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1、Unit1 Project Unit1 Project To phone or not to phone To phone or not to phoneStep 1 Lead-inFree-talk2.Can you list some functions of mobile phones?1.How many of you have a mobile phone?Different functions of mobile phonesmaking a phone calltaking photoslistening to musicsurfing the Internetsending s

2、hort messages (pictures)playing games As we know,mobile phones have become part of peoples life and it has been argued that mobile phones may be harmful to us for many years.Do you think that the use of mobile phones is dangerous or not?Lead-inadvantagesdisadvantages?Unit 1 Living with technology St

3、ep 1 Listening 1.What is Amish?2.What are they famous for?3.Why the Amish oppose having telephones in their homes?The Amish is a Christian groupThey are famous because they drive carriages instead of cars,do not use TVs or refrigerators,and do not have personal telephones.Since the Amish value seein

4、g each other face to face.carriage Assume religious oppose circumstance shallow ridStep 2 wordsa vehicle with wheels drawn by one or more horses take to be true;make a pretence ofhaving or showing belief in and reverence for a deity be against;express opposition to a condition that accompanies or in

5、fluences some event or activitylacking depth of intellect or knowledge concerned only with what is obvious relieve fromGetting to know the authors craftWrite the outline of the passage.Part 1(Para1-2)Part 2(Para3-6)Part 3(Para7-8)Write the outline of the passage.Part 1(Para1-2)Introduction to the Am

6、ish way of lifePart 2(Para3-6)Disadvantages of the telephonePart 3(Para7-8)Possible solutionsStep 3 careful reading 1.Is there any religious reasons for the Amishs rule?2.Why are the Amish reject cars?3.How do they deal with strangers?No.In truth,whenever a new technology is introduced,the Amish mee

7、t and discussIts advantages and disadvantages Because they like having tight communities where everyone live closer.They do not think it is necessary and dislike dealing with strangers.telephonemobile phone text message disadvantagesThere is something important about being together and sharing lifet

8、hat can not be found over a telephone wire.Destroy the peace one has or waste ones precious timerelationships build by text messagesare quite shallow4.What does the author suggest at the end of the passage?5.What is the tone of the last sentence?A.Hopeful.B.Humorous.C.Depressed.May be we should thro

9、w all of our phones into dustbin,along with our cars and TVs for good measureMaybe we should get rid of ourselves of modern technology and return to simpler times.Important phrases 1.in truth2.vote on3.dislike dealing with strangers4.value seeing each other face to face5.oppose having telephones in

10、their houses6.have a valid point7.over a phone wire8.no matter what circumstances9.be absorbed in a book10.for some reason11.a face-to-face conversation12.focus on building relationships with many people13.in general 14.rather than 15.have a higher degree of mental health 16.value community and livi

11、ng in peace above all else 17.along with 18.rid ourselves of modern technology 19.return to simpler timesStep 4 Debate prosconsMobile phone is necessary in our daily lifeMobile phone is harmful and unnecessary It is reported that many high school students bring mobile phones to their school.Do you think high school students should use mobile phones at school?Why or why not?Thank youThank you!

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