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1、Unit 9What is your dream job?1.Where does the girl work?1.Where does the girl work?2.What is your dream job?2.What is your dream job?Look at the picture and discuss:Look at the picture and discuss:Youll be able to:1.talk about your dream job;2.describe job responsibilities.Warming up听录音,将下列词语与图片匹配。听

2、录音,将下列词语与图片匹配。Listen and match.1Key sentences:mechanicsalespersonelectrician flight attendant receptionistnurseWarming upelectrician电工电工Warming upsalesperson售货员售货员Warming upmechanic技工,机修工技工,机修工Warming upflight attendant空中服务人员空中服务人员Warming upreceptionist接待员接待员Warming upnurse护士护士 2.It takes great pati

3、ence to work as a nurse.1.My sister is a receptionist at a big hotel.我姐姐是一家大型酒店的接待员。我姐姐是一家大型酒店的接待员。护士在工作中需要极大的耐心。护士在工作中需要极大的耐心。Warming up讨论并将以下工作与其描述匹配。讨论并将以下工作与其描述匹配。Discuss and match.2excitingdifficultstressfuleasydelightfulcashierchefnursekindergarten teachertour guidesecretaryListening and Speak

4、ingpatient responsibilityaccount bookkeepingcertificaten.病病人人n.责任责任n.帐户帐户n.记账记账,薄记,薄记n.证书证书听录音,学习下列词语。听录音,学习下列词语。Listen and learn.personal qualityrequire adj.个人的个人的n.属性,特性属性,特性n.要求要求1Mike:What would you like to do after you graduate,Mary?Mary:Well,Id like to work as a secretary.Its my dream to work

5、in an office.Mike:You mean that you like regular working hours?Mary:Thats true.What about you,Mike?What is your dream job?Mike:I want to work as a salesman.Mary:A salesman?Thats interesting.Whys that?Mike:I dont like to work in an office all day.I like to meet different people.Mary:Oh,I see.Listenin

6、g and Speaking参考译文参考译文 听录音,练习谈论理想职业。听录音,练习谈论理想职业。Listen and practice.2迈克:你毕业后想做什么工作,玛丽?迈克:你毕业后想做什么工作,玛丽?玛丽:我想当秘书。在办公室工作是我的梦想。玛丽:我想当秘书。在办公室工作是我的梦想。迈克:你的意思是说你喜欢有规律的工作时间?迈克:你的意思是说你喜欢有规律的工作时间?玛丽:是的。你呢,迈克?你的理想工作是什么?玛丽:是的。你呢,迈克?你的理想工作是什么?迈克:我想做销售员。迈克:我想做销售员。玛丽:销售员?有意思,为什么呢?玛丽:销售员?有意思,为什么呢?迈克:我不喜欢整天在办公室里工作

7、。我喜欢见到各种迈克:我不喜欢整天在办公室里工作。我喜欢见到各种 各样的人。各样的人。玛丽:哦,我明白了。玛丽:哦,我明白了。it作形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式作形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式to work in an office。working此处是动名词,作此处是动名词,作hours的定语的定语。Listening and Speaking再听录音,根据提示表演对话。再听录音,根据提示表演对话。Listen again and act.kindergarten teacher:work ina kindergarten;play with kidsnurse:work in a h

8、ospital;carefor patients and help doctors3Listening and SpeakingS1:What would you like to do after you graduate,S2?S2:Well,Id like to work as a kindergarten teacher.Its my dream to work in a kindergarten.S1:You mean that you like playing with kids?S2:Thats true.What about you,S1?Whats your dream job

9、?S1:I want to work as a nurse.S2:A nurse?Thats interesting.Whys that?S1:I like to care for patients and help doctors.S2:Oh,I see.Mike:Now,tell me about your new job,Angel.What are your responsibilities?Angel:Im in the Accounting Department.I check accounts and do bookkeeping,etc.Mike:What certificat

10、es do you need for the job?Angel:First,I need an accounting certificate.I also need an English certificate because we do business with foreign companies.Mike:What personal qualities does your job require?Angel:I must be very careful and responsible in my work.Mike:What special skills do you need for

11、 the job?Angel:I need basic knowledge of both accounting and computer.Listening and Speaking参考译文参考译文听录音,练习谈论岗位职责。听录音,练习谈论岗位职责。Listen and practice.4迈克:现在,谈谈你的新工作吧,安琪。你的工作职责迈克:现在,谈谈你的新工作吧,安琪。你的工作职责 是什么?是什么?安琪:我在会计部工作,做一些查账、记账方面的工作。安琪:我在会计部工作,做一些查账、记账方面的工作。迈克:做这份工作你需要什么证书吗?迈克:做这份工作你需要什么证书吗?安琪:首先,我需要会计证

12、。因为我们和外国公司做生安琪:首先,我需要会计证。因为我们和外国公司做生 意,所以我还需要英语证书。意,所以我还需要英语证书。迈克:你的工作需要你具备什么样的个人素质呢?迈克:你的工作需要你具备什么样的个人素质呢?安琪:我在工作中必须非常细心,有责任感。安琪:我在工作中必须非常细心,有责任感。迈克:需要什么特殊技能吗?迈克:需要什么特殊技能吗?安琪:我需要会计和计算机方面的基础知识。安琪:我需要会计和计算机方面的基础知识。both and:两者都。又如:两者都。又如:Both Mary and Sally are good students.Listening and Speaking再听录音

13、,根据提示表演对话。再听录音,根据提示表演对话。Listen again and act.5S1:Now,tell me about your new job,S2.What are your responsibilities?S2:I work in the kitchen.I do the cooking and prepare food materials.S1:What certificates do you need for the job?S2:I need a cookery certificate.S1:What personal qualities does your job

14、 require?S2:I must be very responsible and hard-working in my job.S1:What special skills do you need for the job?S2:I need the knowledge of cooking basics.Listening and SpeakingReading and Writing 读下文,选出不属于下列岗位的职责。读下文,选出不属于下列岗位的职责。Read and choose.1secretaryenter information into a computerpaint room

15、srepair carssort out mailsanswer phone callsReading and Writing 读下文,选出不属于下列岗位的职责。读下文,选出不属于下列岗位的职责。Read and choose.1nursecare for sick peoplefix machinesfind out reasons for poor healthhelp doctorswork with medical equipmentReading and Writing 读下文,选出不属于下列岗位的职责。读下文,选出不属于下列岗位的职责。Read and choose.1tour g

16、uideinterpret local culturessell thingsoperate machinescheck bank accountsplan tour itinerariesReading and Writing 再读上文,选出其中还涉及再读上文,选出其中还涉及Read again and tick.2哪些岗位。哪些岗位。painterelectricianmechanicsalespersondoctorbank tellerReading and Writing 读下文,将工作能力与其描述匹配。读下文,将工作能力与其描述匹配。Read and match.31.abilit

17、y to communicate with 2.people2.ability to discover new ways of thinking and doing things3.ability to use the computer4.ability to work in a team5.ability to arrange time,deal with people and do things in a balanced wayorganisational skillscommunication skillscomputer skillsteamwork skillscreative s

18、kills51342 Read again and fill.再读上文,列出以下工作岗位再读上文,列出以下工作岗位Reading and Writing 4最需要的能力。最需要的能力。Read and learn.读下文,了解下列人员的不同观点。读下文,了解下列人员的不同观点。Reading and Writing Certificates are necessary for us to get jobs.With a certificate we can find jobs more easily than those without certificates.Therefore,we sh

19、ould try to get as many certificates as we can.为找到好工作,证书是非常必要的。与那些没为找到好工作,证书是非常必要的。与那些没有证书的应聘者相比,有证书可以让我们更容易得有证书的应聘者相比,有证书可以让我们更容易得找到工作。因此,我们应当尽可能多得获取证书。找到工作。因此,我们应当尽可能多得获取证书。5Reading and Writing Certificates alone are not enough for us to get jobs.It is true that we can get jobs with the help of ce

20、rtificates.However,we may lose the job if we fail to do it well.对对我我们们来来说说,要要想想找找到到工工作作只只拥拥有有证证书书是是不不够够的的。确确实实,证证书书可可以以帮帮助助我我们们找找到到工工作作。然然而而,如如果果我我们们不能胜任自己的工作,也可能会失去它。不能胜任自己的工作,也可能会失去它。该句包含一个该句包含一个ifif引导的条件状语从句,引导的条件状语从句,fail to do sth.:未能做:未能做。例如:例如:He failed to pass the exam.Reading and Writing Ab

21、ility is more important than anything else.At school,we should try to acquire more knowledge.We should also do some skills training outside of school.能能力力比比其其他他任任何何事事情情都都重重要要。在在学学校校,我我们们应应当当努努力力掌掌握握更更多多知知识识。在在校校外,我们应当多参与一些技能培训活动。外,我们应当多参与一些技能培训活动。Reading and Writing Think and discuss.讨论,证书和能力哪个更重要。讨

22、论,证书和能力哪个更重要。6More ActivitiesFill and compare.填写下表,比较你和同学在填写下表,比较你和同学在1职业选择上的异同。职业选择上的异同。More ActivitiesMake a report.根据比较结果进行汇报。根据比较结果进行汇报。2For example:My partner wants to get an exciting job.He likes to work with people in an office.He hopes to wear a suit at his jobAround the World参考译文参考译文 Dog wa

23、lking,as a profession,originated in the US.Some may think that its a perfect job,because dog walkers wont be imprisoned in an office.But its actually manual labour.At their busiest,dog walkers may have more than ten dogs to take care of in a day.Dog walker遛狗师遛狗师 遛狗,作为一种职业,起源于美国。有些人可能会遛狗,作为一种职业,起源于美国

24、。有些人可能会认为这是一份非常棒的工作,因为遛狗师不必被束缚在认为这是一份非常棒的工作,因为遛狗师不必被束缚在办公室里。但实际上,这是一份很需要体力的工作。在办公室里。但实际上,这是一份很需要体力的工作。在最忙的时候,遛狗师一天可能要照看十几只狗。最忙的时候,遛狗师一天可能要照看十几只狗。A hotel test sleeper,as the name suggests,has to write expert reviews about the facilities,locations,prices,dining and other services of hotels,in order to

25、 provide evaluations and guides to travellers.Hotel test sleepers dont need to punch in for work and they get about ten thousand yuan as income every month.What a comfortable job!Around the World参考译文参考译文Hotel test sleeper酒店试睡员酒店试睡员 正正如如试试睡睡员员这这个个名名字字暗暗示示的的那那样样,为为了了给给旅旅行行者者提提供供评评估估和和指指南南,酒酒店店试试睡睡员员要要

26、对对宾宾馆馆的的设设施施、地地理理位位置置、价价格格、餐餐饮饮和和其其他他服服务务做做出出专专业业的的报报告告。试试睡睡员员不不需需要要打打卡卡上上班班,而而且且每每个个月月还还有有大大约约1 1万万元元的的收收入入。这是一份多么舒服的工作呀!。这是一份多么舒服的工作呀!In ancient times,a food taster was a person who tasted foods(or drinks)to be served to someone else,to confirm that it was safe to eat.But now,those working as food

27、 tasters just get to taste various new foods and drinks aimed at specific regions across the world.They then give their opinions on these products to the companies and suggest improvements.Around the World参考译文参考译文Food taster试吃员试吃员 在古代,试吃员指的是为他人品尝食物或饮品,以在古代,试吃员指的是为他人品尝食物或饮品,以确保其安全可食用的人。但是现在,试吃员到世界各地确

28、保其安全可食用的人。但是现在,试吃员到世界各地有特色的地方品尝各种各样的新食品和新饮品,随后他有特色的地方品尝各种各样的新食品和新饮品,随后他们向公司上报对这些产品做出的评价和改善性建议。们向公司上报对这些产品做出的评价和改善性建议。Fun Time Proverbs1catch/t t/The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟儿有虫吃。早起的鸟儿有虫吃。Jack/dd/All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.只工作,不玩耍,聪明孩子也只工作,不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。变傻。shall/He that will not

29、 work shall not eat.不劳动者不得食。不劳动者不得食。pleasure/Business before pleasure.事业在先,享乐在后。事业在先,享乐在后。Fun Time A Joke Tom:Hi,Madam.Do you have any odd jobs I can do?Mrs Black:Paint my porch,please.Tom:OK,Madam,Ive done the painting.But I have to tell you that its not a Porsche,its a Lamborghini.参考译文参考译文2 汤姆:夫人,

30、您有什么零活让我帮您做吗?汤姆:夫人,您有什么零活让我帮您做吗?布莱克夫人:请帮我刷一下门廊。布莱克夫人:请帮我刷一下门廊。汤姆:好的,夫人。我以前刷过油漆。但是汤姆:好的,夫人。我以前刷过油漆。但是 我不得不告诉您,那个不是保时捷,我不得不告诉您,那个不是保时捷,是兰博基尼。是兰博基尼。笑话 My Progress CheckI can talk about my dream jobs and job responsibilities with:I can talk about my dream jobs and job responsibilities with:patient responsibility certificate quality require hard-workingpaint interpret medical equipment operate sort outWhat would you like to do after you graduate,Mary?Its my dream to work in an office.What are your responsibilities?I must be very careful and responsible in my work.Great!I want to learn more!

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