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2、分词(v-ed)+(by+动作执行者)现在完成时的被动语态:have/has+动词的过去分词(v-ed)+(by+动作执行者)一般将来时的被动语态:be going to/ will +动词的过去分词(v-ed)+(by+动作执行者)含有情态动词的被动语态:can/could/should/must+动词的过去分词(v-ed)+(by+动作执行者)3、感官动词或使役动词使用省略to的不定式,主动语态中不带to,但变为被动语态时,须加上toFeel,hear,listento,let,have,make,see,watchobserve,notice,lookat,help例:makesbdos

3、th=sb+be+made+todosth4、被动语态常考的固定搭配:BemadeofBemadefrom BemadeinBeusedforBeusedtodo注意下列短语和动词有“被动形式”,但没有被动的意思:beusedtodoing(习惯于做事)Usedtodosth(过去/曾经做某事)Bemadeupof(由成)Bewell-knownfor(众所周知)5、无被动语态的不及物动词常考的有:happen,takeplace,begin,start,end,belongto,cometrue.7、主动表被动的动词:sell,wash,write,和五个起来:feel,smell,look

4、,taste,sounde.g.:Thepenwriteswell. Helooksstrong.例题一:1.George11 that Grandma used to be a gentle lady, (2019年真题)A. tell B. told C. was told D. has told2.When it was time for the villagers_8_to market, they were greatly surprised to find that the mans potatoes_9_perfectly into three groups.(2019年真题)

5、9.A. are divided B. were divided C. are dividing D. Divided3. they were greatly surprised to find that the mans potatoes were_9_perfectly into three groups.(2019年真题) 9.A. divideB divided C. are dividing D. divides例题二:在中国人民的帮助下,肯尼亚在几个月前建成了一条新的现代化铁路。With the help of the Chinese 60.people, a new and mo

6、dern railway in Kenya _ _ several months ago.(2019年真题)was built61.这项工程很快就会完成。The project _ _ _ soon.(2019年真题)will; be; finished/completed(考查一般将来时的被动语态)72. 根据奶奶的建议,这汤应该煮上两个小时以上。The soup_ _ _ for more than two hours according to Grandma.(2019年真题)should be cooked(考查情态动词的被动语态)74. 为了进一步美化校园,下个月会在学校种很多树。N

7、ext month many trees _ _ _ in our school to make it more beautiful.will be planted必考语法点之二:宾语从句考查形式:语选、完成句子考察难度:考察全面,考查必须掌握引导词、时态和语序这三个要素。要点归纳:一、含义:用一个句子来充当另一个句子的宾语成分,把整个句子叫做宾语从句。二、三要素:1、陈述语序2、时态:主句为一般现在时,从句时态用相应的任何时候(根据从句句意确定) 主句为一般过去时,从句用相应的任何过去时态(根据从句句意确定) 从句是表示客观事实,从句一律用一般现在时3、连接词:that,whether(or

8、 not),if,what,who,which,whose,when,whereect.注意:that引导宾语从句不充当任何成分,只起连接作用4、宾语从句的简化:但主句的主语和从句的主语为同一人时,从句可以简化为疑问词+不定式。例题一: Now you heard3 your mother said, George.(207年真题)3. A. that B. what C. where D. whichshe didnt know how _31 it, she decided to have a try. She played and played, the whole day throug

9、h, for months and years. The music she produced was never perfect, _32each time it sounded a little better.(2019年真题)A. played B. to play C. playing D. to playing例题二:62.我不明白为什么他们在这个时候踢足球。I cant understand _ _ _ _ football at this moment.(2019年真题)【解析】why they are playing(宾语从句,陈述语序,at this moment现在进行时)

10、我不知道他是否能准时到校。I wonder _ _ _ _ to school on time.(2019年真题)【解析】whether/if; he; can; get (宾语从句,陈述语序,主句一般现在时)例题三:75. 我们计划去北京,但还没决定何时去。We are planning to go to Beijing, but we havent decided _ _ _.【解析】考查宾语从句简单句when to do的形式。必考语法点之三:定语从句考查形式:语选、完型考察难度:主要考查引导词的选择关系代词that,which,who以及关系副词where,when。要点归纳:一、含义

11、:用一个句子来修饰另一个句子的名词或代词二、先行词及关系词1、that:人或物,人+物2、which:物3、who:人4、when&where:地点、时间记忆诀窍:从句完整则用when/where,不完整则用which、that,选项同时which&that,则一定不选which/that注意:that引导的定语从句,在从句中充当宾语可以省略 that不引导非限制定语从句(逗号隔开的定语从句叫做非限制定语从句)例题一:Georges grandma was a woman9 was always complaining about something or other.(2019年真题) A.

12、 who B. which C. where D. whenOne year, there was a young man_4_received his share of the potatoes. (2019年真题)4. A. who B. which C. what D. WhoseOne year, there was a young man, _received his share of the potatoes.A.thatB. which C. who D. WhoseBut humans have created things like plastic bags _28_ can

13、t be broken down by nature. 28. A. who B. which C. how D. where【解析】:定语从句之关系代词。先行词为 plastic bags 在定语从句中做主语,故选关系代词that。你在网上买的书,三天之后会送到你家。Youll receive the book which you ordered on the Internet after three days.必考语法点之四:状语从句考查形式:语选、完形、,完成句子,重点考查条件状语从句、目的壮语从句、时间状语从句、原因状语从句、结果状语从句,时间状语从句往往结合过去进行时考查,主长从短:

14、Iwassleepingwhenyoucamein.主短从长:WhenhewaswatchingTV,Iranin.完形填空出现一般都是选择正确的引导词。考查难度:考察较多的是引导词方面的,对于时态方面的考查较少。考生复习时除了要掌握状语从句各个连词的意义,同时也需要掌握“主将从现”“主祈从现”“主情从现”的时态要求。要点归纳1、时间状语从句:when&while的运用注:while有“然而”的意思,表转折2、 as soon as 一就3、 notuntil4、if&unless 5、so that 6、so that 7、because 例题一:His father was a farme

15、r, and4 farm they lived on was miles away from anywhere,5 there were never any children to play (2019年真题)A. but B. if C. or D. so1.The king took it to the palace, but _27he played it, the harp sounded terrible.(2019年真题)27. A. A.when B. before C. if D. because2.The offer was so simple _31_ Eileen tho

16、ught she had heard wrong. But Patty repeated she was willing to help, and their journey to the operating table began.(2019年真题)A.as B. which C. that D. until3. _30_ we continue making too much rubbish, the problem will only get worse. If nature cant reuse the rubbish, 30. A. When B. Whether C. Why D.

17、 If 例题二:昨晩我直到爸妈回家才睡觉。Last night I_ _ to bed_ my parents got home.答案:didnt go until必考语法点之五:感叹句考查形式:语选、完成句子考查难度:考查较简单,基本属于送分题。考生须掌握how和what引导的感叹句的基本句型,并且熟悉一些常用形容词和副词的拼写。要点归纳:1、what+a/an+adj.+单数名词(+主语+谓语)!2、What+adj.+复数名词(+主语+谓语)!3、What+adj.+不可数名词(+主语+谓语)!常考的几个不可数名词:food,news,weather,fun,music,work,inf

18、ormation,advice,suggestion。注意:what引导的感叹句,主语+谓语可以省略。4、What+adj.+a/an+单数名词(+主语+谓语)!5、How+adj./adv.+主语+谓语!6、How+句子!口诀:主谓排除,形后有名用what,形后无名用how例题一:59.小梅多么忙碌!她总是第一个来最后一个走。_ _ Xiao Mei is! She is always the first to come and the last to leave.(2019年真题)How busy63.这本书真有用啊!我看了很多遍。_ _ _ book it is! I have read

19、 it many times.(2019年真题)What; a; useful(考查考点:感叹句。中间不定冠词a易错填为an)74. 这部电影真乏味啊!我都快睡着了。 _ _ _ movie it was! I almost fell asleep.(2019年真题)What;a; boring73. 你们自己算出了这道数学题。多么聪明的孩子啊!Youve worked out the maths problem yourselves. _ _children you are!(2019年真题)What clever常考语法点之一:动词考查形式:时态、情态动词、动词短语、分词做形容词、非谓语动

20、词考查难度“动词是词法的核心,考查范围较大,难度较大一、时态要点归纳考点一:主将从现(在状语从句已经提到)考点二:现在完成时4大用法:结果,延续,经历,移位时间标志:for + 时间段、since+ 时间点/一般过去时的句子、already、yet、every、never、“How long?”、含有“time”表示次数的句子中要点归纳:区分: have been to + 地点 曾经去过某地 have gone to + 地点 已经到某地去了 have been in + 地点+ for + 时间段 瞬间动词与延续性动词间的转换: die be dead buyhave borrowkeep

21、 leave/gobe away(from) make friendsbe friends begin/startbe on arrive/get to/reach/comebe in/be at/stay join (the Party)be a (Party) member /be in (the Party)核心句型:(现完)+since+(一般过去式)考点三:过去进行时(在时间状语从句中考查)考点四:一般现在时(客观真理)、一般过去时(在宾语从句中考查)例题一: George13 into the kitchen and made Grandma a cup of tea with a

22、 teabag(2019年真题) A. goes B. went C. will go D. has gone Grandma2 in the chair by the window when she opened one little eye and said,.(2019年真题)A. sleep B. sleeps C. is sleeping D. was sleepingAs the other villagers_5_, he walked around the village laughing (2019年真题)5. A. work B. was working C. were w

23、orking D. works本题考查过去进行时,本句话翻译为:“当其他的村民正在忙作时,.”。例题二:One day, a magic man _26 the king a harp(竖琴).(2019年真题)26. A. offer B. offers C. offered D. has offered例题三: “Can I give you one of mine?” _30_ the immediate reply.The offer was so simple(2019年真题)A. came B. comes C. come D. Coming二、情态动词归纳情态动词有:must,

24、have to, had better, can, could, be able to, may, might, need, will, would, shall, should + 动词原形考点一:must can 表示推测的运用must:必须/一定 can:可能/能够/可以考点二:mustnt的运用,意思是“一定不能/禁止”考点三:情态动词一般疑问句的回答Must ? Yes, S + must. No, S +needntNeed.? Yes, S + may No, S + musnt例题一:We12 be nice to the old, George, His mother alw

25、ays told him.(2019年真题)12. A. should B. would C. might D. canThe rough roads we travel along can also_15_us.(2019年真题)15. A. to help B. help C. helps D. helped三、非谓语动词归纳:和介词一样非常灵活,在句法中,不作谓语,所有句子成分都可充当。只考查动词不定式、动名词作宾语 To + do ( 否定式not + to + do):1.可以表示目的。2.表示将来要去执行的动作。1、只能接to +do的动词有:decide, agree, hope

26、, want, ask,refuse, plan, need, wish +to do2、有些动词加 to do 做宾语补足语,常见的有:Ask, tell, want, teach + sb. +to do +sth.3、加 to + do 的重点句型有:(1)It takes sb. Some time/money to do sth. 做某事花费某人多少时间、金钱(2)It is + adj. + for/of sb. to do sth. 做某事怎样(3)Would you like to.?4、后接省略to的动词不定式的动词有 一感(feel)二听(hear, listen to)三

27、让(have, make, let)五看(watch, ,see, look at, notice, observe),半个帮助(help可以带to,也可以省略)改为被动语态时,to要还原例如:This little boy is made to clean his bedroom every week.5、省略to的情况有(1)情态动词后(2)Why not/why dont you(3)Would ratherthan例句:(一)And dont forget1 good care of Grandma. Then out she went.(2019年真题) A. take B. tak

28、ing C. to take D. takes(二)She spent all day10 on her chair by the window.(2019年真题)A. sitting B. sits C. sit D. sat(三)put her life in danger _27_ her best friend.(2019年真题) A. save B. saved C. saves D. to save(四)When it was time for the villagers_8_to market, they were greatly surprised to find that (

29、2019年真题)8. A. go B. going C. to go D. went(五)But it takes an average of 25 years for a new tree _35_.(2019年真题)A. grows B. for growing C. growing D. to growDoing (否定式not doing)1、加doing作非谓语动词常考的有:enjoy,mind,suggest,miss,admit,deny,imagine,practice+doing sth.2、加doing的情况有:(1)介词后+doing 例如:give up doing s

30、th., be interested in doing sth.等(2)Feel lilke + doing (喜欢做某事)/prefer doing sth. to doing sth.(更喜欢.)(3)To作介词时的几个常用短语:look forward to/be used to/pay attention to + doing3、既可加to do 也可加doing,并意思相近的动词有:begin, start, like, love, hate4、既可加to do 也可加doing,但意思不同的动词有:Forget to do 忘记去做某事(事情还没有做)Forget doing 忘记

31、做过某事(事情已经做了,但是忘了)Remember to do 记得去做某事(事情还没有做)Remember doing 记得做过某事(事情已经做了)Regret to do (对将要做的事)遗憾Regret doing (对已经做过的事)遗憾Stop to do 停下来去做某事(去另外一件事情)Stop doing 停止做某事(停止正在做的事情)归纳记忆:stopfrom + doing = prevent from doing Try to do 尽力做某事 (区分:manage to do 设法做某事) Try doing 尝试去做某事 Keep/go on to do 继续去做某事(停

32、止原来做的事情而继续另一件事情) Keep/go on doing 继续做同一件事情 Mean to do = plan to do 打算/计划去做某事 Mean doing 意味着做某事重点区分下列搭配:See / watch sb. do sth. 看到、看着某人做某事(已做了)See / watch sb. doing sth. 看到、看着某人正在做某事(在做)Hear / notice sb. do sth. 听到/注意到某人做某事(已做了)Hear / notice sb. doing sth. 听到/注意到某人正在做某事(在做)关注:have sth. done/ get sth.

33、 done need doing / want doing四、动词短语近年广州中考高频动词短语归纳动词和动词短语在广州市中考里面主要是考察词义辨析,是历年中考的必考内容。1.speak (语言) say (说的内容) talk(谈论)tell (告诉)2. bring(带来) take (带走) carry(搬/携带/抗)3.borrow (向借)lend (借给) keep (保持) return = give back(归还)4. look after(照顾) look at(看一看) look for(寻找) look out (小心) look up (查找字典)look down u

34、pon(瞧不起 look around (环顾四周) look forward to (doing) sth.(期盼)5. hear of = hear about(听说) hear from (收到来信)6.put on (强调穿的动作) wear = be in(强调穿的状态) dress sb/oneself (给某人穿衣)7. spend:sb+doing sth/on sth pay :sb+for sth cost:sth take:it to do collect (收集) afford (负担的起)8. find (强调寻找的结果) find out (查明真相) look f

35、or(强调寻找的结果)9. 到达:get to+地点 reach +地点 arrive at/in+地点 注意:home、here、there后面不能加介词10. 与take有关的短语 take away (带走) take part in (参加) take care of(照顾) take place(发生) take off(起飞/脱下)13. 与put有关的短语 put on(穿上) put off(推迟) put away(收起来) put up(张贴)14.与get有关的短语 get on (上车) get off (脱下) get to(到达) get on ( well) wi

36、th (相处融洽)14.与cut相关的短语cut down (砍到) cut off(切断)15:be filled with/ be full of (填满、装满、充满)16:in the middle of (在中间)17:keep in touch with(与保持联系)18:grow up(长大)19:throw away(扔掉)20:give up(2019年真题)五、分词作形容词考查形式:完形填空考查难度:一般,只要会判断是该考点,就能做对。要点归纳: exciting & excited interesting & interested surprising & surprise

37、d boring & bored注意:“ing”形容物 “ed”形容人常考语法点之二:代词考查形式:语选,完形填空,完成句子考察难度:偏难,熟悉常用代词有帮助。1、another/other/the other/others/the othersanother “众多中的另外一个”; the other“两个中的另外一个”。对应的搭配为“one. another/one.the other一个.另一个other“其他的”,后面+名词复; the other后面 +名词others“其他的人/事物”;=other +名词any other+名单数2、a few / few / a little

38、/ littleA few / few+ 可数名词;a little / little + 不可数名词。Few 和 little具有否定意义,表示“量少、几乎没有”;a few 和 a little具有肯定意义,表示量“虽少,一些,一点点”。3.反身代词的搭配By oneself 靠某人自己 help yourself. 请随便吃点. lose oneself 迷路Enjoy oneself 玩得开心 teacher oneself自学 = learn sth. by oneself例题:(一)He put one spoon of sugar and14 milk in it. (2019年

39、真题)A. many B. any C. few D. some(二)and they worried that this man would never get_7_potatoes ready (2019年真题)A. he B. him C. himself D. his(三)Many _28 people tried it. 28. A. another B. other C. others D. the other常考语法点之三:数词考查形式:语选、单词拼写考查难度:一般(1)常考不规则序数词:first, second, third, fourth, fifith, eighth,

40、nith, twelfth, twentieth.(遇到整十的把y改为ie+th)(2)hundred,thoudand,million,billion与of连用,加s,表示概数。前面有具体数字时,不加s。(3)“数词+名词(+形容词)”的结构,中间的名词不加s。例如:10-minute walk=10minutes walks(4)分数的表达 3/5 three fifths(5)年代的表达(6)“在多少岁”的表达 at the age of +年龄(7)“a + 序数词”表示(8) a number of+名词复数+谓语动词用原形(强调单个的个体)(9)the number of+名词复数

41、+谓语动词用三单(强调总体)Eg:1.he thanked other scientistA. hundred of B. hundres ofC. hundred D.hundreds2.he thanked a other scientistA.hundred of B. hundres ofC. hundred D.hundreds3.1.he thanked of other scientistB. hundred of B. hundres ofC. hundred D.hundredsHe was tired of staring at6 pigs, hens, cows and she

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