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1、文勇的新托福黄金精选阅读(原黄金29篇)真题8.2版本【2011年7月5日】更新TPO18-22的15篇文章俺常常收到同学们的邮件,要我推荐各种各样阅读材料,问我iBT的复习资料中 Barron, Longman, Delta等等哪个更好。我其实很无奈-因为尽管这些机构很大牌,但大牌丝毫都不意味着文章“质量高”(比如你可以想想三鹿奶粉)-说这些机构的文章质量不高,并不是说文字写得不好,而是说这些文章的句子结构, 论述方式, 出题思路与ETS的并不一致(有时候甚至大相径庭):用这样的材料训练,实在是 事倍功半。于是,我们实在应该去找找由ETS出的iBT文章来做:(我们能够找到的|由ETS编纂的标

2、准iBT文章有)1.OG 之中的13篇文章 ;(其中3篇为第三版OG之中的文章)2.22次(套)TPO 之中的3*22=66篇文章 ;3.早期 报名之时ETS赠送的3篇在线测试题4.ETS官方给出的模考软件之中抽出的1篇文章; 于是这个文档在我的一时兴起之下,出现了:OG拿在手上,可以一个个字的敲成电子版;TPO的所有考试都是在自己的计算机进行,于是可以一边花钱参加考试,一边截图与录像-再利用截下来的图片,逐个的敲下来;早期的ETS赠送的3篇在线测试题,我也恰好有电子版本;官方的模考软件稍微用点功夫,就能将文章提取并复制出来。虽然工作有些繁杂,但总算完成了所有文章的敲打工作。再花了些时间,把这

3、80篇文章都做了答案,附在文章的后面。(由于TPO之中有3篇文章与OG中完全重复,于是减去3篇,只剩下80篇。)同时我还更正了OG上几个明显的错误(详见文后附录)当然,我还做出了方便大家理解文章的参考译文,附在文章的后面。在这80篇由ETS出的文章没有做完之前,我们实在不应该花时间在任何其他的题目之上。我有时候甚至会对着我的弟兄们高呼:“没有把这80篇做遍,你好意思上考场么?你好意思花钱在任何一本垃圾书上面么? ”另外,如果你正在准备iBT-SAT-GRE的作文部分或者写留学文书,也应该仔细的琢磨一下这些文章:经过ETS打磨的文章,无一不是精妙绝伦,极具模仿价值。常常有同学拜托我帮她(他)写P

4、S,也说起自己的句子怎么看都像是小学生写的(尽管用上了GRE里面的单词),于是会随口问我“勇哥,您的写作能力是怎么训练出来的。”我说,“看呗,看呗:托福文章看多了,写作能力自然就提高了。”“这ETS的这些文章真的那么好?”每当听到这个问题,我都会装做赵本山的样子来一句“谁用谁知道” 文勇欢迎进行未删节的转载|且不必告诉我你转载到哪里去|都是一个战壕里面的弟兄啊一开始做这件事情的时候,文档之中有不少的typo,还好获得了弟兄们的支持和理解,这个文档的错误才慢慢的越变越少。很感激大家对这个文档的关心和帮助,这个文档还是会一直地做下去,为大家提供第一手的托福阅读复习资料。新增加文章的翻译还在进行当中


6、读+口语)/2007年12月1日(综合写作)TPO13来自2006年6月9日/2007年6月30日以上统计来自于康老师欢迎同学们发邮件给我指出任何的关于这个文档的意见和建议! liuwenyong本文檔由 刘文勇出于个人兴趣制作,由陈睿|李想等协助制作,该行为并不代表任何机构;注意:文章源自ETS,版权啥的自然都来自ETS,这一点毫无疑问,由于教务繁忙,估计各种错误是少不了的,如果你发现了错误且有空的话,就拜托你发邮件告诉我一下吧)(Liuwenyong我都会在文档的附录中标记你的贡献,若找到五处以上的错误,免费电话答疑;若找到十处以上直接请吃饭:)IntroductionMany stude

7、nts sent me E-mail, asking me to recommend some reading materials. Of assorted iBT preparing materials, Barron, Longman, Delta, etc, which is the best? As often as not, I feel at a loss: does brand equal to quality? These branded institutions are highly publicized, however, their passages and questi

8、ons are not necessarily of quality. Does the brand “Sanlu” mean something to you? “QUALITY and safety are the foundations of social harmony,” proclaim posters at the headquarters of the Sanlu Group, until recently one of Chinas biggest producers of milk powder. Now we all know that Sanlu Scandal has

9、 been more than an embarrassment. To say that these “branded” passages are not of quality does not mean they are not stylish, elegant or carefully-written; in fact, I discovered that the passage types, sentence patterns, arguing methods, and arrangement of questions are not quite consistent with, an

10、d sometimes even wildly divergent from those of ETS. I reflect that practicing with these materials cannot expect a satisfactory result. At this, we should collect ETSs original passages and questions. Such passages available include:1. 13 passages in Official Guide (OG);2. 22 sets from TPO, with 3

11、passages included in each set, 66 passages in total;3. 3 passages provided by ETS to the applicants for a test on line in the early time of iBT,4. 1 passage extracted from the simulated exam software provided by ETS;(3 passages in TPO are abstracted from OG, so they are exactly the same) Then, I can

12、not resist the temptation to make such a text: I typed every letter of the 13 passages in OG into computer; I paid dollars for the TPO and completed it myself, filming the screen and capturing every page. Then I typed all the passages with the help of videos and captured pictures. The 3 passages in

13、the on-line test happened to be available to me; and as for the one passage in the simulated exam, though with a little difficulty, I nevertheless succeeded make an electronic text of it. Of course, I finished all these questions and attached the answer to end of this text. Eventually, the final “de

14、luxe” edition of this text, including 80 passages in aggregate (3 passages in TPO are abstracted from OG, so they are exactly the same. Then taking 3 from 83 leaves 80 passages at last. ) I insist that before carefully finished and studied these 80 passages, we should not let ourselves distracted by

15、 any other materials. Sometimes, I yelled to my students, only a joke, “If you had not studied these passages and questions 3 times at least, how could you be barefaced enough to sit in the exam room? Shame on you to waste your mothers money buying other costly books!” In addition, have you got ants

16、 in your pants every time you make a stab at writing? Do you go berserk for your personal statement? If you are preparing for the iBT, SAT, GRE, etc, writing, essays, or your personal statement, these passages can also be of help: polished by ETS, words, sentence, and structures of these passages ar

17、e “epic”, and worth imitating for none-native English users. Frequently, friends asked me to help with their personal statement, complaining why what they had written looked so nave, immature and awkward, even littered with those “glorious noble” GRE words (Actually, these words made their personal

18、statement even freak!). And they asked, “Wenyong, my brother, how you forged your impressive writing skills?” I said, “Read! Read! And read again! The more you read, the better you write.” “Are these iBT passages really so amazing?” I affected a tone of a comedian, “try them!”How good can these pass

19、ages be? “They are golden, they are precious, they are diamonds!” Yours Wenyong目录OG8Applied Arts and Fine Arts8The Origins of Cetaceans14Desert Formation21Early Cinema30Aggression39Artisans and Industrialization48Swimming Machines57Nineteenth-Century Politics in the United States65The Expression of

20、Emotions74Geology and Landscape83TPO-192Groundwater92The Origins of Theater99Timberline Vegetation on Mountains106TPO-3113Architecture113Depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer120The Long-Term Stability of Ecosystems127Online Test134Opportunists and Competitors134Lascaux Cave Paintings141Electricity from

21、Wind148TPO-4155Deer Populations of the Puget Sound155Cave Art in Europe162Petroleum Resources169Offical Model Exam176Meteorite Impact and Dinosaur Extinction176TPO-5183Minerals and Plants183The Origin of the Pecific Island People190The Cambrian Explosion198TPO-6205Powering the Industrial Revolution2

22、05William Smith212Infantile Amnesia219TPO-7226The Geologic History of the Mediterranean226Ancient Rome and Greece233Agriculture, Iron, and the Bantu Peoples240TPO-8247The Rise of Teotihuacn247Extinction of the Dinosaurs254Running Water on Mars262TPO-9269Colonizing the Americas via the Northwest Coas

23、t269Reflection in Teaching277The Arrival of Plant Life in Hawaii284OG291Feeding Habits of East African Herbivores291Loie Fuller298Green Icebergs305TPO-10312Chinese Pottery312Variations in the Climate319Seventeenth-Century European Economic Growth326TPO-11333Ancient Egyptian Sculpture333Orientation a

24、nd Navigation340Begging by Nestlings347TPO-12354Which Hand Did They Use?354Transition to Sound in Film362Water in the Desert370TPO-13377Types of Social Groups377Biological Clocks384Methods of Studying Infant Perception391TPO-14398Children and Advertising398Maya Water Problems406Pastoralism in Ancien

25、t Inner Eurasia413TPO-15420A Warm-Blooded Turtle420Mass Extinctions427Glacier Formation434TPO-16441Trade and the Ancient Middle East441Development of the Periodic Table448Planets in Our Solar System456TPO-17462Europes Early Sea Trade with Asia462Animal Signals in the Rain Forest469Symbiotic Relation

26、ships476TPO-18483Industrialization in the Netherlands and Scandinavia483The mystery of yawning490Lightning497TPO-19504The Roman Armys Impact on Britain504Succession, Climax, and Ecosystems511Discovering the Ice Ages518TPO-20525Westward Migration525Early Settlements in the Southwest Asia532Fossil Pre

27、servation539TPO-21546Geothermal Energy546The Origins of Agriculture554Autobiographical Memory562TPO-22569Spartina569The Birth of Photography576The Allende Meteorite584托福阅读知识体系592乐闻携尔教学培训课程简介593乐闻携尔近期课程信息597OGApplied Arts and Fine ArtsAlthough we now tend to refer to the various crafts according to t

28、he materials used to construct them-clay, glass, wood, fiber, and metal-it was once common to think of crafts in terms of function, which led to their being known as the applied arts. Approaching crafts from the point of view of function, we can divide them into simple categories: containers, shelte

29、rs and supports. There is no way around the fact that containers, shelters, and supports must be functional. The applied arts are thus bound by the laws of physics, which pertain to both the materials used in their making and the substances and things to be contained, supported, and sheltered. These

30、 laws are universal in their application, regardless of cultural beliefs, geography, or climate. If a pot has no bottom or has large openings in its sides, it could hardly be considered a container in any traditional sense. Since the laws of physics, not some arbitrary decision, have determined the

31、general form of applied-art objects, they follow basic patterns, so much so that functional forms can vary only within certain limits. Buildings without roofs, for example, are unusual because they depart from the norm. However, not all functional objects are exactly alike; that is why we recognize

32、a Shang Dynasty vase as being different from an Inca vase. What varies is not the basic form but the incidental details that do not obstruct the objects primary function. Sensitivity to physical laws is thus an important consideration for the maker of applied-art objects. It is often taken for grant

33、ed that this is also true for the maker of fine-art objects. This assumption misses a significant difference between the two disciplines. Fine-art objects are not constrained by the laws of physics in the same way that applied-art objects are. Because their primary purpose is not functional, they ar

34、e only limited in terms of the materials used to make them. Sculptures must, for example, be stable, which requires an understanding of the properties of mass, weight distribution, and stress. Paintings must have rigid stretchers so that the canvas will be taut, and the paint must not deteriorate, c

35、rack, or discolor. These are problems that must be overcome by the artist because they tend to intrude upon his or her conception of the work. For example, in the early Italian Renaissance, bronze statues of horses with a raised foreleg usually had a cannonball under that hoof. This was done because

36、 the cannonball was needed to support the weight of the leg. In other words, the demands of the laws of physics, not the sculptors aesthetic intentions, placed the ball there. That this device was a necessary structural compromise is clear from the fact that the cannonball quickly disappeared when s

37、culptors learned how to strengthen the internal structure of a statue with iron braces (iron being much stronger than bronze). Even though the fine arts in the twentieth century often treat materials in new ways, the basic difference in attitude of artists in relation to their materials in the fine

38、arts and the applied arts remains relatively constant. It would therefore not be too great an exaggeration to say that practitioners of the fine arts work to overcome the limitations of their materials, whereas those engaged in the applied arts work in concert with their materials. Paragraph 1: Alth

39、ough we now tend to refer to the various crafts according to the materials used to construct them-clay, glass, wood, fiber, and metal-it was once common to think of crafts in terms of function, which led to their being known as the applied arts. Approaching crafts from the point of view of function,

40、 we can divide them into simple categories: containers, shelters and supports. There is no way around the fact that containers, shelters, and supports must be functional. The applied arts are thus bound by the laws of physics, which pertain to both the materials used in their making and the substanc

41、es and things to be contained, supported, and sheltered. These laws are universal in their application, regardless of cultural beliefs, geography, or climate. If a pot has no bottom or has large openings in its sides, it could hardly be considered a container in any traditional sense. Since the laws

42、 of physics, not some arbitrary decision, have determined the general form of applied-art objects, they follow basic patterns, so much so that functional forms can vary only within certain limits. Buildings without roofs, for example, are unusual because they depart from the norm. However, not all f

43、unctional objects are exactly alike; that is why we recognize a Shang Dynasty vase as being different from an Inca vase. What varies is not the basic form but the incidental details that do not obstruct the objects primary function. 3. The word they in the passage refers to Applied-art objects The l

44、aws of physics Containers The sides of pots 4. Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information. Functional applied-art objects cannot vary much from the basic

45、 patterns determined by the laws of physics. The function of applied-art objects is determined by basic patterns in the laws of physics. Since functional applied-art objects vary only within certain limits, arbitrary decisions cannot have determined their general form. The general form of applied-ar

46、t objects is limited by some arbitrary decision that is not determined by the laws of physics. Paragraph 2: Sensitivity to physical laws is thus an important consideration for the maker of applied-art objects. It is often taken for granted that this is also true for the maker of fine-art objects. Th

47、is assumption misses a significant difference between the two disciplines. Fine-art objects are not constrained by the laws of physics in the same way that applied-art objects are. Because their primary purpose is not functional, they are only limited in terms of the materials used to make them. Sculptures must, for example, be stable, which req

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