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1、七年级上册单元期末大复习一、根据句意,用be动词的适当形式填空1. You, he and I _ from China. 2. _ your sister at home? 3. _ David and Helen from England? 4. One of the students _ from the USA. 5. This pair of glasses _ mine. Mine is at home.6. _ there any kites in the classroom? 7. _ there any apple juice in the bottle? 8. Kate w

2、ith her family _ in Beijing. 9. There _ a boy, two girls, three men and ten women in the park. 10.Ten years _ a long time. 11. Dont _ late for school.12. I want _ a good football player when I grow up.1.My pencils are in the pencil-box.(对划线部分提问) _ _ your pencils?2.I get up at six every day.(对划线部分提问)

3、 _ _ do you get up every day?3. Jim and Simon are good at swimming.(改为一般疑问句) _ Jim and Simon _ _ swimming?3. He isnt good at playing football. (同义句) (1) He _ playing football. (2) He _ football _.4. Millie has long hair. (改为否定句) Millie _ _ long hair.5. Daniel comes from London. (对划线部分提问) _ _ Daniel

4、_? / _ _ Daniel _ _?6. Jim likes drawing. (对划线部分提问) _ _ Jim _ _?1. He likes playing tennis best.(同义句) _ is _ tennis.2. Sandy is good at dancing. (同义句) Sandy _ _.3. Jim goes swimming many times a week. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ Jim _ swimming?4. Millie wants to go skating this afternoon. (对划线部分提问) _ Millie _ t

5、his afternoon?5. Li Hua is in the Huanghe Football Club. (同义句)Li Hua is _ the Huanghe Football Club.6. He looks strong. (对划线部分提问) _ _ he _? / _ _ he _ _?7. He studies English in his free time. (对划线部分提问)_ _ he _ English?The _(five) day of a week is Thursday. We all like_(play) computer gamesHe usuall

6、y _(go) to school at 8:00 We dont have classes on S_ or SundayThe _(twelve) month of a year is December. We have sports _(two) a week.Bob_(not do )his homework at weekends. Whats _(you) name? _(I) first name is Tom6. 在十月二十一日 7. have Halloween parties 8. 乔装打扮 9. play a game called “trick or treat” 10

7、. 约见某人 11. rice dumplings 12. 做南瓜灯 13. at three this afternoon 14. 做恶作剧 15. during your 10-minute study time 三. 用some, any填空:16. Could I have _ apples?17. Is there _ water in the bottle? Yes, theres _.18. There are _ boys in the classroom.19. I want to get _ pens.20. Would you like _ bottles of oran

8、ge?四根据下面的对话填入合适的疑问句:A: _21_ are you going to Beijing? B: 10th February.A: _22_ is the whether like in Beijing at that time? B: Its very cold.A: _23_ are you going to stay in Beijing?B: In Grandmas house.A: _24_ does Grandma like eating?B: She likes cakes very much.A: _25_ do we need that big bag?B:

9、Because we need to take lots of things to Beijing. ( )26.Lets_ .A. celebration B. to celebrateC. celebrating D. celebrate( )27.Im dressing up_ a ghost. A. as B. for C. in D. at( )28.They have a party_ February 2nd.A. in B. at C. on D. /( )29.My friends and I always dress up_ Halloween.A. in B. at C.

10、 on D. to( )30.People dont know_ .A. who are weB. who were we C. who we are D. who is we( )31. We cut _ some shapes to make the eyes, the nose and the sharp teeth.A. out B. inC. into D. for( )32. At_ , we eat mooncakes. A. Easter B. Christmas C. May Day D. the Mid-Autumn Festival( )33.People _ celeb

11、rate Halloween.A. in the East B. in the NorthC. in the West D. all over the world( )34.I want to buy a present_ her.A. to B. for C. with D. onto( )35.Which day of_ do you like?A. the weekB. a week C. weekD. weeks36. 我要装扮成猴王。Ill _ _ _ Monkey King.37. 你最喜欢哪个日子?Which is your _ _ ?38. 我们戴着面具,穿着特制的服装We w

12、ear _ _ _ masks.39. 我家总是在10月31日晚上举办一个晚会。My family always have a party _ _ _ _ _31st.40. 圣诞节在12月份。_ is in _ 1. 一个新的购物中心 2. 去购物 3. 我的钱包 4. 对感兴趣 5. 体育用品店 6. 需要你拎所有的包 7. 喜欢集邮 8. 一家鞋店 9. 一家服装店 10.给某人买某物 1. I want to do some shopping. (改为同义句) I want to .2. There is some money in the wallet. (改为一般疑问句) ther

13、e money in the wallet?3. I want to buy him a gift. (改为同义句) I want to a gift him.4. The boy likes collecting stamps. (对划线部分提问) the boy like ?5. Math is very interesting. I like to learn it. (合并为一句 I am math. ( )1. -Do you like this shirt? -No, I its colour. A. like B. need C. find D. hate( )2. -Lets

14、buy some apples. -Sorry, I dont have any with me. A. time B. money C. meat D. food( )3. -What do you want to do?-I want to go to a to buy some books.A. bookshop B. school C. library D. mall( )4. -The box is too heavy. I cant it. -Let me help you.A. see B. carry C. eat D. find( )5. -Lucys birthday is

15、 coming. I want to give her a book as a . -Thats a good idea. A. lesson B. party C. job D. gift( )6. -Are you good at math? -Yes, I am interested in it.A. learn B. to learn C. learns D. learning( )7. -I want to post (邮寄) this letter, but I dont have a . -Lets buy one. A. toy B. stamp C. ball D. pen(

16、 )8. -Where can I buy a football? -Maybe you should go to the . A. clothes shop B. flower shop C. shoe shop D. sports shop( )9. I dont know what to buy for Jim. Do you have ideas?A. some B. any C. a little D. little( )10. -Thank you for helping me.- , and what time is it? A. You are welcome B. Dont

17、say so C. Thats right D. No problem1. 稍等 2. 看一看 3. 去年的卡片 4. 多少钱 5. 不同种类的发夹 6. 和她的粉色外套很配 7. 买一个礼物给我的朋友 8. 我买了 9. 你的零钱 10.足够的钱 1. -Is that (店主) kind? -Yes, he is.2. -How much are your shoes? -They (花费) me 20 dollars.3. -Here is the (零钱). -Thank you4. -I think your shoes (匹配) your white pants(裤子) very

18、well. - Thank you.5. -What colour is your hair clip? -Its (粉红色的).6. -I dont have e money for that skirt. Can I borrow some from you? -No problem.7. -Can I h you? -I want a shirt. 8. There are d kinds of shoes in the shoe shop.9. The hair clip is very cheap and I will t it.10. The shirt is only ten y

19、uan and I think it is very c .11. Id like (buy) a gift for my mother on Mothers Day.12. Tom (have) enough money for the gift.13. Each student in my class (like) playing computer games.1. Can I help you? (改为同义句) can I for you?2. The hair clip is not expensive. (改为同义句) The hair clip .3. I spend ten do

20、llars on the football cards. (改为同义句) The football cards ten dollars.4. I want some flowers. (改为否定句) I flowers.5. That music CD is five yuan. (对划线部分提问) that music CD?1. 让我看一看你的心发夹。Let me a your new hair clip.2. 你的足球卡片很便宜。Your football cards very .3. 在服装店里有不同种类的衣服。 There are clothes in the clothes sho

21、p.4. 吉姆没有足够的钱买那辆自行车。Jim doesnt have the bike.5. 这是你的零钱。Here your .6. 我的学校与你的学校不同。 My school your school.1. 买些圣诞节礼物 2. 果汁与可乐 3. 需要买些纸杯 4. 在桌上 5. 好,行 6. 我学校周围的店 7. 为我的朋友们买礼物 8. 练习本 9. 一些其他的好东西 10. 一些蔬菜 二、用some或any填空。1. -Is there bread in the bag? Yes, there is.2. -Do you have children, Mr. Gao? -Yes,

22、I have two.3. I dont have friends at my new school.4. -Can I ask questions? -Sure.5. -Would you like drinks? -Yes, please give me a cup of cola.三、用is或are填空。1. There a pen on the desk.2. There two books in the backpack.3. There a book and two pens on the desk.4. There some paper cups on the table.5.

23、there any milk on the table?6. There a lot of fish on the plate.7. there any vegetables in the supermarket?8. There some bread and some milk on the table.1. There is some cola on the table. (改为一般疑问句) there cola on the table?2. Are there any cakes on the table? (做否定回答) , .3. I buy some potatoes in th

24、e supermarket. (改为否定句) I buy potatoes in the supermarket.4. There are some cakes on the table. (改为否定句)There cakes on the table.5. They have some money for the computer.一般疑问句 they money for the computer?1. 妈妈,我能吃些苹果吗? Can I apples, mum?2. 饭桌上有些鱼肉和蔬菜。There some and some on the table.3. 课桌上没有任何书。There

25、on the desk.4. 我需要为朋友们买些生日礼物。I need some for my friends.5. 饭桌上有些纸杯吗? there cups on the table?6. 我们学校周围有些店。 There some our school.7. 饭桌上有些牛奶和饮料。Some milk some on the table.1. 零用钱 2. 长长的一段路 3. 从书中学到很多 4. 在贫困地区 5. 一双鞋 6. 试穿 7. 太贵 8. 大部分的孩子 1. -Where is your money? Is it in your wallet? -No, its in my (

26、口袋).2. (大部分) of the students in my class get to school by bus.3. That old man has no money and he is very (贫穷的).4. -What (尺寸) of shoes do you need? -36.5. -What can I do for you? -I want to a p of jeans.6. -I think the T-shirt is too small for me. -You should t them on.7. -Whats the p of your hair c

27、lip? -Ten yuan.8. -This book is not interesting. Can I have a look at a one?-Sure. What about this one?9. -I think your shoes (适合) you very well. -Thank you.10. The football cards are so e and they cost me a lot of money.1. There (be) a pair of shoes in the box.2. -Can I try (them) on? -Yes, you can

28、.3. The little boy has so much pocket (money). ( )1. -Lets go to the to buy some clothes. -All right.A. school B. park C. mall D. hospital( )2. -Where does your father work? -He works as a waiter. A. in the school B. in the shoe shop C. in the restaurant D. in the bus shop( )3.-How much is your car?

29、 -Its very expensive and costs me money. A. lots of B. a little C. little D. some( )4. There is a map China the wall. A. to; on B. of; on C. with; at D. of; of( )5. -Does that restaurant have great ? -Yes, it does.1. -lets go (购物). -OK. 2. I live (在附近) my school and I walk to school every morning.3.

30、 There is a big (电影院) in front of the park.4. -Do you like that mall?Yes, its my favourite (地点).5. There are some big (餐馆) in my city.6. I like foods from different a .7. This clothes shop is very big and it has five f .8. -How can I get to the t of the Mount Tai(泰山)?-Work hard and you will get ther

31、e at last.1. -How many (floor) does the shop have? -Twenty.2. There be) different kinds of clothes in the shop.3. The students in our class come from different (city).4. The playground is a good place (play) football with friends.5. -Do you have fun (swim) in the river? -Yes. I do.6. The restaurant

32、(have) good food and we all like it very much.7. I like (watch) TV very much and I often watch it after school.8. The bookshop has many (interest) books.四、翻译句子,每空一词。1. 在公交车站有很多公交车。There lots of buses at the .2. 服装店在购物中心的顶层。The clothes shops are the floor of the shopping mall.3. 我喜欢餐馆里干净的食品。 I like t

33、he food the .4. 购物中心是一个会见朋友和玩的开心的好地方。 The mall is a good place friends and fun.5. 那家书店很大很干净。 The is and clean.1. There are ten floors in the mall. (对划线部分提问) are there in the mall?2. The shopping mall is near my school. (提问) the shopping mall?3. There are some new restaurants in my town. (改为否定句)There new restaurants in my town.4. The bookshop has a lot interesting books. (改为一般疑问句) the bookshop a lot interesting book第 6 页 共 6 页

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