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1、仁爱英语九年级上册期末专项复习题单项选择( )1.Hello! May I speak to Alice?Sorry, she _ Shanghai. A. have gone toB. has been toC. has been inD. has gone to( )2.The shoes were worn out, whats more, they arent worth _. A. to mendB. mendingC. mendedD. for mending( )3.Have you _ had dumplings?No, not _. A. ever; yetB. ever;

2、everC. yet; yetD. yet ; ever( )4.I didnt have _ to say, so I said _. A. something; anythingB. anything; nothingC. anything; somethingD. nothing; something( )5.Hi, Lucy. Have you finished your homework yet?No, just a half. I am really bored with so much homework. _ A. So do I.B. So am I.C. So I do.D.

3、 So I am.( )6.There are fifty students in our class, _ of us _ football. A. two third; likesB. two three; like C .two thirds; likesD. two thirds; like( )7._ the morning of December 1st, 2006, the 15th Asia Games _ in Doha(多哈). A. In; held B. On; was heldC. At; heldD. For; were held( )8.Do you know _

4、? Sorry, I dont know. A. whats the population of JapanB. what the population of France isC. how much of the population of Japan isD. how many is the population of France( )9.Do you think a radio is useful in learning English?Sure. A radio can _ listening English songs and reports. A. be used byB. be

5、 used asC. be used forD. be used to( )10.We should often keep _ touch with each other, because we are good friends. A. onB. toC .inD. up( )11.More and more trees were cut down. _, many animals are dying out. A. In the endB. So thatC. As a resultD. At last( )12.The rubbish _ every day is becoming a s

6、erious problem in cities around the world. A. produceB. producedC. producerD. producing( )13.How many students are there in the classroom?_ I dont know where they have gone. A. No one.B. None.C. Nobody.D. Nothing.( )14.Well make a trip to Hainan Island next weekend. Will you go with us?No, I cant _

7、it at present. A. afford B. save C. offerD. accept( )15.Not only oral English but also written English _ important. A. is B. are C. wasD. were( )16.Do you know who _ the tomb of Emperor Qin and who _ the mobile phone?No, but we may ask our teacher. A. discovered; invented B. was discovered; was inve

8、ntedC .invented; discovered D. was invented; was discovered( )17.Boys and girls, please listen to me carefully. I have _ to tell you. A. important something B. anything importantC. something important D. important nothing( )18.Its very hot, but quite wet today. _ A. So it is. B. It is so. C. So is i

9、t.D. So it does.( )19.Not only his parents but also his brother _ to the Summer Palace. They havent been back. A. have beenB. have goneC. has beenD. has gone( )20. I cant wait _ my birthday presents. A. to open B. open C. opening D. to opening ( )21.I _ this book for two weeks. I have to return it n

10、ow. A. borrowedB. have borrowedC. keptD. have kept( )22.Our playground is not so tidy and beautiful as before. Students must _ dirty things on it. A. be stopped to throwB. be stopped from throwingC. stop to throwD. stop from throwing( )23.The apples are divided _ two _. One is for my sister, the oth

11、er is for me. A. in; halfB. into; halvesC. in; halvesD. into; halfs( )24.How many times have you _ abroad?Twice. A. gone B. beenC. gone toD. been to( )25.The man _ will go _. A. downstairs; to upstairsB. downstairs; upstairsC. downstair; to upstairD. downstair; upstair( )26. What has _ the worlds po

12、pulation? A. happening to B. taking place C. happened to D. taken place ( )27. Hi, Li Hong, Xiao Gang has _ called you. Where have you been? A. just now B. now C. just D. never ( )28. I dont want to go shopping because there are _ people in the shop. A. many too B. too many C. much too D. too much (

13、 )29. What about having dinner with us? -Thanks, but we have _ had ours. A. ever B. not yet C. never D. already ( )30. Do you know _ the population of China was in 2005? -I have no idea.A. that B. how much C. what D. how many ( )31. In our class _ of the students are girls. A. three fifths B. three

14、fifth C. third three D. third fifths ( )32. The population of the two villages _ less than two million in 1999. A. are B. is C. were D. was ( )33. Chinas population is the _ in the world now. A. most B. largest C. more D. much ( )34. We wont wait for you _ you come here on time.A. if B. when C. unle

15、ss D. till ( )35. _ Lily _ Lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at home. A. Not only; but also B. Neither; nor C. Both; and D. Either; or ( )36. -Lilys not visited any places of great interested in China. -_.A. So has her twin sister B. Neither is her twin sister C. So her twin sister

16、has D. Neither has her two sister ( )37. _ the overpopulation, we are short _ energy and water. A. Because; with B. Because of; of C. Because of; on D. Because; in ( )38. The train goes _. A. faster and fast B. fast and faster C. faster and faster D. fast and fast( )39. Little Kate went to school _

17、it rained heavily yesterday. A. though B. if C. but D. since ( )40. -When _ you _ the factory? -Last week. A. did; visit B. have; visited C. are; visiting D. will; visit( )41. -What a big box! Can I help you? -No, thanks. Theres _ in it. Its empty. A. nothing B. nobody C. anything D. something ( )42

18、. -Is _ here today? -No, Han Mei isnt here. Maybe she is ill. A. someone B. anyone C. everyone D. no one ( )43. I agree with most of what you said. But I dont agree with _. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything ( )44. I looked for my pen _, but I couldnt find it. A. somewhere B. anywhere

19、 C. everywhere D. nowhere ( )45. -Why didnt you say _ instead of sitting there silently? -I hated the way John spoke, so I said _. A. something; everything B. something; nothing C. anything; everything D. anything; nothing ( )46. -Would you like to have _? -No, thank you. Ive had enough. A. anything

20、 more B. something more C. more anything D. more something ( )47. -Its very important to save water. -I agree with you. I hope _ can realize that. A. nobody B. everybody C. anybody D. somebody ( )48. You look so happy! -_ is happy today, its Childrens Day. A. Nobody B. Everybody C. Anybody D. Somebo

21、dy ( )49. Ive read several books, but _ of them is funny. A. neither B. either C. none D. all ( )50. -Mum, Bill is coming to dinner this evening. -OK, lets give him _ to eat. A. something different B. different anything C. anything different D. different something ( )51.-Can you cook eggs with tomat

22、oes? -Yes, of course. _ can do it, it is easy. A. Anyone B. Someone C. No one D. Everyone else ( )52. -Why dont you go to the Dinosaur World? -I hear theres _ in it. A. something new B. anything new C. new nothing D. nothing new ( )53. _ it is raining outside, he still works in the field. A. Althoug

23、h B. Because C. As D. If( )54. The thief broke into the house and _ much money _ me. A. robbed; of B. stole; of C. robbed; from D. stole; from ( )55. The little girl is afraid to speak _. A. with people B. to public C. in public D. in the open ( )56. Did you have any trouble _ the post office? A. fi

24、nd B. in finding C. to find D. found ( )57. English is spoken _ a second language _ Indians. A. as; by B. like; in C. in; by D. for; by ( )58. About _ of the land was covered by grass in our city. A. two three B. two third C. two thirds D. second three ( )59. Do you find it easy _ the boy _ English?

25、A. encourage; speak B. to encourage; speak C. encourage; to speak D. to encourage; to speak ( )60.Mr. Lee _ Beijing International Airport at ones oclock yesterday afternoon. A. arrived to B. arrived C. reached D. reached at 仁爱英语九年级上册期末专项复习题参考答案15 DBABB 610 DBBCC 1115 CBBAA 1620 ACADC 2125 DBBBB 2630 CCBDC 3135 ADBCD 3640DBCAA 4145 ACDCB 4650 BBBCA 5155ADADC 5660BACDC

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