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1、Standard Work/SOP标准作业指导书Table of Contents Table of Contents 目录目录Part 1 Standard work/SOP introduction 第一部分 标准作业指导书(SOP)简介Part 2 Guidelines to SOP 第二部分 指导方针Part 3 The standard work form 第三部分 标准作业指导书格式Part 4-Standard Work checklist 第四部分 标准作业指导书检查表Part 5-Summary 第五部分 汇总Standard work/SOP introduction 标准

2、作业指导书(SOP)简介What is Standard Work?什么是标准作业指导书什么是标准作业指导书标准作业指导书(Standard Operation Procedure)SOP-是以文件的形式描述作业员在生产作业过程中的操作步骤和应遵守的事项;是作业员的作业指导书;是检验员用于指导工作的依据。ISO9001:2000版在7.5.1.b 已明确要求在生产现场“具备作业指导书”-SOP stands for procedure to be followed in carrying out a given operation or in a given situation,it was

3、the direction of the operator and QA,which is collected by document.ISO9001:2000 has clearly required that SOP must be seen in the workshop.Benefits 标准作业指导书的作用1.将企业积累下来的技术、经验记录在标准文件中,以免因技术人员的流动而使技术流失;2.使操作人员经过短期培训,快速掌握较为先进合理的操作技术;3.根据作业标准,易于追查不良品产生的原因;4.树立良好的生产形象,取得客户信赖与满意;2.是贯彻ISO精神核心(说、写、做一致)的具体体现

4、,实现生产管理规范化生产流程条理化标准化、形象化简单化;3.是企业最基本最有效的管理工具和技术资料。SOP in document system指导书在文件系统中的位置SOP属于品质管理体系文件中的三阶文件:Standard work/SOP is the third layer of ISO quality management document system.程序文件程序文件 Procedure手册手册 Manual标准作业指导书标准作业指导书 Standard work/SOP报告报告表格表格 Report/FormStandard Work标准作业指导书What can we stan

5、dardize?我们能标准化哪些?Any aspect of a process in any business can be standardized 任何行业的任一流程的任意方面都可以被标准化Man 作业员Machine 机器Methods 方法Systems 制度Materials 原材料Measurements 检验标准Guidelines to Standard Work标准作业指导书的指导方针Guidelines 指导方针(1)1.Make the standard work for human effectiveness and efficiencyGoal is to help

6、 people become safer and more effectiveDesign for the peoples best practice“machines are tools that assist people,not the other way around”Standard Work is used in Lean as a support to the people to help stabilize the process 1.为了作业员的有效效率而制作标准作业指导书 目的是为了帮助作业员更有效,更安全的工作 为作业员设计最优的作业方法 “机器是辅助作业的工具,而不是一

7、种摆设”在精益项目中,标准作业指导书用来帮助作业员创建流程的稳定性Efficiency效率效率Guidelines 指导方针(2)2.Standardize the repetitive workIf its repeated,it can be standardizedStandardize all the process,not just the easy partsLook for the repetition the more you repeat,the better you can standardize2.标准化重复的作业只要是重复的动作,那么它就能被标准化标准化所有的流程,而不

8、仅仅是简单的部分找寻重复的动作,你重复的越多,就越容易标准化Standardize标准化标准化Guidelines 指导方针(3)3.Keep the material,machines,and equipment in good conditionThe materials,machines,and equipment support the processThey need to be kept in good condition to avoid unnecessary breakdownGood condition ensures high quality and even flow

9、of parts and workBreakdowns and poor quality material will create more waste in the process3.确保物料、机器和设备状况良好 物料、机器和设备支援生产;这些必须保持良好的状况,以避免造成不必要的停线;良好的状况能确保高品质和流程比较顺畅;停线和原材料品质低劣会给生产造成很多浪费。Maintenance生产维护生产维护Guidelines 指导方针(4)4.Keep the Standards/SOPs in a visible locationIt is easy to avoid forgetting

10、standard work/SOPsKeep it at the work center for a constant reminder and referenceAllows of auditing by supervisors and QCs,especially if a critical part of the process or a common error that keeps recurring4.把标准作业指导书放在一个显著的位置 容易避免忘记标准作业指导书(SOP)把标准作业指导书放在生产区域 允许生产主管和QC去稽核标准作业指导书,特别是如果关键零部件或者说一些常规问题经

11、常发生时。Visual可视化可视化Guidelines 指导方针(5)5.Revise regularly Improve the standard work when:new,better ways are found Standard work only represents the current best way of performing the processThe process changesCurrent standard/SOP is no longer correct5.定期更新标准作业指导书,当 新的、好的方法被发现 标准作业指导书是代表当前最好的完成某一工作的方法 流

12、程变更 当前的标准作业指导书不再正确Renew更新更新Guidelines 指导方针(6)6.The supervisor must ask the following 4 questions for every person who will perform standard work:1.Do you understand why you must follow the standard work?2.Can you follow the standard work?3.Do you know the problems we have if you cannot follow standa

13、rd work?4.Do you have a better idea and do we need to change standard work?6.在使用标准作业指导书之前,生产主管必须帮所有作业员问下面四个问题:1.你知道我们为什么要按照标准作业指导书去做?2.你能按照标准作业指导书去做么?3.你知道我们的问题吗,如果你不能按标准作业指导书的要求操作4.你有更好的方法吗?我们需要变更指导书吗?Communication沟通沟通The Standard Work Form标准作业指导书格式What Does the Team Use?怎么使用标准作业指导书?工厂需要使用标准作业指导书的格

14、式,以保证每个工序的操作都得到记录。图片是首要的也是最重要的展示流程的手段。标准作业指导书的可视化程度越高,它对操作的帮助也就越大。The team needs to use a“standard work”form that allows each step of the process to be recorded.Pictures are the primary,most important part to show the steps.The more visual the standard/SOP,the better and easier it is use in the work

15、 center.Standard Work Sheet 标准表格 Standard Work Sheet 标准表格 Example:A finished Standard Work 样例To help create a better understanding,here is a real example 为了帮助理解,这里是一个实例Procedure 制作流程1.标准作业指导书内容讨论,初步确定操作步骤及内容;2.现场作业员经验收集,现有作业方式分析,消除不当操作,撰写操作流程;3.现场拍照(作业动作,作业前后效果,不良操作方式,不良品);4.标准作业指导书制作,注意工具和物料;5.现场试用

16、并修改;6.正式使用。SOP updating procedure 指导书变更流程1.New,improved method is created制定新的操作方法制定新的操作方法4.Everyone is trained培训相关人员培训相关人员5.Everyone uses the new standard所有相关人员都所有相关人员都使用新的指导书使用新的指导书3.New Standard/SOP is posted at work center将新的标准作业指将新的标准作业指导书张贴在生产线导书张贴在生产线2.Supervisor and team changes Standard/SOP生

17、产主管和团队生产主管和团队修改指导书修改指导书Summary总 结Summary 总结Standardizing operations is one of the most important tools in achieving Lean goals.Allows achievement of higher quality and higher efficiency in productionReduces variation in the processKey in creating stability in the any process标准作业指导书(SOP)是最重要的精益工具之一:能

18、为生产带来更好的品质和更高的效率能消除生产过程中的变数能创造生产的稳定性Summary 总结Standard Work provides the foundation for continual improvement in any process.It is the starting point from which we build better ideas and methods.标准作业指导书是持续改善的一个基础,是改善的起点。Without Standard Work,no improvement will be able to last.没有标准作业指导书,改善就不能持续。Improvements will be made over time,the standard work needs to be updated to sustain these improvements改善一直持续,标准作业指导书也要不断地更新以确保改善得以保持。

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