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1、Unit 3 Status Enquiries资信调查资信调查nAllows or disallows text updates in the status bar.允许或不允许状态栏中的文本更新。允许或不允许状态栏中的文本更新。nIn fact it is about how best to preserve the status in quo.实际上,都是关于怎样才能最好实际上,都是关于怎样才能最好的保持现状。的保持现状。3.1 Introduction(简介)(简介)目的目的:掌握从何种渠道开展资信调查,以掌握从何种渠道开展资信调查,以及如何撰写相关的信函。及如何撰写相关的信函。资信调查

2、主要需要获得如下信息:资信调查主要需要获得如下信息:(1)财务状况()财务状况(Financial position)(2)信用()信用(Credit)(3)声誉()声誉(Reputation)(4)业务做法()业务做法(Business methods)(5)管理能力()管理能力(Management capacities)调查资信的方法有多种,应用最广泛的是通过银行调查资信的方法有多种,应用最广泛的是通过银行调查。其他的调查渠道还包括:调查。其他的调查渠道还包括:(1)商会或有关的行业工会()商会或有关的行业工会(Chamber of commerce)(2)咨询机构()咨询机构(Enqu

3、iry agencies)(3)中国的驻外商务机构()中国的驻外商务机构(Chinese commerce agencies in foreign countries)(4)外国的驻华商务机构()外国的驻华商务机构(Foreign countries commerce agencies in China)(5)国内外咨询公司()国内外咨询公司(Enquiry companies at home and abroad)资信调查信函应明确表明要求并对提供的资信情况表示资信调查信函应明确表明要求并对提供的资信情况表示感谢,同时,要保证对此进行保密。此外,为了让提供情况感谢,同时,要保证对此进行保密。


5、对所提供情况不负任何责任对所提供情况不负任何责任”以避免可能的麻烦。以避免可能的麻烦。在获得调查信息后,调查者要对被调查者进行冷静、客在获得调查信息后,调查者要对被调查者进行冷静、客观的分析。分析时,应遵循观的分析。分析时,应遵循“3C”原则,即分析调查者的原则,即分析调查者的品品行(行(Conduct)、能力()、能力(Capacity)及资本()及资本(Capital)情况。情况。CapitalnThe name and address are written in capitals.n姓名和地址是大写的。姓名和地址是大写的。nmake capital out of 利用利用 trying

6、 to make political capital out of the weakness of his rival.设法利用他对手弱点以谋求政治利益。设法利用他对手弱点以谋求政治利益。nwith a capital 真正地,名副其实地(用来强调问题中的某个词或概念)真正地,名副其实地(用来强调问题中的某个词或概念)wshe was ugly with a capital U.w她真是名副其实地丑。她真是名副其实地丑。3.2 Writing Skills(写作技巧)(写作技巧)资信调查信函的写作步骤及常见表达方式:资信调查信函的写作步骤及常见表达方式:写作步骤写作步骤表达方式表达方式(1)直

7、截了当地说明写信的意图 Our prospective customershave given us your name as a banking reference.(我们的潜在客户把您定为他们的银行证明人。)have referred us to you thatfor information concerning their standing.(公司介绍您的目的是让我们了解他们的资信情况。)They state that they have done business with you for the past two years and have given us the name o

8、f your company as a reference.(他们向我们表示,他们在过去的两年中与您有过生意来往,并且指定贵公司作为他们的证明人。)standing 信用地位信用地位 credit standing financial position 信用地位信用地位 trade reputation 贸易声誉贸易声誉 financial status 财务状况财务状况n in good standing受某人欢迎;与某人关系好受某人欢迎;与某人关系好wthe companies wanted to stay in good standing with the government.w那些公

9、司想与政府保持良好的关系。那些公司想与政府保持良好的关系。nstanding and responsibility (公司的)信誉与偿付能力(公司的)信誉与偿付能力 nstanding cost 长期成本长期成本;固定成本固定成本;不变费用不变费用(2)说明想要调查的细节和原因 We should be very grateful to you for any information you can give us about their reputation and credit-worthiness.(我们非常感激您能给予我们有关他们的声誉和资信情况的情报。)We should be ob

10、liged if you would let us know if(如果您能告知我们,我们将不胜感谢。)Since it is our first transaction with this firm,we should greatly appreciate your advice as to what limit you consider them safe.(因为这是我们与该公司所做的首笔生意,所以非常感激您告知我们您对该公司可信任程度的意见。)as tow1.至于至于,关于关于 I have no doubts as to your ability.关于你的能力我毫不怀疑。关于你的能力我

11、毫不怀疑。w2.按着,根据按着,根据 We sorted the eggs as to size and colour.我们按着大小和颜色挑选鸡蛋。我们按着大小和颜色挑选鸡蛋。(3)保证保守秘密 Any information we receive from you will,of course,be held in strict confidence.(我们从您处收到的任何信息定会严加保密。)We thank you for your courtesy and assure you of strict confidence.(我们很感谢您的友好,并向您保证严守秘密。)For your con

12、venience in replying,a questionnaire is enclosed,together with a stamped,addressed envelope.(为了便于您答复,特附上一张调查表和写好地址的信封。)in strict privacy 完全私下的完全私下的 nThey were married in strict privacy.他他们们极极为为秘密地秘密地结结婚了婚了。in strict confidence 法法 绝对机密,绝密绝对机密,绝密 n Ill tell you in strict confidence that they are going

13、 to get divorced.我想悄悄地告诉你他们打算我想悄悄地告诉你他们打算离婚了。离婚了。回复资信调查信函的写作步骤及常见表达方式:回复资信调查信函的写作步骤及常见表达方式:写作步骤写作步骤 表达方式表达方式(1)感谢对方的信任,表达愿意提供信息的意愿 Thank you for your inquiry about the business standing of,we are pleased to supply you with the following information.(感谢你查询有关的资信情况,我们愿意给您以下情报。)We can thoroughly recomme

14、nd the firm you inquire about.(我们完全可以推荐您所打听的公司。We welcome the opportunity to report favorably on.(我们欢迎有这次机会来报告有关的实际情况。(2)有利的答复 In all these years our relations with them have been consistently and entirely satisfactory.(这些年中我们与他们的业务联系一直非常令人满意。)We welcome this opportunity to assure you of our complet

15、e confidence in(很高兴有这样的机会向您保证,受到我们的完全信赖。)After some difficulty during the first year,the firm has met its liabilities regularly and punctually.(度过开头一年的困境之后,此公司运行正常,而且按时履行义务。)consistently adv.一贯地,坚持地,固守地;一贯地,坚持地,固守地;总总 nIts something I have consistently denied.n那是我自始至终否认的事。那是我自始至终否认的事。nLiability 责任;责

16、任;倾向;倾向;债务债务 nThe company had assets of$138 million and liabilities of$120.5 million.n这家公司资产为这家公司资产为1.38亿美元,负债为亿美元,负债为1.205亿美元。亿美元。(3)不利的答复 Our own experience with them has not been satisfactory.(我们与他们打交道的经历并不令人满意。)Recent difficulties that seem to be due to bad management have resulted in considerab

17、le borrowing at a high rate of interest.(最近一段时间,也许是因为经营不善所带来的困难,公司借入了大量高利率资金。)Our records show that some of their accounts have been outstanding for long periods.(我方资料表明,他们的一些账款长期未曾结清。)outstanding杰出的;杰出的;显著的;显著的;未完成的未完成的 nThe total debt outstanding is$70 billion.n未偿债务总额达未偿债务总额达700亿美元。亿美元。noutstandin

18、g account应收账款,未付账单应收账款,未付账单(4)希望对方对所提供的报告保密 Please consider this information for which we accept no responsibility as strictly confidential.(请您对此答复严格保密,我们对此不承担责任。)We offer this information in strict confidence and with good faith.(确信会对我们所给的答复严格保密。)We hope that we have been of assistance to you,and t

19、hat you will recognize the importance of keeping this communication strictly private.(希望这些对你方有用,也望你方理解保守此秘密的重要性。)3.3 Specimen Letters(样函)(样函)Letter 1:Making inquiry through ones own bank Dear Sirs,We have received a large order from Messrs E.A.Sheen&Co.,P.O.Box123,Karachi.We would therefore apprecia

20、te it if you would provide us information about the financial and business standing1 of the previously mentioned firm.The reference we have obtained is the Royal Bank,Karachi.Will you please be good enough to obtain for us the information we need.Any information that you may provide us will be treat

21、ed in strict confidence2.We thank in advance.Yours faithfully,Li Xingdongn1.我们常常看到外国公司名称的前面有这样一个词我们常常看到外国公司名称的前面有这样一个词Messrs.它来自法语,用于它来自法语,用于以姓氏或姓名命名的公司或商号以姓氏或姓名命名的公司或商号的前面的前面。如。如Messrs.C.John Company当然这个公司当然这个公司至少是两个人至少是两个人,且必须都是,且必须都是男性男性。Messrs.Messrs.仅限于写地址时用,不可用于称呼;如果一仅限于写地址时用,不可用于称呼;如果一个公司的名称中

22、有姓名,但它是一个股份制有限公司,个公司的名称中有姓名,但它是一个股份制有限公司,一般不用一般不用Messrs.Messrs.,其名称应为其名称应为C.JohnC.John Company Company LimitedLimited。n2.Co.:company的缩写。的缩写。公司;商号;商行;类似的表达法还有公司;商号;商行;类似的表达法还有concern(s),firm,corporation。使用上的区别:使用上的区别:口语中用口语中用firm或或concern(s)见多;见多;欧洲国家普遍使用欧洲国家普遍使用company或或Limited Company;而而 北北 美美 普普 遍

23、遍 使使 用用 company,corporation或或 Incorporation。Letter 2:A favorable reply to the above Dear Mr.Li,Referring to your letter of June 25,2005,we wish to inform you that we have obtained the information you require from the Royal Bank,Karachi Branch.The subject company was established in January 1982 with

24、a capital of Stg.10 000.Do business as importers and exporters in various kinds of Sewing Machines.Their balance sheets3 of recent years enclosed will show you that their import business in this line4 has been managed and operated5 under satisfactory condition.Please note that the information is pro

25、vided with strict confidence and without any responsibility whatsoever on the part of this Bank.Yours faithfully,Wu Dongfengbalance sheetnMostly Ive been looking at balance sheets.我大部分时间都花在看资产负债表上。我大部分时间都花在看资产负债表上。ncompanies with strong balance sheets 强力的资产负债表强力的资产负债表 on the part of1.就就而言而言 2.就某人而言;

26、某人有责任的就某人而言;某人有责任的 won the grounds of 根据根据,以以.为理由为理由 won the part of 就某人而言;某人有责任的就某人而言;某人有责任的 won the score of 因为,为了因为,为了理由理由 3.就就来说;在来说;在一边一边 wplay ones part起作用起作用 won the part of就就来说;在来说;在一边一边 wbe true of 对对适用,符合适用,符合 4.就就而言;在而言;在一边一边 won the part of 就就而言;在而言;在一边一边 wHe expressed appreciation on th

27、e part of his classmates.Letter 3:An unfavorable reply Dear Mr.Li,The subject company you inquired about in your letter of June 25,2005,from the information we have obtained from Royal Bank,Karachi Branch,we are sorry to say,has been unsatisfactory.The company still owes an amount of money for a pur

28、chase made a year ago.They can not duly clear off 6 their balance outstanding7.May we ask you to treat this information as strictly confidential without responsibility on this bank or any of its officers.Yours faithfully,Wu Dongfengan amount ofn通常接不可数名词通常接不可数名词 na quantity of是既可接可数名词复数也可接不可是既可接可数名词复

29、数也可接不可数名词数名词 nan amount of通常接不可数名词通常接不可数名词 nbuy,purchasen这两个动词均含这两个动词均含“购买购买”之意。之意。nbuy:普通日常用词,既可指日常随意购物也可普通日常用词,既可指日常随意购物也可指大的购买。指大的购买。npurchase:正式用词,指大宗购货或购买重要东正式用词,指大宗购货或购买重要东西。无感情色彩,强调物品的购得。西。无感情色彩,强调物品的购得。make for1.造成,促成:有或促使有某种特定的效果或造成,促成:有或促使有某种特定的效果或者结果的者结果的wsmall details that make for comfo

30、rt.w令人舒适的小节令人舒适的小节 2.帮助提升;推进帮助提升;推进wmakes for better communication.w促进更好的交流促进更好的交流 make off1.急忙离开;跑走急忙离开;跑走nmake out1.辨明:辨明或看清,特别是在有困难的情况下辨明:辨明或看清,特别是在有困难的情况下I could barely make out the traffic signs through the rain.在雨中我几乎看不清交通标志在雨中我几乎看不清交通标志 2.理解理解could not make out what she was saying.不能理解她在说些不能理

31、解她在说些什么什么 3.写下来;列出写下来;列出made out the invoices.开具发票开具发票 4.【非正式用语非正式用语】暗示,建议暗示,建议You make me out to be a liar.你暗示我不要说谎你暗示我不要说谎 5.【非正式用语非正式用语】试图建立或者证明试图建立或者证明He made out that he was innocent.他试图证明自己是无辜他试图证明自己是无辜的的 6.进展:在给定的道路上前进;进展进展:在给定的道路上前进;进展made out well in business.在生意上进展顺利在生意上进展顺利 make over1.改装;

32、革新改装;革新2.转让:改变或者转移所有权,通常是通过转让:改变或者转移所有权,通常是通过法律文件的方式法律文件的方式wmade over the property to her son.w把财产转到她儿子名下把财产转到她儿子名下 nDue adj 应支付的,到期的应支付的,到期的nThe rent is due tomorrow.n预期、预定预期、预定nThe boat is due to arrive at 12.nClear off 结清(欠款)结清(欠款)nClear 通过金融机构借贷,通过银行系统借入借方通过金融机构借贷,通过银行系统借入借方和贷方的账目和贷方的账目nThe chec

33、k cleared.支票结清了。支票结清了。Letter 4:Making inquiry through a company as a trade reference 8 Dear Sirs,The subject firm in Newcastle who has written to us that they are the leading importers in the place dealing in chemicals,and that they now wish to switch to us for the supply of the similar item.The com

34、pany with which you are now doing business,and your names were given to us as a reference.As we have no business relations with them before we should be most grateful for any information you may obtain for us.1.How long have you been in business relations with the company?2.What credit limit9 have y

35、ou placed on their account?3.How promptly are terms of payment10 meet?4.What amount is currently outstanding?Any information you may give us will be treated strictly in confidence.Sincerely yours,Li Pei chumswitch to n切换到,转到,转变成;切换到,转到,转变成;转入转入 nswitch to oils 改画油画改画油画 nswitch to top level 转换到顶层级转换到

36、顶层级 nItem n.项目,商品,产品项目,商品,产品n1、用指表格中或前面所述的、用指表格中或前面所述的“商品商品”nA is a new product of ours.We are trying to find a market for this item.2、在贸易中,、在贸易中,item与与commodity,product等成了同义等成了同义词词A great variety of new products and traditional items are on display at the fair.交易会上展出了各式各样的新产品和传统产品。交易会上展出了各式各样的新产品和传

37、统产品。类似的表达法及区别:类似的表达法及区别:goods 在商业英语中泛指货物在商业英语中泛指货物 article 指某一种商品而且有不同的规格指某一种商品而且有不同的规格 commodity 比比较较正正式式用用语语,尤尤其其指指一一个个国国家家的主要商品的主要商品 merchandise 泛泛指指商商品品,不不特特指指某某一一商商品品,不可加不定冠词,没有复数形式不可加不定冠词,没有复数形式nMeet vt.如期偿付,支付,解决如期偿付,支付,解决 enough money to meet expenses.支付开支的足支付开支的足够数量的钱够数量的钱Letter 5:A favorab

38、le reply to the above Dear Mr.Li,In reply to your letter of August15,2005,we are pleased to tell you the subject company has been maintaining business relations with us for the past twenty years,during which they have never failed to meet their obligation11.The credit report of recent years enclosed

39、 will show you that their import business in chemicals has been doing well.We believe that they owe their reputable position among the local wholesalers12 in their area to their steady and sincere way13 of conducting business.Please note that the information is furnished at your request without any

40、responsibility on our part and should be held strictly confidential.Yours truly,J.A.Richard Encl:Credit report one copynin reply to ph.现答复;兹复现答复;兹复 in response to in answer to In reply to your letter of 26th of this month,we are making you the following firm offer.现答复你方本月现答复你方本月26日来函,向你们报实盘如下。日来函,向你

41、们报实盘如下。This is in response to your letter of 26th of this month.We are making you the following firm offer.现答复你方本月现答复你方本月26日来函,向你们报实盘如下。日来函,向你们报实盘如下。furnishnequip,furnish,supply,provide,affordn这些些动词都含有都含有“提供,供提供,供给”之意。之意。nequip:侧重提供与技重提供与技术有关的装有关的装备或或设备等。等。nfurnish:多指添置家具等供多指添置家具等供给生活的必需品或生活的必需品或为生活

42、舒适提供所需的服生活舒适提供所需的服务设施。施。nsupply:普通用普通用词,指提供任何所需求的,指提供任何所需求的东西。西。nafford:一般只用于一般只用于对抽象事物提供,也可指抽象事物提供,也可指经济能力上的供能力上的供给或支付。或支付。Letter 6:An unfavorable reply to the above Dear Mr.Li,We have completed our inquiry concerning the firm mentioned in your letter of August 15,2005 and that we must advise you t

43、o consider their request with caution.About a year ago,an action we brought against the firm by one of its suppliers for recovery of sums due14,though payment was later recovered in full.Our inquiries reveal that the firms difficulties would seem to be due to bad management and in particular to over

44、trading.Most of the firms suppliers either give only very short credit for limited sums,or make deliveries15 on a cash basis16.This information is of course supplied in strict confidence.Yours faithfully,J.A.Richardadvise,caution,warn,admonish,counsel n这些些动词均有均有“劝告,忠告,警告告,忠告,警告”之意。之意。nadvise:普通用:普通用


46、tify,advisen这些些动词都有都有“通知,告知通知,告知”之意。之意。ninform:普通用普通用词,指,指传达事达事实或信息,或指或信息,或指经过研究或研究或调查而而获得得的事的事实或信息。或信息。nacquaint:指提供有关信息或情况使某人熟悉某些指提供有关信息或情况使某人熟悉某些过程或复程或复杂的情况。的情况。nnotify:指正式通知需要注意的事情。指正式通知需要注意的事情。nadvise:指正式通知某件重要事,所通知的事情与被通知的人有关。指正式通知某件重要事,所通知的事情与被通知的人有关。nbring against 以某罪控告(某人)以某罪控告(某人)Letter 7:

47、Making inquiry through ones own bank Dear Sirs,Will you please be king enough to obtain for us all information possible respecting the financial condition and business standing of Messrs.Toyoda&Co.,of Yokohama?As we are on the point of transacting some important business with them,we should like to

48、know exactly how their credit stands.I shall feel under great obligation if you will advise me confidentially respecting the reputation they enjoy in this line.Any information you may give me will,of course,be treated as strictly confidential.Truly yours,James non the point of 即将;即将;临到临到 nI was on t

49、he point of going to bed when you rang.n你打你打电话的的时候我正要睡候我正要睡觉。Letter 8:A favorable reply to the above Dear Mr.James,We inform you that we can give nothing but favorable information about the firm in question.Though they had not been long established,they stand pretty well.They command considerable fu

50、nds and an unlimited credit,and the executives are thorough business men.The firm enjoys the fullest respect and unquestionable confidence in the business world.Please consider this information for which we accept no responsibility as strictly confidential.Sincerely yours,Peter Notes to the specimen

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