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1、Unit 4 Then and nowPart A LetPart A Lets learn&s learn&Find the mistakes Find the mistakesToday we are going to visit our school.Now,let s go!Where is it?grassplaygroundThere is a grass playground in our school now.What can we do on the grass?play footballrunjumpWhere is it?gym There is a gym in our

2、 school now.What can we do in the gym?play basketballplay ping pongplay tennisWhere is it?dining hallrunning swimming There is a dining hall in our school now.饭厅饭厅hall大厅、礼堂diningWe often have lunch in the dining hall.Whats in the picture?buildingplaygrounddinning hallgymgrassWhat can we do in the di

3、ning hall?have lunchWhere is it?libraryThere is a library in our school now.We can read a book in the library.librarycinemabookstoregymgrassdining hallpost office三月前 three months ago.一天前one day ago五周前five weeks ago两年前two years ago多久以前多久以前(时间名词(时间名词+ago)还有哪些表示过去的时间?last weekend last night yesterday t

4、he day before yesterday last year 去年去年 last month 上个月上个月你会说下面单词和短语的意思吗?dinning hall gym grass years ago months ago last year last month Was there a dining hall in your school three years ago?dining hall 三年前三年前 .years ago 年前年前Yes,there was.There was a dining hall in my school three years ago.Was ther

5、e a grass in your school forty months ago?grass No,there wasnt.There was no grass in my school forty months ago.四十个月前四十个月前 .months ago 月前月前 Was there a gym in your school last year?gym No,there wasnt.There was no gym in my school last year.Last year 去年去年Is there a gym in your school now?Yes,there is

6、.Are there many classrooms in your school now?Yes,there are.twenty years ago 二十年之前二十年之前 There was a playground in my school twenty years ago.twenty years ago 二十年之前二十年之前Was there a gym in your school twenty years ago?now 现在现在No,there wasnt.Is there a gym in your school now?Yes,there is.library playgr

7、oundNow theres a new one in our school.现在我们学校有个新的现在我们学校有个新的(体育馆体育馆)。years ago 几年前几年前 months ago 几个月前几个月前last year 去年去年last month 上个月上个月There was no gym in your school twenty years ago.二十年之前我们学校没有体育馆。二十年之前我们学校没有体育馆。What are the differences?twenty years agonowThere was only one old building in my scho

8、ol twenty years ago.There are many new buildings in my school now.Was there a gym in the school?No,there wasn t.Is there a gym in the school?Yes,there is.What are the differences?There was no gym in the school twenty years ago.Now there is a new one in the school.Attention:注意使用注意使用there be句型句型For ex

9、ample:There was no _ in the school two years ago.Now there is a new one in the school.Attention:注意使用注意使用there be句型句型两年前两年前 grass playground Find the mistakesIn the Tang dynastyAt that time,there were no gyms.People didnt go by bus.People couldnt use the Internet.there were no gymspeople didnt go by

10、buspeople couldnt use the Internet 在唐朝在唐朝At that time,there were no dinning halls.At that time,there were no post offices.At that time,there were no cinemas.At that time,there were no motels(汽车旅馆汽车旅馆).mistakesbuildingsbuildings(建筑)(建筑)gymgymdining halldining hallpost officepost officecoffee shopcoff

11、ee shopmotelmotelcinemacinematraffic lighttraffic lights sstreet lightstreet light(路灯)(路灯)traffictraffic (交通)(交通)go by busgo by busgo by bikego by bikego by taxigo by taxiactivitiesactivities (活动活动)watch TVwatch TVuse the phoneuse the phoneuse use the Internet the Internet see a film see a film use

12、use the the mobile phone mobile phone At that time,there were no gyms.People didnt go by bus.People couldnt use the Internet.Discuss with your group.Find out the mistakes in the Tang dynasty.At that time,there were no _.People didnt go _.People couldnt use _.Where is it?motel汽车旅馆汽车旅馆hThe difference

13、between hotel and motelMotels Motels parking parking spacespace(停停车车位位)and and room room are are linked linked togethertogether(相相连连).).The The garagegarage(车车库库)is is on on the the first first floor,floor,the the room room is is on on the the second floor.second floor.汽车旅馆与一般旅馆最大的不同点,在于汽车旅馆提供的停车位与房

14、间相连,一楼当作车库,二楼为房间。There be 句型现在时现在时There is+单数单数There are+复数复数过去时过去时There was+单数单数There were+复数复数 Tips:There是个近视眼,只能看到最近的,是个近视眼,只能看到最近的,最近的是单数用最近的是单数用is,是复数用,是复数用are;如果是表示过去的,单数用如果是表示过去的,单数用was,复数用,复数用wereFor example:There was no _ in the school twenty years ago.Now there is a new one in the school.A

15、ttention:注意使用注意使用there be句型句型 检测练兵1、There _ an apple on the table.A.is B.was C.are2、There_ two apples in the basket.A.is B.was C.are3、There _ an apple,two pears and five watermelons on the table.A.is B.was C.areACA4、There _ no gyms in my school 2 years ago.A.was B.are C.were5、There _ no grass in my school last year.A.was B.are C.were6、There _ no gym,no dinning halls and no library in my school six months ago.A.was B.are C.wereCAA

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