up and down 6. eat out 7. English corner 8. have a dream 9. play the violin 10. No smoking. 二、请朗读下面的课文。 How to make a tom

20、ato saladLets make a tomato salad. It is very easy. First, buy some tomatoes and wash them. Next, cut the tomatoes. Put them into a plate. Now pour some sugar on to the tomatoes. Finally, mix them together. Its very delicious.三、请回答问题。1) Whats your name?2) How old are you?3) Which subject do you like

21、?4) What did you do yesterday?5) What will you do on this Saturday?四、请仔细看图,并进行描述(最少说出五个完整的句子)五年级英语口试试题8一、请读出下面的单词和短语。1. ruler 2. doctor 3. play basketball 4. go to the park 5. see a movie 6. in spring 7. in the evening 8. behind the door 9. last night 10. read a book二、请朗读下面的课文。Tommy and his dog Tomm

22、y is twelve years old. He has a little dog. It is a gift from his parents. Tom likes the dog very much. He calls the dog Bob. Bob is brown. It has two big eyes. It likes playing with Tommy. Every Sunday, Tommy takes Bob to the park. They have a good time there.三、请回答问题。加入一个外国小朋友转学来到你们班,想和你成为朋友,他(她)可能

23、会问你以下的问题,请回答: 1. Whats your name?2. How old are you?3. What subject do you like ?4. What do you usually do after class?5. Do you often go to the museum?四、请仔细看图,并进行描述(最少说出三个完整的句子) 五年级英语口试试题9一、请读出下面的单词和短语。1. yellow 2.farmer 3. visit a friend 4. play football 5. draw a picture 6. swimming pool 7. yeste

24、rday morning 8. some cold water 9. eat breakfast 10. win the race 二、请朗读下面的课文。My friend Ann This is a photo of my friend Anns family. Ann is a student. She is ten. There are four people in her family. Anns father is a vet. He works in a zoo. He loves animals. Her mother is a teacher. She teaches Engl

25、ish in a school. She is a very good teacher. Anns brother is also a student. They go to school together. They help each other, too.三、请回答问题。当你认识新的朋友的时候,你会和他谈论下面的问题吗?1. How do you do? Whats your name?2. How old are you?3. What color do you like?4. Whats your favorite animal?5. What does your father do

26、?四、请仔细看图,并进行描述(最少说出五个完整的句子)五年级英语口试试题10一、请读出下面的单词和短语。1. rabbit 2. March 3. autumn 4. window 5. zipper 6. season 7. jeans 8. mushroom 9. weigh 10. December二、请朗读下面的课文。I like winter. Winter is the fourth season of the year. Winter begins around December. The weather is cold and snowy. Winter is the white season. We play the snow. We are very happy.三、请回答问题。国外某小学生参观访问团来到了你们学校,国外的小朋友想了解有关我国小学生的学科爱好,下面是他对你的采访: 1. May I know your name? 2. How old are you? 3. What subject do you like? 4. Do you like English()? 5. When did you read (do)the English book?四、请仔细看图,并进行描述(最少说出三个完整的句子)

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