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1、unit2新起点大学英语 讲稿Unit 21 Work in pairs to check the statements which are true for you. Give a description of what you are doing now.ExampleA: Do you need at leas two alarm clocks to get you up in the morning?B: No, I always get up early in the morning to practise my English in a corner on campus. What

2、 about you?A: Survey1. I need at least two alarm clocks to get me up in the morning.2. I always leave writing essays until the last minute.3. The best thing about my life as a student is the partying.4. I take part in every protest on campus.5. I think I may be studying the wrong subject.6. I came t

3、o college to get an education, Im not thinking about what job Id like.7. Im crazy about the Beatles.8. I think no one has ever improved on the miniskirt.9. Im not interested in politics.10. I feel young people can change the world.Life in the sixtiesSocial affairsCultural affairsPresentation2 Social

4、 affairsListen to a recording about social affairs in the US during the 1960s and complete the sentences. Social affairs The 1960s began with the election of the first president born in the 20th century John Kennedy. For many Americans, the young president was the symbol of a 1) _ of hope for the na

5、tion. When Kennedy was murdered in 1963, many felt that their hopes died, too. This was especially true of young people, and members and supporters of 2) _ groups. A time of 3) _ and hope soon began to look like a time of anger and violence. More Americans protested to demand an end to the 4) _ trea

6、tment of black citizens. More protested to demand an end to the war in Vietnam. And more protested to demand full 5) _ for women. By the middle of the 1960s, it had become almost impossible for President Lyndon Johnson to leave the White House without facing 6) _ against the war in Vietnam. In March

7、 of 1968, he announced that he would not run for another term. In addition to President John Kennedy, two other 7) _ leaders were murdered during the nineteen sixties. 8) _ rights leader Martin Luther King was shot in Memphis, Tennessee in 1968. Several weeks later, Robert KennedyJohn Kennedys broth

8、erwas shot in Los Angeles, California. He was campaigning to win his partys 9) _ for president. Their deaths resulted in 10) _ in cities across the country. 3 Cultural affairsListen to recordings about cultural affairs in the US during the 1960s and finish the tasks.Bob Dylan 鲍勃迪伦 (美国民谣歌手、作曲 家、诗人)Al

9、len Ginsberg 艾伦金斯堡 (美国先锋派诗人)Timothy Leary 蒂莫西李瑞 (美国心理学家)4 Listen to Part I and answer the questions.1. What values did parents teach their children in the 1950s?A belief in God, hard work and service to their country.2. How did young people rebel against their parents?Letting their hair grow long an

10、d by wearing strange clothes.3. What were the main topics of Bob Dylans songs?Social unrest.4. What did “Do your own thing” mean? Do whatever you wanted, without feeling guilty. Listen to Part 2 and decide whether these statements are True or False. 1 Hippies longed for more love and personal freedo

11、m in America. 2 Timothy Leary urged young people to avoid drugs. 3 People who use L-S-D see strange, colorful images. 4 All the Americans got engaged into the social revolution. 5 Women in the 1960s fought only for the same chances as men to get a good education and a good job. ComparisonWork in gro

12、ups to discuss the topic.Based on what youve got about the life in the 1960s and life today, how do you think the life of young people has changed?In the 1960s, young people got themselves involved in seeking freedom and justice while young people today are mainly concerned about how to improve thei

13、r chances of being competitive in the employment market. Text organizationRead the text quickly and fill in the flow chart to understand the structure of the text.Text OrganizationTopicCollege: special?Students in the 1960sStudents todayConclusionCollege isnt special any more.A general idea about co

14、llege in the 1960sa place to experience exciting & stimulating lifeSupporting idea 1 College: a place to fight for freedom and justiceSupporting idea 2 College: a place to taste real freedom A general idea about college today a place which produces no passion Supporting idea 1 College: a mere place

15、to increase chances of getting a good jobSupporting idea 2 College: a place not different from the real worldComprehending the textWork in groups. Group 1 read Paras. 1-4 to check the true statements about the 1960s. Group 2 read Paras. 5-7 to check the true statements about the UK today.Comprehendi

16、ng the textGroup 1 read Paras. 1-4 to check the true statements about the 1960s. 1. students at the University of California, Berkeley did not protest.2. students in Europe and the US spent a lot of time protesting.3. there was violence on university campuses in Europe.4. students and workers went o

17、n strike together in France.5. the UK Prime Minister had to resign because of student protests.6. students discovered a sense of freedom on campus.Group 2 read Paras. 5-7 to check the true statements about the UK today.7. more young people than ever go to university.8. most students fail to complete

18、 their studies.9. international students are more interested in lifestyle than quality of courses.10. students need their parents for financial help.11. students dont contact their parents as often as they used to.12. students dont enjoy university life as much as they used to.Expressing contrasting

19、 information Work in groups to find out examples of contrasting techniques in the text. “College isnt special one” is an opinion piece of writing which discusses college life in the 60s and now. To express the idea that student life has changed, the author adopts the following 3 techniques:l Words s

20、uggesting the changel Questionsl Comparative structure Words suggesting the change: These days political, social and creative awakening seems to happen not because of college, but in spite of it. Yet college education is no longer a topic of great national importance. Instead of the heady atmosphere

21、 of freedom which students in the 1960s discovered, students today are much more serious. Gone are the days when a son or daughter rang home once or twice a term.Questions: Wheres the passion today? Whats the matter with college? So why arent they true for the students of today?Comparative structure

22、: Instead of the heady atmosphere of freedom which students in the 1960s discovered, students today are much more serious. In an uncertain world, many children rely on their parents support much longer than they used to.Text evaluationWork in groups and discuss the questions, each group with one que

23、stion only. 1. What do you think is the purpose of a university education? Should it be an end in itself or a means to an end?2. What factors influenced your choice of university and the course you are doing?3. If you had the chance to continue your studies abroad, what factors would influence your

24、choice of destination?4. Why do young people protest more than old people?5. Do you think todays young people in China are very different from the previous generations?SummarizingTalking pointEmployment opportunities Student lifeSummarizingSummarize the text by filling the blanks. What are the most

25、important issues for students today? Is the university 1) _ really such a different place compared to what it was 40 years ago? For the students in the 1960s, going to college was the most 2) _ experience of their life. They took part in 3) _ and launched 4) _ against the establishment with their ne

26、w and 5) _ commitment to freedom and justice. Going to college also meant their first 6) _ of real freedom. They could discuss the meaning of life, read their first 7) _ book and see their first indie film.Summarizing In contrast, the students today dont have the 8) _ for college life that they used

27、 to. Today, college is seen as a kind of small town from which people are 9) _ to escape. Instead of the 10) _ atmosphere of freedom which students in the 1960s discovered, students today are much more 11) _. College has become 12) _, an opportunity to improve their 13) _ of being competitive in the

28、 14) _ market, and not an end 15) _. But in spite of all this, the role of the university is the same as it always has been. It is the place where students have the 16) _ to learn to think for themselves.Employment opportunities Form groups of four. One student (Student A) in each group asks one que

29、stion at a time to the group and other students in the group give their answers to the questions one at a time. Student A summarizes the groups main ideas and reports the summary to the class. Questions1. What contributes to the changes?2. What are the effects brought about by the changes?3. What sh

30、ould be done to meet the changes?Student lifeWork in groups. Choose one or two aspects of student life to talk about how student life is different from what you expected. These could include: intellectual development living conditions including food the learning facilities such as libraries, labs an

31、d computer centres recreational and sports facilities the roles of the student union and student societies finance and work opportunities etc.Difficult sentences1. “If you can remember anything about the 1960s, werent really there,” so the saying goes. (Para 1)2. In the 1960s, Californias colleges a

32、nd universities had transformed the state into the seventh largest economy. (Para 2)3. The liberals replied that it was the ability to tolerate noisy, dissident minorities which made universities great. (Para 2)4. Some people drop out, but the most apathetic stay the course because its too much effo

33、rt to leave. (Para 5)5. “Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, But to be young was very heaven!” (Paras. 8-9)Difficult sentence 1“If you can remember anything about the 1960s, werent really there,” so the saying goes. (Para 1)1. What can we infer about the life of people in the 1960s? This saying m

34、akes a joking comment about these years: this was a time in the West when many young people took drugs (like cocaine, marijuana and LSD), so they were there and didnt really remember much of what happened (because of the drugs, they were “in a haze of marijuana smoke”). If someone does remember they

35、 werent really therethey must have been somewhere else, without drugs.2. Translate the sentence.有这么一种说法:“要是你能记得20 世纪60 年代的任何事情,你就没有真正经历过那段岁月。”Difficult sentence 2In the 1960s, Californias colleges and universities had transformed the state into the seventh largest economy. (Para 2)What can we infer

36、about the status of the University of California? It sees itself as the link between education and economy in California and has been recognized as a very significant factor for many years. What does the Californian economy include?Hollywood (entertainment), Los Angeles (tourism), the Central Valley

37、 (agriculture: California is the worlds fifth largest supplier of food and agricultural products), Silicon Valley (computers, high technology) and wine production.Difficult sentence 3The liberals replied that it was the ability to tolerate noisy, dissident minorities which made universities great. (

38、Para 2)1. Why is it was which instead of it was that used here? 英语常用的强调结构是 “It is (was) + 被强调部分(主语、宾语或状语) + who (that).”。一般说来,被强调部分指人时,用 who;指事物时用 that,但that 也可以指人。在美国英语中指事物时常用 which来代替 that。2. Translate the sentence.自由派人士回答说,大学之所以伟大正是因为它们有能力容忍喧闹的、唱反调的少数人。Difficult sentence 4Some people drop out, bu

39、t the most apathetic stay the course because its too much effort to leave. (Para 5)1. What does stay the course mean?“Stay the course” is used in the context of a war or battle meaning to pursue a goal regardless of any obstacles or criticism. Its modern usage was popularized by American presidents

40、George H. W. Bush and Ronald Reagan. The phrase was first used by Bush in July 2003 while talking about his plan for Iraq, “We will stay the course, we will help this young Iraqi democracy succeed”2. Translate the sentence.有些人辍学,但大多数已经有些麻木,还是坚持混到毕业,因为离开学校实在是太费事了。Difficult sentence 5Bliss was it in t

41、hat dawn to be alive, But to be young was very heaven!” (Paras. 8-9)1. Read to learn the background of these lines.The major English romantic poet, William Wordsworth (1770-1850) wrote these words about the early days (the dawn) of the French Revolution. He had lived in France and was impressed by t

42、he Revolution but on his return to England, he found that many people who had supported it changed their minds when they saw the massacres (killings) that happened later. These words try to catch the spirit of the enthusiasts.2. Analyze the sentence structure.这是一个倒装句。原句应是 It was bliss to be alive in

43、 that dawn. It 指代 to be alive in that dawn. Bliss was / is it to do sth. 和 it was / is heaven to do sth. 都表示“做是一件非常幸福的事情。”3. Paraphrase the sentence.It was complete happiness to be alive in the Revolution, but to be young was even better. It was perfect, like in paradise.4. Translate the sentence.“在

44、那黎明时分活着是至福之事,年轻更是如进天堂!”Language in useUseful expressionsWord Formation: -ment & -ismUseful expressions 1.一阵烟雾1. a haze of smoke2.刺激的经历2. stimulating experience3.将变成3. transform into4.激进的政治氛围4. the atmosphere of political radicalism5.持不同意见的少数人5. dissident minority6.暴力冲突6. violent clashes7.与联盟7. form

45、an alliance with8.发动了一场大罢工8. launch a general strike9.创造意识的觉醒9. creative awakening10.实现目标10. achieve ones aim of11.全民重视的话题11. a topic of great national importance12.辍学12. drop out13.令人头脑发热的气氛13. the heady atmosphere14.从高到低的顺序14. in descending order15.就业前景15. employability prospects16.实现目的的手段16. a me

46、ans to an end17.日子一去不复返了17. Gone are the days when18.同道好友18. like-minded friends19.热爱19. have a passion for20.与的距离缩小20. The gap between and has shrunkActive reading 1: ResourcesSo/neither/nor + inversionDiscuss the function of so in the sentence:The gap between childhood and college has shrunk,and so has the gap between college and the real world.so + inversion: something that was just said is also true about another person or thingneither / nor +

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