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1、筹资协议书范本四篇篇一:公司股权投资筹资协议书范本中文版:一、协议双方甲方:【投资方名称】证件号码:【身份证/营业执照号等】住所:【投资方地址】联系电话:【联系电话】乙方:【公司名称】统一社会信用代码:【统一社会信用代码】注册地址:【注册地址】法定代表人:【法定代表人姓名】联系电话:【联系电话】二、协议背景甲方为【投资方名称】,乙方为【公司名称】,双方本着平等自愿、协商一致的原则,就甲方认购乙方股权一事达成以下协议:三、投资事项1. 甲方承诺投资【金额】人民币给予乙方,用于【投资用途】。2. 乙方确认收到甲方投资款项,并将按照约定用于【投资用途】。四、股权转让1. 乙方将【股权转让比例】的股权

2、转让给甲方,甲方支付相应的投资款项给乙方。2. 双方应在签署本协议后【时间】内办理股权转让手续。3. 股权转让完成后,乙方应出具股权转让凭证等相关文件。五、保密条款1. 双方应对本协议及有关的商业、技术等信息予以保密,未经对方书面同意,不得向第三方透露。2. 因违反保密条款而造成对方损失的,违约方应承担一切法律责任。六、其他约定1. 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。2. 本协议经双方签字盖章后生效,自【日期】起至【日期】止有效。甲方:(盖章) 乙方:(盖章)英文版:Article One: Agreement PartiesParty A: Investors NameID

3、 Number: ID Number or Business License NumberAddress: Investors AddressContact Number: Contact NumberParty B: Company NameUnified Social Credit Code: Unified Social Credit CodeRegistered Address: Registered AddressLegal Representative: Legal Representatives NameContact Number: Contact NumberArticle

4、Two: Background of the AgreementParty A, as Investors Name, and Party B, as Company Name, based on the principles of equality, voluntariness, and mutual agreement, have reached the following agreement on Party As subscription of Party Bs equity:Article Three: Investment Matters1. Party A undertakes

5、to invest RMB Amount in Party B for the purpose of Investment Purpose.2. Party B acknowledges receipt of the investment amount from Party A and will use it for the agreed-upon Investment Purpose.Article Four: Equity Transfer1. Party B will transfer Equity Transfer Percentage of its equity to Party A

6、, and Party A will pay the corresponding investment amount to Party B.2. Both parties shall complete the equity transfer procedures within Timeframe after signing this agreement.3. After the equity transfer is completed, Party B shall provide relevant documents such as equity transfer certificates.A

7、rticle Five: Confidentiality Clause1. Both parties shall keep this agreement and related business, technical information confidential and shall not disclose it to a third party without the written consent of the other party.2. Any losses incurred due to a breach of the confidentiality clause shall b

8、e the responsibility of the breaching party.Article Six: Other Agreements1. This agreement is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, both of which have the same legal effect.2. This agreement shall come into effect after both parties have signed and sealed it and shall be valid from Da

9、te to Date.Party A: (Seal) Party B: (Seal)End of Agreement篇二:债权投资筹资协议书范本中文版:一、协议双方甲方:【投资方名称】证件号码:【身份证/营业执照号等】住所:【投资方地址】联系电话:【联系电话】乙方:【借款方名称】统一社会信用代码:【统一社会信用代码】注册地址:【注册地址】法定代表人:【法定代表人姓名】联系电话:【联系电话】二、协议背景甲方为【投资方名称】,乙方为【借款方名称】,双方本着平等自愿、协商一致的原则,就甲方向乙方提供债权投资一事达成以下协议:三、投资事项1. 甲方同意向乙方提供【金额】人民币的债权投资,用于【借款用途

10、】。2. 乙方承诺按照约定的使用方式使用甲方提供的债权投资款项。四、借款期限与回报1. 债权投资期限为【借款期限】,到期后乙方应按时偿还本金和利息给甲方。2. 利息计算方式为【计息方式】,利率为【利率】%,乙方应按照计息日进行利息支付。五、风险提示1. 甲方提供的债权投资存在一定风险,甲方应对投资风险有清晰的认识,自行承担相关风险。2. 乙方应按约定用途使用债权投资款项,并按时还款,否则应承担违约责任。六、法律适用1. 本协议适用中华人民共和国法律。2. 本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效。甲方:(盖章) 乙方:(盖章)英文版:Article One: Agreement PartiesParty

11、 A: Investors NameID Number: ID Number or Business License NumberAddress: Investors AddressContact Number: Contact NumberParty B: Borrowers NameUnified Social Credit Code: Unified Social Credit CodeRegistered Address: Registered AddressLegal Representative: Legal Representatives NameContact Number:

12、Contact NumberArticle Two: Background of the AgreementParty A, as Investors Name, and Party B, as Borrowers Name, based on the principles of equality, voluntariness, and mutual agreement, have reached the following agreement on Party As provision of debt investment to Party B:Article Three: Investme

13、nt Matters1. Party A agrees to provide a debt investment of RMB Amount to Party B for the purpose of Loan Purpose.2. Party B undertakes to use the debt investment provided by Party A in accordance with the agreed-upon usage.Article Four: Loan Term and Return1. The debt investment term is Loan Term,

14、and upon maturity, Party B shall repay the principal and interest to Party A in a timely manner.2. The interest calculation method is Interest Calculation Method, with an interest rate of Interest Rate%. Party B shall make interest payments on interest calculation days.Article Five: Risk Warning1. T

15、he debt investment provided by Party A carries certain risks, and Party A should have a clear understanding of the investment risks and bear them independently.2. Party B shall use the debt investment funds for the agreed-upon purpose and make timely repayments; otherwise, Party B shall bear the lia

16、bility for breach of contract.Article Six: Applicable Law1. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China.2. This agreement shall come into effect upon the signing and sealing by both parties.Party A: (Seal) Party B: (Seal)End of Agreement篇三:项目合作筹资协议书范本中文版:一、协议双方甲方:【投

17、资方名称】证件号码:【身份证/营业执照号等】住所:【投资方地址】联系电话:【联系电话】乙方:【项目方名称】统一社会信用代码:【统一社会信用代码】注册地址:【注册地址】法定代表人:【法定代表人姓名】联系电话:【联系电话】二、协议背景甲方为【投资方名称】,乙方为【项目方名称】,双方本着平等自愿、协商一致的原则,就甲方向乙方提供项目合作筹资一事达成以下协议:三、投资事项1. 甲方同意向乙方提供【金额】人民币的项目合作筹资,用于【合作项目名称】。2. 乙方应按照约定的合作计划和合作内容使用甲方提供的项目合作筹资。四、合作期限与分红1. 项目合作期限为【合作期限】,合并利润将按照【分红比例】分配给双方。

18、2. 分红比例按照各自出资比例进行,乙方应按照协议约定的时间进行分红支付。五、风险提示1. 甲方提供的项目合作筹资存在一定风险,甲方应对风险有清晰的认识,自行承担相关风险。2. 乙方应按照约定的合作计划和内容开展合作,如有损失应自行承担。六、法律适用1. 本协议适用中华人民共和国法律。2. 本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效。甲方:(盖章) 乙方:(盖章)英文版:Article One: Agreement PartiesParty A: Investors NameID Number: ID Number or Business License NumberAddress: Investors

19、AddressContact Number: Contact NumberParty B: Project Partys NameUnified Social Credit Code: Unified Social Credit CodeRegistered Address: Registered AddressLegal Representative: Legal Representatives NameContact Number: Contact NumberArticle Two: Background of the AgreementParty A, as Investors Nam

20、e, and Party B, as Project Partys Name, based on the principles of equality, voluntariness, and mutual agreement, have reached the following agreement on Party As provision of project cooperation financing to Party B:Article Three: Investment Matters1. Party A agrees to provide project cooperation f

21、inancing of RMB Amount to Party B for the purpose of Cooperation Project Name.2. Party B shall use the project cooperation financing provided by Party A in accordance with the agreed-upon cooperation plan and content.Article Four: Cooperation Term and Dividends1. The cooperation term for the project

22、 is Cooperation Term, and the profits will be distributed to both parties in accordance with the Dividend Percentage.2. The dividend percentage shall be based on the respective investment proportions, and Party B shall make dividend payments at the agreed-upon time specified in the agreement.Article

23、 Five: Risk Warning1. The project cooperation financing provided by Party A carries certain risks, and Party A should have a clear understanding of the risks and bear them independently.2. Party B shall conduct cooperation according to the agreed-upon cooperation plan and content, and shall bear any

24、 losses incurred.Article Six: Applicable Law1. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China.2. This agreement shall come into effect upon the signing and sealing by both parties.Party A: (Seal) Party B: (Seal)End of Agreement篇四:资产收购筹资协议书范本中文版:一、协议双方甲方:【投资方名称】证件号码:【身份

25、证/营业执照号等】住所:【投资方地址】联系电话:【联系电话】乙方:【被收购方名称】统一社会信用代码:【统一社会信用代码】注册地址:【注册地址】法定代表人:【法定代表人姓名】联系电话:【联系电话】二、协议背景甲方为【投资方名称】,乙方为【被收购方名称】,双方本着平等自愿、协商一致的原则,就甲方收购乙方资产一事达成以下协议:三、资产收购事项1. 甲方同意收购乙方【具体资产】,支付对应的收购款项。2. 乙方确认资产归属及价值,同意将资产转让给甲方。四、支付方式与期限1. 收购款项支付方式为【支付方式】,应在【支付期限】内支付完成。2. 甲方应在收购完成后,出具收购凭证等相关文件给乙方。五、保密条款1

26、. 双方应对本协议及相关信息保密,未经书面同意不得向第三方透露。2. 因违反保密规定造成的损失,违约方应承担相应责任。六、法律适用1. 本协议适用中华人民共和国法律。2. 本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效。甲方:(盖章) 乙方:(盖章)英文版:Article One: Agreement PartiesParty A: Investors NameID Number: ID Number or Business License NumberAddress: Investors AddressContact Number: Contact NumberParty B: Acquired Party

27、s NameUnified Social Credit Code: Unified Social Credit CodeRegistered Address: Registered AddressLegal Representative: Legal Representatives NameContact Number: Contact NumberArticle Two: Background of the AgreementParty A, as Investors Name, and Party B, as Acquired Partys Name, based on the principles of equality, voluntariness, and mutual agreement, have reached the following agreement on Party As acquisition of

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