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1、融资租赁协议书范本五篇文章一:融资租赁协议书范本中文:融资租赁协议书甲方:(出租人) 乙方:(承租人)鉴于,甲方为弥补资金不足,提高资金使用效率,乙方有租赁需求,双方经友好协商,达成以下协议:第一条 租赁设备甲方将其拥有的设备(具体设备清单详见附件一)租给乙方使用。第二条 租赁期限及方式本协议签订后,乙方支付租金,自租金支付完毕之日起,租赁期限为(具体期限)。第三条 租金乙方应按约定时间及金额支付租金,逾期支付的,按日加收滞纳金。第四条 设备保养与维修甲方负责设备的日常保养及定期维修,乙方应妥善使用设备,减少损耗。第五条 违约责任任何一方违反协议的,应按协议约定承担相应的违约责任。第六条 解决

2、争议协议履行过程中如发生争议,双方可友好协商解决,也可向有管辖权的仲裁机构申请仲裁。第七条 协议变更未经双方书面协议,任何一方不得擅自变更本协议内容。第八条 本协议自签订之日起生效。甲方:(盖章) 乙方:(盖章)日期:年 月 日英文:Lease Financing AgreementParty A: (Lessor) Party B: (Lessee)Whereas, Party A, in order to make up for the lack of funds and improve the efficiency of fund utilization, and Party B, wi

3、th leasing needs, have reached the following agreement through friendly negotiation:Article 1 Leased EquipmentParty A leases the equipment it owns (specific equipment list attached as Annex I) to Party B for use.Article 2 Lease Term and MethodAfter the signing of this agreement, Party B shall pay th

4、e rent. From the date when the rent is paid in full, the lease term is (specific term).Article 3 RentParty B shall pay the rent on time and in the agreed amount. If payment is overdue, late fees shall be charged on a daily basis.Article 4 Equipment Maintenance and RepairParty A is responsible for th

5、e daily maintenance and regular repair of the equipment. Party B should use the equipment properly to minimize wear and tear.Article 5 Breach of Contract LiabilityIf either party violates the agreement, they shall bear the corresponding liability for breach of contract as stipulated in the agreement

6、.Article 6 Dispute ResolutionIn the event of a dispute during the performance of the agreement, the parties may resolve it through friendly negotiation or apply for arbitration to an arbitration institution with jurisdiction.Article 7 Amendment of the AgreementWithout written agreement from both par

7、ties, neither party shall unilaterally amend the content of this agreement.Article 8 This agreement shall take effect from the date of signing.Party A: (Seal) Party B: (Seal)Date: Year Month Day-文章二:融资租赁协议书草拟中文:融资租赁协议书甲方:(出租方) 乙方:(承租方)鉴于,为了满足乙方的设备租赁需求,甲方同意将其拥有的设备按以下协议进行租赁:一、租赁设备甲方将如下设备租给乙方使用,设备清单如下:

8、1. 设备名称12. 设备名称23. 设备名称3.二、租金支付乙方应按约定时间和金额支付租金,逾期支付的,按约定支付滞纳金。三、租赁期限本协议自签署之日起生效,租赁期限为(具体期限)。四、设备保养与维修甲方负责设备的日常保养和维修,乙方应妥善使用设备,如有损坏,应按照协议规定进行修复或赔偿。五、协议解除双方协商一致,可以在协议有效期内随时解除协议。六、争议解决本协议履行过程中如有争议,双方应友好协商解决,协商不成的,应提交仲裁解决。七、其他事项本协议未尽事宜,应双方合作解决。甲方:(盖章) 乙方:(盖章)日期:年 月 日英文:Lease Financing Agreement DraftPar

9、ty A: (Lessor) Party B: (Lessee)Whereas, in order to meet the leasing needs of Party B for equipment, Party A agrees to lease the equipment it owns in accordance with the following agreement:I. Leased EquipmentParty A shall lease the following equipment to Party B for use. The equipment list is as f

10、ollows:1. Equipment Name 12. Equipment Name 23. Equipment Name 3.II. Rent PaymentParty B shall pay the rent in accordance with the agreed time and amount. If payment is overdue, late fees shall be paid as agreed.III. Lease TermThis agreement shall take effect from the date of signing and the lease t

11、erm is (specific term).IV. Equipment Maintenance and RepairParty A is responsible for the daily maintenance and repair of the equipment. Party B should use the equipment properly, and in case of damage, repairs or compensation shall be made as stipulated in the agreement.V. Termination of the Agreem

12、entWith mutual agreement, the agreement may be terminated at any time during the term of the agreement.VI. Dispute ResolutionIn the event of a dispute during the performance of this agreement, the parties shall seek to resolve it through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fails, arbitration shall

13、be submitted for resolution.VII. Other MattersAny matters not covered by this agreement shall be resolved by mutual cooperation between the parties.Party A: (Seal) Party B: (Seal)Date: Year Month Day-文章三:融资租赁协议书示范中文:融资租赁协议书甲方:(出租公司) 乙方:(承租公司)鉴于,为促进设备的更新换代和维护,乙方需要进行设备租赁,双方在友好协商下,达成以下协议:一、租赁设备甲方将其拥有的设

14、备租给乙方使用,设备清单详见附件。二、租金支付乙方应按照约定时间和金额支付租金,按时支付租金的,不收取滞纳金。三、租赁期限本协议签订后生效,租赁期(具体期限)。四、设备保养甲方负责设备的日常保养,乙方应妥善使用设备,如有损坏,应及时通知甲方。五、协议解除双方协商一致,可以随时解除本协议。六、争议解决本协议履行过程中如有争议,双方应友好协商解决,协商不成的,应提交仲裁解决。七、其他事项本协议未尽事宜,双方可另行协商解决。甲方:(盖章) 乙方:(盖章)日期:年 月 日英文:Lease Financing Agreement DemonstrationParty A: (Lessor Company

15、) Party B: (Lessee Company)Whereas, in order to promote the upgrading and maintenance of equipment, Party B needs to lease equipment. After friendly negotiation, the parties have reached the following agreement:I. Leased EquipmentParty A shall lease its equipment to Party B for use. The detailed equ

16、ipment list is attached as an Annex.II. Rent PaymentParty B shall pay the rent in accordance with the agreed time and amount. No late fees shall be charged for on-time payment of rent.III. Lease TermThis agreement shall take effect upon signing and the lease term is (specific term).IV. Equipment Mai

17、ntenanceParty A is responsible for the daily maintenance of the equipment. Party B should use the equipment properly, and in case of damage, notify Party A promptly.V. Termination of the AgreementThe agreement may be terminated at any time with mutual agreement between the parties.VI. Dispute Resolu

18、tionIn the event of a dispute during the performance of this agreement, the parties should seek to resolve it through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fails, arbitration shall be submitted for resolution.VII. Other MattersAny matters not covered by this agreement shall be resolved through furthe

19、r negotiation between the parties.Party A: (Seal) Party B: (Seal)Date: Year Month Day-文章四:融资租赁协议书格式中文:融资租赁协议书甲方:(租出方) 乙方:(租入方)鉴于,乙方需要租赁设备,甲方愿意将其拥有的设备租给乙方使用,双方经友好协商,达成以下协议:一、租赁设备甲方将如下设备租给乙方使用,设备清单附后。二、租金支付乙方应按照约定时间和金额支付租金,逾期支付的,按日收取滞纳金。三、租赁期限本协议自签订之日起生效,租赁期限为(具体期限)。四、设备保养甲方负责设备的日常保养,乙方应妥善使用设备。五、协议解除未

20、经双方书面同意,任何一方不得擅自解除协议。六、争议解决协议履行过程中如有争议,双方应友好协商解决,协商不成的,应提请有管辖权的仲裁机构仲裁。七、其他事项本协议未尽事宜由双方协商解决。甲方:(盖章) 乙方:(盖章)日期:年 月 日英文:Lease Financing Agreement TemplateParty A: (Lessor) Party B: (Lessee)Whereas, Party B needs to lease equipment and Party A is willing to lease its owned equipment to Party B. After fr

21、iendly negotiation, the parties have reached the following agreement:I. Leased EquipmentParty A shall lease the following equipment to Party B for use. The equipment list is attached.II. Rent PaymentParty B shall pay the rent in accordance with the agreed time and amount. Late fees shall be charged

22、on a daily basis for overdue payment.III. Lease TermThis agreement shall take effect from the date of signing and the lease term is (specific term).IV. Equipment MaintenanceParty A is responsible for the daily maintenance of the equipment, and Party B should use the equipment properly.V. Termination

23、 of the AgreementUnless with the written consent of both parties, neither party shall unilaterally terminate the agreement.VI. Dispute ResolutionIn the event of a dispute during the performance of this agreement, the parties shall seek to resolve it through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fails

24、, arbitration shall be submitted to an arbitration institution with jurisdiction.VII. Other MattersAny matters not covered by this agreement shall be resolved through negotiation between the parties.Party A: (Seal) Party B: (Seal)Date: Year Month Day-文章五:融资租赁协议书范本中文:融资租赁协议书甲方:(出租人) 乙方:(承租人)根据国家有关法律法


26、) 乙方:(签章)日期:年 月 日英文:Lease Financing Agreement SampleParty A: (Lessor) Party B: (Lessee)In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the country, after friendly negotiation, the parties have reached an agreement on the following matters:I. Leased EquipmentParty A agrees to lease its equipm

27、ent to Party B for use. The detailed equipment list is attached.II. Rent PaymentParty B shall pay the rent in accordance with the agreed time and amount. In case of overdue payment, Party A has the right to claim late fees.III. Lease TermThis agreement shall take effect upon signing and the lease term is (specific term).IV. Equipment Maintenance and RepairParty A is responsible for the daily maintenance and repair of the equipment. Party B

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