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1、1、四年级上册新起点英语复习句型第一单元Teachers Day is coming.教师节来到了。What are you going to do for the party?你要为聚会做点什么?Im going to make an invitation.我要做一张邀请卡。What about you? 你呢?Me too. Lets do it together.我也是。让我们一起做吧。Great! Do you have scissors.好的!你有剪刀吗?Yes, I do.是的,我有。Get your paper ready准备好你的纸。First, draw with your

2、crayons.首先,用你的蜡笔画。Next, cut with your scissors.其次,用你的剪刀剪。Then, stick with your glue.然后,用你的胶水粘。Finally, write with your pen.最后,用你的钢笔写。Clean the classroom 清洁教室Practice some songs and dances 练习一些歌曲和舞蹈第二单元Do you like baseball? 你喜欢棒球吗?Yes, I do. 是的I also like roller-skating.我也喜欢轮滑What about you, Andy? 你呢

3、,安迪?I like hockey. Its interesting. 我喜欢曲棍球它很有趣Do you often go jogging? 你经常慢跑吗Yes, I often go jogging.是的我经常慢跑Im good at it.我很擅长它 Do you play tennis?你打网球吗Yes, I sometimes play tennis, but Im not good at it. 是的,我有的时候打网球,但我不擅长它Do you often play badminton? 你经常打羽毛球吗Yes, I do.是的 No, I dont. 不Are you good a

4、t it? 你擅长它吗Yes, I am. 是的No, Im not.不 第三单元Harry, do you like to go to concerts? Harry你喜欢去听音乐会吗?No, I dont. 不,我不喜欢。I like to do puzzles.我喜欢做智力题。What about you, Alice and Kate? Alice和 Kate,你们呢I like to go to the movies. 我喜欢看电影Me too. 我也是。What do you do for fun on weekends?你周末喜欢做什么?I like to drive bumpe

5、r cars. 我喜欢去开碰碰车。Why? 为什么?Because its exciting. 因为那很激动人心。What does Binbin like to do for fun? Binbin喜欢玩什么?He likes to play chess. 他喜欢下棋。Why? 为什么?Because its fun.因为他觉得很好玩。第五单元Be careful! 小心 Dont climb the window.不要爬窗户Its dangerous.危险 Sorry, I wont. 对不起,我不会了Dont cross the street here. 不要在这里穿越大街Its dan

6、gerous. 危险Sorry, I wont do that again. 对不起,我不会再那样做了。Please use the underpass over there. Its safe. 请使用那边的地下通道,那是安全的Oh, yes. Thank you. Goodbye. 好的,谢谢你,再见Dont run downstairs.不要在楼梯上往下跑Dont play with fire.不要玩火 Dont touch it. 不要摸它。Dont climb over the fence.不要翻越护栏。The light is red(green).灯红(绿)了Please sto

7、p(Lets go.). 请停下(让我们走)Whats the rule? 规则是什么?Use the crosswalk使用人行横道。Use the footbridge使用过街天桥Use the sidewalk使用人行道。第六单元Can I use your dictionary?我能使用你的字典吗?Sure. Here you are. 当然,给你。Sorry. Im using it. 对不起,我正在使用它。Sorry. I dont have one. 对不起,我没有。Can you pass me the CD player? 你能递给我那个激光唱机吗?Yes. Here you

8、 are.当然,给你。Can you help me with math problem? 你能在数学上帮助我吗?Sure. Im good at it. What is it? 当然,我很擅长,什么问题?Sorry. Im not good at it. 对不起,我不擅长。第七单元What does Andys father do? Andy的爸爸是做什么工作的?He is a mailman.他是一个邮递员。What do you want to be? 你想成为一位什么样的人?I want to be a salesclerk. 我想成为一名理发师。Why? 为什么?Because it

9、s exciting.因为那很激动人心。Where does Andys grandfather work? Andy的爷爷在哪工作?He works in a hospital. 他在工作医院。What does he do there? 他在哪做什么工作?He is a dentist. 他是一个牙科医生。Which job do you like? Why? 你喜欢哪样工作?为什么?I like policeman because they have motorcycles.我喜欢警察,因为他们有摩托车。What does your father do? 你爸爸是做什么工作的?He is

10、 a computer programmer.他是一个计算机程序员。Where does he work? 他在哪儿工作?He works in an office. 他在一个办公室工作。请注意:新单词在82-84页,请达到熟练拼写程度!每天专心听英语磁带二十分钟,练习跟读。根据实际情况每天背诵几句,达到全面掌握!2、四上复习重点:一、单词:1.P82-P84词汇表。要求:盖住中文,能拼写出英文;盖住英文,能写出中文意思。能进行中英互译。(不按顺序的听写依然能会)。尤其注重看每单元的词组,能准确说出动词的固定搭配!如:make an invitation, draw with your cra

11、yons, cut with your scissors2.部分单元课文中的词:P3.A 动词、B顺序词P12.A :12个关于运动的词P21.D 词组P22.A 五个词组P23.A 表示态度的形容词部分词组:invitation card 邀请卡get ready预备好play baseball打棒球play tennis打网球play hockey打曲棍球go jogging去慢跑go hiking 去徒步旅行 go cycling去骑车go roller-skating 去滑旱冰go swimming去游泳 go fishing 去钓鱼 go to concerts 去听音乐会go to

12、 the movies 去看电影play Legos 玩乐高棋drive bumper cars 开碰碰车do puzzles玩智力拼图Its safe安全Its dangerous危险play with fire 玩火climb the windows爬窗户 run downstairs 往楼下跑climb over 翻越practice the songs 练歌traffic light 红绿灯math problem 数学问题computer programmer 计算机程序编制员post office 邮局beauty shop 美容院二、句型:会读背、知道句子意思、会根据问句选出相应的答句、会把答句填完整。第一单元:P2.B P3.C P7.C第二单元:P12.B P13.B P14.B P15.D第三单元:P22.B P23.B第四单元:为1-3的复习单元,可看看P40.B第五单元:P42.A P43.C P44.A第六单元:P52.B P53.B P54.A第七单元:P62.B P62.C P63.B P65.B第八单元:为5-7的复习单元,注意P77.B

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