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1、五、短文改错部分1A few days before, I saw an interesting program on TV. It was about the problem of the traffic in our cities. It seemed that a great deal of damage had done by traffic. But now our cities are still suffered from riffs problem. Some buildings are actually falling to piece. It is often faster

2、 to walk than to go by car or bus, The problem has been getting worse for long time. This is only one problem among thousands others in our cities. All sorts of terrible things have happened with our cities. And the biggest question is “What can we do about it?” Our roads have ever been designed for

3、 such a heavy traffic.1. _ 2. _ 3. _4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _10. _Key:1将before改为ago。before用于过去完成时,ago用过去时。2去掉traf-fic前的冠词the。traffic指车辆。为不可数名词。3had后加been。为被动语态。4suffered改为suffedng。为进行时。5pmce改为pmces。fall to pieces倒塌。6正确。7在long之前加。a。for a long time为固定用法。8在to。thousands后加of。thousands of为惯用法,表示“数千的”。

4、9将with改为To。happen to为固定用法。10根据句意将ever改为nevcr。2Most Americans dont like to get advices from melnbers of tbelr famlly. When they are in a trouble and need advice, they write letters for newspapers or magazincs. Most newspapers print letters from readers with problems. Along with the Ietters there have

5、 answers written by people who are was first grown in which is now part of the United States. Columbus, Who discovered America, saw the Indians smoking. Soon the drying leaves were transported to Europe where smoking began to catch on. At the late 1800s, the Turks made cigarettes popular. Smoking ci

6、garettes is danger. The US Public Health Service stated that the smoking cigarettes is the reason of lung cancer and several other deadly diseases. The US government now requires that each package of cigarettes bears a special warning against the danger of smoking.1. _ 2. _ 3. _4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8

7、. _ 9. _10. _Key: 1. 在for后加a。for a long time很久。2. 将that改为which。为非限制性定语从句。3. which改为that。为名词性从句,“就是在现在美洲的地方”。4. 正确。5. drying改为dried。意为“晒干的”。6. At改为In。在年代用in。7. dan-ger改为dangerous。 8. 去掉smoking前的the。动名词做主语。9. reason改为cause。reason理由,cause导致的原因,起因。10. bears改为bear。require后的宾语从句应用should+动词的虚拟结构,should可省略。

8、3Sandy is seventeen years old. And she is much busy. Sbe never has enough time for that she wants to do. Like many other girls about her age, she spends hours on the telephone, talks to her friends. She often goes out on the weekends, and she looks after children for other families to get some money

9、. But, of course, during the school years she herself has a lot homework to do. During the football season, Sandy is more busier than usual She and other pretty girls are cheer leaders. They jump up and down together, cheering when the team have played well. When the team is not playing so well, the

10、 girls try their best encourage the players. The cheers are usually not long, but it takes a long time to practise shouting them together.1. _ 2. _ 3. _4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _10. _Key:1把much改为very。much多与-ed的形容词连用。2that改为what或all。what she wants to do 她想做的事。all (that) =what。3talks改为talking,为spen

11、d b time+ doing.句式。4去掉weekends前的the。on weekends在周末。5But改为And。根据下文判断。6在a lot后加of。a lot of 许多。7去掉more或把nlore改为much。busier为比较级。8正确。9have改为has。team为集合名词,作整体看时,谓语用单数。10在encourage前加too try ones best to do尽最大努力去做。4After I finished the school this year, I began to took for work. Now several month later, I s

12、till hadnt found tbe job that I was interested. Last Sunday nmrning I received a phone call from a man calling him Mr Smith. He said to me on the phone, “I hear you do very well in your studies, I may havc a job for you.” I entered his office with a beaten heart. How I hoped that I will go through t

13、he joh hunting talk today and he would take nm on as a lab assistant. But to my surprised, what he said disappointing. He only needed a model.1. _ 2. _ 3. _4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _10. _Key;1去掉school前的the,finishschool毕业。2month改为months。3mterest-ed后加in。be interested in为固定短语。4him改为himself。表“自称为”用反身

14、代词。5正确。6在I之前加so。从上下文的逻辑关系可知。7heaten改为beating。意为“一颗在跳动的心”。beat作“跳动”解时,为不及物动词。8will改为would。应用过去式。9surprised改为surprise。to ones surprise为固定用法。10在disappointing前加was。意为“他所说的是令人失望的。”5Calvin Coolidge, 30th president of the United States, was famous for a man of few words. He knew what he should talk and whe

15、n he should not. It was very hard of anyone to enjoy talking with him. One evening he was inviting to dinner. A lady sitting next to him past the sugar for his coffee. “Mr President,” she said.”Today a friend of me said that I couldnt get much than two words out of you. I said I can, and we made a b

16、et.” “You lose,” answered the president.1. _ 2. _ 3. _4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _10. _Key: 1. 在30th前加the。序数词前应加定冠词。2. for改为as。be famous for .为而出名;be famous as .作为而出名。3. what改为when。从下文and when的信息可知。4. 把of改为for。It is +adj. +for sb. to do.为固定用法。5. 将inviting改为invited。应为被动语态。6. past改为passed。 pass为动词,而p

17、ast为介词。7. 将me改为mine。我的一个朋友,应说a friend of mine。8. 把much改成more than为搭配。9. can改为could。为时态错,从said可知。10. 正确。6ThefirstmansetfootonthemoonwasanAmericancallingNeilArmstorng.HelandedonthemoonwithEdwinAldrininJuly21,1969inthelunarmodule(飞船)舱.Whetheyweremadethefamousmoon-walk,millionsofpeoplewatchedthemthrough




















37、rtant改为importance。此处明显看出应用名词形式。9在captam前加the。指这队的队长。10将they改为we。从下文ifwewanttowinthegame可知。15Im a senior student. I like English very much. Beside having English lessons at school, I often went to the English Corner in the park near my home at Saturday mornings. It set up two years ago. Many high sch

38、ool students gather here. Sometimes, some college students and even foreign friends are the present English Corner. There we practise spoken English, talking about that we are interested in, introduciffg our experience in learning English and so on. I have learned a lot. I have great improved myself

39、 in English that since I attended it for the first time.1. _ 2. _ 3. _4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _10. _Key:1将Beside改为Besides,意为“除外,还有”。2将went改为go。从上下文看,属时态的错误。3at改为on。在某日(上、下午、早晚)用介词on。4在setup前加was。应用被动语态。5here改为there。6在present之前加at。at the present English Corner在现在的英语角。7that改为what。8正确。9将great改为grea

40、tly。应用副词形式。10去掉that。that在句中属多余的词。16The Beijing Zoo is largest zoo in Asia and one of the largest in the world. There are hundred of different kinds animals in it. We can see yellow, green, orange and brown birds, that can sing nice songs. The elephants have big nose and big ears and they are kind of

41、 human. We can also see big and little monkeys running and dance, just like happy children. Pandas, with good manner, are very friendly and polite to visitors. There are also many other things to see. We hope you to have a good time there.1. _ 2. _ 3. _4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _10. _Key:1在largest之前加the。最高级前应加定冠词。2hundred变为hundreds。hundreds of数百。3在kinds后加of。不同种类的动物。4that改为which。是非限制性的定语从句。5. nose改为nose

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