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1、 Module5 一一.用英语写出下列时间.1.1:55 2.2:20 3.12:25 4.5:50 5.11:00 6.4:00 7.1:15 8.8:30 9.3:45 10.6:05 11.12:40 12.5:45 2 根据句意及所给词的首字母完成单词。1.H is my favourite subject.2.I dont like s and maths.3.My favourite subject is g because we can learn about the word.4.Seven thirty means h past seven.5.Our classes b a

2、t eight oclock.What about you?6.We draw pictures in the a lesson.7.We play computer games on W afternoon.8.I like English b its very interesting.9.He usually goes to school at half p seven.10.China is a great country with a long h .11.I am going to h two Chinese lesson this evening.12.The first less

3、on s at 7:15 in the morning every day.13.I often do my h after dinner.14.-How many l do you have every day?-I have four lessons in the morning and three lessons in the afternoon.15.I usually have rice w vegetables and meat.16.Talk a your school day.How many lessons do you have every day?17.Do you ha

4、ve a c lesson today?3 选择题。1.Sam and Tony to school by bus.A.to go B.goes C.going D.go 2.My uncle and aunt usually at six in the afternoon.A.go to home B.goes home C.goes to home D.go home 3.What you for breakfast?A.do;have B.have;have C.have;do D.does;have4.Lessons at 7:40 every day.A.start B.starts

5、 C.started D.Starting5.The students lunch at home.A.arent have B.dont have C.not have D.havent 6.-When does your mother go shopping?-Usually Sunday morning.A.on B.in C.at D.for 7.Betty likes very much.She draws pictures every day.A.art B.music C.sport D.science 8.Would you like the basketball match

6、with us?A.to look B.seeing C.to watch D.looking 9.-Whats your favourite fruit?A.-.A.Potatoes B.Beef C.Oranges D.Chicken10.-Do you play computer games?-Yes,I .A.have B.do C.has D.does 11.Im tired.Lets .A.have a break B.run C.go to school D.play basketball 12.-is the talk show?-Its in the morning.A.Wh

7、ere B.When C.What time D.How 13.-Lets play soccer.-.A.Yes,I do B.Thats a good idea C.Sorry,I dont D.No,I dont 14.I often play football in afternoon.A.the;the B.a;an C.the;a D./;the 15.-what time did you get there this morning?-eight.A.In B.On C.At D.From 16.I like English very much,I dont like histo

8、ry.A.but B.and C.so D.or 17.-I like chemistry.you?-I like it,too.A.What about B.Where are B.How are C.What are 18.I usually go to at ten oclock.A.asleep B.sleep C.sleeping D.slept 19.I have breakfast at half past six.A.a B.on C.the D./20.Its time .A.get up B.have lesson C.to have lessons D.to gets u

9、p 21.History is very for me.I love it.A.interest B.interested C.interesting D.interests 22.-What does Tom lunch?-At twelve oclock.A.has B.have C.eats D.makes 4 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1.We have four (lesson)in the morning.2.I (do)my and then go to sleep.3.Our lunch is delicious.We usually have rice with (veg

10、etable).4.They (have)PE on Monday morning.5.Classes (start)at 8:20 in the morning.6.What (be)our lessons on Monday?7.School is over.Let Tom (have)a break.8.I (not do)my homework at home.9.We often (play)on the playground.10.you (brush)your teeth every morning?11.What (do)they usually (do)after schoo

11、l?12.Jim and Tom sometimes (go)to the park with their sister.13.you (read)English books every day?14.Thank you for (teach)us so well.15.We (do)our homework after dinner.16.You dont like running.What about (swim).17.Maths is (interest).I like it.18.We dont have any (lesson)on Sundays.五 根据汉语提示完成句子。1.我

12、们上午上四节课。We four the morning.2.我喜欢吃苹果,你呢?I like apples.you?3.今天我们没有化学课。We today.4.你们的英语课在什么时候?your English lesson?5.我经常在上午九点半打篮球。I often play basketball at in the morning.6.我们上午没有化学课。We chemistry the morning.7.我们 12 点半在餐厅里吃午饭。We in the dining hall .8.午饭我们吃饭、米饭和蔬菜。We have meat,rice for lunch.6句型转换。1.W

13、e go to the park on Sundays.(改为否定句)We to the park on Sundays.2.Its half past eight.(对划线部分提问)is it?the?3.We have chemistry at half past seven.(对划线部分提问)you have chemistry?4.We have a picnic on Saturday afternoon.(对划线部分提问)have a picnic?5.-Do you have maths on Monday morning.(做否定回答),we .6.We have lunch

14、at half past twelve.(改为否定句)We lunch at half past twelve.One morning,Mr.Smith came into the garden at the back of his house.He saw so much snow in the garden.Mr.Smith wanted to take his car out,so he asked a man to clean the road from his garage(车库)to the gate.He said to the man,“Dont throw any snow

15、on the side.It will damage(破坏)the flowers in my garden,and dont throw any on the other side,because it will damage the wall.And dont throw any into the street,because the policeman will come.”Then he went out.When he came back,the road was clean.There was no snow on the flowers,or the wall or the st

16、reet.But when he opened the garage to get his car out,he saw:the garage was full of snow,the snow from the road,and his car was under the snow.()56.In the morning Mr.Smith found _ was full of snow.A.his garden B.his garage C.his house D.his car()57.He wanted a man to clean the road because _.A.He di

17、dnt like the snow.B.He liked the snow very much.C.He wanted to take his car out.D.He often asks the man to clean the road.()58.Where did Mr.Smith tell the man to throw the snow in the garden?A.On the flowers.B.Into the street.C.To the wall.D.We dont know.()59.He opened the garage and _.A.took his car out B.found it was full of snow C.found no car in it D.found no snow in it()60.Where was Mr.Smiths car?A.Under the snow.B.In the street.C.In the garden.D.In the back of the garage.谢谢大家下载,本文档下载后可根据实际情况进行编辑修改.再次谢谢大家下载.翱翔在知识的海洋吧.

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