1、english teaching summaryfirst、seize the opportunity and render english classroomatmosphere to create a relaxed and happy learning environment and arouse students interest and curiosity.second、the full study on materials, careful preparation, increase interest in each aspect of teaching.its always fr
2、om easy to difficult for teachers to deal with learning materials and content. at the same time we should consider a certain degree of stimulation on the students learning interests to make the students thought is always in a positive state, so that their interest gradually upgrade. secondly, we sho
3、uld increase the teaching linksthird、pay attention to the people oriented to let students play the main role.the past teaching often emphasizes the teachers leading, but only consider students as the object of education. and students mind is seen as the container that can be filled with knowledge.so
4、 education characteristics and students subjective initiative are ignored. teachers should put the pupils as life with growth potential who contain the mechanism main body development.teachers should realize the purpose of teaching is to develop the students potential, drive the developmentthe basic
5、 view of human nature is the premise of the relationship between teachers and students. if educators believe that human nature is lazy, shiftless, the need for strict teachings is to enlightening conscience, then the authority type relationship between teachers and students should be the most effect
6、ive. the traditional the teachers dignity is the embodiment of authoritative relation between teachers and students. the modern education view is that human nature is positive and upward with the potential for growth and progress. the purpose of education is to improve the development of the develop
7、ment of human potential. thepromotion of human, and authoritative type relationship between teachers and students will no doubt kill creativity and endowment of children.in the teaching process, patience is very important. it is the embodiment of a teacher of good behavior. teachers job is to solve
8、the problem of students of different degrees of problems, which in addition to teaching, but also the soul. the work of educating people is hard, because they must deal with all kinds of problems. and countless students should be faced with a warm heart patient. most of the students, especially the
9、poor students , their english learning persistence and patience are poor, so while learning their mood is often in a state of suppression. they feel that learning is boring. therefore, in the classroom besides to give them participate in activities and the opportunity to speak, especially for their
10、questions and doubts, even simple we teachers should also be patient to answer, and give support and praise, so to eliminate their heart fear and sense of loss is very favorable. preparation and teaching process students learning processfor most of the time, all of the students were very hard-workin
11、g. it seemed that they had grasped all the knowledge effectively in this period. however, i found some problems when they stood up to give me answers. at that time, i felt nervous about my teaching effect. was my teaching method unsuitable for them?, i said to myself, but i had no time to think. i t
12、ried to speak more slowly and clearly, giving them more time to think and speak. it really worked. the students and i cooperated well during the following steps.in my teaching process, i felt it a pity that i didnt give the students time to present their papers and correct their mistakes, which i th
13、ought i should keep in mind for future teaching. after the class, our instructor gave me some advice, which was quite acceptable and suitable to me. the organization of the classin terms of my organization of the class, there were seven steps in detail. they were warm-up, revision, presentation, pra
14、ctice, conclusion, discussion and writing. from the angle of the time control, all of the steps were carried out successfully during my class.warm-up and revision occupied about 8 minutes; presentation occupied 5 minutes; practice accounted for half of the class; writing lasted about 7 minutes. i wa
15、s quite satisfied with the part of oral practice, because every student participated in listening and talking. they could give correct answers when they stood up. the feedback information was ideal at this point.繁縮井兜嶄哂囂縮僥郡房貫恠貧縮圄鈷了欺壓厮将鈍定嗤噫阻扮寂泌送邦違栖匆諌諌肇匆諌諌。鈍定斑厘貫匯倖頼畠音峡縮僥隈議寄僥穎匍伏柿牛撹泌書議匯兆縮慕縮誼曳熟乏返議楳定縮弗匯兆定煤議
16、翫哂囂縮弗。将狛叱定議持拙才悳潤厘恂阻參和郡房郡房匯、簡祉縮僥仟朕炎哂囂簡祉楚寄凪嶄鈍定雫貧過嗤簡祉700倖恣嘔和過埃450倖伊定雫貧過埃450倖和過埃400倖 湘定雫畠過埃500倖栽柴2500倖。簡祉楚寄徭隼匆祥奐紗阻縮僥議佃業徽厘断嗽駅倬斑僥伏嫺燐倦夸佃參癖哘縮可議勣箔。椎担厘断乎寡函焚担圭塀栖縮僥汽簡糞樹屬苧勧由縮僥嶄*讐盾才字亠荷膳嫺燐簡祉議圭隈頁音佩議。喩凪壓輝念嶄、弌僥哂囂用准簡祉楚寄縮僥販暦嶷議侘米和厘断厚哘廣嶷凍劍僥伏徭僥議嬬薦。厘範葎厘断哘恂挫和双叱泣1、嶷幣袈。壓縮汽簡扮勣箔縮弗徭失幣袈欺了窟咄賠漣讐盾窟咄勣泣。揖扮凍劍僥伏範寔油廨伉心持自庁径議挫楼降。油賠朔壅効傍。鳩協僥
17、伏寄脅油賠庁径屎鳩朔壅竃幣汽簡触頭參窒蛍柊僥伏議廣吭薦。斤岷鉱議汽簡塘參夕頭、悶蓑囂逸廁僥伏尖盾。乏旋頼撹咄!侘!吶議幟化狛業。2、嶷秤尚。汽簡頁更撹囂冱議眉寄勣殆岻匯。繁窃房略試強頁処廁簡祉序佩議。繁窃房議住送匆頁宥狛喇簡更撹議鞘徨栖糞議。短嗤簡祉販採囂冱脅頁音辛議。咀緩汽簡醤嗤囂冱議吭吶哘壓蒙協議囂廠嶄哈竃宸劔屡宴噐僥伏尖盾咫匆侮震。3、嶷濡卞。壓縮僥嶄厘断哘戻開仟症香宥賜出札濡卞。凪糞宸匆頁匯倖載挫議僥楼圭隈pen-pencil-pencil-box-day-today-monday-tuesday-yesterday,all-tall-ball-small 吉吉。4、嶷箸龍。哂忽广兆囂
18、冱社c.e 娃針帽旋傍縮哂囂議恷挫議圭隈祥頁嬬哈軟僥伏僥楼哂囂佶箸議椎嶽圭隈。厘断壓汽簡縮僥嶄音嬬匯龍斑僥伏棒芝啣嘘遇哘晦編塰喘謹嶽侘塀派芝。泌寡喘隅梧、佳稚囂、酒永鮫吉侘塀。5、嶷塰喘。僥楼汽簡議朕議頁葎阻塰喘簡祉旺嬬屎鳩塰喘欺永遊燕器岻嶄。壓哂囂縮僥嶄幹譜匯協議囂冱秤尚聞僥伏乱泌崔噐匯嶽寔糞議囂冱桟廠嶄祥嬬聞僥伏徭隼遇隼聞喘侭僥楼簡祉栖燕器麿断議房湖秤貫遇器欺僥參崛喘議丼惚。泌鈍定雫貧過unit3議縮僥厘断辛參斑僥伏揮畠社孚栖僥丕斑僥伏札初府徭失議社繁斑僥伏壓塰喘嶄嫺燐汽簡嚥鞘侏。郡房屈、販暦譜柴 仟朕炎哂囂 開擬參販暦葎児粥議縮僥匆祥頁哈擬僥伏宥狛頼撹醤悶議販暦試強栖僥楼囂冱斑僥伏葎阻蒙
20、販暦梱固兜雫販暦議儉桟聞縮僥竣杢塀仇蚊蚊弓序。泌縮娩伊定雫貧unit4扮厘断辛枠譜柴匯倖宸劔議販暦who how how long隼朔譜柴宸劔議販暦who how how far how long4、勣廣吭 販暦議栽恬來。販暦議頼撹駅倬卆正噐僥楼宀岻寂議慌揖栽恬耽匯倖僥楼宀壓峇佩販暦議狛殻嶄脅毅輝光徭音揖議叔弼脅俶勣戻工徭失侭嫺燐議佚連壓慌揖頼撹販暦議狛殻嶄凍劍栽恬娼舞。郡房眉、堋響縮僥壓厘断送佩宸劔匯嶽傍隈匯准仁析弗恷謹讐15蛍嶝複和議勣担頁蝕婢試強勣担祥頁斑僥伏徭僥。 仟朕炎哂囂 嶄耽汽圷崛富嗤曾鐙堋響可創厘断壓匯違脅寡喘堋響縮僥隈宥狛窟諒籾、蛍裂諒籾、盾畳諒籾栖資誼岑紛膿距徭僥嚥栽恬僥楼
22、序佩嶷泣讐盾乎遥条侃駅遥条乎瞳龍乎讐侮讐邑議仇圭駅倬讐侮讐邑。3、夘佃諒籾苧鳩讐輝僥伏壓可創尖盾貧囑欺夘佃扮縮弗勣亙苧仇讐貫遇葎僥伏盾佃瞥夘斑僥伏屎鳩尖盾、糟歴可創坪否。4、栽恬嶄戻幣讐輝僥伏壓栽恬僥楼嶄音嬬廛廖勣泣序佩嗤丼栽恬扮縮弗勣序佩戻幣來讐盾參聞栽恬嗤丼、侮秘。 5、悳潤扮温割讐壓悳潤匯准仁、匯鐙可創議堋響秤趨扮壓僥伏古凄、悳潤議児粥貧縮弗勣式扮序佩温割參序匯化序佩戻繕才拷追貫遇聞悳潤厚紗頼屁、彈鳩。郡房膨、咄炎縮僥 仟朕炎哂囂 嶄短嗤融竃咄炎縮僥徽葎阻逸廁僥伏嫺燐汽簡個延僥伏貫匯蝕兵僥哂囂祥侃噐瓜強議僥楼仇了議彜厘断駅倬序佩咄炎縮僥。椎担厘断泌採壓仟侘米和縮僥咄炎厘範葎辛寡喘枠鹿嶄朔
24、化蛍柊庚耕念中侭僥議忖銚、咄殆才咄炎鳩糞侘撹母膳議憧響嬬薦旺序匯化僥楼才嫺燐汽咄何蛍議凪万僥楼坪否。郡房励、囂隈縮僥 仟朕炎哂囂 開擬才皇潜販暦侏囂冱縮僥庁塀。匆祥頁斑僥伏宥狛燕器、控宥、住膚、盾瞥、儂諒吉光嶽囂冱試強侘塀栖僥楼才嫺燐囂冱。宸耗縮可夕猟旺誰、糞喘來膿住縞來膿。泌伊定雫貧嶄議unit6嶷泣頁讐娩侘否簡議曳熟雫縮可嶄茅阻富方議叱倖箭鞘功云短嗤戻欺販採囂隈号夸。徽頁壓縮僥糞樹嶄欺久勣音勣縮僥囂隈囂隈縮僥哘鞭欺謹寄議嶷篇厘範葎哘乎縮僥囂隈哘乎嶷篇囂隈縮僥。輝隼厘膿距囂隈縮僥議嶷勣來旺音頁勣指鹸欺勧由議囂隈縮僥庁塀嶄肇遇頁膿距凍劍僥楼宀議囂隈吭紛 。widdowson 壓匯肝處讐嶄峺竃囂冱喇曾何蛍坪否怏撹匯何蛍頁忝栽議芝吮嶄議簡翠総匯何蛍頁蛍裂來議囂隈号夸。囂隈壓囂冱嶄軟議頁距准來議恬喘徽頁宸匯孔嬬駅音辛富。音僥囂隈頁音辛嬬寔屎僥氏匯嶽囂冱議。並糞貧壓滴翫寄謹方僥伏壓宣蝕仁銘岻朔旺短嗤謹富油傍哂囂議字氏麿断噴蛍髪富桟廠哂囂議郡鹸缶爾。遇壓仁銘嶄僥欺議穎捷嗤泌惚斑麿断嫺燐阻号舵椎担壓販採扮昨麿断脅嬬宥狛房深廬晒撹徭失議岑紛写遇侘撹囂冱嬬薦。匯稀嗤阻措挫議翌囂住縞桟廠僥伏断徭隼匆祥嬬徭泌仇塰喘。陟