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1、Give roses to others and the lasting fragrance will remain in your hand.Unit 4Ke FaxiangMar25,2012Warming-up and Pre-readingshare:to have,use,pay,or take part in something with others among a group rather than singly1 Children should be told to share their toys.2 We share the cost of the meal.3 We a

2、ll share the responsibility for these terrible events.4 Its always better to share your worries and problems.SharingHave you got anything to share with your classmates?What are they?Sharing is helpingSharing is enjoying.Sharing is understandingSharing is perfectingThere are many famous volunteers yo

3、u know.Here are some photos belowCan you guess who they are?Norman Bethune 白求恩白求恩She lived in India(1910-1997).She helped the poor and the sick and won the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE in 1979.Mother Teresa特蕾莎修女特蕾莎修女濮存昕濮存昕The image ambassador for HIV/Aids徐本禹徐本禹Enjoy what some famouspeople think about SharingEn

4、joywAs Kofi Annan,Secretary General of the United Nations said“each contribution-no matter how small-can help make a difference.”EnjoyGive roses to others and the lasting fragrance will remain in your handIf everybody offers a little love,the world will become more beautifulThe important factors not

5、 for rewards esp.money and materials Volunteer not forced to do soNot only the person but also the society and the environment benefit from it.with participationWhat are the volunteers doing?fight against the flood and rescue the old and the sickplant trees and protect our environmenthelp the disabl

6、edEarthquake in WenchuanSharing is helpingSharing is enjoyingSharing is understandingSharing is perfectingvolunteersWhat does the sign stand for?the Chinese Young Volunteers A hand:_A heart:_A dove:_A letter Y:_helplove and carepeaceyouthDo you know anything about Papua New Guinea(PNG)?PNGs national

7、 flag national emblemPNGs paper currency341.9 dollars(Southern America)419.95 dollars(Northern America)155.6 dollars(Asia)40.02 dollars(China)26.39 dollars(Africa)1.23 dollarsPapua New Guinea(PNG)?houses made of bamboo and grass the tribe(部落部落)the villagersLocationPopulationLanguageEconomyEducations

8、ituated to the north of Australiaabout 5.7 millionEnglish as the official language.a poor country with most people living in tribal villages and depending on subsistence farming to make a livingAbout 85%of children start school but only about 60%of these reach Year 5A Letter Home-By Jo Jo,a young Au

9、stralian woman of Australian Volunteers International,has worked as a volunteer teacher in Papua New Guinea for two years.What voluntary work have you done?If not,what will you volunteer to do in the future?Which countries do you think need help most?Why?In which country do you want to do voluntary work?In China or abroad?Why?Discuss in groupsThank you

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