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1、小学三年级英语下册第一模块测试卷(外研版)一、按字母表顺序补全字母:(15分)AC D F G HJ K L M NPR S TV W XZb c e fhj mo pr tv w x二、根据大写字母写出小写字母、小写字母写出大写字母(15分):MW O QBP C GL I EF YJNMb p i j u ve f d p b d rp四、选择填空:(20分)( )1、is your favourite song,Mr Smart? A.Where B.What C.How( )2、favourite toy is doll. A.Her B.She C.Shes( )3、My favou

2、rite is a kite. A.doll B.colour C.toy( )4、This is Daming.Favourite toy is a ship. A.Her B.His C.He( )5、a bear,a father bear. A.Heres B.Theres C.Wheres( )6、My favourite colour is . A.a red B.red C.a yellow( )7、Toys,toysgirls and boys. A.for B.to C.is( )8、lovely toys. A.Lot of B.How many C.Lots of( )9

3、、Heres a bear,a mother bear.is my favourite bear.A.He B.Her C.She( )10、My favourite toy is . A.car B.bus C.a car六、补全下列对话:(15分)A. My favourite colour is yellow.B. Whats your favourite toy ?C. My name is Tom.And you?D. My favourite toy is a computer game.E. Whats your favourite colour?L: Hello!Whats y

4、our name?T: L: My name is Lili.T: L:My favourite toy is a doll.And you?T:L: My favourite colour is red.L:T:小学三年级下册英语第二模块测试卷(外研版)一、写出字母表中的前七个字母的大小写:(14分)-二、将下列单词与汉语连线:(10分)tree 小汽车doll 玩具ship 树toy 洋娃娃car 龙船monkey 大象tiger 狮子cat 猴子elephant 老虎lion 猫四、选择填空:(30分)( )1、Whats ? Its a tiger. A . this B .these

5、( )2、What are they ? are lions. A . This B .They( )3、This tree tall. A .is B .are( )4、Hello,boys and girls. ,Mr Li. A .Hello B .Ha,ha( )5、Whats this ? Its . A .a elephant B .an elephant( )6、That monkey is . A .a thin B .thin( )7、What are they ? They are . A .monkey B.monkeys( )8、Whats this ? Its a t

6、iger. Its . A .big B .a big( )9、What are they ? They are pandas. Theyre . A .fats B .fat( )10、Look the dogs . Theyre small . A .to B .at五、选出符合题意的句子:(15分)( )1、向别人介绍“这是玲玲。”用 。A .Shes Lingling . B .Its Lingling . C .This is Lingling .( )2、询问“那是什么?”用 。 A Whats that ? B .Whats this ? C. What are they ?(

7、)3、回答“Whats this?(这是什么?)”的句子,下列哪个句子能用? A .Its big. B .Its a tiger . C .This is a tiger .( )4、“指那个胖鸟儿。”下列那个句子正确? A .Look at the fat bird . B .Piont to the fat bird , C .Look !Its a fat bird .。(外研版)小学三年级英语下册第三模块测试卷一、 按字母表顺序写出下列字母大小写:(10分)Aa Ff Aa二、每个字母抄写一行:(15分)-Bb-Cc-三、 填空:(30分)1、I like (足球). 2、I (不)

8、like basketball .3、I like (乒乓球). 4、I like (早操).5、I like (swim). 6、I dont like (skip).7、I like (骑自行车). 8、I like coffee , (也).9、I like cats and they like (我). 10、I like green dogs (和)blue cats .三、根据 和 用like和dont like 填空:(20分) 1、 I toy cats . 2、 I am a girl .I basketball . 3、 The pandas are fat .I pand

9、as . 4、 I like tea .I coffee . 5、 I like monkeys .I lions . 6、 I Mr Smart .She is my English teacher . 7、 We are girls .We red . 8、 I am a boy . I skipping . 9、 I like swimming and I riding bikes . 10、 My favourite toy is a doll. I dolls .四、根据汉语意思,连词成句:(25分) 1、这是我的学校,我喜欢它。 is ,like .I, This ,my scho

10、ol ,it .2、我不喜欢黄色的。 I ,like ,yellow ,dont .3、我的父亲是一个医生,我喜欢医生。 My father ,I ,is ,docters ,like ,a docter ,4、它是一只狗,我喜欢狗。 is ,it ,a dog ,like ,I dogs .5、他最喜爱的玩具是洋娃娃。我不喜欢洋娃娃。I ,like ,a doll ,dolls ,His ,toy ,favourite ,dont ,is ,(外研版)小学三年级英语下册第四模块测试卷一、写出字母表中的8-14个字母的大小写:(14分)-EeDd二、每个字母至少抄写五遍:(16分)-GgFf-

11、四、选择填空:(20分)( )1、you like meat ,Lingling ? A .Does B .A re C .Do( )2、Does Amy rice and meat ? A .like B .likes C .does like( )3、Do you like fish ,Amy ? . A .Yes ,I dont . B .No ,I dont . C .No ,I am not .( )4、Look ,Tom milk . A .like B .likes C .dont like( )5、Pass me the apple ,please . . A ,You are

12、 here . B ,Here are you . C ,Here you are( )6、Daming like bananas ? A ,Do B ,Is C ,Does( )7、Tingting rice ,I rice ,too . A .like ,like B .likes ,likes C .likes , like( )8、Does she like apples ? . A .No ,she doesnt .B .No , she dont . C .Yes , she doesnt .( )9、me the rice ,please . A .Pass B .Like C

13、.Do( )10、 Xingyong like apples ? Xingyong , you like apples ? A .Do , Do B .Does , Do C .Do , Does 五、根据短文,用like ,likes ,dont , doesnt , Does ,Do ,填空:(20分)Hello ,my name is Wanghong . I (喜欢)rice and meat .I(不喜欢)noodles .My sisters name is Wangying . She (喜欢)fish and noodles . She (不喜欢)rice .you(喜欢)ri

14、ce? your sister/brother (喜欢)fish and noodles ?六、根据 和 回答下列问题:(10分)1、Do you like tabletennis ? 2、Does your friend like football ?3、Xiaoming , do you like apples ?4、Does your mother like basketball ?5、Do you like English ?(外研版)小学三年级(三起)英语下册第六模块测试卷含答案一、写出字母表中的从Hh到Tt 13个字母的大小写:(13分)-LlKk二、每个字母至少抄写五遍:(12分

15、)-MmNn-三、根据汉语意思,圈出下列正确的单词或短语:(15分)1、周末:weakend weekend week 2、汉语:China Chianese Chinese 3、数学Maths Meths Naths 4、科学Scaence Sciense Science 5、睡觉sleep cleep sleap 6、音乐Musec Mvsic Music7、在学校at school on school 8、在周末in the weekend on the weekend at the weekend9、在早上at the morning in the morning 10、在下午in t

16、he morning in the afternoon in the evening四、选择填空:(20分)( )1、She basketball . A .play B .plays C .does play( )2、What she at the weekend ? A .do ,does B .does ,do C .does ,does( )3、What do youat school ?I English and Chinese . A .has ,have B .have ,has C .have ,have( )4、Whats the time ?Its . A .half pa

17、st seven B .seven past half C .seven oclock half( )5、At the weekend I swimming ,And he TV . A .goes watches B .go watch C .go watches( )6、What do you do ? I have dinner. A .at eight oclock in the afternoon B .in the afternoon at eight oclock C .at the afternoon in eight oclock( )7、Do you play footba

18、ll in the morning ? . A .No ,I do B .Yes , I does C .No ,I dont( )8、Does Xiaoyong like basketball ? A .No ,he dont B .Yes ,he does C .Yes .he do( )9、What does Lingling at school today? SheMaths,English and Chinese . A . has has B .have have C .have has D .has have ( )10、I have in the afternoon . A .

19、Music ,art and pe B .Maths and Art ,PE C .Maths ,Art and PE.外研版小学(三起)三年级英语下册第七模块测试卷含答案一、写出下列字母的大小写:(13分) B D E G H I K M P Q R U b d e f h i j n o q r s v y-OoPp二、每个字母至少抄写五遍:(12分)Qq-Rr-三、 根据汉语意思,完成下列单词或短语:(20分)( )1.Chr mas 圣诞节 A.is B.ist C.est ( )2.ab t关于A.ou B.au C.un( )3.Chin中国的 A.asa B.ase C.ese

20、( )4.Engl 英国A.ish B.and C.ind( )5.pre t礼物A.zen B.san C.sen ( )6.s唱歌A.ing B.ong C.ang( )7.春节 A.Spring New Year B.Summer Festival C.Spring Festival ( )8.家庭大餐 A.a big family lunch B.a big family dinner C.a big home dinner( )9.圣诞快乐! A.Happy Christmas B.Happy New Year C.Happy Spring Festival ( )10.一本给你的书

21、 A.a book about you B.a book of you C.a book for you四、 选择填空:(20分)( )1.Herea book for you. A.are B.am C.is( )2.ItsSpring Festival. A.of B.about C.for( )3.Spring Festival,we have peanuts and sweets. A.On B.At C.In( )4.What is Spring Festival?Its Chinese .A.New Year B.Christmas C.Spring Festival( )5.It

22、s Christmas today.Daming, ! A.Happy New Year B.Happy Spring Festival C.Happy Christmas( )6.They sing songs Christmas. A.at B.on C.in( )7.I like peanuts. . A.Oh,I see. B.Here you are. C.Oh,thank you.( )8.Its Spring Festival today.We have a big family . A.lunch B.dinner C.supper( )9. Damingpeanuts at Christmas. A.Do.eat B.Is.eats C.Does.eat( )10.We have Christmas England. A.in B.at

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