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1、被动语态中考真题50 题练习姓名分数() 1. (2011 北京 )Many accidentsby careless arrives last year.A. are causedB. were causedC. have causedD. will cause() 2. (2011 重庆 )I m glad to find that many tressin our city last year.A. plantB. plantedC. were plantedD. are planted() 3. (2009 江苏 ) Last year, LiHua, a college studen

2、t, _ to work for the Olympic Games.A. is choosingB. is chosenC. was choosingD. was chosen() 4. (2011 江西 ) What happened to Billy?Hebecause of his drink-driving.A. is caughtB. was caughtC. has caughtD. had caught() 5. (2011 陕西 )Driving after drinking winein China.A. all owsB. doesn t allow C. is allo

3、wedD. isn t allowed() 6. (2011 江苏南京 )It s reported that Nanjing South Railway Stationat the end of this month.A. has been completedB. is completedC. was completedD. will be completed() 7. (2009 湖北 ) How do you like the material?- Very much. It _ soft and nice.A. feelsB. is feltC. is feelingD. felt()

4、 8. (2011 广东 )People who drink wineto drive after May Day.A. don llowtaB. isn t allowed C. mustn t allow D. mustn t be allowed() 9. (2010 福建 ) Today computers _ in both cities and towns.A. were usingB. are usedC.were usedD. are using() 10. (2011 广东深圳 )When should I hand in my paper?Your paper mustas

5、 soon as the bell.A. hand in; ringsB. hand in; will ringC. be handed in; will ringD. be handed in; rings() 11. (2011广西南宁 )Treesevery year to make our city greener.A. plantB. are plantedC. were plantedD. will be planted() 12. (2010 天津 ) Don t discuss the problem with your partner unless you _ to do s

6、o.A. askB. are askedC. will askD. will be asked() 13. (2011 湖南 ) Dont be afraid. The dog _ to the tree.A. is tiedB. must tieC. was tiedD. has tied() 14. (2010 北京 )The roadlast year.A. buildsB. builtC. was builtD. is built() 15. (2010 天津 )Liu Xiangby his coach to train regularly.A. advisedB. advisesC

7、. was advisedD. be advised()16. (2010 上海 )A Disneyland Park (迪斯尼乐园 )in Shanghai Pudong New Area in the near future.A. buildsB. has builtC. will builtD. will be built() 17. (2010 南京 )Can you sing this English song?-Of course, I can. It many times on the radio.1A. taughtB. has taughtC. is taughtD. has

8、 been taught() 18. (2010 广东 )The 16th Asian Gamesin Guangzhou in November, 2010.A. holdsB. will holdC. was heldD. will be held() 19. (2010 浙江 ) If the question _ incorrectly, _ question will be given to you.A. is answered; otherB. answers; otherC. is answered; another D. answers; another() 20. (2010

9、 云南昆明 )Necessary actionso that students can be safe at schools.A. can be takenB. must be taken C. may be takenD. might be taken()21. (2010 云南昆明 )More than 100 workersfrom the Wangjialing Coal Mine in April that year.A. is savedB. are savedC. was savedD. were saved() 22.(2009 北京 )The sick boyto hospi

10、tal by the police yesterday.A. is takenB. was takenC. takesD. took() 23.(2009 重庆 )Waste paper shouldnteverywhere. Its our duty to keep our city clean.A. be thrownB. throwC. is thrownD. are thrown() 24.(2009 江苏南京 )Do you have any problems if youthis job? well, I m thinking about the working day.A. of

11、ferB. will offerC. are offeredD. will be offered() 25. (2009 河南 ) Metal _ making machines and many other things.A. used toB.is used forC. is used asD. is used to() 26. (2009 江西 )Ito get there before seven tomorrow, so Ill have to get up early.A. toldB. have toldC. will tellD. was told() 27. (2008 安徽

12、 )When you leave the room, make sure the door.A. was lockedB. is lockedC. will be lockedD. should be locked()28. (2008 湖北黄冈 )Do you believe there are aliens?I m afraid not. I dont think aliensinspace.A. can findB. can be foundC. can be foundedD. can t be found() 29. (2008 辽宁 ) I want to be a Chinese

13、 teacher when I grow up. That s great. Chinese teacherin China and some foreign countries.A. needB. are needingC. are neededD. will need() 30. (2008 江苏徐州 )Dont worry. Youplenty of time to decide.A. will giveB. have givenC. will be givenD. are giving() 31. (2007 浙江杭州 )As China grows stronger and stro

14、nger, Chinesein more and more schoolsout of our country.A. teachesB. is taughtC. has taughtD. was taught() 32. (2009 北京 ) Who closed the door?- Nobody. It _.A. was closed by itselfB. had closed itselfC.was closed itselfD. closed itself() 33. (2007 山东济南 )The young man was often seenby the lake.A. to

15、drawB. to drawingC. drawD. drew2() 34. (2011 广东深圳 )Mum, can I go to the zoo with Linda?When your homework, you can.A. is finishedB. was finishedC. finishesD. finished() 35. (2011 江苏徐州 )Lots of trees and flowerson both sides of Huanshan Road last year. Oh, that s beautiful.A. are plantedB. were plant

16、ingC. were plantedD. have planted() 36. (2011 重庆 )Itto drive after drinking wine.A. is allowedB. is not allowedC. is madeD. is welcomed() 37. (2011 吉林 )Excuse me, can we bring the dog to the theatre with us? Sorry, petsto enter.A. are allowedB. are askedC. aren t allowed D. aren t asked() 38. (2011

17、江西 )Can you tell me how to make apple juice?Sure. Please watch carefully and you will see how it.A. is madeB. is makingC. makesD. will make() 39. (江苏 )Tom, you shouldn t put off todays work for tomorrow. I mean todaytoday. s workA. may doneB. must doneC. may be doneD. must be done() 40. (2010 湖南 )Th

18、e school dance isby the students.A. writtenB. plannedC. writingD. planning() 41. (2010 山东 )My cousin has been happy since heto spend more time with his friends.A. will allowB. will be allowedC. allowedD. was allowed() 42. (2010 河北 )I won t go to her party lessun my good friend Jack.A. will inviteB.

19、will be invitedC. is invitedD. invites() 43. (北京 )The Chinese mainland pandas, Tuantuan and Yuanyuan,rdto Taiwan on Dec. 23 , 2008.A. sentB. were sendingC. had sentD. were sent() 44. (2009 山西太原 ) They won t be back until the work _.A. doB. doesC. is doneD. will do() 45. ( 2009 山东济南 ) The 30th Olympi

20、c Games _ in London in 2012.A. has been heldB. has heldC. will be heldD. will held() 46. (2009上海 )-Our school _ in 1899.- It has a very long history.A. builtB. is builtC. has builtD. was built() 47.(2009 河南 ) The letter _French. I cant read it.A. wrote inB. was written inC. wrote onD. is written on(

21、) 48. (2009甘肃 ) There was an important meeting last night. Mr. Smith _ to it.A. was invitedB. invitedC. is invitedD. invite() 49.(2011 北京) The sick boy _ to hospital by the police yesterday.A. is takenB. was takenC.takesD. took() 50. (2011 天津 )Have you ever been to Beijing?- Of course. Look, this photo _ there last year.A. is takenB. tookC. was takenD. will take3被动语态中考真题50 题练习1 10B C D B D ,D A D B D11 20B B A C C, D D C C B21 30D B A CB,D B B C C31 40B DAA C , B C A D B40-50 D C DC C , D B A B C4

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