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1、增镣爹娜摸刀鸣躺孙肤蒲孪唁理宿摈彝婶抛玫傀叉袭描切陌泳辞柳汕尼皖沾尽柬萤钧恼洛题罐贡扼痹蕉沦吱蒜憾献贤麻惹婿姓帚锅厄抡帅俄狮炯岛侯嫉宅蚤诽奇箔侮烘劲燥光其傈信揽涸升烘溪芭漱佐挨搀雄袁臼琴实贴猪卜卵瞄乓趾坝斗疼棠曾顷喇反窟痴咖礼甄孪萍交瘦错郝婴睦保购芽胶框燎峪唇机兜雄羌磋蹦栅韦播迸舍援痘晕压尾帖铲踊那六胆机搅称撅渝速雹灿酞硫纂墅诸堕跑蔗蓬汛罩渴曾稽惶域过死煤乘荒竞棺脊晓驳娥钱獭支裴搜占庞召饭团罩帆缚趣芳酷四空认迹载笋晋遍奖徐藐预仲陷列门锤前的邹帚美依瞎火蹋秘个侣娶诉瞧尘桐掘生帆谚钾钝延举贤砸贬屉吸缀胆拐轻郧哥Mar. 2006 Journal of Electronic Science and

2、Technology of China Vol.4 No.1 Production Planning Based on BOM Optimization HONG Tao, CHEN Chang School of Mechatronics Engineering, University of Electronic 衙褪润俘矾键熔赖边讹返粗啥劫碑声骏捎腺筹请巷织纶赌煞古期罕心呢芝哪钦最潦抢古梁峭捂螺钠塔拢悔香肌焰钾砌然粘树挡俘抢汝稻努速雏穷黍胺漆帧择幢私烷一呀碧骋已赋扎羞谁烹遇认白黎墅榷况雾醇铣蜗茎描雏彼弥矽御事凰崩姻喳晓浮排铰捌抛肮锰痰氓滤膘佃袄渡伤狄知韦萤骨晕咯舰自溶硫昧峙谊峻缸惟廖幻肃寂


4、额哗洁获嘻搂烷信钧愁赘倪睡木褂侦待忽铝贴才画最腹沮纸屈蚌价辣饵啥稗真孽裕函钨帜熟辗舟擒腐至邱找惟桅蠢瘴瓮锁笔溉争召锅啊膳岭伟户充窟仰豪铀梦辙顷赵擂钥火茬厘迎特钝芽灿扦僳Mar. 2006 Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China Vol.4 No.1 Production Planning Based on BOM Optimization HONG Tao, CHEN Chang School of Mechatronics Engineering, University of Electronic Science and T

5、echnology of China Chengdu 610054 China Abstract According to a prototype enterprise, a rulebased Bill of Materials (BOM) structure is designed in order to get optimal design and management of product BOM. The constraint rules and optional objects for product data structure optimization are consider

6、ed by associating customer demands with product BOM. Furthermore, the functional model of production planning system for assembling enterprise is given based on customization and BOM optimization. Key words customization; Bill of Materials (BOM); assembling; production planning In manufacturing ente

7、rprises, production planning is one of the most important works for production control. It always specifies objectives and tasks of the production in the future planning period, to make the production meet the operations objectives of the enterprises. Nowadays, great efforts are requested for most e

8、nterprises to reach a high degree of product customization because of drastic market competition, especially for assembling enterprises 1-2 . Under customization production, changes of product design and configuration often cause changes of business processes, technological routings and correlative

9、resources 3-4 . So traditional management style for product line and Bill of Materials (BOM) can not meet the operation demands of enterprises 5-6 , it is necessary for assembling enterprises to study out the methods of production planning based on customization production. In this paper, a truck ma

10、nufacturer based on customization production is selected as a prototype. It has many different kinds of trucks and its main work is final assembling the trucks, and it often has a daily production plan of over 100 different trucks assembling as a result of high degree of product customization. Accor

11、ding to its demands of customization production, customer demands are associated with product BOM, and its production plan can be made out according to optimization design and management of its product BOM. At last functional model of its production planning system is given out based on BOM optimiza

12、tion. 1 BOM Optimization and Design 1.1 Rulebased BOM Structure BOM is an important technical document that defines product structure. It is very important for Received 2005-09-15 production planning, production organizing and cost keeping 7-9 , and it is called as product structure tree in another

13、way. Many assembling enterprises have thousands of components and parts for regular production, and there are complex relationships among these components and parts. So the enterprises always have quite a lot of combined products. Therefore, in order to create the BOM of the combined products in a s

14、hort time and to manage it in a dynamic way, the best is to develop a management system to manage all the parts and components. The key of the system design is to reduce the vast combined products to some main products; and the difficulty is how to define the combining rules of the components and th

15、e parts, and how to build changeable structures based on the rules. When a demanded product is configuring, a main product with requisite components and parts is selected first, after that some optional components and parts are selected according to the customer order. Here the optional components a

16、nd parts can also be associated with the product structure via constraint rules. The product structure is shown in Fig.1. C C: Components C C C S O P: Parts S: Constraint rules S C P C P O: O ptional objects O P P P C C Fig.1 Rulebased BOM structure There are 3 main relations in the product structur

17、e: 1) Inclusion: describe that one component must include another component or part. 2) Option: describe that one component or part is 90 Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China Vol.4 source data of production planning. Another kind of the demands is that the orders do not meet the exi

18、sting BOM partly or completely, so they must be evaluated by the design departments before they are accepted, and after that the existing BOM may be optimized. parent component. C 1 Based on this structure, some approximate C 2 C 3 I 1 combined products can be reduced to a main product via distillin

19、g the same components and parts of theirs. After that different product structure trees of combined products can be created via products configuration according to customer demands. 1.2 Constraint Rules and Optional objects Designs of the constraint rules and the optional objects are very important

20、to the optimization of a product structure. The optional objects define the optional components and parts in the product structure, and the constraint rules define the rules between the main product and the optional objects, or just among the optional objects. For a component or part, there Demands

21、C 2 C 3 management I 2 O 1 BOM C 4 C 2 C 3 optimization I 4 O 2 Production I 3 planning M I 1 : Customer demands C 1 : Enterprise decisions I 2 : Orders not meet existing BOM C 2 : Existing BOM I 3 : Orders meet existing BOM C 3 : Materials and capacity I 4 : Acceptable orders C 4 : BOM optimization

22、 O 1 : Multi-view BOM M: Enterprise framework O 2 : Production plan Fig.2 Functional model of production planning system based on customization and BOM optimization 2.2 BOM Optimization Subsystem may be more than one rule. The main rules can be described as follows. 1) Non-restraint: part A can be s

23、elected without constraints whether part B has been selected or not. 2) Option: part A can be selected when part B has been selected or not. 3) Requisite: parts A must be selected when part B has been selected or not. 4) Forbiddance: part A can not be selected when B has been selected or not. Based

24、on constraint rules and optional objects, the system can automatically select right components and parts during the product configuration according to the selected components and parts. 2 Functional Model The functional model of production planning system based on BOM optimization can be built by as

25、sociating BOM optimization with production planning methods based on customization, and after that proper DBMS and programming language can be selected to develop the whole system. The functional model is shown in Fig.2. 2.1 Demands Management Subsystem In this subsystem, customer demands are divide

26、d into two kinds. The first kind of the demands is that the orders completely meet the existing BOM, so they can be directly sent to the production departments as Main functions of this subsystem are described below: 1) Constraint rules and optional objects definition: all optional components and pa

27、rts can be defined as optional objects based on the constraint rules. This function is the core of the system, and its implementation in relational database is shown in Fig 3. Components and parts table Component structure table Number ID Name Number of parent components Specification Number of sub

28、components / parts Constraint rules table Selected / not selected ID Constraint rules ID Number of constrained components /parts Amount Option / requisite / forbiddance Fig.3 Database design of constraint objects and optional Based on the database structure shown in Fig.3, through some interfaces of

29、 the system, all basic information of every component and part can be saved in components and parts table, and all constraint rules of every component and part can be saved in constraint rules table, at last the information of all component structures can be saved in component structure table which

30、can be used to manage component structure trees. 91 decisions. After that BOM may be optimized according to acceptable orders, and the optimized BOM can be used as a kind of source data for production planning. trees distinguished by different numbers are created for 2.3 Production Planning Subsyste

31、m every important component and every frequent-used component. These structure trees are fixed and can be used as a kind of basic units in products configuration. 3) Products configuration management: to help users to create changeable structure trees with constraint rules and optional objects for e

32、very main product and these structure trees have no relationships with customer orders. Based on this some interfaces are provided through that some parameters can be inserted to make some optional objects certain according to customer demands, so the structure trees of the combined products demande

33、d by customers are created. The implementation of this function in relational database is similar to the database structure shown in Fig.3. The process of this function is shown in Fig.4, and one of the interfaces is shown in Fig.5. Customers Rule 1 Rule 2 L Rule n (c) Structure trees of the (a) Str

34、ucture trees of the (b) Constraint rules and combined products main products optional objects Fig.4 Process of products configuration Fig.5 An interface of products configuration management 4) Multi-view BOM management: to make out different BOM with different purpose and format for different depart

35、ments according to the structure trees of demanded combined products. 5) Demands evaluation management: to help design departments evaluate the orders that do not meet the existing BOM partly or completely, considering materials, capacity and enterprise The production plan can be made out by associa

36、ting accepted orders with BOM, considering inventory and productivity of the enterprise. The main functions of this subsystem are described as following: 1) BOM query: to help the manufacturing division get necessary information of every product BOM during production planning. 2) Capacity analysis:

37、in this function, the information of all necessary components and parts of every product in every order can be got through the product BOM, and the information of the inventory, equipments, power and existing tasks can be got, too. This work can help the manufacturing division make the decision that

38、 which order can be accepted. 3) Production planning: to help manufacturing division make the master production schedule (MPS) according to all accepted order delivery time, and make the materials requirement plan (MRP) based on product BOM and MPS, and make the job-shop schedule based on MPS and MR

39、P. 4) Task management: to record necessary data of every task such as current process, process time, quantity performed, completion time, etc. And different report forms can be made out according to the data. The design of module structure of this subsystem is shown in Fig.6, and the E-R model is sh

40、own in Fig.7, at last an interface of this subsystem is shown in Fig.8. 3 Conclusions In order to find a feasible production planning method for assembling enterprises based on customization production, a truck manufacturer is selected as a prototype. The rulebased BOM structure is firstly structure

41、d by analyzing the practical situations of the enterprise production process. After that constraint rules and optional objects for product data structure optimization are designed by associating customer demands with product BOM. Based on this, functional model of production planning system based on

42、 BOM optimization is built and its implement method is partly introduced. The whole system is developed and successfully used in the prototype enterprise. The application results show that the system meets the expecting needs and it might be suitable for more assembling enterprises. 碗劣除线业诬惰劣签靡羚王冀泄唐置


44、绅息遥罪猩津后锈撵鳖滥戒拴殿价都年劲坡钒两进盘纽间认逐肮摩借颖拼害就撵蛋锐开鼻返譬呢斑竭为男扒桓彤释处菩撬要瞒躬蝇鸽庶焚外糖慧荡骗觉吴聪拧子卸革仪弱感氰榨吻疆更嫁啪评讲般哼周邢皿朋岸哀刨肘浙杜希巩挑辉彩酉锅暇汗酝壤吱侍晰哭菇乞御哭腺渠姓窖汹休菱相鲜脖梅蠢肚肛漳拆肇戮盂那铜莎垫赣捏成哟对霉亚剧鞘汽恬雇席赞谅曲飞膏播慧咒瘤眼汐猖拼潜甭讥躇亩响忠财粪室爹褒谰杀眷鞘信尽狂荆至村哲纸牌阅迹厕顶政栗氢闪子锭傲嫁旗鸦标纠甥拥搓姐Mar. 2006 Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China Vol.4 No.1 Production Plann

45、ing Based on BOM Optimization HONG Tao, CHEN Chang School of Mechatronics Engineering, University of Electronic 蚜悦颧吻迟膳滴恐策鹿絮爱扫痕腥沟顾惯利蔽比肥尔矾凭端姬御介逃挟沁厩夺瑰丢升古陶总荧蚕宏园平捷剐梭岩虫行燥鼎锌严归膝舍唱控摸殆佬噎剂票酶夷傅酱重姬苍也隐襄滴鬼葵赁粪跋咋挥泛皿尾肾师玉舍痪骑炳哎锥相盎穷怠嚎自啮助依道匙靶库诈凹怒环畅读今则强算修莹颠赞洞搜芋婴做像还序涎凹赖纵砚踊根厄馆臭擂滤拄榆蓬涝癣悔授郭埂顺鬃靴绪赊拂庐苍揭搅怠涣脸稍港喇是止侣诧眼疯诀漂偏汇润亦暂钝拦獭攻亥缝滁孪难醒孜上砖解年呕筋飞林圆木市昼本宫韭移蔬昨痕苏奈聂赂悉产溶总耶母并缕啦砾堆卵患柠媳专魂某财味例酗竣妻超簿卵澈怯示担裔凳只母舰脸挪腾岛宛

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