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1、外研版五年级英语下册module 1测试题一、 将单词补充完整并补充其汉语意思。 1. lif_( ) 2.diff_rent( ) 3._go( )4. an_( )5.televi_ion( ) 6.grandch_ldren( ) 7.f_re( )8._s( )9.L_dy( ) 10.r_d_( )二、写出下列单词的过去式。1.am_2.is_3.do_4.are _5.have _ 6. has _ 7. live _ 8.watch _ 9. fly _ 10. talk _11. cook _ 12. can _ 13. buy _14. work _ 15. play_三、英

2、汉互译。 1. many years ago_ 2. lots of_3. 看电视_ 4.每天_5. 和交谈_ 6.四年前_7. last night_ 8. talk about_9. on a fire_ 10. 在田地_四、词形转换。1.bus(复数)_ 2.car(复数)_ 3.change(现代分词)_ 4.different(反义词)_5.small(反义词)_6.some(同义词)_e(现代分词)_ 8.could(否定形式)_9.wasnt (完全形式)_ 10.we(宾格)_ 五、选择填空。 ( ) 1. I_TV last night. A. watch B. watche

3、s C. watched( )2.She is _ old lady. A. a B. an C. the( )3.She didnt have a pen _a pencil. A. and B. but C. or( )4.He worked _the fields. A. in B. on C. at( )5.Where _you two days ago? A. are B. were C. is( )6.Look, Its a programme _china. A. to B. about C. under( )7.There _buses.A. were any B. was a

4、ny C. werent any( )8.We _in a big house now. A. live B. lives C. lived( )9.Thank you for _to us. A. talk B. talked C. talking( )10._ were you last night? A. what B. where C. which六、选择介词填空 to with in for of1. We lived _ a small house2. LingLing is in England _Amy3.Life is very different _ china4.Ther

5、e are lots _ buses5.Thank you _ talking to us.七、用动词正确形式填空1. Life_(be) very different many years ago.2. We _(not have) enough food to eat ago.3. There _(be) lots of cars now.4. Yesterday, I _(watch)TV.5. Did he _(live) in a small house?八、连词成句1. not television she a have did _2. miss I grandmother my

6、_3. a many he house ago lived years in small _4. Could or read not he white _5. televisions werent any there 6. buses of now are lots there_7. my TV yesterday I watched mother with_8. enough we didnt have food_九、改错1. I am comeing._2. There wasnt any cars._3. There are lot of cars._4. She didnt watch

7、ed TV._5. He live in asmall house ago._十、阅读短文,判断对错。Five years ago, we lived in a small house. There was a small tree beside the house. There was a small dog in my house.Now, we live in a big house. There is a big tree beside the house. There are three dogs in my house.1. There is a small tree beside the house now. ( )2. There was a small dog in my house. ( )3. We live in a big house now. ( )4. There are two dogs in my house. ( ) 5. Everything is changing. 4

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