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1、 高三第二次调研考试作文讲评 1.一、书写潦草,卷面涂改。二、句子结构不完整,句子错误多,好词好句太少。二、审题不仔细,信息内容不完整,缺少要点。2.一、句式错误。二、单词拼写错误。四、词性使用错误三、动词形式错误五、主谓不一致六、代词使用错误七、名词单复数,可数与不可数八、标点符号与大小写3.一、句式错误1.When is comes to basketball,2.It really a challenge for me.3.What really counts that its a easy thing for me When it comes to basketball,It is r

2、eally a challenge for me.What really counts is that its an easy thing for me 4.二、单词拼写错误。1.We can have a beatiful future.2.Atitude is everything.3.I belive in myself 4.Failure is the mother of succeeded.beautiful Attitudebelievesuccess5.三、动词形式错误1.But I grateful.2.It can helps me keep fit.3.It is remi

3、nd me of a match.4.Take part in the sports meeting is necessary.5.I like play basketball.6.Im very like this sport.But I am grateful.helpTakingplayingI like this sport very much.6.四、词性错误1.When we meet difficult,2.I cant express my thankful to my teacher.3.I was pride4.To my surpriseddifficulties tha

4、nksproudsurprise7.五、主谓不一致1.Because it witness my courage2.We still decides to have a basketball game.witnesseddecide8.六、代词错误1.Let we enjoy the sports 2.Because we class dont play football3.You friend alsousourYour9.七、名词单复数,可数与不可数八、标点符号与大小写“”1.They became brave boy.2.Some of classmate hurt.The teache

5、r said:failure is the mother of success.In my opinion.I thinkboysclassmatesIn my opinion,I think10.Nothing is impossible.Nothing is important than friendship.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.Persistence leads to victory.Whatever difficulties you meet with,dont lose heart.Where there is a wil

6、l,there is a way.11.Appreciating your writing 12.太乱了13.太空了14.太潦草了15.太没谱了16.女汉子17.老师最恨的作文18.大锅,分 段呢?19.亲,别抄阅读理解行不20.老师喜欢的21.养眼的22.23.24.漂漂亮亮(21-25)有模有样(15-20)马马虎虎(10-15)稀里糊涂(5-10)一塌糊涂(0-5)阅卷老师评分标准25.While-writing:一、句子结构必须正确。单句:主语+谓语+其他成分。复合句:从句中须有主语、谓语,主句中须有主 语、谓语。二、人称、时态、主谓必须一致。三、运用一些自己熟练掌握的句型、短语、过渡

7、词。26.英语写作万能句型:1.When it comes to2.There was/is nothing ambiguous that 3.I was greatly convinced that 4.Tired/Child/Fail as 主语+谓语.,5.It is high time(for sb.)to do sth/that 主语+过去时态6.only by doing sth,can sb.do 7.As far as I am concerned,8.Just as an English saying goes,.9.It was/is 强调部分+that 其它10.we c

8、ant emphasize the importance of(doing)sth.too much.27.1.当提到运动会,我不禁想起了我去年参加的校运会。2.毫无疑问,我首先积极地报名参加1000米的长跑比赛。3.开始,我害怕我不能坚持跑完。但比赛一开始,我坚信有志者事竟成。4.虽然我是那么的累,但我一直不停地跑。5.我不停地告诫自己,是考验我意志力的时候了。6.当我最终被宣布我赢得了这次比赛的时候,我是那么的为自己感到自豪。我明白只有通过自己的努力才能体会成功的喜悦。7.就我而言,无论事情看上去多么的困难,我们都不应该放弃。8.正如一句英语俗语所说的,“冰冻三尺非一日之寒。”9.就是我的

9、信念和坚持让我取得了最后的胜利。10.最后,我们再怎么强调坚持的重要性也不为过。28.1.当提到运动,我不禁想起了我去年参加的校运会。When it comes to the sports meeting,I cant help thinking of the one that I took part in last year.2.毫无疑问,我首先积极地报名参加女子5000米的长跑比赛。There was nothing ambiguous that I was supposed to sigh up for the girls5000-meter race actively.3.开始,我害怕

10、我不能坚持跑完。但比赛一开始,我坚信有志者事竟成。At first I was so afraid that I couldnt keep on running.But when the race began,I was greatly convinced that where there is a will,there is a way.4.虽然我是那么的累,但我一直不停地跑。Tired as I was,I ran on and on.5.我不停地告诫自己,是考验我意志力的时候了。I thought to myself,“It is high time to test my will po

11、wer.”29.6.当我最终被宣布我赢得了这次比赛的时候,我是那么的为自己感到自豪。我明白只有通过自己的努力才能体会成功的喜悦。As it was announced that I was the winner,how proud I felt of what I had done.I knew that only by making our own efforts,can we experience the joy of success.7.就我而言,无论事情看上去多么的困难,我们都不应该放弃。As far as I am concerned,no matter how hard somet

12、hing seems,never give up.8.正如一句英语俗语所说的,“冰冻三尺非一日之寒。”Just as an English saying goes“Rome is not built in a day.”9.就是我的信念和坚持让我取得了最后的胜利。It was my belief and persistence that made me achieve the final glory.10.因此,我们再怎么强调坚持的重要性也不为过。Therefore,we cant emphasize the importance of keeping trying and never giv

13、ing up too much.30.Practice makes perfect.31.1.当提到校园浪费现象,我不禁想起同学们浪费的不良习惯。2.毫无疑问,每天,我们在校园浪费大量宝贵的资源。3.在餐厅,在三餐后,我们经常看到许多食物残留在桌上。我们寝室,我们通常在洗后让水留着。在教室,我们经常在离开后忘了关灯。4.就我而言,是我们该厉行节约的时候了。5.就如政府所号召的那样,厉行节约不仅是中华传统美德之一,且有助于我们节约资金和资源。6.我们可以从小做起。如:我们应吃完所买的食物。离开之前要关灯,用水之后要关龙头。7.只有这样,我们的生活才会越来越环保。8.因此,我们再怎么强调节约也不为

14、过。32.33.1.当提到校园浪费现象,我不禁想起同学们浪费的不良习惯。When it comes to the phenomena of waste,I cant help thinking of the bad habit of waste.2.毫无疑问,每天,我们在校园浪费大量宝贵的资源。There is nothing ambiguous that every day we waste a lot of valuable resources on the campus.3.在餐厅,在三餐后,我们经常看到许多食物残留在桌上。在我们寝室,我们通常在洗后让水留着。在教室,我们经常在离开后忘了

15、关灯。In the dinning hall,we often see much food left on the table after meals.In our dormitories,we usually have water running after washing hands or faces.In our classroom,we often forget to turn off lights after we leave.34.4.就我而言,是我们该厉行节约的时候了。As far as I am concerned,it is time that we practised th

16、rift.5.就如政府所号召的那样,厉行节约不仅是中华传统美德之一,而且有助于我们节约资金和资源。Just as our government calls on,not only is practising thrift one of the Chinese traditional virtues,but also it can help us save money and resources.6.我们可以从小做起。如:我们应吃完所买的食物。离开之前要关灯,用水之后要关龙头。We can start small.For example,we should eat up the food we

17、buy.We should turn off lights before leaving and switch off water taps after we use water.7.只有这样,我们的生活才会越来越环保。Only in this way will our life become greener and greener.8.因此,我们再怎么强调节约也不为过。Therefore,we cant emphasize the importance of practising thrift too much.35.36.Dear Henry,Im glad to hear from yo

18、u,but Im afraid I disagree with you.As far as Im concerned,friends play an important part/role in our daily life.When we are in trouble or feel upset,it is our friends who lend us a hand.We are willing to share our sorrows as well as our joys no matter how far away we are from each other.Please trea

19、t your friends the way you want to be treated.BesidesBesides,dont believe in those who leave you easily because“A friend in need is a friend indeed.”Best wishes.I am looking forward to your reply.Yours truly,Xiao Weidong37.Practice makes perfect!Study hard every day and improve your writing step by

20、step:加强基础词汇和基本句子结构学习 提高综合运用复合句的能力 注意句子间的过渡与衔接 仿写、背诵、熟读话题范文38.While-writing:一、句子结构必须正确。单句:主语+谓语+其他成分。复合句:从句中须有主语、谓语,主句中须有主 语、谓语。二、人称、时态、主谓必须一致。三、运用一些自己熟练掌握的句型、短语、过渡词。39.Thank you Thank you for listening!for listening!40.41.160160词42.5454词43.44.1.ed by his words,I become brave.2.I felt a sense of happiness3.What impresses me most is team spirit4.The best way to keep fit is to get plenty of exercise by playing football.5.We are supposed to take part in more outdoor activities.6.When it comes to sport,I like basketball very much.肖丹吉伟朱丽滨45.

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