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1、高中英语易错考点归纳清单基数词1. 十三 2. 十五 3. 十八 4. 二十 5. 三十 6. 四十 7. 五十 8. 九十 答案:1.thirteen 2. fifteen 3. eighteen 4. twenty 5. thirty 6.forty 7. fifty 8. Ninety序数词1. 第四 2. 第五 3. 第八 4.第九 5.第十二 6. 第十三 7. 第十五 8. 第十九 9. 第二十 10. 第三十 11. 第四十 12. 第五十 13. 第九十 14. 第一百答案:1.fourth 2. fifth 3. eighth 4. ninth 5.twelfth 6. th

2、irteenth 7.fifteenth 8. nineteenth 9. twentieth 10. thirtieth 11. fortieth 12. fiftieth 13. ninetieth 14. one hundredth星期1. 星期一 2.星期二 3.星期三 4.星期四 5.星期五 6.星期六 7.星期日 答案:1.Monday 2.Tuesday 3.Wednesday 4.Thursday 5.Friday 6.Saturday 7.Sunday月份1.一月 2. 二月 3. 三月 4. 四月 5. 五月 6.六月 7.七月 8. 八月 9.九月 10. 十月 11.

3、十一月 12. 十二月 答案:1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June 7. July 8. August 9. September 10. October 11.November 12. December常见不规则名词的复数形式1.man 2.woman 3.goose 4.foot 5.tooth 6.child 7.fish 8.deer 9.sheep 10.mouse答案:1. men 2. women 3. geese 4.feet 5.teeth 6.children 7.fish 8.deer 9.sheep

4、 10.mice常用的介词1. _ a cold winter night2. _ones own hand3. _ a high price4. _ ones own=by oneself5. _ ones arrival6. _ this way7. _ a book under his arm8. show respect _ sb9. _ these words10. _ this news11. buy sth _ sb12. bring sth _sb13. write sth _ a pen14. speak _ a low voice15. cant open the door

5、 _ knowing the password16. _ low spirits17. drive _ a high speed18. wait _ a while19. _ the Internet20. have an effect _sth21. _ Monday22. _ December23. _ 5:45答案:1.on 2. in 3. at 4. on 5. on 6. in 7. with 8. for 9. with (说完这些话) 10.at (听到这个消息) 11. for 12. with (带上某物) 13. with 14. in 15. without 16. i

6、n 17. at 18. for 19. on 20. on 21. on 22. in 23. at易错的动词-ing形式1.live 2.stop 3.study 4.teach 5.write 6.lie 7. lay 8. die 9.carry答案:1.living 2. stopping 3. studying 4. teaching 5.writing 6.lying 7.laying 8.dying 9.carrying常考不规则动词的过去式和过去分词1. put 2.set 3.read 4.go 5.take e 7.make 8.get 9.bring 10.keep11

7、.hold 12.buy 13.think 14.teach 15.sell 16.catch 17.sit 18.spend 19.build 20.find21.hear 22.tell 23.feel 24.break 25.know 26.grow 27.see 28.drive 29.draw 30.give31.fall 32.write 33.ride 34.forbid 35.lie 36. lay 37.bear 38.begin答案:1. put-put-put2. set-set-set3. read-read-read4. go-went-gone5. take-too

8、k-taken6. come-came-come7. make-made-made8. get-got-got9. bring-brought-brought10. keep-kept-kept11. hold-held-held12. buy-bought-bought13. think-thought-thought14. teach-taught-taught15. sell-sold-sold16. catch-caught-caught17. sit-sat-sat18. spend-spent-spent19. build-built-built20. find-found-fou

9、nd21. hear-heard-heard22. tell-told-told23. feel-felt-felt24. break-broke-broken25. know-knew-known26. grow-grew-grown27. see-saw-seen28. drive-drove-driven29. draw-drew-drawn30. give-gave-given31. fall-fell-fallen32. write-wrote-written33. ride-rode-ridden34. forbit-forbade-forbidden35. lie(躺)-lay-

10、lain36. lay-laid-laid37. bear-bore-born38. begin-began-begun不规则形副词比较级和最高级1.good/well 2. bad/ill 3. many/much 4.little 5. old 6. far答案:1.good/well-better-best 2.bad/ill-worse-worst 3.many/much-more-most4.little-less-least5.old-older/elder-oldest/eldest6.far-farther/further-farthest/furthest常见形容词的副词形式

11、1.happy 2.simple 3.whole 4.true 5.automatic 6.hurry 7.expect 8.increase 9.surprise 10. rude 11.wide 12. true 13.safe 14. gentle 15. probable/possible 16. simple 17. terrible答案:1.happily 2.simply 3.wholly 4.truly 5.automatically 6.hurriedly 7.unexpectedly 8.increasingly 9.surprisingly 10. rudely 11.

12、widely 12.ruly 13.safely 14.gently 15.probably/possibly 16.simply 17.terribly形副同形:1.go to school early/late 2.work hard 3.get close to sb 4.climb high 5.go far 6.run fast代词变化表特殊的词性转换1. choose _n.2. brave _n.3. advise _n.4. important _n.5. success _adj./v.6. fail _n.7. laugh _n.8. fortune _adv./n. (否

13、)9. fly _n.10. like _vt.(否)/adj.11. behave _n.12. compare _n.13. die _n./adj.14. emphasize _n.15. analyze _n.16. describe _n.17. act _adj./n.18. anger/hunger _adj.19. discover _n.20. difficult _n.21. mistake _adj.22. lose _n.23. introduce _n.24. apologize _n.25. anxiety _adj.26. safe/cruel adj.n._27

14、. wise/free adj.n._28. short/marry adj./v.n._29. strong/long/grow/wide/dead adj./v.n._30. argue vt.n._31. real/similar/popular adj.n._32. assist/participate/apply v.n._33. determine/admire/explain vtn._34. admit/permit v.n._答案:1.choice 2. bravery 3.advice 4.importance 5.successful/succeed 6.failure

15、7. laughter 8.fortunately/misfortune 9.flight 10.dislike/likely 11.behavior parison 13.death /dead 14.emphasis 15.analysis 16.description 17.active/action 18.angry/hungry 19.discovery 20.difficulty 21.mistaken 22.loss 23.introduction 24.apology 25.anxious 26.safety/cruelty 27.wisdom /freedom 28.shor

16、tage /marriage 29.strength/length/growth/width/death 30.argument 31.reality /similarity /popularity 32.assistant/participant /applicant 33.determination /admiration /explanation 34.admission /permission13常用的否定前缀词1.agree 2.cover 3.convenient 4.patient 5.use/mean/end/taste/hope 6. possible 7.correct 8

17、.advantage 9.legal 10.polite 11.lead 12.understand答案:1.disagree 2.uncover 3.inconvenient4.impatient 5.useless/meaningless/endless/tasteless/hopeless 6.impossible 7.incorrect 8.disadvantage 9.illegal 10.impolite 11.mislead 12.misunderstand14语法易拼错单词1.是否 2.尽管 3.直到 4.除非 5.因此 6.那时 7.比 8.在这 9.在上周三10.一项活动

18、11.帮助他人 12.在网上答案:1.whether 2.though 3.until 4.unless 5.therefore 6.then 7.than 8.here 9.last Wednesday10.an activity 11.help others 12.on the Internet15写作易拼错单词1. 影响 vt. _效果 n. _努力 n._2. 想 (过去式) vt._尽管conj._通过 prep._3. 测试 n./v_文本课本 n._4. 机会 n._改变零钱 n./vt._5. 奖 n._价格 n._6. 东西 n._想 v._7. 三个人_8. 经历 v./n

19、._实验 n._9. 成功 v._n._adj._10. 健康 n._adj._11. 诚实 n._adj._12. 重要n._adj._13. 病人n._耐心 n._14. 财富n._富有的 adj._15. 吸引v._袭击 v._16. 努力adv._几不 adv._17. 影响vt. /n._adj._(infl)18. 相信 vt._信念 n._19. 意识到 vt._认出 vt._20. 出版 vt._vi._惩罚 vt._21. 提醒 vt._维持 v._22. 建议 vt._n._23. 信息 n._新闻 n._24. 在某方面取得进步_25. 为做好准备_26.采取有效的措施做

20、某事_27.如下。_答案:1. affect/effect/effort2. thought/though/through3. test/text4. chance/change5. prize/price6. thing/think7. three people/three persons8. experience/experiment9. succeed/success/successful10. health/healthy11. honesty/honest12. importance/important13. patient/patience14. wealth/wealthy15.

21、 attract/attack16. study hard/hardly17. influence/influential18. believe/belief19. realize/recognize20. publish/come out/punish21. remind sb of sth/remain to be seen22. advise/suggest/advice/suggestions23. information/news24. make progress in.25. make good preparations for 26. take effective measure

22、s to do sth27. be as follows.16常见的中国式英语(改错)1. I often use my mobile phone to listen music.2. We usually wait bus together.3. All predictions dont come true.4. When you are convenient, please give me a call.5. In the past 20 years our school has taken place great changes.6. Tangshan happened aterribl

23、e earth quake in 1976.7. There are five students are sleeping in the classroom.8. This book is belong to mine.9. Im very easy to find your house.10. Yesterday I went to home very early.11. How many population doesChinahave?12. On the distant mountain was a sign, which wrote, ”No entry without being

24、invited.”13. I think you are necessary to go to Beijing by yourself.14. The writer through his own experience to tell us a fact, ”Parents love is unconditional.”15. Sometimes QQ can instead of telephone to chat with friends.答案:1. listen 后加to 2. wait后加 for3.(本句式是部分否定)4. When it is convenient for you,

25、5. Great changes have taken place in our school in the past 20 years.6. Aterrible earth quake happened in Tangshan in 1976.7. 第二个are去掉8. This book belongs to me.9. Its very easy for me to find your house.10. to 去掉11. What is the population in China?12. which read/said13. I think it is necessary for you to go to Beijing by yourself.14. The writer tells us a fact through his own experience15. instead of 改为 replace/take the place of

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