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1、小学三年级英语下册期末检测试卷 姓名: 成绩: 一、找出每组单词中划线部分读音不同的一项。(10分)( )1.A.sisiter B.lion C.right D.violion( )2.A.goose B.too C.good D.zoo( )3.A.student B.much C.excuse D.cute( )4.A.peach B.teacher C.really D.please( )5.A.grape B.apple C.grandma D.taxi二、补全单词。(5分)( )1.st_dent A.e B.a C.u( )2.g_ _l A.ai B.ir C.ur( )3.s

2、h_ _pener A.ar B.er C.or( )4._ _ac_ A.bl,k B.al,k C.pl,k( )5.ch_ _ _ A.era B.air C.are三、根据提示给下列单词分类。(10分)a. tiger b.grandma c.box d.twelve e.applef.orange g.sister h.umbrella i.ten j.fox1.表示数字的有_2.表示人物的有 _3.表示动物的有_4.表示物品的有 _5.表示水果的有_四、找出与句中划线部分单词意思相反的词。(10分)( )1.Look!The giraffe is so tall.A.short B

3、.big C.cute( )2.The man is my grandpa.A.boy B.girl C.woman( )3.The rabbit has a short tail.A.small B.long C.short( )4.The panda has black eyes.A.brown B.red C.white( )5.Wow!The mouse is so small.A.big B.tall C.short五、选择。(15分)( )1.The dog_small ears.A.has B.have C.are( )2.Mom, _is my doll? Its in the

4、 box.A.where B.what C.who( )3. _you _oranges? Yes,I do.A.Are,like B.Do,like C.Does,like( )4._about pears?A.Who B.What C.Where( )5._a big fish!A.How B.What C.Where( )6.Lets_TV.A.watching B.watch C.watch to( )7._? Sure.Here you are.A.Can I have a pear B.How many pears do you haveC.Where is the pear( )

5、8. Amy:_. Mr Black:Thank you!A.Happy Teachers Day B. Happy Womens Day C. Happy Childrens Day( )9._have red eyes.A.Monkeys B.Rabbits C.Pandas( )10. Whos that girl over there? _.A.Hes my father B.Shes my mother C.Shes my sister六、情景交际。(10分)( )1.周六和小明约定八点整到公园门口,你八点半才到,你会对他说:A.Excuse me B.Sorry C.Its OK.

6、( )2.暑假里邀请朋友一起到动物园玩,你会说:A.Lets go to the park. B.what about you? C.Lets go to the zoo.( )3.在动物园里你能看到哪些标语?A.Dont feed the animals. B.Keep off the grass C.No smoking.( )4.你想知道别人有多少本书,你会说:A.Do you have some books? B.How many books do you like? C. How many books do you have?( )5.母亲节到了,你可以这样对妈妈表示节日的祝福:A.

7、Happy Teachers Day B. Happy Womens Day C. Happy Childrens Day七、选出下列句子正确的翻译。(10分)( )1.Come in,please.A.加油! B.请进!( )2.Raise your leg.A.放下你的腿。 B.抬起你的腿。( )3.Have some fruits.A.请吃一些水果吧! B.请喝一些饮料吧!( )4.I am tall,I can get the apple s.A.我个子矮,我够不到苹果。 B.我个子高,我能够到苹果。( )5.I know all the animals.A. 我害怕所以的动物。 B. 我知道所有的动物。八、把下列单词连成一个通顺的句子,将序号填在横线上。(3分)1. are where you from (?) 2. the elephant look at (.) 3. is that who woman (?)

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