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1、承包地铁车站智能化安装工程合同协议书范本合同协议书范本Contract Agreement Template for Subway Station Intelligent Installation Project甲方:_有限公司Party A: _ Co., Ltd.乙方:_技术有限公司Party B: _ Technology Co., Ltd.鉴于甲方拥有_地铁站智能化安装工程的承包资质和专业能力,乙方具有丰富的智能化安装经验和技术实力,双方经友好协商,就本项目签订如下合同协议:鉴于本协议的目的是规定双方在地铁站智能化安装工程中的权利和义务,特此订立本合同:第一条 项目范围1.1 甲方委托

2、乙方负责_地铁站智能化安装工程,具体包括但不限于智能安防系统、智能照明系统、智能监控系统等方面的设计、采购、安装及调试工作。1.2 项目实施地点:_地铁站1.3 项目工期:自双方签署本合同之日起,工期为_个月。第二条 价格与支付方式2.1 项目总价款为_人民币,甲方应于工程开始前支付百分之三十的合同金额作为首期款,另百分之五十作为中期款,余下百分之二十作为尾款,在工程验收合格后支付。2.2 甲方应按照工程进度支付相应款项,如乙方需超出合同范围完成工作,应经双方协商确定增项价款。2.3 一旦乙方提前完成工程,甲方不得拖延支付款项。如届时甲方未按时支付,应按日向乙方支付相应滞纳金。第三条 质量保证

3、3.1 乙方承诺所使用的材料和设备均符合国家标准,工程施工符合相关法律法规要求。3.2 在工程竣工验收后,乙方应提供一年的质量保修期,对于出现的质量问题应及时修复或更换,并承担相关费用。第四条 风险责任4.1 在工程实施中,如发生甲方原因导致的损失,甲方应承担相应赔偿责任。4.2 在工程实施中,如发生不可抗力等不可预见的事件导致工期延误,双方应友好协商解决,并延长工期。第五条 合同变更与解除5.1 在项目实施过程中,如需变更合同内容,双方应签署书面协议,并经双方授权人签字确认。5.2 若因不可抗力因素导致工程无法继续进行,双方应协商解除合同,并不承担违约责任。第六条 违约责任6.1 若任何一方

4、违反合同规定导致另一方受到损失,应承担相应违约责任。6.2 如因乙方原因导致工程无法按时完成或质量不合格,乙方应承担相应赔偿责任。第七条 争议解决7.1 本合同的解释与执行应依法进行,并由双方友好协商解决。7.2 若双方无法达成一致意见,应提交至有管辖权的仲裁机构进行裁决。第八条 其他事项8.1 本合同自双方签署后生效,至工程竣工并经验收合格后终止。8.2 本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各持一份,具有同等法律效力。甲方(盖章):_有限公司乙方(盖章):_技术有限公司签订日期:_年_月_日Contract Agreement Template for Subway Station Intellige

5、nt Installation ProjectParty A: _ Co., Ltd.Party B: _ Technology Co., Ltd.Whereas Party A possesses the contracting qualifications and professional capabilities for the intelligent installation project of _ subway station, and Party B has extensive experience and technical expertise in intelligent i

6、nstallations, the two parties, following friendly negotiations, hereby enter into the following contract agreement for this project:The purpose of this agreement is to define the rights and obligations of both parties in the intelligent installation project of the subway station. Therefore, this con

7、tract is established:Article 1 Project Scope1.1 Party A entrusts Party B to be responsible for the intelligent installation project of _ subway station, including but not limited to the design, procurement, installation, and commissioning of intelligent security systems, intelligent lighting systems

8、, intelligent monitoring systems, etc.1.2 Project Implementation Location: _ subway station1.3 Project Duration: Starting from the date of signing this contract, the duration of the project is _ months.Article 2 Price and Payment Terms2.1 The total price of the project is _ RMB. Party A shall pay th

9、irty percent of the contract amount as the initial payment before the commencement of the project, fifty percent as the mid-term payment, and the remaining twenty percent as the final payment upon successful project acceptance.2.2 Party A shall make payments according to the project progress. If Par

10、ty B needs to exceed the contract scope to complete work, the additional pricing should be determined through mutual agreement.2.3 If Party B completes the project ahead of schedule, Party A shall not delay the payment. If Party A fails to make payments on time, they shall pay daily late fees to Par

11、ty B.Article 3 Quality Assurance3.1 Party B guarantees that the materials and equipment used comply with national standards, and the construction of the project complies with relevant laws and regulations.3.2 After the completion of the project acceptance, Party B shall provide a one-year warranty p

12、eriod for quality assurance. Any quality issues that arise should be promptly repaired or replaced at Party Bs cost.Article 4 Risk Responsibility4.1 In the event of losses due to reasons attributable to Party A during project implementation, Party A shall bear the corresponding compensation liabilit

13、y.4.2 In the event of unforeseen events such as force majeure causing delays in the project, the two parties shall amicably negotiate and extend the project timeline.Article 5 Contract Changes and Termination5.1 If it is necessary to change the terms of the contract during the project implementation

14、, the two parties should sign a written agreement and have it confirmed by authorized representatives.5.2 If the project cannot continue due to force majeure factors, the two parties shall mutually agree to terminate the contract without bearing any breach of contract liabilities.Article 6 Breach of

15、 Contract Liability6.1 If either party violates the contract terms, resulting in losses to the other party, they shall bear the corresponding breach of contract liability.6.2 In the event that Party B causes delays or delivers subpar quality due to their own fault, they should be held accountable fo

16、r compensation.Article 7 Dispute Resolution7.1 The interpretation and enforcement of this contract shall be conducted in accordance with the law and resolved through friendly negotiations between the parties.7.2 If both parties fail to reach a consensus, the dispute should be submitted to an arbitra

17、tion organization with jurisdiction for a ruling.Article 8 Other Matters8.1 This contract shall become effective upon signing by both parties and terminate upon the completion and acceptance of the project.8.2 This contract is made in duplicate, with Party A and Party B each holding one copy, both of which have equal legal effect.Party A (Seal): _ Co., Ltd.Party B (Seal): _ Technology Co., Ltd.Signing Date: Year_ Month_ Day_

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