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1、导师协议书范本五篇导师协议书范本一:中文:尊敬的导师:我是来自xx学校的xxx,非常荣幸有机会得到您的指导,在未来的学习和研究中将不胜感激地倚赖您的支持与帮助。下面是我们双方达成的导师协议书,希望我们在学术道路上携手前行,共同奋斗。第一部分:导师责任1. 指导学生完成学术项目,并提供必要的指导和支持;2. 为学生提供学术研究方向的指导和建议;3. 按时回复学生的疑问并解决问题;4. 协助学生提高学术能力和研究水平;5. 督促学生按时完成学术任务。第二部分:学生责任1. 遵守学术规范,诚信地完成学术任务;2. 按时向导师汇报进展情况;3. 听取导师指导并认真学习,努力提高学术水平;4. 尊重导师

2、的意见和建议;5. 完成学术任务并取得预期的研究成果。双方同意遵守以上责任,诚信合作,共同努力推动学术发展。衷心希望我们的合作能够顺利进行,共同取得更大的成就。导师签名: 学生签名:英文:Dear Mentor,I am xxx from xx University. It is a great honor to have the opportunity to receive your guidance. I will be deeply grateful for your support and help in my future studies and research. Below is

3、 the mentor agreement we have reached. I hope we can work together and make progress on the academic path.Part One: Mentor Responsibilities1. Guide students to complete academic projects and provide necessary guidance and support;2. Provide students with guidance and advice on academic research dire

4、ctions;3. Reply to students inquiries in a timely manner and solve problems;4. Help students improve academic abilities and research levels;5. Supervise students to complete academic tasks on time.Part Two: Student Responsibilities1. Adhere to academic norms and complete academic tasks with integrit

5、y;2. Report progress to the mentor on time;3. Listen to the mentors guidance and study diligently to improve academic levels;4. Respect the mentors opinions and suggestions;5. Complete academic tasks and achieve expected research results.We both agree to uphold the above responsibilities, cooperate

6、in good faith, and work together to promote academic development. I sincerely hope that our collaboration can proceed smoothly and achieve greater success.Mentors Signature: Students Signature:导师协议书范本二:中文:尊敬的导师:您好!我是xxx,珍惜与您合作的机会,诚挚地邀请您成为我的导师,指引我在学术之路上前行。下面是我们共同起草的导师协议书,希望我们能携手合作,共同努力,追求学术的进步。第一部分:导

7、师责任1. 指导学生制定学习和研究计划,并提供必要的支持;2. 鼓励学生探索研究领域,提供合适的学术资料和文献;3. 帮助学生解决学术问题,提供有效的解决方案;4. 鼓励学生发表学术成果,促进学术交流;5. 指导学生规划未来学习和研究方向。第二部分:学生责任1. 遵守学术道德规范,诚信努力完成学术任务;2. 定期向导师汇报学习和研究情况;3. 认真倾听导师的建议,积极学习和提高自身学术水平;4. 尊重导师的意见,主动探讨问题与导师交流;5. 完成学业任务,并力争取得令人满意的研究成果。我们双方共同承诺遵守以上责任,秉承诚信合作,共同努力推动学术事业的发展。期待我们的合作能够顺利开展,共同取得更

8、大的成就。导师签名: 学生签名:英文:Dear Mentor,Hello! I am xxx, and I cherish the opportunity to cooperate with you. I sincerely invite you to be my mentor and guide me on the academic path. Below is the mentor agreement we have jointly drafted. I hope we can work together, make efforts together, and pursue academi

9、c progress.Part One: Mentor Responsibilities1. Guide students in formulating study and research plans and provide necessary support;2. Encourage students to explore research fields and provide appropriate academic materials and literature;3. Help students solve academic problems and provide effectiv

10、e solutions;4. Encourage students to publish academic achievements and promote academic exchanges;5. Guide students in planning future study and research directions.Part Two: Student Responsibilities1. Adhere to academic ethical norms, work diligently to complete academic tasks with integrity;2. Reg

11、ularly report learning and research progress to the mentor;3. Listen carefully to the mentors advice, actively learn and improve academic levels;4. Respect the mentors opinions, actively discuss issues and communicate with the mentor;5. Complete academic tasks and strive to achieve satisfactory rese

12、arch results.We both pledge to uphold the above responsibilities, adhere to honest cooperation, and work together to promote the development of the academic cause. We look forward to our collaboration progressing smoothly and achieving greater success.Mentors Signature: Students Signature:导师协议书范本三:中

13、文:尊敬的导师:您好!我是xxx,非常感谢您愿意担任我的导师,将您丰富的学术经验和知识与我分享。以下是我们双方共同起草的导师协议书,希望我们可以结成师生关系,为共同的学术目标努力拼搏。第一部分:导师责任1. 指导学生确定研究方向和课题,并提供必要的学术支持;2. 协助学生解决学术难题,澄清学术疑惑;3. 提供学术资料和文献,帮助学生进行研究和写作;4. 指导学生策划学术成果的发表和交流;5. 帮助学生规划未来学业和职业发展方向。第二部分:学生责任1. 遵守学术规范,诚实独立地完成学术任务;2. 定期向导师汇报学习进度和研究成果;3. 认真倾听导师的指导和建议,提高学术水平;4. 尊重导师的意见

14、,努力克服困难和挑战;5. 完成学业任务,并争取卓越的研究成果。双方均同意遵守以上责任,诚信合作,携手共进,共同推动学术事业的发展。期待我们的合作能够达到预期目标,开拓出更广阔的学术天地。导师签名: 学生签名:英文:Dear Mentor,Hello! I am xxx, and I am very grateful that you are willing to be my mentor and share your rich academic experience and knowledge with me. The following is the mentor agreement jo

15、intly drafted by both of us. I hope we can form a teacher-student relationship and work hard towards our common academic goals.Part One: Mentor Responsibilities1. Guide students in determining research directions and topics and provide necessary academic support;2. Assist students in solving academi

16、c problems and clarifying academic doubts;3. Provide academic materials and literature to help students conduct research and writing;4. Guide students in planning the publication and exchange of academic achievements;5. Help students plan future academic and career development directions.Part Two: S

17、tudent Responsibilities1. Adhere to academic norms, complete academic tasks honestly and independently;2. Regularly report learning progress and research results to the mentor;3. Listen carefully to the mentors guidance and advice to improve academic levels;4. Respect the mentors opinions, strive to

18、 overcome difficulties and challenges;5. Complete academic tasks and strive for outstanding research results.Both parties agree to uphold the above responsibilities, cooperate in good faith, work together, and jointly promote the development of the academic cause. We look forward to our collaboratio

19、n achieving the expected goals and exploring a broader academic world.Mentors Signature: Students Signature:导师协议书范本四:中文:尊敬的导师:您好!我是xxx,感谢您愿意担任我的导师,帮助我在学术道路上前行。以下是我们共同起草的导师协议书,希望我们能携手合作,共同追求学术的卓越成就。第一部分:导师责任1. 指导学生进行学术研究,提供有针对性的指导和建议;2. 协助学生解决学术难题,指导学生学习和研究;3. 提供学术资源和文献,协助学生进行学术写作;4. 鼓励学生参加学术会议和讲座,提升

20、学术经验;5. 帮助学生规划未来学习和研究方向。第二部分:学生责任1. 遵守学术规范,积极完成学术任务;2. 定期向导师报告学习进展,接受导师的指导;3. 认真学习和研究,努力提高学术水平;4. 尊重导师的建议,认真对待学术问题;5. 完成学术任务,并取得令人满意的研究成果。双方同意遵守以上责任,诚信合作,积极探讨问题,努力取得更大的学术成就。期待我们的合作能够成功开展,为学术事业添砖加瓦。导师签名: 学生签名:英文:Dear Mentor,Hello! I am xxx, and thank you for being willing to be my mentor and help me

21、move forward on the academic path. Below is the mentor agreement jointly drafted by both of us. I hope we can work together and strive for outstanding academic achievements.Part One: Mentor Responsibilities1. Guide students in academic research, provide targeted guidance and advice;2. Assist student

22、s in solving academic problems, guide students in learning and research;3. Provide academic resources and literature to assist students in academic writing;4. Encourage students to participate in academic conferences and lectures to enhance academic experience;5. Help students plan future study and

23、research directions.Part Two: Student Responsibilities1. Adhere to academic norms, actively complete academic tasks;2. Report learning progress to the mentor regularly and accept the mentors guidance;3. Study and research diligently, strive to improve academic levels;4. Respect the mentors advice an

24、d treat academic issues seriously;5. Complete academic tasks and achieve satisfactory research results.Both parties agree to uphold the above responsibilities, cooperate in good faith, actively discuss issues, and strive for greater academic achievements. We look forward to the success of our collab

25、oration and contribution to the academic cause.Mentors Signature: Students Signature:导师协议书范本五:中文:尊敬的导师:您好!我是xxx,非常感谢您愿意成为我的导师,指导我在学术道路上前行。以下是我们共同制定的导师协议书,希望我们在未来的学术合作中能够互相携手努力,实现共同的学术目标。第一部分:导师责任1. 指导学生完成学术研究项目,提供专业指导;2. 协助学生解决学术难题,促进学术交流;3. 提供学术资源和文献,推动学生学术发展;4. 鼓励学生参与学术讨论和会议,提升学术品质;5. 指导学生规划未来的学习和

26、研究方向。第二部分:学生责任1. 遵守学术规范,诚信完成学术任务;2. 定期向导师汇报学术进展,接受导师指导;3. 认真学习和研究,提高学术水平;4. 尊重导师的意见和建议,主动沟通交流;5. 完成学术任务,取得令人满意的研究成果。双方同意遵守以上责任,真诚合作,共同促进学术事业的进步。期待我们的合作能够圆满成功,为学术领域贡献力量。导师签名: 学生签名:英文:Dear Mentor,Hello! I am xxx, and I am very grateful that you are willing to be my mentor and guide me on the academic

27、path. Below is the mentor agreement jointly formulated by both of us. I hope that in our future academic cooperation, we can work together and strive to achieve our common academic goals.Part One: Mentor Responsibilities1. Guide students in completing academic research projects and provide professional guidance;2. Assist students in solving academic problems, promote academic exchanges;3. Provide academic resources and literature, promote students academic development;4. Enc

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