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1、薪酬指南Salary Guide关键数据摘要Key Findings雇主招聘现状及趋势洞察Status and Trends Insight of Recruitment人才薪资现状及展望Status and Prospects of Talent Salary薪酬数据要点及方法论 About The Guide&Data Methodology汽车&新能源Auto&New Energy能源化工Energy&Chemical 快消/零售FMCG/Retail金融服务Financial Services高科技&智能制造High-tech&Smart Manufacturing生命科学Life S

2、ciences财务与会计Finance&Accounting人力资源Human Resources法务与合规Legal&Compliance销售与市场营销Sales&Marketing供应链与物流Supply Chain&Logistics关于我们About LHH FESCO05081423252932364348555658616364目录Contents前言 Overview迈入2024年,许多企业和人才正在为新一轮的经济周期做准备。我们看到,尽管人们存在对外部环境的种种担忧,劳动力市场仍在彰显其独有的生机。As we approach 2024,many corporations an

3、d profes-sionals are preparing for a new economic cycle.Despite concerns about the external environment,the labor market continues to exhibit its own unique vitality.To gain deeper insights into the current state and trends of recruitment,salaries,and talent mobility in the labor market,we recently

4、conducted a survey involving nearly 400 HR professionals and employees from various organizations.The 2024 Salary Guide is based on the findings of this survey and our latest global reports,along with salary data from over 1,000 successfully placed positions in 2023,and market insights from LHH FESC

5、O recruitment experts.为了进一步探究劳动力市场的招聘、薪资、人才流动等现状及趋势,我们于近期对近400位企业HR及员工进行了调研。同时,基于2023年度成功匹配的千余个职位的薪资数据,以及来自招聘解决方案的专业招聘顾问对于市场的洞察,制作出2024年度薪酬指南。LHH FESCO 2024年度薪酬指南将帮助您:了解薪资数据以雇用和留任您所在领域的顶尖专业人士提升企业领导者的谈薪成功率制定更佳的招聘及留任人才策略LHH FESCO 2024 Salary Guide is designed to help you:Familiarize yourself with the

6、salary data you need to hire and retain top professionals in your field.Equipping your business leaders with the skills to negotiate sala ries more effectively.Develop stronger hiring and retention strategies.关键数据摘要Key Findings在本次调研的受访人群中,我们发现:Based on the survey conducted,the following key findings

7、 were identified:雇主端:1.3%-8%是2023年大多数企业普调的薪资涨幅2.2024年企业招聘两呈两级分化态势,表示增设与缩减岗位的企业数量旗鼓相当3.人才匹配度依然是企业在招聘人才时面临的最大挑战On the employers side:1.The majority of companies increased salaries for all staff members by 3%to 8%in 2023.2.Hiring trends for 2024 are polarizing,with job expansion and reduction being alm

8、ost equal in numbers.3.Talent matching remains the biggest challenge faced by companies when recruiting new talent.员工端:1.高薪人群主要集中在生命科学、高科技、新能源&汽车2.年终奖仍为企业激励员工表现的主要手段,其次是津贴和补贴3.2023年,员工的薪资涨幅趋于平稳,超三成的员工薪资较2022年未发生变化4.2023年有更多员工留在现有企业,但前提是要有技能提升和职业发展机会On the employees side:1.High-income population is p

9、rimarily found in the fields of Life Sciences,High-tech and New Energy&Automobiles industries.2.Year-end bonuses continue to be the primary method used by enterprises to incentivize employees performance,followed by allowances and subsidies.3.Salary increases for employees in 2023 have stabilized,wi

10、th over 30%of employees experiencing no change in their salaries from 2022.4.More employees are staying with their current employer in 2023,but only if given upskilling and career opportunities.有关高薪人群的定义:我们结合数据样本和一二线城市生活成本等粗略统计,在本报告中,将固定年收入60万人民币及以上人群定义为“高薪人群”。Note:In this report,high-income individ

11、uals are defined as those with a fixed annual income of RMB 600,000 and above,based on data samples and rough statistics such as the cost of living in first-tier and second-tier cities.上海Shanghai%调研样本分布Meet Our Respondents企业类型Type of Enterprises国央企合资企业民营企业外资企业State-owned enterprisesJoint venturesPri

12、vate enterprisesForeign-funded enterprises城市分布 Locations%北京Beijing深圳Shenzhen广州Guangzhou苏州Suzhou其他Others%主要覆盖行业Industries服务/咨询 Service/Consulting%新能源/汽车 New energy/automobiles%高科技 High-tech%生命科学 Life Sciences%智能制造 Smart manufacturing%金融服务 Financial services%快消零售 FMCG retai%能源化工 Energy&Chemical%教育/非盈利

13、部门 Education/non-profit sector%物流 Logistics%其他 Others%3%-8%是大多数企业普调的薪资涨幅 In,the majority of companies increasedsalaries for all staff members by%to%.在普调的薪资涨幅方面,约五分之一的企业在2023年未涨薪,超三成企业的涨薪幅度介于3%-5%之间,而涨薪15%以上的企业占比2%。Regarding salary adjustments for all staffs,approximately one-fifth of companies did n

14、ot raise salaries in 2023.More than one-third of companies raised salaries between 3%and 5%,and 2%of companies raised salaries by over 15%.2023年受访企业普调的薪资涨幅为:The average salary increment of the surveyed companies are as follows:没有变化 No change0%-3%3%-5%6%-8%9%-10%10%-15%15%2023年雇主普调薪资现状The Status of S

15、alary Adjustments in 涨薪%及以下的主要行业分布Industries with salary increment of 3%and below%智能制造Smart manufacturing%快消零售FMCG retail%服务/咨询 Service/Consulting涨薪%及以上的主要行业分布Industries with salary increment of 9%and above%教育/非营利组织/公共部门Education/non-profit sector%生命科学Life Sciences%高科技High-tech2024年雇主招聘趋势洞察Employer

16、Hiring Trends in 相较于2023年,约八成企业的招聘预算保持不变或有所减少,2024年企业招聘预算较2023年Compared to 2023,approximately 80%of companies have either main-tained or reduced their hiring budgets.This trend is particularly promi-nent in private enterprises(52%)and foreign-funded enterprises(31%).主要集中在民营企业%以及外资企业%有所减少Reduced%保持不变

17、 Unchanged有所增加 Increased%Corporate hiring budgets for 2024 compared to 2023约八成受访企业的招聘预算较去年不变或有所收紧About 80%of the surveyed companies have the same or even tighter hiringbudgets compared to last year.userid:68050,docid:153489,date:2024-02-26,在招聘预算减少或保持不变的企业中,主要行业分布于:Among the companies with reduced or

18、 unchangedhiring budgets,the main affected industries are:%智能制造%生命科学%服务咨询在招聘预算增加的企业中,主要行业分布于:Among the companies with increased hiring budgets,the main affected industries are:%高科技%快消零售Service/ConsultingLife SciencesSmart manufacturingHigh-techFMCG retail2024年企业招聘量呈两极分化态势Hiring Trends in:A Polarizin

19、g Outlook我们的调研结果表明,近三分之一的企业在2024年计划的招聘量与去年基本持平,表示增设及缩减岗位的企业数量旗鼓相当,具体如下:Our survey revealed that around one-third of companies intend to keep their hiring levels consistent with the previous year.At the same time,an equal number of companies are both increasing and decreasing their workforce.受访企业在202

20、4年的招聘计划 Hiring plan for 2024无变化 Remain the same:%计划增设岗位 Plan to increase headcounts:%计划缩减岗位 Plan to reduce headcounts:%The jobs to be added primarily focus on middle desk positions,such as R&D and product development.On the other hand,positions to be reduced mainly consist of back-office roles like

21、administration,HR,and finance.The main challenge companies face when hiring talent is Talent Matching,followed by the Gap between salary budgets and the current market situation and Urgent hiring needs with limited time.“人才匹配度”是企业在招聘人才时面临的最大挑战,其次是“薪资预算不适用当下的市场行情”以及“招聘需求急,时间短”。计划增设的岗位主要以中台岗为主,如研发、产品等

22、;计划缩减的岗位集中在后台岗,如行政、HR、财务等。市场上匹配的人才较少Fewer suitable talents in the markets企业招聘关键人才时面临的最大挑战Biggest challenge in hiring talent includes:%薪资预算不适用当下的市场行情The gap between salary budgets andthe current market situation%招聘需求急,时间短Urgent hiring needs with limited time%在受访者中,我们观察到以下几个板块人群收入相比其他行业较高。高薪人群集中在生命科学、

23、高科技、新能源&汽车。人才薪资现状及展望受访者的2023年税前固定年收入(人民币)为:The distribution of fixed annual income beforetaxes(RMB)in 2023 is as follows:Among the respondents,it was found that employ-ees in certain industries tend to have higher incomes compared to others.The industries with a higher income group mainly include Li

24、fe Scienc-es,High-tech,and New Energy&Automobiles.Salary Status and Prospectsof Talents 100,000100,000-200,000200,000-400,000400,000-600,000600,000-800,000800,000-1,000,000one million%60万年薪及以上的行业分布:Industry distribution with an annual salary of 600,000 and above is as follows:高薪行业:High-income Indust

25、ries are primarily:生命科学Life Sciences高科技High-tech新能源&汽车New energy/automobiles服务/咨询Service/Consulting金融服务Financial Services快消零售FMCG/Retail智能制造Smart Manufacturing物流Logistics其他 Others%生命科学Life Sciences新能源&汽车New energy/automobiles高科技High-tech%Apart from fixed salaries,about 70%of employees receive year-e

26、nd bonuses,while only 10%have stocks/share options,primarily in the High-tech and Life Sciences indus-tries.Additionally,9%of employees rely solely on their fixed salaries for income.除固定薪资外,约七成员工有年终奖,仅10%的员工有股票/期权等,主要行业集中在高科技和生命科学;有9%的员工没有除固定薪资外的收入。除固定薪资外的额外收入:Additional income apart from the fixed

27、salary includes:Year-end bonusOther allowances or subsidiesYear-end double salary/multiple salaryProject or performance bonusProject or performance bonusNoneOvertime pay其他津贴或补贴年底双薪/多薪项目或绩效奖金年终奖加班费股票/期权无员工的薪资涨薪幅度趋于平稳The salary increment of employees in have plateaued.超三分之一的员工表示他们在2023年的薪资较2022年未发生变化;

28、约16%的员工被降薪;约50%的员工薪资有不同程度的增长。More than one-third of employees reported no change in their salaries from 2022,while around 16%experienced salary reductions and approximately 50%received varying degrees of salary increases.降低 0%-10%Reduce 0%-10%降低10%-20%Reduce 10%-20%降低20%以上Reduce over 20%基本持平Almost t

29、he same增长0%-10%Increase 0%-10%增长10%-20%Increase 10%-20%增长20%以上Increase over 20%相较于2022年,受访者在2023年的薪资变化Here is the breakdown of how salaries have changed compared to 2022:%导致薪资增长的前三大原因Top reasons for salary increases导致薪资降低的前三大的原因Top reasons for salary cuts个人绩效评定:Individual performance rating%换新工作:Cha

30、nging to a new job%公司经营状况:The companys operating conditions%公司经营状况:The companys operating conditions%换新工作:Changing to a new job%个人绩效评定:Individual performance rating%员工对于薪资涨幅的期待也较为现实,超半数员工期待涨薪6%-20%。Employees have realistic expectations for salary increases,with more than half anticipating an increas

31、e ranging from 6%to 20%.受访者期待在未来一年内的薪资涨幅The expected salary increases for the coming year are as follows6%-10%10%-20%20%-30%3%-5%30%-40%40%-50%50%2023年有更多员工留在企业,但前提条件是要有技能提升和职业发展机会More employees are staying with theircurrent employer in but only if givenupskilling and career opportunities.据德科集团近期的一项

32、全球调研结果(覆盖23个国家,30000名员工)显示,73%的员工在2023年选择留在企业中,这一比例较2022年提升12%。全球员工留任意愿度的提升侧面体现出员工选择新工作的谨慎态度。According to a recent global survey conducted by the Adecco Group,which covered 23 countries and involved 30,000 employ-ees,73%of employees chose to stay with their company in 2023.This represents a 12%incre

33、ase from 2022.The higher rate of employee retention reflects the cautious approach employees are adopting when considering new job opportunities.“留”或“走“意向汇总Summary of staying or leaving intentions我会继续从事现在的工作我想和现在的公司/雇主一起进步我想在当前公司获得新工作的技能提升/技能培训我想在另一家公司做另一份工作我想成为我现在工作的公司的正式员工*我想自己创业我想暂时休息我想退休35%34%21

34、%17%16%10%15%9%4%3%5%3%4%1%6%*来源 Source:2023未来全球劳动力报告2023 Global Workforce of Future Report*2022年报告中未涉及此题 Not asked in 2022%留 staying%留 staying%走 leaving走 leaving年I will stay in my current jobI want to progress with my current company/employerI want to be upskilled/reskilled for a new job in my curr

35、ent companyI want to take a different job in another companyI want to become a permanent employee atthe company I currently work for*I want to become self-employedI want to take a career breakI want to retire年Better salaries are the top reason to quit,but not to stay获取更高薪水是离职的首要原因,但不是留下的原因上述德科全球调研进一

36、步剖析了员工离职或留下的原因,大体与2022年基本相同。具体表现在,2023年,员工离职的首要原因是为了更高的薪水,但当员工对现在的雇主感到满意时,薪水因素就会下降到第九位。除了薪水之外,驱使员工跳槽的最常见因素包括追求发展机会、寻找更有意义的职位以及避免职业倦怠。TAG global survey further analyzes the reason why employees quit or stay,broadly the same year on year.The top reason to quit is for a better salary in 2023,but salary

37、 drops to ninth place in reasons to stay when workers are happy with their current employer.After salary,the most common factors driving workers to other companies include pursuing development opportunities seek-ing more meaningful roles and escaping burnout.离职的主要原因Top reasons to quit留下的主要原因 Top rea

38、sons to stay我想要更高的薪水I want a better salary我想经营自己的生意I wan to run my own business我的专业/事业在目前的工作场所没有进展My profession/career is not progressing in my current workplace我的工作没有成就感/没有意义My work is not fulfilling/meaningful我担心职业倦怠或工作太多/我的工作量太大I am worried about burnout or working too much/my workload is too hig

39、h我现在的工作/角色让我很稳定My current job/role gives me stability我很满意我的工作与生活的平衡I am happy with my work-life balance我喜欢和同事一起工作I enjoy working with my colleagues我对目前工作的条件很满意I am happy with the working conditionsin my current job我对工作很满意,因为可以运用到我的技能I am happy with my job as it usesmy skills%*来源 Source:2023未来全球劳动力报告

40、2023 Global Workforce of Future Report我们基于2023年度成功匹配的千余个职位的薪资数据,以及LHH FESCO招聘解决方案的专业顾问对于市场的洞察信息,综合整理出以下薪酬数据,涵盖专注的六大领域和五大职能:汽车&新能源、能源化工、零售消费品、金融服务、高科技与智能制造、生命科学、财务与会计、人力资源、法务与合规、销售与市场营销和供应链与物流。薪酬数据要点及方法论About The Guide&Data MethodologyThe data of 2024 Salary Guide is based on salary information from

41、over 1,000 matched jobs in 2023 and market insights provided by LHH FESCO recruitment experts.It offers comprehensive salary data for six indus-tries and five functions,including Automotive&New Energy,Energy&Chemicals,Retail Consumer Goods,Financial Services,High-tech&Intelligent Manufacturing,Life

42、Sciences,Finance&Accounting,Human Resources,Legal&Compliance,Sales&Marketing,and Supply Chain&Logistics.基本固定年薪:指除奖金外的固定年薪奖金:除上述固定薪资外的年包,包括但不限于奖金、期权、股票等一线城市:北上广深二线城市:苏杭成渝宁汉等31个城市三线城市:扬州、镇江、温州、丽江、吉林等35个城市一二三线城市的划分来源:国家统计局 The guide provides information on basic fixed annual salaries,which refer to a f

43、ixed yearly income in addition to bonuses.Bonus-es are included in the annual package,which may consist of vari-ous components such as bonuses,share options,and stocks.First-tier cities,including Beijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou,and Shenzhen,are covered in the guide.It also includes second-tier cities lik

44、e Suzhou,Hangzhou,Chengdu,Chongqing,and Ningbo,etc,as well as third-tier cities such as Yangzhou,Zhenjiang,Wen-zhou,Lijiang,and Jilin and so on.The classification of cities into first,second,and third tiers is based on the National Bureau of Sta-tistics.研发总监R&D Director资深测试经理Senior test manager车辆测试经

45、理Vehicle Testing Manager软件架构师Software Architect软件工程师Software Engineer硬件工程师Hardware Engineer嵌入式工程师Embedded Engineer系统架构师System Architect汽车电子软件工程师Automotive Electronic Software Engineer研发工程师R&D EngineerBMS工程师BMS Engineer产品经理Product Manager功能测试工程师Function Test Engineer二线城市 Second-tier一线城市 First-tier一线城

46、市First-tier二线城市Second-tier二线城市Second-tier二线城市Second-tier一线城市 First-tier一线城市 First-tier一线城市First-tier一线城市First-tier一线城市First-tier一线城市First-tier一线城市First-tier15+12-149-1115+6-86-86-812-146-86-86-812-146-8500,000-700,000500,000-700,000400,000-500,000500,000-700,000300,000-400,000300,000-400,000400,000-


48、to&New Energy整车及配件 Full Vehicle and Fittings单位:人民币元(CNY)职能 Function职位Title工作年限Working yrs基本固定年薪Basic Annual Salary奖金Bonus所属城市 Location研发类Research精益管理Lean Management质量经理Quality Manager物流经理Logistics Manager采购经理Purchasing Manager设备经理Equipment Manager12-1415+15+15+15+400,000-700,000350,000-550,000400,00

49、0-600,000400,000-600,000400,000-700,000100,000-200,000100,000-200,000100,000-200,000100,000-200,000100,000-200,000一线城市 First-tier二线城市 Second-tier二线城市 Second-tier二线城市 Second-tier二线城市 Second-tier生产/制造类Manufacturing智能座舱产品经理Intelligent Cabin Product Manager系统架构专家System Architecture Expert 智能语音工程师Smart V

50、oice EngineerNLP算法工程师NLP Algorithm Engineer一线城市 First-tier一线城市 First-tier一线城市 First-tier一线城市 First-tier6-89-113-56-8350,000-500,000400,000-500,000350,000-500,000400,000-500,000100,000-200,000100,000-200,000100,000-200,000100,000-200,000智能座舱相关Intelligent Cabin related项目管理Project Management数据分析Data An

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