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1、人教版新目人教版新目标标七年七年级级英英语语上册上册Unit 2 This is my sister课时练习课时练习及及单单元元语语法聚焦附答案法聚焦附答案This is my sisterSection A单词闯关1.姐;妹/sst(r)/_2.母亲;妈妈/m(r)/_3.父亲;爸爸/f(r)/_4.父(母)亲/pernt/_(复数)父母亲_5.兄;弟/br(r)/_6.(外)祖母;奶奶;外婆;姥姥/rnm(r)/_7.(外)祖父;爷爷;外公;姥爷/rnf(r)/_8.(外)祖父(母)/rnpernt/_9.家;家庭/fml/_(复数)_10.那些/z/_(单数)_11.谁;什么人/hu/_

2、12.这些/iz/_(单数)_13.他(她、它)们/e/_(单数)_14.嗯;好吧/wel/_15.经受;经历/hv/_16.一天;一日;白天/de/_(复数)_短语互译1.我的姐姐/妹妹 _2.我的父母 _3.我的哥哥/弟弟 _ 4.她的爸爸 _5.my grandparents_ 6.have a good day _句型在线把问句和相应的答语进行连线。1.Are those your parents?AHes my brother.2.Whos he?BShes my sister.3.Whore they?CThanks!You,too.4.Whos she?DYes,they are

3、.5.Have a good day!ETheyre my grandparents.1parent n.父(母)亲 观察 My parents are teachers.我的父母都是教师。His parent is at the parents meeting.他的父亲(母亲)在开家长会。探究 parentfather or mother 父亲或母亲parentsfather and mother 父亲和母亲拓展 grandparentgrandfather or grandmother(外)祖父或(外)祖母grandparentsgrandfather and grandmother(外)

4、祖父和(外)祖母活学活用1(1)同义句转换His father and mother work at a school.His _ work at a school.(2)根据句意及汉语提示完成句子My fathers parents are my _(祖父母)2family n.家;家庭观察 My family is big.我有一个大家庭。His family are in Beijing.他的家人在北京。探究(1)family 作“家庭”讲时,谓语动词用_形式;作“家庭成员”讲时,谓语动词用复数形式。(2)family tree 意为“家谱;家庭关系图”。活学活用2(1)一张你的全家福a

5、 photo of your_(2)我的家人正在看电视。My _ _ watching TV3these pron.这些those pron.那些观察 These are my parents,and those are my sister and brother.这是我的父母,那是我的姐姐/妹妹和哥哥/弟弟。Are those your parents?那是你的父母吗?Yes,they are./No,they arent.是的,他们是。/不,他们不是。探究(1)these 和 those 都可以用作指示代词,these 是_的复数形式,指代离说话人较近的人或物;those 是_的复数形式,

6、指代离说话人较远的人或物。(2)当 these 或 those 作主语时,be 动词要用复数形式_,且后面的名词也要用_形式。(3)当回答 these 或 those 作主语的问句时,常用 they 来代替 these 或 those。活学活用3.“那是你的兄弟们吗?”“是的,他们是。”_ _ your brothers?Yes,_ _4they pron.他(她、它)们观察 They are my friends.他们是我的朋友。Are these your books?这些是你的书吗?Yes,they are.是的,它们是。探究(1)they 是 _,_ 或 _ 的复数形式,they 后面

7、接 be动词时,be 动词要用 are。(2)在一般疑问句的肯定回答中,they are 不能缩写成 theyre。活学活用4Are Jim and Alice your friends?Yes,_.Athey areBtheyreChe isDshe is1Those are my parents.那是我的父母。探究 those are意为“那些是”,是“that is”的复数形式,用于介绍两个或两个以上的人或物。拓展 指代一个人或物时,代词及 be 动词用单数,指代两个或两个以上的人或物时,代词及 be 动词用复数。如表格所示:单数复数单数复数thistheseIwethatthosehe

8、sheis/amareit活学活用1(1)These are my sisters.(改为单数句)_ _ my _.(2)That is her friend.(改为复数句)_ _ her _.2Whos she?她是谁?探究 该句是由特殊疑问词 who 引导的特殊疑问句,一般用来询问某人是谁或什么身份。be 动词的形式应由其后的主语来决定。答语通常为“主语(常用主格人称代词)be姓名/身份”或直接用姓名或身份作答。Who is the girl?那个女孩是谁?Shes Mary/my sister./Mary./My sister.她是玛丽/我的妹妹。/玛丽。/我的妹妹。活学活用2_ is

9、she?She is my mother.AWhatBWhoCHow DIt3Well,Well,havehave a a goodgood day!day!好啦,祝你玩得开心!Thanks!Thanks!You,You,too.too.谢谢!也祝你玩得开心。探究(1)“Have a good day!”是一个祈使句,用于向对方表达祝愿,祝愿对方一天有好的心情或运气。(2)“You,too.”是英语口语交际中比较常见的答语,通常用来表示把同样的祝愿送给对方,相当于汉语中的“你(们)也一样!”(3)与 have a good day 用法相同的表达还有 have a good/nice/wond

10、erful/great time,have fun 和 enjoy oneself。活学活用3同义句转换Have a good day with your family._ _ _ _ with your family.4This is my friend Jane.这是我的朋友简。Thats my grandfather.那是我的(外)祖父。探究 人物介绍常用句型:(1)介绍两个人互相认识:This is A,and this is B.(2)向对方介绍在场的人或物:近处:This is(一个)These are(多个)远处:That is(一个)Those are(多个)(3)自我介绍:I

11、m/My names活学活用4._ Mr.Black,Mom.AShe isBThissCThats DThis详解详析详解详析【课前自主预习】单词闯关1sister2.mother3.father4parent;parents5.brother6grandmother7.grandfather8grandparent9.family;families10those;that11.who12.these;this13they;he/she/it14.well15have16.day;days短语互译1my sister2.my parents3my brother4.her father5我的

12、(外)祖父母6.玩得高兴句型在线15DAEBC【课堂互动探究】词汇点睛1(1)parents(2)grandparents2单数(1)family(2)family are3this;that;are;复数Are those;they are4he;she;itA句型透视1(1)This is;sister(2)Those are;friends2B由答语“She is my mother.”可知,上句应该是对人提问,特殊疑问词what 对事物提问;how 对方式提问;只有 who 符合题意。3 Have a nice/great/wonderful time4C本题选项中,Mr.Black(

13、布莱克先生)不能用选项 A 的 she(她)来替代;选项 B 中 this is 不能用缩写形式;选项 D 缺少系动词。故选 C。This is my sister Section B单词闯关1.儿子/sn/_2堂(表)兄(弟、姊、妹)/kzn/_3(外)祖父;爷爷;外公;姥爷/rnp/_(同义词)_4妈妈/mm/_(同义词)_5姑母;姨母;伯母;婶母;舅母/nt/_6(外)祖母;奶奶;外婆;姥姥/rnm/_(同义词)_7爸爸/dd/_(同义词)_8.舅父;叔父;伯父;姑父;姨父/kl/_9女儿/dt(r)/_10这就是;在这里/h(r)/_11照片/ft/_(同义词)_12属于(某人或某物)

14、;关于(某人或某物)/v/_13下一个(的);接下来的/nekst/_14女孩/(r)l/_15狗/d/_短语互译1.在第一张照片中 _2一张我的全家福 _ 3.my cousin_4in my family_句型在线1.这儿有两张漂亮的我的家庭照片。Here _ two nice photos of my family.2.接下来的一张照片里是我的兄弟们,鲍勃和埃里克。_ _ _ _ are my brothers,Bob and Eric.3.蔻蔻也是我家中的一员。CoCo _ _ _ _,too.课文初探根据课文内容,选择正确答案。()1.Who is in the first phot

15、o?AJennys sister.BJennys cousin.CJennys grandfather.()2.Bob and Eric are Jennys _Acousins Bbrothers Cfriends()3._ is Jennys sister.ACindy BMaria CBetty()4.Helen is Jennys _Acousin Bsister Cteacher()5.Whats the name of Jennys dog?AMimi.BLinlin.CCoco.1son n.儿子daughter n.女儿观察 His son likes the sun in t

16、he picture.他的儿子喜欢图画中的太阳。My sister is my parents daughter.我妹妹是我父母的女儿。探究 单词 son 的对应词是_,其同音词是 sun。活学活用1Im a girl.Im my parents_Adaughter Bson Csister Dbrother2photo n.照片观察 These are his photos.这些是他的照片。This is a photo of my family.This is my family photo.这是我的一张家庭照片。拓展(1)在初中阶段,以 o 结尾的单词中,photo,zoo,piano

17、和 radio 的复数形式是在词尾加s;hero,tomato 和 potato 的复数形式是在词尾加es。(2)my family photothe photo _my family,意为“我的一张家庭照片”。辨析 picture 与 photopicture不仅可以指“照片”,还可以指“图片”。photo仅指“照片”。活学活用2.(1)根据句意及汉语提示完成句子Here is my _ _(家庭照片)Those are my _(照片)(2)写出下列名词的复数形式photo_potato_piano_ hero_radio _ tomato_1Here are two nice photo

18、s of my family.这儿有两张漂亮的我的家庭照片。探究(1)此句为 here 引导的_句式。其正常语序为“Two nice photos of my family are here.”。在英语中以 here,there 开头的句子常用倒装句式。倒装句的结构如下:主语句式结构例句名词全部倒装:Here/Therebe/实义动词名词.Here is the bus.Here comes thebus.代词部分倒装:Here/There代词be/实义动词.Here he is.Here he comes.(2)of 是介词,其后接名词或名词性物主代词,表示所属关系。一般情况下,用“of名词

19、”结构来表示无生命的名词的所有格。活学活用1(1)看!你的书包在这里。Look!_ _ your bag.(2)他们在那里。There _ _2My grandfather and grandmother are in the first photo.在第一张照片中有我的(外)祖父和(外)祖母。探究(1)one 是基数词;first 是序数词,意为“_”,序数词前要加定冠词the 或物主代词。(2)in the photoin the picture,意为“在照片中”。活学活用2He is _ first one to come.AaBanCthe D/详解详析详解详析【课前自主预习】单词闯关

20、1son2.cousin3grandpa;grandfather4mom;mother5.aunt6grandma;grandmother7.dad;father8uncle9.daughter10.here11photo;picture12.of13.next14girl15.dog短语互译1in the first photo2.a photo of my family3我的堂妹4.在我的家庭中句型在线1are2.In the next picture3is in my family课文初探15CBAAC【课堂互动探究】词汇点睛1daughterA2of(1)family photopho

21、tos/pictures(2)photospotatoespianosheroesradiostomatoes句型透视1倒装(1)Here is(2)they are2第一C序数词前要加定冠词 the。课文回顾1Father2.Mary3.Brothers4Cindy5.Cousin This is my sister 指示代词和单数句与复数句的转换1ThisThis is my sister.这是我的姐姐/妹妹。2ThoseThose are my parents.那是我的父母。3TheseThese are my brothers.这些是我的兄弟们。4ThisThis is my frie

22、nd Jane.这是我的朋友简。5ThatThats my grandfather.那是我的祖父。6WhosWhos sheshe?她是谁?Shes my sister.她是我的姐姐/妹妹。7WhosWhos hehe?他是谁?Hes my brother.他是我的哥哥/弟弟。8WhoreWhore theythey?他们是谁?Theyre my grandparents.他们是我的祖父母。1 1指示代词(1)定义:指示代词是用来指示或标识人或事物的代词。指示代词表示“这个”、“那个”、“这些”、“那些”等含义。指示代词有名词和限定词的功能。常见的指示代词有_,_,_,_等。(2)用法:指示代

23、词可在句中作主语、宾语和定语。如:_ is a desk.这是一张书桌。(作主语)_ boy is my friend.这个男孩是我的朋友。(作定语)this 和 these 表示所指的人或物距离说话人比较近,而 that 和 those 表示所指的人或物距离说话人比较远。如:_ is an orange and _ is an apple.这是一个橙子,那是一个苹果。从数上来看,this 和 that 指单数,these 和 those 指复数。如:_ is my mother.这是我妈妈。_ are my parents.这是我的父母。this 和 that 用作电话用语时,this 指自

24、己,而 that 指对方。如:Hello,_ is Mary.Is_ Xiaoli?你好!我是玛丽。你是小丽吗?当指示代词在疑问句中作主语时,其答句主语的变化:this,thatit;these,thosethey。如:Is_ a book?这是一本书吗?Yes,_ is.是的,它是。Are_ your friends?那些是你的朋友吗?Yes,_ are.是的,他们是。2 2单数句与复数句的转换(1)将单数句中的指示代词、人称代词、名词及 be 动词等变为复数形式This/That is a ruler.These/_ are rulers.She is in China.They are

25、in China.Im a boy.We _ _(2)将单数句中的不定冠词 a,an 去掉(某些固定搭配除外)。It is an apple._ _ apples.That is a pencil._ _ pencils.(3)单数句中的形容词、定冠词、副词、疑问词、介词等保持不变。The pen is red.The pens are red.What color is the jacket?What color are the jackets?注意 名词作定语时,一般用单数形式,被修饰的名词变复数时,一般情况下,作定语用的名词不需要变为复数形式,但由 man 或 woman 作定语修饰的名

26、词变成复数时,两部分皆要变为复数形式。如:That is an orange quilt.Those are _ _She is a woman doctor.They are _ _His friend is a man teacher.His friends are _ _.写出下列单词的复数形式1this_2friend _3name _4is _5family _6that _7key _8boy _9she _10parent _.单项填空()1._ my friends.AThiss BThatsCThese are DThese is()2.Look at the girls!_

27、 are my sisters.AThose BThese CYou DThey()3.This _ my sister and those _ my friends.Ais;are Bare;isCare;are Dis;is()4.Hello,Mary._ my friends,Jack and Jim.AThis is BThat isCThese are DIt is()5.Are _ her _?Athis;parent Bthis;parents Cthese;parent Dthese;parents()6.Im looking for my key,but I cant fin

28、d_Ait BoneCthis Dthat()7.Is this your classmate?_.Its my brother.AYes,it is BYes,he is CNo,it isnt DNo,she isnt()8.Are those your erasers?_AYes,it is BNo,it isnt CYes,these are DNo,they arent.用指示代词 this,this,that,that,thesethese 或 thosethose 填空1Whats _ over there?Its a bus.2Are _ your pencils?No,the

29、y arent.My pencils are here.3Are_ your rulers?Yes,they are.I put them here.4Hello._ is Mary.Is _ Jack?.根据汉语意思完成句子1他们是我的父母。_ _ my _2那些是你的朋友们吗?_ _ your friends?3那些钥匙是什么颜色的?What _ _ those _?4她是我的姐姐。_ is my _.5“这是你的弟弟吗?”“是的,他们是。”_ _ your _?Yes,_ _.按要求完成下列各题1This is a red jacket.(改为复数句)_ _ red _2Those ar

30、e oranges.(改为单数句)_ _ _ orange.3Are these erasers?(作否定回答)No,_ _4They are girls.(改为单数句)_ _ _ _5your,is,sister,Lily(连词成句)_?.根据汉语提示完成短文This is a 1._(照片)of Mr.Blacks 2._(家庭).The man in the middle is Mr.Black,the 3._(父亲).The woman is the 4._(母亲).They have a son and a 5._(女儿).The son is behind Mr.Black.His

31、 6._(名字)is Jack.He is 10.Kate is Jacks 7._(妹妹).She is 8._(九岁).Jack is in Grade 9._(五)and Kate is in Grade Four.They are 10._(好的)students.详解详析详解详析【语法探究】1(1)this;that;these;those(2)This;ThisThis;thatThis;Thesethis;thatthis;it;those;they2(1)Those;are boys(2)They are;Those are(3)orange quilts;women doct

32、ors;men teachers【实战演练】.1.these2.friends3.names4are5.families6.those7keys8.boys9.they10.parents.1.C由后面的“friends”可知用 these are。2D代替前文提到的复数名词用 they。3A考查 be 动词的用法。this 表示单数,用 is;those 表示复数,用 are。4C5.D6.A7C指示代词 this 在疑问句中作主语时,其答句的主语用 it,故排除选项 B 和 D。根据“Its my brother.”可知选 C。8D根据题干中的 those 可排除选项 A 和 B。回答 t

33、hese 和 those 的一般疑问句时,应用代词 they 来作答,故选 D。.1.that2.those3.these4This;that.1.They are;parents2.Are those3color are;keys4.She;sister5Are these;brothers;they are.1.These are;jackets2.That is an3they arent4.She is a girl5Is Lily your sister.1.photo/picture2.family3.father4mother5.daughter6.name7sister8.9/

34、nine9.5/Five10.good This is my sister本单元的话题是“介绍他人和辨认他人”。此话题涉及的作文:介绍你的家人,包括家庭成员的姓氏、名字、年龄以及你和他们的关系。写作时,要求同学们能正确使用句型“This/That is;These/Those are”等介绍他人;能在句中正确使用人称代词的单复数形式。假如你是照片中的小男孩 Bob,请向同学们介绍一下你的家人。50 词左右。姑姑:Alice;表妹:Sally;宠物狗:Mickey。_单词1姐;妹_2.父母_3兄;弟_ 4.堂兄(弟、姊、妹)_5家;家庭_ 6.他(她、它)们_7照片;图画_ 8.女孩_ 9在这里

35、_ 10.谁;什么人_短语1一位叔叔_2一位姑姑_3我的家庭照片_4在我的家庭中_5在第一张照片中_6一个儿子_7一个女儿_8我的父母_9这些男孩_10那些女孩_句型1Here are three photos of my family.这儿有三张我的家庭照片。2Those are my parents.那是我的父母。3She is my grandmother.她是我的祖母。4My cousin is in the next photo.我的表妹在下一张照片中。高分模板Hello,Im Bob.Here_is a_nice_photo_of_my_family.These_are my gr

36、andparents.These are my parents.That_is my aunt,Alice.The girl is my cousin.Her name is Sally.Mickey is in the photo,too.He is my_cousins_pet_dog名师点评1文章恰当地使用了单数句“That is”和复数句“These are”介绍家庭成员的情况。2正确地使用了人称代词 I 和 he。3使用了倒装句“Here is”。4正确地使用了名词所有格 a nice photo of my family 和 my cousins pet dog。5恰当地使用了副词

37、 too,使文章行文更加流畅。假设下列表格中所提供的是有关你的信息,请你介绍一下自己及家人。50 词左右。First name:MarkLast name:CooperAge:12Telephone number:4270635Class:2Grade:7Father:Jack Cooper Mother:Alice CooperSister:Gina CooperPet dog:Wangwang_详解详析详解详析【素材积累】单词1sister2.parents3.brother4cousin5.family6.they7picture8.girl9.here10.who短语1an uncle

38、2.an aunt3my family photo/a photo of my family4in my family5.in the first photo/picture6a son7.a daughter8.my parents9these boys10.those girls【小试身手】OneOne possiblepossible versionversion:My names Mark Cooper.I am 12 years old.My telephone number is 4270635.I am in Class Two,Grade Seven.My father is Jack Cooper.My mother is Alice Cooper.My sister is Gina Cooper.I have a pet dog.Its name is Wangwang.

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