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1、农民工劳动合同协议书范本三篇*Article 1: 农民工劳动合同协议书范本一*中文版:*农民工劳动合同协议书甲方:雇主(名称)乙方:农民工(姓名)为了明确双方的权利和义务,根据中华人民共和国劳动合同法的规定,经甲、乙双方平等协商,就甲方聘用乙方之有关事项,达成如下协议:一、合同期限本合同自_年_月_日起至_年_月_日止,共计_个月。二、工作内容及要求乙方应遵守甲方的各项规章制度,认真履行本合同约定的工作职责,完成由甲方安排的工作任务。三、劳动报酬1. 乙方的工资标准为每月人民币_元。2. 工资支付方式为(月薪日薪计件薪酬等)。3. 工资支付日期为每月的_日。四、劳动保护甲方应提供乙方劳动保护

2、措施,保障乙方的人身安全和健康。五、违约责任对于严重违反本合同约定或甲方规章制度的行为,甲方有权解除合同,并要求乙方承担相应的违约责任。六、其他事项本合同内容经双方共同阅读,理解并签字确认,一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,具有相同的法律效力。甲方(盖章): 乙方(签字):日期:_年_月_日 日期:_年_月_日*English Version:*Farm Worker Labor Contract AgreementParty A: Employer (Name)Party B: Farm Worker (Name)In order to clarify the rights and obliga

3、tions of both parties, in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China, Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement through equal consultation on the matters related to the employment of Party B by Party A:1. Contract PeriodThis contract is e

4、ffective from _ (year/month/day) to _ (year/month/day), for a total of _ months.2. Job ResponsibilitiesParty B shall abide by the rules and regulations of Party A, conscientiously fulfill the job responsibilities specified in this contract, and complete the work tasks arranged by Party A.3. Remunera

5、tion1. The monthly salary for Party B is RMB _.2. The payment method is (monthly salary/daily wage/piece-rate pay, etc.).3. The salary payment date is the _ day of each month.4. Labor ProtectionParty A shall provide labor protection measures for Party B to ensure their personal safety and health.5.

6、Breach of ContractFor serious violations of the contract terms or Party As rules and regulations, Party A has the right to terminate the contract and require Party B to bear corresponding liabilities for breach of contract.6. Other MattersBoth parties have read and understood the contents of this co

7、ntract, and have signed and confirmed it. This contract is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, and has the same legal effect.Party A (Official Seal): Party B (Signature):Date: _ (year/month/day) Date: _ (year/month/day)(Note: This is a sample template for a farm worker labor contrac

8、t agreement, and specific terms and conditions may vary based on individual circumstances and legal requirements.)*Article 2: 农民工劳动合同协议书范本二*中文版:*农民工劳动合同协议书甲方:雇主(名称)乙方:农民工(姓名)鉴于甲、乙双方均愿意以合同约束方式明确双方关系,为了规范雇佣关系,促进双方合作,特依据有关法律法规精神及甲、乙双方友好协商的原则,就甲方雇佣乙方的有关事宜达成如下协议:一、工作内容乙方受雇于甲方,主要从事_工作,具体工作内容为_。二、合同期限本合同自_

9、年_月_日起至_年_月_日止,共计_年(月)。三、工资待遇1. 乙方的工资标准为每月人民币_元。2. 工资支付方式为(月薪日薪按件计酬等)。3. 工资支付时间为每月_日。四、劳动关系甲、乙双方应保持合作,相互尊重,共同遵守劳动合同法律法规,保障乙方的劳动权益及合法权益。五、违约责任一旦发生违约行为,甲、乙双方应按照劳动合同法的规定承担相应的法律责任。六、其他事项本劳动合同自双方签字生效,并具有法律效力;如需变更或解除,应经双方协商一致。甲方(盖章): 乙方(签字):日期:_年_月_日 日期:_年_月_日*English Version:*Farm Worker Labor Contract A

10、greementParty A: Employer (Name)Party B: Farm Worker (Name)In consideration of both Party A and Party B willing to clarify their relationship through a contractual agreement, and in order to regulate the employment relationship and promote cooperation between both parties, based on the relevant laws

11、 and regulations and the principle of friendly consultation between Party A and Party B, the following agreement is reached on the employment of Party B by Party A:1. Job DescriptionParty B is employed by Party A to mainly engage in _ work, with specific job duties including _.2. Contract PeriodThis

12、 contract is effective from _ (year/month/day) to _ (year/month/day), for a total of _ years (months).3. Remuneration1. The monthly salary for Party B is RMB _.2. The payment method is (monthly salary/daily wage/piece-rate pay, etc.).3. The salary payment date is the _ day of each month.4. Labor Rel

13、ationshipParty A and Party B shall maintain cooperation, mutual respect, and compliance with labor contract laws and regulations, to ensure Party Bs labor rights and legitimate interests.5. Breach of ContractIn case of breach of contract, both Party A and Party B shall bear the relevant legal respon

14、sibilities according to the provisions of the labor contract law.6. Other MattersThis labor contract is effective upon the signatures of both parties and has legal effect. Any amendments or termination should be agreed upon by both parties through negotiation.Party A (Official Seal): Party B (Signat

15、ure):Date: _ (year/month/day) Date: _ (year/month/day)(Note: This is a sample template for a farm worker labor contract agreement, and specific terms and conditions may vary based on individual circumstances and legal requirements.)*Article 3: 农民工劳动合同协议书范本三*中文版:*农民工劳动合同协议书甲方:雇主(名称)乙方:农民工(姓名)甲、乙双方为了明


17、自工作顺利,且经协商一致,可按本合同的约定办理续约手续。甲方(盖章): 乙方(签字):日期:_年_月_日 日期:_年_月_日*English Version:*Farm Worker Labor Contract AgreementParty A: Employer (Name)Party B: Farm Worker (Name)In order to clarify the labor relationship and the rights and obligations of both parties, in accordance with the provisions of the L

18、abor Contract Law, and through friendly negotiations, the following agreement is reached on the employment of Party B by Party A:1. Job DescriptionParty B is employed by Party A to perform _ work, with specific job duties including _.2. Contract PeriodEffective from _ (year/month/day) to _ (year/mon

19、th/day).3. Salary PaymentParty Bs monthly salary is RMB _, the payment method is (monthly salary/daily wage/piece-rate pay, etc.), and the payment date is the _ day of each month.4. Labor ProtectionParty A shall provide necessary labor protection for Party B to ensure their safety and health at work

20、.5. Confidentiality ObligationsParty B shall maintain the confidentiality of any sensitive information related to Party As business obtained during work and shall not disclose it without authorization.6. Breach of ContractIf Party B violates the terms of this contract, Party A has the right to hold

21、Party B legally accountable and may terminate the labor contract.7. Other MattersThis contract is effective from the date of signature by both parties and has legal effect. Upon expiration, if both parties work smoothly and agree through consultation, renewal procedures can be carried out according

22、to the terms of this contract.Party A (Official Seal): Party B (Signature):Date: _ (year/month/day) Date: _ (year/month/day)(Note: This is a sample template for a farm worker labor contract agreement, and specific terms and conditions may vary based on individual circumstances and legal requirements.)(Note: The above articles provide sample templates for farm worker labor contract agreements. It is recommended to consult legal professionals or relevant authorities for specific legal advice and adaptations based on local regulations and requirements.)

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