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1、小学英语改错1. Friday is the fifth day in a week.3. He is gets better.5. Two is my lucky numbers.6. We choose a nice card for she.8. Whats wrong with his?9. There is many water in the bottle.10. My father often taking photos on Sundays.11. Look, Wang Bing growing flowers.12. Does your sister has any hobbi

2、es?13. The girl doesnt like do housework.14. He is showing their to his classmates.15. -What are you do there?-Im making clothes.16. The three good friends live in different town.18. Tom is my well friend.19. Zhang Lin can dance good.20. Jane is sit quietly on the grass.21. What do you doing?22. I u

3、sually go to school on feet .23. Yesterday I got to there early.24Everybody know you in this street.25. Lets reading the book together.26Mike wants to some paper to write to his penfriend.27. Does you father watering the trees now.28.-Whats the cats name?-It name is Kitty.29.Id like visiting China1.

4、They has a map, and he has a picture.2.Kate has an apple. What do you have?3.We has some fish. What do you have?4.What do Sam have? He has a tin of chicken.5.What are they doing? They is eating.6.Is Tom clean the windows? Yes, he is.7.Do Sam doing his homework? No, he isnt.8.Are the girls watching T

5、V? Yes, he are9.IsKate flying a kite? Yes. she isnt.10.All the students is playing games under the tree.11.Lily are cleaning the blackboard.12.Tom can play violin.13.Jim cant skiing.14.The football is under the teachers desk.15.Who can find he?16.Can you fly a kite or to skate?17.There are many shee

6、pson the farm.18.I have many money in my pocket.19.He like his Chinese teacher very much.Do you like yours? 20.There are 3 peoples in my family.21.Is there any fish in the lake.22.There are much people in the street23.Dont laughat I.24.My mother wears new trouser today.25.He can play the volleyball.

7、26.Can you put the toy car in your head?27.Do you like sking? No,I dont.28.How many vase are there in the shop?29.What do you like? I like pupmpkins masks.30.They dont go to school inSunday.31.He would like go to the supermaket.32.Are you need a tape? Yes,I do.33.How much is the trousers? Fifty yuan

8、.34.Shall we listening to music now? Good idea.35.Are there some pictures on the wall?36.Kate and Jim has two boxes of chocolates.37.What does you have?38.Do Tom have some rice?39.How much oranges can you see in the basket?40.How many circle are there?41.Not forgetto write to your father.42.What shape are the bag?43.How many puters can you look at in the picture?44.There are three windows and a door on the wall.45.Her friend drawing a horse in that house now.46.Do they watching TV now?47.I have many money.

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