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1、 行业报告资源群1.进群即领福利报告与资源合编,内有近百行业、万余份行研、管理及其他学习资源免费下载;2.每日分享学习最新6+份精选行研资料;3.群友咨询,群主免费提供相关行业报告。知识星球 行业与管理资源知识星球 行业与管理资源 是投资、产业研究、运营管理、价值传播等专业知识库,已成为产业生态圈、企业经营者及数据研究者的智慧工具。知识星球 行业与管理资源每月更新5000+份行业研究报告、商业计划、市场研究、企业运营及咨询管理方案等,涵盖科技、金融、教育、互联网、房地产、生物制药、医疗健康等;微信扫码加入后无限制搜索下载。微信扫码,长期有效微信扫码,行研无忧业务合作与沟通,请联系客服微信客服微

2、信1客服微信2 This publication is a Science for Policy report by the Joint Research Centre(JRC),the European Commissions science and knowledge service.It aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policymaking process.The scientific output expressed does not imply a policy position

3、of the European Commission.Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use that might be made of this publication.For information on the methodology and quality underlying the data used in this publication for which the source is neither E

4、urostat nor other Commission services,users should contact the referenced source.The designations employed and the presentation of material on the maps do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the European Union concerning the legal status of any country,territory,city or

5、 area or of its authorities,or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.Acknowledgements The 2021 EU Survey on Industrial R&D Investment Trends has been published within the context of the Global Industrial Research&Innovation Analyses(GLORIA)project that is jointly carried out by

6、the European Commissions Joint Research Centre Directorate B,Innovation and Growth and the Directorate General for Research and Innovation Directorate E,Prosperity.GLORIA has received funding from the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101015509.T

7、he main expected impact of GLORIA is the better understanding of corporate Research&Development(R&D)efforts in relation to the green deal and sustainability objectives,starting from the top R&D investors in their global competitiveness perspective.The project was coordinated under the leadership of

8、Xabier Goenaga and Fernando Hervs(respectively,Head and Deputy Head of JRC.B7 Knowledge for Finance,Innovation and Growth)and Doris Schrcker(Head of DG R&I.E1 Industrial Research,Innovation&Investment Agendas).This document was produced by Lesley Potters(JRC.B)as the main author.Alexander Tbke and N

9、icola Grassano from JRC B.7 and,Patrick McCutcheon from DG R&I.E1 made contributions to the design and review of the survey.The JRC.B and DG R&I.E would like to express their thanks to everyone who has contributed to this project.Contact information European Commission-Joint Research Centre Director

10、ate Growth and Innovation-Knowledge for Finance,Innovation&Growth Unit Edificio Expo;c/Inca Garcilaso,N 3 E-41092 Seville(Spain)Tel.:+34 954488318,Fax:+34 954488300,E-mail:JRC-B7-SECRETARIATec.europa.eu Any comments can be sent by email to:jrc-b7-iritecec.europa.eu More information,including activit

11、ies and publications,is available at https:/iri.jrc.ec.europa.eu/home/EU Science Hub https:/ec.europa.eu/jrc JRC128047 EUR 30988 EN PDF ISBN 978-92-76-47251-3 ISSN 2599-5766 ISSN Collection 1831-9424 doi:10.2760/054579 Print ISBN 978-92-76-47250-6 ISSN 2599-5758 ISSN Collection 1018-5593 doi:10.2760

12、/056377 Luxembourg:Publications Office of the European Union,2022 European Union,2022 The reuse policy of the European Commission is implemented by the Commission Decision 2011/833/EU of 12 December 2011 on the reuse of Commission documents(OJ L 330,14.12.2011,p.39).Except otherwise noted,the reuse

13、of this document is authorised under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International(CC BY 4.0)licence(https:/creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).This means that reuse is allowed provided appropriate credit is given and any changes are indicated.For any use or reproduction of photos or other ma

14、terial that is not owned by the EU,permission must be sought directly from the copyright holders.All content European Union,2022 The How to cite:Potters,L.,The 2021 EU Survey on Industrial R&D Investment Trends;EUR 30988 EN;Publications Office of the European Union,Luxembourg,2022,ISBN 978-92-76-472

15、51-3,doi:10.2760/054579,JRC128047.i How to cite:Potters,L.:The 2021 EU Survey on Industrial R&D Investment Trends;EUR EN;Publications Office of the European Union,Lux Contents Executive summary.1 1 Introduction-sample composition.2 2 R&D investment expectations.4 3 Drivers of R&D investment.9 4 Glob

16、al distribution of R&D activities present and trends.11 5 Sustainability.14 6 Investment and financing.17 7 R&D collaboration.19 Annex:Methodology.23 1 Executive summary Following the downturn in 2020,the top EU R&D investing Companies expect R&D to grow by 2.1%in the running financial year 2021.Thi

17、s means that the strong V-shaped recovery as expected last year is delayed by one year,with companies expected to further increase their by 5.9%in the year 2022.However,the largest companies(with more than 50 000 employees)expect to decrease their R&D investments by 4.0%in 2021.Since these companies

18、 make up 36%of R&D in this subsample,this tempers the overall expectations.If we look at the three other size groups,the expected R&D growth for 2021 is 5.9%.For all other main financial indicators a strong increase is foreseen,with significant growth in 2021 for net sales(+5.7%),operating profits(+

19、7.3%),capital expenditures(+7.5%)and R&D employees(+3.7%)and employees(+2.2%).The respondent companies find it most relevant to invest,both capital and R&D,in Artificial Intelligence,Big Data and Robotization technologies for future competitiveness.This reinforces the finding of earlier surveys.Sust

20、ainable technologies low emission,circular and other sustainable technologies complete the top of the list of most relevant technologies for future competitiveness.Digitalization,improving productivity and exploiting technological opportunities(technology push)are seen as the most important drivers.

21、For digitalization it was the first time this driver was provided as a possible answer,while technology push and productivity improvements are traditionally among the highest rated drivers.The COVID pandemic is the least relevant factors for companies to change R&D investments,together with the obje

22、ctive of maintaining R&D as a fixed proportion of net sales.The pandemic is a lowly rated driver across the board,but with the highest impact,not surprisingly,in the Health Industry.EU companies locate about 70%of their R&D within the EU.This percentage has been constant since the start of the surve

23、y.Of the externalised R&D,the main locations are the rest of the world(largely South Korea and Taiwan)and the US,followed by India and China.Respondents spend on average 26%of their capital expenditures and 33%of their R&D investments on improving climate and environmental performance.Especially ene

24、rgy companies invest a large proportion of their total capital and R&D investments in environmental performance.One third of companies engage in one form or another of R&D collaboration.Of these collaborations 60%is done in the same country as the companies main R&D location.Large companies and univ

25、ersities are the preferred partners in about half of the collaborations.2 1 Introduction The political sustainability framework in the EU is driven by the European Green Deal1 and its aim to boost Europes competitiveness based on cutting edge innovation in a broad sense.The long-term goal of the new

26、 growth strategy is to make Europe the first carbon neutral continent by 2050.This entails the need for structural transformation and crosscutting policy support towards competitive sustainability.Compared to other regions,the EU policy focus of the Green Deal enabling industrial competitiveness and

27、 structural transformation is unique.Thus,EU companies and their R&D efforts will play a central role in the transition to a more environmentally friendly path while at the same time competing on a global level.Since 2005 the EU Survey on Industrial R&D Investment Trends has provided insights on R&D

28、 strategies of top EU R&D corporate investors as listed in the EU R&D Scoreboard.These largest R&D investors key players of the innovation ecosystem and have a role to play in the digital and green transitions(so called twin transition).This survey aims at giving better insights into what current tr

29、ends in industrial innovation and R&D investment fit into the ambitions of the European Green Deal.This survey goes beyond publicly available data of R&D levels and trends and aims at better understanding location strategies,technological developments among different sectors and innovation collabora

30、tion of the largest R&D performers that are responsible for the bulk of private R&D in the EU.Following the departure of the UK on 31 January 20202 in this report,the EU is understood as EU27(i.e.,without the UK),and whenever the UK is included for comparative purposes,EU28 or EU+UK will be referred

31、 to.Since the survey is directed at the top 1000 EU companies of the previous R&D Scoreboard3,for this years survey there were 720 EU companies and the survey was also sent to the 280 UK companies addressed which were in the EU1000 in 2020.For the 76 EU27 companies,the response rate was 11%(76 respo

32、ndents on 720 EU companies),which is close to the response rate in previous exercises(around 13-15%)and an increase of 34%with respect to last years survey.Not surprisingly,just 3 of the UK companies responded.Furthermore,one US company and two Taiwanese companies also responded.In total,the 76 resp

33、onding EU companies invested a total of 36.6 bn in R&D in 2019,accounting for 20%of the R&D invested by the EU27 companies,which indicates that the respondents were amongst the larger R&D investors.1.1 Company size The average actual R&D investment in 2020 of this years respondents is 488 million,wi

34、th average net sales of 12.0 billion and average employees of around 34 000.The average R&D intensity(R&D over net sales)is 4.3%.The corresponding averages for the EU27 720 firms in 2020 were 270.0 million R&D investment,7.4 bn.of net sales and around 26 000 of employees.The average R&D intensity wa

35、s 3.7%,which in contrast to the other indicators,is almost the same as the surveys subsample.Thus,the average EU Survey 1 The European Green Deal.COM/2019/640 final.Brussels:European Commission.Retrieved from https:/eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=COM%3A2019%3A640%3AFIN 2 https:/ec.europ

36、a.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php/Glossary:European_Union_(EU)3 See 2020 EU R&D Scoreboard.3 respondent is bigger than the average EU27 720 firm.This skewedness towards the larger firms is in line with what we have seen in earlier surveys This years sample contains 4 SMEs with 250 or fewe

37、r employees.Applying the Eurostat distinction between small,medium and large companies4 would classify almost all the sample companies as large companies.As in earlier surveys,we classified companies according to four different size classes:1)up to 2,500 employees;2)2,501 to 10,000 employees;3)10,00

38、1 to 50,000 employees;and 4)more than 50,000 employees.Figure 2 reports the distribution of the sample according to these four classes compared to the distribution of the full EU27 720 sample,confirming that the largest companies are overrepresented,while the smaller firms are(slightly)underrepresen

39、ted.Figure 1:Comparison by size of the 2020 EU Survey participants vs EU28 1000 from the 2019 EU R&D Scoreboard Note:The figure refers to 61 out of the 61 companies in the sample.Source:European Commission,JRC/DG R&I.According to the survey,the 76 EU firms employ around 2.5 million people worldwide,

40、of which 8.4%is R&D personnel,located on average in 8 different countries.Figure 3 breaks down these numbers by size.If we look at the R&D personnel as percentage of the total employees of the firm(Figure3,panel A),small companies are those with the highest percentage of R&D employees(17.0%-as last

41、year)and this proportion decreases to 4%with the largest firms.This picture is consistent with the fact that small companies have higher R&D intensity than big companies,with R&D labour costs being a large portion of total R&D costs.4 Small enterprises(10 to 49 employees);medium-sized enterprises(50

42、 to 249 employees);large enterprises(250 or more employees).0%5%10%15%20%25%30%35%1)up to 2,500 employees2)2,501 to 10,000 employees 3)10,001 to 50,000 employees 4)more than 50,000 employeesEU720Survey participants 4 Figure 2:R&D employees and countries where they are located Note:The figure refers

43、to 60(panel A)and 59(panel B)out of the 61 companies in the sample for which data are available.Source:European Commission,JRC/DG R&I.The reverse is true when considering the number of countries where the R&D personnel is located.The bigger the company the higher the number(up to 17 countries for th

44、e largest companies),with a size barrier for the smallest companies that tend to be located in only few countries as we will see later.1.2 Sector groups Table 1 gives an overview of the number of companies and the total R&D investments per sector in the 2020 R&D Scoreboard(from which the respondents

45、 come)compared with the Survey participants.The sector representation is similar to earlier surveys.Table 1 Sector representation Sector ICB 3 digit name of sectors with participants Companies in the 2021 EU Survey(#and%)Companies in the 2020 EU720(#and%)%of R&D in 2021 Survey%of R&D in EU720 Aerosp

46、ace&Defence Aerospace&Defence 3 3.9 14 1.9 2.6 4.2 Automobiles&other transport Automobiles&Parts 6 7.9 58 8.1 23.7 23.9 Industrial Engineering Chemicals Chemicals 4 5.3 30 4.2 8.1 2.9 Health industries Pharmaceuticals&Biotechnology 12 15.8 139 19.3 32.9 19.2 ICT producers Electronic&Electrical Equip

47、ment 5 6.6 80 11.1 7.0 14.1 Technology Hardware&Equipment ICT services Fixed Line Telecommunications 9 11.8 71 9.9 9.4 7.2 Mobile Telecommunications Software&Computer Services Industrials General Industrials 13 17.1 120 16.7 4.4 6.7 Industrial Engineering Industrial Metals&Mining Others Banks 24 31.

48、6 208 28.9 11.9 11.8 Construction&Materials Electricity Food Producers Forestry&Paper General Retailers Leisure Goods Mining Oil&Gas Producers Support Services Total 76 100 720 100 100 100 Source:European Commission,JRC/DG R&I.0%2%4%6%8%10%12%14%16%18%50 000R&D employees as a percentage of total num

49、ber of employeesDifferences per size group024681012141618 50 000Number of countries where R&D employees are locatedDifferences per size group 5 2 R&D investment expectations5 Without explicitly asking for the impact of the COVID pandemic on the companies main financial indicators,we asked companies

50、about their expectations,for calendar years,2021 and 2022,on R&D,net sales,operating profit,number of(R&D)employees and capital expenditures.We asked specifically for expectations for the current financial year and the coming year to get a better impression of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.In

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