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1、完形填空题:(一) Jenny: Hello,Miss Wang!Miss Wang: 1 ,Jenny!Whse bike is this?Is is 2 bike?Jenny: Yes,it is.Its from my mom.Miss Wang:Whats your favourite colour?Blue 3 red?Jenny: My favourite colour is blue.I 4 blue bikes,blue clothes.Miss Wang:Your bike is new.Its nice.Jenny: 5 .Miss Wang: 6 I borrow you

2、r bike,Jenny?Jenny: Sure. 7 .Miss Wang:Thanks,Jenny.Jenny: 8 .( )1、A.Hello B.Fine C.Oh,yes( )2、A.your B. you C.yours( )3、A. and B.with C.or( )4、A.like B. likes C.favourite( )5、A.Thank you B.Sure C.OK( )6、A. Am B. May C.Do( )7、A. Here you are B.I dont C.I cant( )8、A. Youre welcome B. Good-bye C.Fine(

3、二)This is a picture of a 1 .She is short.Her 2 are big.Her mouth is 3 ,too.Her nose is 4 ,and her 5 are small,too.Her 6 and legs are short and fat.She 7 fat feet.She is wearing a pruple sweater.She is 8 friend.( )1、A.girl B.boy C.man( )2、A.eyes B.ear C.nose( )3、A. big B.long C.small( )4、A.hot B.smal

4、l C.long( )5、A.ears B.eye C.mouth( )6、A. hand B. arms C.face( )7、A. is B.have C.has( )8、A. my B.I C.he(三)I have a good teacher.She teaches us English.She is very young.She 1 a round face,long black 2 ,big eyes ,a small red 3 and a small nose.Her arms are long.Her legs are long, 4 .Her hands and feef

5、 are big.Her favourite 5 is black.She is very kind.So we all 6 her!( )1、A.have B.has C.having D.is having( )2、A.hair B.hairs C.face D.hand( )3、A.mouth B.eyes C.nose D.head( )4、A.and B.also C.but D.too( )5、A.clothes B.sport C.colour D.food( )6、A. like B. dont like C.is like D.be like(四)People in diff

6、erent 1 like to eat different food. 2 kind of food would people 3 to eat in the U.K. Fish and fried 4 chips are very 5 in the U.K. Sometimes people 6 them at home,but they usually go to a fast food 7 to buy them.They can have them 8 the restaurant or 9 them away home.Sometimes,they 10 like to eat th

7、em in a park.( )1、A.country B.countries C.city( )2、A.Who B. When C.What( )3、A. would like B.like C.likes( )4、A.potato B.potatoes C.potatos( )5、A.cheap B.large C.popular( )6、A. cooking B. cook C.cooks( )7、A. restaurant B.library C.supermarket( )8、A. in B.on C.under( )9、A. get B.bring C.take( )10、A. a

8、nd B.also C.to(五)Hello!Do you know me?Im 1 English girl,Kate Smith.Come and see a 2 .It is a photo 3 my family.The girl is 4 .I like smiling(微笑).I am 5 Dalian Double Language School.Look at the man. 6 is my father.His name is Bill.He is a 7 ,too.Haha!He is my student.Mom,daddy and the toy bear(玩具熊)

9、Huihui 8 my students at home.I am their teacher.( )1、A.a B.an C.the D./( )2、A.Photo B. house C.family D.room( )3、A. for B.in C.at D.of( )4、A.me B.you C.him D.her( )5、A.of B.in C.on D.for( )6、A. It B.This C.That D.He( )7、A. teacher B.student C.boy D.man( )8、A. is B.am C.are D.be(六)There are many diff

10、erent animals in the zoo. Koala bears come from Australia.They are quiet,friendly and cute. Children like 1 .Koala bears need a tree 2 a home.Some penguins also come from 3 .Penguins are quiet and intereting, 4 they are not friendly.They need a 5 pool.Giraffes come from Africa.They are interesting 6

11、 exciting.They need a big home.Lions are also 7 Africa.They are exciting,but scary.Tigers are from India and China.They are exciting and scary,too.Lions and tigers need a place 8 .Pandas are from China.They are cute and friendly.They 9 need a big home.Elephants are from Africa.They are exciting and

12、friendly.They dont need a big home, 10 .( )1、A.it B.her C.them D.him( )2、A.for B. in C.at D.of( )3、A. China B.Australia C.Africa D.Japan( )4、A.and B.or C.so D.but( )5、A.swim B.swimming C.swiming D.swims( )6、A.and B.or C.but D.so( )7、A. of B.to C.at D.from( )8、A. run B.to run C.running D.are running(

13、 )9、A. dont B.doesnt C.arent D.not( )10、A. too B.also C.either D.else(七)China is a 1 country.It has a long history.Look at the map 2 China. 3 shape()is like a cock. 4 red.Chinas flag has 5 yellow stars. 6 capital of China is Beijing.Benjing is a 7 city in the world.In China,people speak 8 .( )1、A.sm

14、all B.little C.big Deast( )2、A.of B. in C.at D.on( )3、A.Its B.Its C.It D.its( )4、A. Its B. Its C. It D.Theyre( )5、A.one B.four C.five D.two( )6、A.A B.The C.An D./( )7、A.the same B.different C.same D.famous( )8、A. Chinese B.China C.English D.Chinas(八)Im Lisa. I 1 in Canada. Im twelve years old and my

15、 birthday is 2 July.I can speak 3 and French.I can also 4 a little Chinese.The flag of my country is red and 5 , and it han a 6 . Guo Hua is my pen-friend.She 7 from China.She is twelve years old, 8 .She was born 9 June 2. She spesks English very 10 .The flag of her country is red and has five yello

16、w stars.( )1、A.are B.lives C.live D.is( )2、A.in B. on C.at D.to( )3、A. Chinese B.English C.Canada D.China( )4、A.say B.tell C.talk D.speak( )5、A.white B.yellow C.blue D.green( )6、A.star B.stripe C.leaf D.little flag( )7、A.lives B.come C.comes D.has( )8、A.also B.too C.either D.to( )9、A. in B.at C.on D

17、.of( )10、A. good B.well C.nice D.beautiful(九)It is Sunday,November12.Its Monas 1 birthday. 2 of her friends are 3 her home now. 4 father comes 5 and says, “Sit down,children!”Mona and her friends sit around the table.Her mother comes in 6 a big cake. There are fourteen candles on 7 .“One,two,threefo

18、urteen! Im fourteen years 8 now, ”says Mona.Her mother 9 , “ Blow out the candles,my dear.” Mona blows hard and all the candles go out .Her friends begin to sing, “ 10 birthday to you! ”( )1、A.five B.fifteen C.four D.fourteen( )2、A.many B. much C.Many D.Much( )3、A. at B.of C.for D.on( )4、A.His B.Her

19、 C.She D.Hers( )5、A.out B.in C.to D.for( )6、A.of B.at C.for D.with( )7、A.it B.its C.them D.their( )8、A.old B.young C.tall D.metres( )9、A.looks B.likes C.wants D.says( )10、A.Happy B.Happy a C.Happys D.Happlily(十)My uncle works in a shop.Its near a 1 .Every day the students come to 2 some things(东西).I

20、n the morning my uncle gets up 3 six and after breakfast he 4 his bike to the shop.He 5 there at about 7:30.The shop 6 at eight.There are many things 7 sale in this shop.So there 8 many people in the shop 9 morning to evening.My uncle is very happy to 10 the students and they like him very much.( )1

21、、A.farm B.building C.school D.shop( )2、A.buy B. sell C.take D.want( )3、A. on B.in C.at D.from( )4、A.on B.by C.rides D.riding( )5、A.goes B.gets C.stays D.looks( )6、A.opens B.open C.is opening D.opened( )7、A.with B.in C.on D.for( )8、A.are B.come C.have D.see( )9、A. in B.from C.on D.at( )10、A. meet B.l

22、ook C.buy D.for(十一)Today 1 Childrens Day.I 2 very happy.We 3 a big party.Liu Ying 4 a beautiful song for us.Li Tao and Wang Qiang 5 .Tom 6 the piano.Miss Liu 7 a picture for us and she 8 “Happy Childrens Day!” to us.After the party,we 9 hiking(徒步旅行).Everyone 10 very happy.( )1、A.is B.are C.was( )2、A

23、.is B.are C.am( )3、A. had B.has C.have( )4、A.sing B.sang C.singing( )5、A.dance B.dances C.dancing( )6、A. playing B. plays C.play( )7、A. draw B.drew C.draws( )8、A.says B.say C.saying( )9、A.go B.goes C.went( )10、A. is B.are C.am(十二)Sandy and Sue 1 to Australia.Of course ,they go 2 plane(飞机).They 3 in

24、their pen-friend Marys house.It is a big house.There are four 4 ,two 5 in it.Marys mother 6 some good food for then.Mary 7 them to her school.They 8 many friends there.They 9 and dance.Sandy and Sue 10 English in Australia.( )1、A.go B.went C.goes( )2、A.take B.by C.talk( )3、A.live B.lives C.lived( )4、A.bedroom B.bedrooms C.bedroomed( )5、A.bathrooms B.bathroom C.bathroomed( )6、A.cooked B. cooks C.cook( )7、A. take B.taking C.tookl( )8、A.made B.make C.making( )9、A.singed B.singing C.sing( )10、A. learned B.learning C.learn6

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