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1、 七年级下册英语Unit 4单元测试卷一单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )1. I need to wear sports shoes school days.A. for B .at C .on D.in( )2. Lets go to the to have lunch.Im afraid I cant. I will eat outside.A. library B. club C.computer room D.dining hall( )3. me. I have some good things to tell you.A

2、. Talk to B. Talks to C. Listen to D. Listens to( )4. John likes and he has lots of books.A. singing B.reading C .swimming D.dancing( )5. Do you my phone number?Yes,638-2799.A. remember B. teach C.use D. speak( )6. Must I go to bed early today?-No, you .A. cant B. neednt C. mustnt D. don t( )7. Eric

3、, take photos in the libraryA. no B. not C. doesnt D. don t( )8. Boys and girls, please your favorite book and show it to us next class.A .bring B. sell C. buy D.take( )9.-Does your father have to go to work by bus?- . He can also ride a bike.A. Yes, he has B. Yes, he doesC. No, he hasnt D. No, he d

4、oesnt( )10. -I have a math test this afternoon.- .A.Thank you B.Good luck C.You, too D.Sounds good二.完形填空(10分)I work in a school library, and there are many kinds of _1_ in it, for example, books about English, science, history, music and so on. You _2_ do some reading or borrow books from it. But th

5、ere are some _3_. You must follow _4_. When you are reading in the library, you have to _5_ quiet. Dont talk loudly or make any noise. You _6_ listen to music, either. You cant take your bags or wet umbrellas into the library. _7_ or drink in the library. You can borrow books from the library, _8_ y

6、ou cant lend(借出) them to _9_. You have to take good care of(好好保管) them and return them in time. If the library books are _10_, you have to pay for them.()1.ApeopleBbooks CmagazinesDnewspapers()2.A.can Bhave toCcant Ddont()3.A.magazinesBrules CCDs Dquestions()4.A.that Bthem Cit Dthis()5.A.be Bare C/

7、Dhave()6.A.dont Bcant Chave to Dcan()7.A.Not eatingBNot eat CDont eatDCant eat()8.A.but Bif Cwhen Dwhere()9.A.others Bme Cother Dus()10.A.lose Blost Cfind Dfound三.阅读理解。(20分)AMiddle school students in America hear about twenty bells(铃声) every day. The first bell is the tardy(迟到的) bell. If the tardy b

8、ell rings(响) but students are not in their seats(座位), they know they are late. Another bell rings at the end(结尾) of each class. Everyone leaves the classroom quickly and plays for ten minutes. Then the bell rings and they go to the next class.When students have a hard class, they are often happy to

9、hear the bell ring. If the class is interesting, they do not want the bell to ring. Most students like the lunch bell best, because it is time to join their friends for lunch. They buy some food in the school dining hall or they bring their lunch from home.After a nice lunch, another bell is coming

10、soon(不久), and then another bell.()1.American students in middle school hear about _ bells every day.AtwoBtenCtwelveDtwenty()2.The students are late if they _A hear the bell ring Bare not in their seats when they hear the first bellChear the second bell in the classroomDare in their seats before the

11、first bell rings()3.The students are happy to have _Aeasy classesBhard classes Call the classes Dinteresting classes()4.Why do most students like the lunch bell best?ABecause they dont like their classes at all.BBecause they want to have another class.CBecause they can join their friends for lunch.D

12、Because they can have lots of food to eat.()5.The students usually have their lunch _Aat schoolBin the restaurant Cat homeDin their friends housesBSusan is a girl. She likes talking online(网上). One day she is walking home. She feels someone is behind her. She doesnt think too much.In the evening she

13、 doesnt tell her parents. But she tells her online friend, Jack. Jack is also a child. They talk online every Monday.The next day, Susan is in her room when her father calls her. Father is in the living room and he is unhappy. She doesnt know why. There is a man on the sofa. She doesnt know him.“Do

14、you know me, Susan?” the man asks.“No,” Susan answers.“Im your online friend, Jack. My real name is David.”Susan says, “Its not true! Jack is a boy at my age! Hes 14 and he lives far away!”The man says, “I know I tell you all that, but it is not true. I come here to tell you its dangerous(危险的) to gi

15、ve too much information to people online. You tell me a lot to make it easy for me to find you. Im a father, too. Dont do it again.”“I wont,” Susan says. “I will tell my friends, too.”()6.Susan likes _A talking to her online friend Bcalling her friendsCtalking everything with her parents Dreading()7

16、.Which is TRUE about Jack?AHe is a boy. BHe is a father.CHe tells real information to Susan. DHe is not a good man.()8.How does David find Susans address(住址)?AHe gets it from Susans talk online. BHe asks Susans teacher.CJack tells him. DSusans father tells him.()9.Where does David meet Susans father

17、?AOn the computer. BIn the school.CAt Susans home. DIn the TV station.()10.From the story, we can know _A Susan knows Jack well BSusan will not talk onlineCSusan goes to school by bus every dayDits not right to tell too much personal(个人的) information online四.情景交际。(每小题2分,共10分)根据对话内容从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中

18、有两项多余。A:Hello, Danny,!Do you know the talk show in the library at 6:00 p.m.? B :Yeah, but Im afraid I cant go.1. A: I cant either, I must go home right after school, I have too many rules .B: 2. A: Well, I cant watch TV on school days. I also have to read English for 20 minutes every day.B: Really,

19、3 A: Yes, I know, but I feel tired. Do you have any rules at home? B: Yes,4. how about going out on the weekend?A: Sounds great? 5. B:OK,see you then.A: See you.A.Thats for sure.B.What about you? C.What are the rules? D.I think they are good for you.E. I cant go out on school day.F. What do you thin

20、k of the rules?G.Lets play soccer on Saturday morning?五.词汇运用根据句意及所给汉语提示写出所缺单词.(5分)1.What a good show on TV, dad!Can I (放松)for some minutes?2.I dont like the color of your (头发).3.Can I have some (更多的) milk. 4.Dont talk, we must be (安静的)in the classroom.5. He never (打架) with his brother.六.根据句意及括号内所给单词

21、的提示填空。(5分)1.My sister (learn) English on Monday and the Friday.2.Mike (keep)all the English books because he thinks they are useful.3.Its relaxing for me (listen) to music at night.4. (remember )to buy some bananas for me, mom.5.Julie (wear) a red dress today.七.完成句子(每小题2分,共20分)根据汉语意思完成英语句子每空一词,1.我妈妈

22、对我要求很严格。 My mother me.2.我们必须准时到火车站。We must the train station .3.你爸爸通常在家清洗餐具吗?Does your father usually at home?4.我想在周末看看我北京的朋友。I want to in Beijing on the weekend.5.你能把字典带到教室来吗? you your dictionary to the classroom?八.根据括号内的要求完成下列各题。(每空一词,含缩略形式)(10分)1.You cant sleep in class.(改为祈使句) in class.2.I have

23、to practice the piano for an hour after school.(对划线部分提问) you after school?3.Can I ride to my fathers bike to school?(补全否定答语)No, .4.Jill has to take exercise every morning.(改为否定句) Jill exercise every morning.5.He can go swimming this Sunday.(改为一般疑问句) he swimming this Sunday?九.书面表达。(10分)假如你是某国际学校的学生张丽

24、,今天班会上老师强调了本班班规,请你根据提示用英语写一篇日记,将你班班规记录下来。提示:1.穿校服 2.准时到校 3.课上不能 4.其他要求:不少于60词,日记的格式已给出,不计入总词数。2.内容可适当发挥。 参 考 答 案一.1-5 CDCBA 6-10 BDADB二.15 BABBA 610 BCAAB三.15 DBDCA 610 ABACD四.1-5 BCDEG五. 1.relax 2.hair 3.more 4.quiet 5.fights六. 1.learns 2.keeps 3.to listen 4.Remember 5.wears七. 1.is very strict with 2.get to , on time 3.do the dishes 4.visit my friends 5.Can, bring八. 1.Dont sleep 2.What do, have to do 3.you cant 4.doesnt have to take 5.Can, go九. 略

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