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1、新概念英语青少版JNCE Module 2单数课示范课北京外国语大学外语教学与研究出版社 培训师 SerenaFOODLESSON 47Body ShapesFOOD Light Food Heavy FoodLESSON 47Look at these pictures and answer thequestionsWho are they andwhat are they doing?Look at these pictures and answer thequestionsWhat kind of vegetableshas Karen got?Look at these picture

2、s and answer thequestionsWhats Karen doingin this picture?Look at these pictures and answer thequestionsWhat does Karengive to Claire?Look at these pictures and answer thequestionsWhats in the bag?Look at these pictures and answer thequestionsWhat s Karen wantto make?Listen to the CD and answer the

3、question.Who must pick some strawberries?Has Karen got a piece ofsalmon for breakfast?Listen again and answer the questions.Who loves fish?Has Karen got some newpotatoes and salad?Listen again and answer the questions.Is there any lettuceand cucumber?Listen again and answer the questions.Is that Cla

4、ires favouritekind of food?Can Claire and Paul picksome strawberries fromthe garden?Listen again and answer the questions.Is Paul very thirsty?Listen again and answer the questions.Is it a healthy meal?Can Paul and Claire havesome cream with theirstrawberries?Listen again and answer the questions.Wa

5、tch the DVD and answer thequestion.What s for dinner tonight?meatlettucesalmonpotatoessaladchickendessertstrawberriescucumbersWatch the DVD again and answer thequestion.How to express likes?lovegreatfavouritefantasticworryreally likeyuckhateS1:I love fish。S2:I really like beef,but she loves fish.S3:

6、I hate beef,but she likes beef.Open books and read in pairs.Ask questions about the text Yes or No questionsExample:Claire/like salmon?Does Claire like salmon?Yes,she does.1.Karen/got new potatoes?2.Claire and Paul/pick strawberries/the garden?3.Paul/very hungry?4.They/have some fruits for dessert?S

7、tand and Sit:1.Claire really likes salmon,but Karen hasnt got a nice piece of salmon for dinner.2.Claire and Karen dont like vegetables.3.Lettuce and cucumber are Claires favourite food.4.Karen and paul pick some strawberries from the garden.5.The meal is really healthy.6.They cant have any cream wi

8、th strawberries.Culture Points How to be a polite guest for a dinner?Tell the hostess you like the food very much.Dont be there too early.Small gifts for the hostess.Dont stay too late in the evening.Thanks again for the dinner before you leave.外语教学与研究出版社FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH PRESSThank you!

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