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1、Lesson 72 A car called BluebirdDo you like watching car races?And do you still remember the lesson we learnt about an old car race?How much can you recall?Today Ill take you to see another special car race?Lets go!Presentationracing/5reIs/5reIsIN/IN/per/p:/p:/Utah/5ju:/5ju:tB:/tB:/horsepowerhorsepow

2、er/5hC:s/5hC:s7paJ7paJ/burst/b:stb:st/averageaverage/5Av/5AvrIdV/rIdV/footstep/5fJts/5fJtstep/tep/racing /reisi/n.竞赛 per /p:/prep.每 Utah /ju:t:/n.犹他(美国州名)horsepower /h:s,pau/n.马力 burst /b:st/v.爆裂(burst,burst)average /vrid/adj.平均的 footstep /futstep/n.足迹 New words Q1:When and where did Sir Malcolm Cam

3、pbell set up a new world record?Q2:Why did Campbell have difficulty in controlling the car?Q3:What did Campbells son do many years later?Look,listen and answer1.A car called Bluebird.2.The great racing driver,Sir Malcolm Campbell(主语同位语),was the first man to drive at over 300 miles per hour.a.racing

4、driver-赛车驾驶员 3.He set up a new world record in September 1935 at Bonneville Salt Flats,Utan.a.set up-创(记录)b.world record-世界记录 Article focuses4.Bluebird,the car he was driving,had been specially built for him.主语同位语 5.It was over 30 feet in length and had a 2,500 horse-power engine.a.in length-长度Artic

5、le focuses6.Although Campbell reached a speed of over 304 miles per hour,he had great difficulty in controlling the car because a tyre burst during the first run.a.have difficulty in doing sth 干有困难7.After his attempt,Campbell was disappointed to learn that his average speed had been 299 miles per ho

6、ur.a.disappoint v.失望 disappointed adj.感到失望的(人作主语)disappointing adj.令人失望的(物作主语)disappointment n.失望Article focuses8.His average speed had been 301 miles per hour.a.average speed 平均速度 eg:Since that time,racing drivers have reached speeds over 600 miles an hour.9.Following in his fathers steps many year

7、s later,Sir Malcolms son,Donald,also set up a world record.Like his father,he was driving a car called Bluebird.a.follow in ones footsteps-模仿某人,踏着某人的足迹Article focuses一、根据句意和汉语提示用适当形式填空 1.The horse _is to be held at 2:00 p.m tomorrow.(竞赛)2.There are many _in the snow.(脚印)3.He didnt pass the exam,but

8、it was a good_.(尝试)4.The police _through the door.(闯入)5.He struggled to _his temper.(控制)6.The houses were being sold at an _price$100,000.(平均的)racingfootstepsattemptbrokecontrolaverageExercise 二、选词填空1.Two years _her dream as a pilot came true.(late/later)2.The whole city _in ruins after the earthqua

9、ke.(lies/lays)3.We were all _by his humorous stories.(enjoyed/entertained)4.Whats the _of this car?$20,000.(price/value)5.The police _caught the thief the other day,but he escaped.(near/nearly)6.I _swim in the river in the countryside,but now I live in the city.(used to/be used to)laterliesentertain

10、edpricenearlyusedtoExercise三、单项选择1.Susan was told that a mistake had been _by the judge.A.make B.done C.made D.do2.He was _to hear that they failed in the race.A.disappointing B.disappointed C.sorry D.pleased3.His car _a speed of 200 miles per hour on the highway,so he is charged.A.have B.drive C.ru

11、n D.reaches4.Wendy didnt come to school _her headache.A.because of B.because C.due of D.thanks for5.Its always difficult being in a foreign country,_if you dont speak the language.A.especially B.specially C.extremely D.obviouslyCBDAAExercise A car called bluebirdThe great _ driver,Sir Malcolm Campbe

12、ll,was the first man to drive at over 300 miles _ hour.He set up a new world record in September 1935 at Bonneville Salt Flats,_.Bluebird,the car he was driving,had been specially built for him.It was over 30 feet in length and had a 2,500-_ engine.Although Campbell reached a speed of over 304 miles

13、 per hour,he had great difficulty in controlling the car because a tyre _ during the first run.After his attempt,Campbell was disappointed to learn that his _ speed had been 299 miles per hour.However,a few days later,he was told that a mistake had been made.His average speed had been 301 miles per

14、hour.Since that time,racing drivers have reached speeds over 600 miles an hour.Following in his fathers _ many years later,Sir Malcolms son,Donald,also set up a world record.Like his father,he was driving a car called Bluebird.Fill in the blanks 1 racingperUtahhorsepowerburstaveragefootsteps A car c

15、alled bluebirdThe great racing driver,Sir Malcolm Campbell,_ the first man to _ at over 300 miles per hour.He _ up a new world record in September 1935 at Bonneville Salt Flats,Utah.Bluebird,the car he was _,had been specially _for him.It was over 30 feet in length and had a 2,500-horsepower engine.

16、Although Campbell _ a speed of over 304 miles per hour,he _ great difficulty in _the car because a tyre _ during the first run.After his attempt,Campbell was disappointed to _ that his average speed had been 299 miles per hour.However,a few days later,he was _ that a mistake had been _.His average s

17、peed had been 301 miles per hour.Since that time,racing drivers have _ speeds over 600 miles an hour._ in his fathers footsteps many years later,Sir Malcolms son,Donald,also _ up a world record.Like his father,he was _ a car _ Bluebird.Fill in the blanks 2wasdrivesetdrivingbuiltreachedhadcontrolling

18、burstlearntoldmadereachedFollowingsetdrivingcalled A car called bluebirdThe great racing driver,Sir Malcolm Campbell,was the first man _ drive _ _ 300 miles _ hour.He set _ a new world record _ September 1935 _ Bonneville Salt Flats,Utah.Bluebird,the car he was driving,had been specially built _ him

19、.It was _ 30 feet _ length and had a 2,500-horsepower engine.Although Campbell reached a speed _ _ 304 miles _ hour,he had great difficulty _ controlling the car because a tyre burst _the first run.After his attempt,Campbell was disappointed _ learn that his average speed had been 299 miles _ hour.H

20、owever,a few days later,he was told that a mistake had been made.His average speed had been 301 miles _ hour.Since that time,racing drivers have reached speeds _ 600 miles an hour.Following _ his fathers footsteps many years later,Sir Malcolms son,Donald,also set _ a world record._ his father,he was

21、 driving a car called Bluebird.Fill in the blanks 3toatoverperupinatforoverinofoverperinduringtoperperoverinupLikeAnswer these questions.1.Who set up a land-speed record in 1935?What was his car called?Had it been specially built for him or not?(driving a carwhich)2.Was his average speed incorrectly

22、 declared to be 299 miles per hour or 289 miles per hour?Was this mistake corrected later or not?(but)3.Is Sir Malcolms son,Donald,one of the racing drivers who have exceeded the old record?What was his car called?(Among them iswhose)Summary writing 一天一刻钟一天一刻钟 学习很轻松学习很轻松周一:利用课本,读本课课文周一:利用课本,读本课课文5 5

23、遍和上一课课文遍和上一课课文2 2遍;遍;做本课学习助手做本课学习助手“英汉互译三营英汉互译三营”一遍,课文默写检测;一遍,课文默写检测;周二:利用学习助手周二:利用学习助手“应考对接四营应考对接四营”,做本课前三题,自我检测,应对考试;,做本课前三题,自我检测,应对考试;周三:利用学习助手周三:利用学习助手“应考对接四营应考对接四营”,做本课后面几题,自我检测,应对考试;,做本课后面几题,自我检测,应对考试;周四:利用学习助手周四:利用学习助手“快速记忆一营快速记忆一营”跟读新课文跟读新课文5 5遍;遍;利用学习助手利用学习助手 “参考导读二营参考导读二营”,加深理解,预知新课重点难点;,加深理解,预知新课重点难点;周五:利用学习助手周五:利用学习助手“英汉互译三营英汉互译三营”,检测新课学习效果,英汉互译提前练,做到充,检测新课学习效果,英汉互译提前练,做到充 分预习。分预习。

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