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1、 人教版英语五年级下学期期末考试 等级: 一、读一读,选出不同类的单词。( )1.A. spring B. summer C. fall D. season( )2.A. fly B. swim C. north D. make( )3.A. best B. always C. usually D. often( )4.A. first B. second C. with D. ninth( )5.A. Apr. B. Mar. C. Mr. D. Sept. 二、选择填空。( ) 1. _do you eat dinner ? At 6:00. A. What B. Where C. Whe

2、n( )2. I often play_football and play_piano on Sundays. A. the , the B. The , / C. / , the ( )3. Why do you like winter? Because I can _ a long time. A. swim B. sleeping C. sleep( )4. What do you do _the weekend? A. on B.to C . in ( )5. Which _do you like best? A . season B .seasons C . a season ( )

3、6. Whats the date today? _ A. May 21th B. Monday C. October( )7. When is your birthday? _is in May. A. His birthday B. Her birthday C. My birthday( )8. Thank you_ telling me about your day. A. about B. for C. in ( ) 9.Can I speak _Chen Jie ,please ? A.to B. with C. at ( )10. A rabbit is _on the gras

4、s(草地). A. running B . run C. runing三、选择正确的单词填空。what whats why which when1. _season do you like best? Winter.2. _are you doing? I am doing my homework.3. _do you like summer? Because I can swim.4. _do you go to school? At 7;40.5. _your favourite season? Spring.四、读一读,选出划线部分发音不同的单词。( )1. A. hair B. cha

5、ir C. May( )2. A. exercise B. evening C. February ( )3. A. swim B. winter C. hiking( )4. A. uncle B. June C. July ( )5.A. sleep B.bread C. sheep 五、情景搭配( )1.Why do you like winter? A. October 18th.( )2. Whats the date ? B. Because I can skate.( )3.Can I speak to your mom,please? C. Yes, they are.( )4

6、.Whats the elephant doing? D. Its walking.( )5.Are they eating the honey? E. Sure.Hold on,please.六、连词成句1.do, you, morning, do, When, exercises( ?) 2.summer, Why, like, you, do ( ?) 3.is, your, When, birthday ( ?) 4.season , is , favourite , My , spring (.) 5.answering , the , phone , Amy , is (. ) 七

7、、读一读,选出正确的字母把单词补充完整。( )1.grandp_ _ _ts A. ear B. are C. rea( )2.exer_ _ses A. is B. ic C. ci( )3.sho_ _ing A. ap B. pp C. ep( )4.week_ _d A. en B. an C. ne( )5.sn_ _man A. ou B. oo C. ow( )6.m_ _ntain A. au B.ou C. ue( )7.fa_ _ A. ll B. ol C. nl( )8.un_ _ _ A. cle B.lec C. elc( )9.us_ _lly A. ua B.

8、us C. Ue( )10.be_ _ _se A.kau B.kal C. Cau八、写出下列动词的ing形式1.cook 2.watch 3.collect 4. Read 5.write 6.eat 7. run 8.swim 9.take 10.play 九、阅读短文,根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 My name is Amy. Im from Canada. I usually get up at 6:30, and I often go hiking on the weekend. I like spring best. Its windy and warm. And I like

9、 winter, too. Because my birthday is in December, and I can play with snow. Today my parents are going shopping. My brother is swinging in the garden. Im watching TV. Do you want to be my friend? My QQ is 408981124, and my telephone number is 6678115.( ) 1. Amy often goes hiking_. A.on Sunday B. in

10、springC. on the weekend.( ) 2. Which is Amys favourite season?A. Spring. B. Winter.C. Spring and winter.( ) 3. -Why does Amy like winter? -Because_. A. her birthday is in December B. she can play with snow C. A and B( ) 4. Is Amys brother going shopping? A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isnt. C. Yes, he is swinging in the garden.( ) 5. Whats Amys telephone number? A. 408981124 B. 6678115 C. 408981124 and 6678115五年级英语期末考试 第 4 页 共 4 页

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