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1、Module 1单词短语句子soon不久tell告诉still仍April 4月dancing舞蹈also也American美国人1. read a letter 读一封信2. my friend 我的朋友3 in London. 在伦敦4. a bit 一点,有点5. on Saturday 在周六6. a photo of 一张的照片7. birthday party 生日聚会8.have got /has got 有9.long black hair又长又黑的头发10. at Buckingham Palace 在白金汉宫11 write to. 给回信12. tell about 告诉

2、关于13.next year 明年14. new friend 新朋友15.at the Great Wall 在长城16. computer game 电脑游戏(一)、一般现在时1. Where is my desk? 我的桌子在哪里?2. Where does she live?她在哪里居住3. How are you? 你好吗?4.Here is a photo of my birthday party.这是一张我生日聚会的照片。5.Write to me soon.尽快给我回信。6.Tell me about your friend.告诉我关于你朋友的事。7. Ive got a ne

3、w friend.我有一个新朋友。8. Hes got short, yellow hair.他有又短又黄的头发。9.Thank you for your letter.谢谢你的来信。10. Beijing isnt cold now.北京现在不冷了。11.What about you?你呢?你怎么样?12. I like music.我喜欢音乐。13.I like dancing.我喜欢跳舞。 (二)、现在进行时14. What are you doing?你在做什么?(三)、一般过去时15.It was my birthday on Saturday.我的生日在周六。16.Where wa

4、s he?他在哪里?Module 2 单词短语句子yesterday昨天clean打扫finish完成wash洗dirty脏的1.help my mum帮我的妈妈2. wash my shirt洗我的衬衫3. wash my skirt洗我的短裙4. clean my room打扫我的房间5.finish my homework完成我的家庭作业6.a very good boy一个很好的男孩7.thank you谢谢你8.wash my trousers洗我的裤子9.last Sunday上周日10.cook noodles做面条 11.watch TV看电视12.paint a pictur

5、e画一幅画13. play the flute吹笛子14.play with me 和我玩15.listen to music听音乐16.help his mother帮他的妈妈17.play football踢足球(一般过去时)1. My trousers were very dirty.我的裤子非常脏。2.Tom helped him.汤姆帮了他。I finished my homework. Ms Smart phoned Grandma. Amy painted a picture. I cleaned my room. I washed my trousers. I helped m

6、y mum. Mr Smart cooked noodles.Module 3单词短语句子learn学习National Day国庆节1. walk to school 走路去学校2 finish my homework .完成我的作业3.get up 起床4.on Mondays 在每个周一5. at seven(7) 在七点6.have English/Chinese/Maths/Science上英语/语文/数学/科学7.at school 在学校8. National Day 国庆节9.watch TV 看电视10.play with her toys 玩她的玩具11.cook fish

7、 做鱼12. on Sundays 在每个周日13.ride my bike 骑我的自行车14. play football 踢足球15. in the park 在公园里16.stay at home 呆在家里17.clean all the rooms 打扫全部的房间18. play the drums 打鼓19.clean the bed 打扫床铺20.read the books 读书21.go swimming 去游泳22.wash shoes 洗鞋子23.play basketball 打篮球24. paint a picture 画一幅画25. help my mom 帮我的妈妈

8、(一)、一般现在时1. Lingling usually gets up at 7 on Mondays. 每逢周一玲玲七点起床。2. She usually walks to school. 她通常走路去学校。3.On Sundays, I usually ride my bike to the park.每逢周日,我通常骑我的自行车去公园。4. I usually play football in the park. 我通常在公园里踢足球。5. What a boring day! 多么无聊的一天啊!(二)、一般过去时1. She didnt get up at 7 yesterday.

9、昨天她七点没起床。2. She didnt walk to school yesterday. 昨天她没有走路去学校。3. I didnt ride my bike yesterday. 昨天我没有骑我的自行车。4. I didnt play football in the park. 我没有在公园里踢足球。(三)、过去进行时1. It was raining. 下雨了。Module 4单词短语句子invent发明paper纸important重要的printing印刷术print印刷bicycle自行车1.invent paper发明纸2.invent printing发明印刷术3. pri

10、nt book印书4.print newspaper印刷报纸5. class newspaper班报6.between the chairs在椅子之间7. invent paper发明纸8. look at看一看 9beside the house.在房子旁边10.in front of在的前面11.beside the bicycle在自行车旁边12.between the two cars在两辆车之间13.beside the two girls在两个女孩的旁边14. last Monday.上周一(一)、一般现在时1. Whats this?这是什么?2. Its a boat.它是一个

11、小船。 3. Its a bike.它是一个自行车。4. You are so clever.你是如此的聪明。5.Chinese people are very clever.中国人是非常聪明的。6.We print books and newspapers.我们印书和报纸。7.Its beside the house.它在房子的旁边。8.Its in front of the cat.它在猫的前面9. Look at the man beside the bicycle.看一看在自行车旁边的这个男人。10. Where is it?它在哪儿?11. Its between the chair

12、s.它在椅子之间。12. Look at the man between the two cars.看一看在两辆车之间的这个男人。13. Now the pen is between the ruler and the pencil.钢笔在尺子和铅笔之间。(二)、一般过去时1. Chinese people invented many important things.中国人发明了许多重要的东西。2. Chinese people invented printing.中国人发明了印刷术。 3. I printed our class newspaper yesterday.昨天我印了我们的班级

13、报纸。4. Chinese people invented paper.中国人发明了纸。5.He invented this bicycle.他发明了这辆自行车。6. He was from the UK.来自英国。7. He invented these cars.他发明了这些车。8. He was from the US.他来自美国。9 Where was Lingling?.玲玲在哪里?10. She was beside the two girls.她在两个女孩之间。11. The pencil was between the ruler and the pen.铅笔在尺子和钢笔的中间

14、。12.Who was in front of you last Monday?上周一谁在你的前面?Module 5单词短语句子wentgo去the Great Wall长城sawsee看见ateeat吃hadhave享受 boughtbuy买climb爬mountain山worewear穿ice-skating滑冰 fell overfall over摔倒hurt受伤learntlearn学习skate滑冰fall over摔倒1.go to the river去河边2. go to the party去聚会3. go on a school trip参加学校旅行4.go to the Gr

15、eat Wall去长城5 climb to the top.爬到顶端6. lots of = a lot of许多的7. eat candies吃糖果8. see some beautiful plants看见一些美丽的植物 9. buy you a present给你买了一个礼物10. a picture of一幅的图画:一张的照片11. the Great Wall长城12go skating.去滑冰13 wear warm clothes.穿着暖和的衣服14. go out出去15.climb up the Great Wall爬上长城16. next to紧挨着17. play bas

16、ketball打篮球18. go to the sea去海边19. last summer去年夏天(一)一般过去时1. Did you go on a school trip yesterday?昨天你们去参加学校旅行了吗?3.We saw lots of mountains.我们看见了许多山。4. We ate candies.我们吃了糖果。5. We saw some beautiful plants.我们看见了一些美丽的植物。6. You had a good time.你们过得很愉快。7.We bought you a present.我们给你买了一个礼物。 8. I saw a pi

17、g yesterday.昨天我看见了一只猪。9. He went skating.他去滑冰。10. Yesterday, we went on a school trip.昨天,我们去参加了学校旅行。11.We went skating.我们去滑冰了。12. I didnt fall over again.我没有再一次摔倒。13. We had a lovely day.我们度过了愉快的一天。14.We went out yesterday.昨天我们出去了。15. We climbed up the Great Wall.我们爬上了长城。16. We ate a cake next to a

18、lake.我们在湖边吃了一个蛋糕。17. We went to the sea last summer.去年夏天我们去了海边。18.We saw some fish and ate many things.我们看见了一些鱼还吃了许多东西。19. We had a good time.我们过得很愉快。(二)一般现在时1. Its a picture of the Great Wall.它是一幅长城的图画。Module 6单词短语句子gold金子food食物tooktake拿走mademake制作 angry生气的only只away离开saidsay 说1.help people 帮助人们 2.

19、take away 拿走3. go to sea 出海 4. come back 回来5. run away 逃跑 6. make a cake 做蛋糕7. paint with 用.画 e out to play 出来玩The magic paint brush didnt make gold. He took Ma Liang away. This old woman didnt have food. The bad man didnt help people. It didnt make gold. He didnt come back.Module 7单词短语句子break弄坏cry哭

20、monster怪物ranrun 跑1. break your toy 弄坏你的玩具 2. see a scary thing 看见一个可怕的东西3. on the TV 在电视上 4. want to 想要5. old woman 老妇人 6. live in a shoe 住在一只鞋里7. lots of 很多 8. in fact 事实上9. give them soup/ bread 给他们汤/面包 10. put them to bed 把他们放在床上11.how many多少12. kiss sb. 亲吻某人 13. Dont worry. 别担心。Module 8单词短语句子cam

21、ecome来last刚过去的wonwin赢得gold金制的 cup奖杯practice练习win赢得1. come to China 来中国 2. win a gold cup 赢得一个金奖杯3. practise a lot 多多联系 4. go to the zoo 去动物园5. go out 出去 6. stay at home 待在家里7. last Wednesday 上星期三 8. win a competition 赢得比赛9. play the flute 吹笛子Some English children came to China last week. So practice

22、 a lot.When did they come?They came last Wednesday. What did she play? She played the flute. Where did you go? I went to the zoo.Module 9单词短语句子happen发生putput放ride骑thirsty口渴的watermelon西瓜 fell offfall off从跌落knee膝盖cutcut切,割finger手指1. put on 把 放在上 2. fall off 从上跌落3. fall on 摔到上 4. fall over 摔倒5. bump on

23、es head 撞到某人的头 6. hurt ones knee 弄伤了某人的膝盖7. cut ones finger 割伤了某人的手指 8. Be carefull ! 当心!I went for a bike ride. We were hungry and thirsty. So we bought a watermelon. I fell on the watermelon.What happened to you?I fell over. Sam fell off his bike.Module 10单词短语句子matter麻烦事medicine药toothache牙疼fever发烧

24、1. have got a stomach ache 胃疼 2. eat chocolate biscuits 吃巧克力饼干3. go home 回家 4. take medicine 吃药5. stay at home 待在家里 6. at school 在学校7. have got a cold 感冒 8. have got a toothache 牙疼9. have got a fever 发烧 10.have got a headache 头疼11. Whats the matter? 怎么了?Whats the matter? Ive got a stomach ache.LiJiesgotaheadache.WangFeisgotacold.Shanshansgotatoothache.Mingmingsgotafever.What did you eat yesterday?I ate chocolate biscuits.Go home and take this medicine.

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