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1、品牌合作协议书范本中文:品牌合作协议书范本一、 甲方(公司名称)甲方(以下简称“甲方”): 公司名称地址: 法定代表人: 电话: 传真: 邮箱: 二、 乙方(公司名称)乙方(以下简称“乙方”): 公司名称地址: 法定代表人: 电话: 传真: 邮箱: 鉴于甲乙双方(以下简称“双方”)本着合作共赢、共同发展的原则,就甲方授权乙方使用其品牌并共同开展商业活动,达成以下合作协议:第一条 合作内容及范围1. 甲方授权乙方在合作期限内,使用其品牌和商标,在约定范围内销售甲方的产品或提供相关服务,并确保产品或服务的质量和形象与甲方品牌形象一致。2. 双方合作的具体范围和内容详见附件合作内容及范围。第二条 合

2、作期限1. 本协议自双方签署之日起生效,至约定合作期限届满结束。如需延期,应经双方协商一致,并签订书面延期协议。2. 若协议期满后双方未就合作继续、中止或终止等事项达成一致意见,应提前30天书面通知对方,逾期自动延长一个协议期。第三条 合作费用及结算方式1. 乙方通过销售甲方产品或提供服务所获得的收入,应按约定结算方式支付合作费用给甲方。具体结算方式详见附件合作费用及结算方式。2. 乙方应每季度向甲方提供经审计的销售额报告,经甲方确认无误后,再进行结算。第四条 品牌保护义务1. 乙方应严格遵守甲方的品牌形象和标准,保护甲方的商誉和知名度。不得擅自修改甲方品牌标识、包装和宣传材料,不得损害甲方的

3、商誉、声誉和权益。2. 如乙方违反上述规定,甲方有权终止合作协议,并追究乙方相应法律责任。第五条 保密条款1. 双方应对因履行本协议而获知的对方商业秘密和机密信息保密,不得向第三方透露或泄露,除非经对方书面同意或法律要求。2. 协议终止后,双方应归还对方提供的保密信息及资料,并删除电子版信息,确保无法复原。第六条 合作终止1. 本协议期满或提前终止后,双方合作关系即告终止,乙方应停止使用甲方品牌和商标,不得再以甲方的名义从事任何商业活动。2. 协议终止后,甲方有权要求乙方销毁与甲方品牌有关的所有资料和用品,并保证乙方继续履行保密义务。第七条 争议解决本协议的效力、解释、履行和争议解决均适用中华

4、人民共和国法律。双方如因履行本协议发生争议,应通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,应提交有管辖权的人民法院诉讼解决。第八条 其他1. 本协议未尽事宜由双方协商解决,双方如有其他约定,以附件其他约定为准。2. 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。本协议自双方签字盖章之日生效。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签署日期:英文:Brand Cooperation Agreement TemplateParty A (Company Name):Party A (hereinafter referred to as Party A):Address:Legal Representative:Te

5、lephone:Fax:Email:Party B (Company Name):Party B (hereinafter referred to as Party B):Address:Legal Representative:Telephone:Fax:Email:Whereas Party A and Party B (hereinafter referred to as the Parties) are committed to win-win cooperation and common development, and have reached the following coop

6、eration agreement regarding Party As authorization for Party B to use its brand and jointly conduct commercial activities:Article 1 Scope and Content of Cooperation1. Party A authorizes Party B to use its brand and trademark to sell Party As products or provide related services within the agreed sco

7、pe during the cooperation period, and ensure that the quality and image of products or services are consistent with the brand image of Party A.2. The specific scope and content of the cooperation between the Parties are detailed in the attachment Scope and Content of Cooperation.Article 2 Cooperatio

8、n Period1. This agreement shall take effect from the date of signing by both Parties and shall expire at the end of the agreed cooperation period. If an extension is required, it shall be agreed upon by both Parties and a written extension agreement shall be signed.2. If the Parties fail to reach an

9、 agreement on the continuation, suspension, or termination of cooperation after the expiration of the agreement period, written notice shall be given to the other Party 30 days in advance, and the agreement shall automatically extend for another term if exceeded.Article 3 Cooperation Fees and Settle

10、ment Methods1. Party B shall pay cooperation fees to Party A according to the agreed settlement method based on the income obtained from selling Party As products or providing services. The specific settlement method is detailed in the attachment Cooperation Fees and Settlement Methods.2. Party B sh

11、all provide Party A with audited sales reports on a quarterly basis, and settlement shall be made after Party A confirms the accuracy.Article 4 Brand Protection Obligations1. Party B shall strictly comply with the brand image and standards of Party A, protect the reputation and visibility of Party A

12、. Party B shall not modify Party As brand logos, packaging, and promotional materials without authorization, and shall not damage the reputation, prestige, and rights of Party A.2. If Party B violates the above provisions, Party A reserves the right to terminate the cooperation agreement and hold Pa

13、rty B accountable for legal responsibilities.Article 5 Confidentiality1. The Parties shall keep confidential each others trade secrets and confidential information obtained in the performance of this agreement, and shall not disclose or divulge to third parties unless with written consent or legal r

14、equirements.2. After the termination of the agreement, the Parties shall return the confidential information and materials provided by each other, delete electronic information to ensure irrecoverability.Article 6 Termination of Cooperation1. Upon the expiration or early termination of this agreemen

15、t, the cooperation relationship between the Parties shall terminate, and Party B shall cease using Party As brand and trademark, refraining from engaging in any commercial activities in the name of Party A.2. After the termination of the agreement, Party A has the right to request Party B to destroy

16、 all materials and items related to Party As brand, and ensure that Party B continues to fulfill the confidentiality obligations.Article 7 Dispute ResolutionThe effectiveness, interpretation, performance, and dispute resolution of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic

17、of China. In the event of disputes arising from the performance of this agreement, the Parties shall seek resolution through amicable negotiation; failing which, the dispute shall be submitted to the competent peoples court for litigation.Article 8 Miscellaneous1. Any matters not covered in this agr

18、eement shall be resolved through negotiations between the Parties. In case of any other agreements between the Parties, the attachment Other Agreements shall prevail.2. This agreement is made in duplicate, with each Party holding one copy, both having equal legal effect. This agreement shall take effect from the date of being signed and sealed by both Parties.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date of Signature:

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