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1、Module 1 Hobbies【模拟试题】(答题时间:90分钟)一. Choose the best answer 1. Hi, Mum. Im cooking the dinner. _?A. Thats great.B. OK C. ReallyD. Guess2. Can you send a postcard to my friend?Certainly. _me the name and address. A. SayB. Speak C. TalkD. Tell3. Wang Hui is _ his mother on his cell phone.A. drawingB. l

2、eaving C. callingD. dressing4. Are you having a good time?Yes. _, were going back.A. AnywayB. So C. ThenD. Because5. Dont talk here. They are _.A. walkingB. playing C. sitting D. sleeping6. In summer the sun is too hot at _.A. morningB. midday C. midnightD. evening7. _your new clothes and lets have

3、a look.A. DressB. Put on C. Get dressedD. Wear8. _ the trip?Yes, we are.A. Does he enjoyB. Do you enjoy C. Is Sam enjoyingD. Are you enjoying9. My cat likes _ in the sun.A. singingB. reading C. lyingD. working10. There are many people on the bus. Some are sitting and _ are standing. A. the othersB.

4、others C. allD. some11. The tiger _ breakfast.A. run for B. runs C. is runningD. is running for12. Some people are having _ at home.A. afternoon tea B. afternoons tea C. afternoon teas D. tea of afternoon13. _ are they having dinner?A. WhoB. Which C. Where D. What14. He usually sends _ postcards to

5、his friend.A. a lotB. lot of C. a lot of D. a lots15. He _ on the grass and _ the sun. A. is lying, enjoy B. is lying, having C. is lying, enjoying D. lies, enjoy二. Fill in the blanks with a proper word.1. Betty is _ a school trip.2. Dont read _ the sun. Its bad for your eyes.3. Here is a postcard:

6、Greetings _ Australia.4. He is waiting _ his mother.5. Families are getting together _ the moment.6. Do you go to school _ a car or by bus?7. Thank you _ you postcard.8. He is walking to a put and having a _.9. I enjoy the concert a _.10. Next Sunday is my sisters birthday, so now I am shopping for

7、_.三. Reading.(A)Plans for the weekendKen:Right, this weekend we should get up early so we can do more things!Jack:We can go to the noodle shop at 8 a.m. for some food.Ken:Okay, and at 9 a.m. we can go to the stadium and play basketball. Then we are going to the park for a picnic lunch with my family

8、.Jack:And then we are going to the computer center.Ken:Rightwe can buy some computer books, and then we can go to my house to check our e-mail and then watch television.Jack:Saturdays going to be fun, but what are we going to do on Sunday?Ken:I knowget up at 8 a.m., go to the park at 9 and go on the

9、 lake in a boat.Jack:Yes, we can have hamburgers for lunch!Ken:GreatI love hamburgers!Jack:Amy is having a party in the afternoondo you want to go?Ken:I cantI have a test on Mondayso I have to stay home to do my homework and then revise!Jack:Yes, I should study too. Oh, well, see you tomorrow四. Comp

10、lete the tableSaturday Sunday Get up (B)Rodney is a famous musician. Napoleon is an emperor. Rodney writes a lot of music. One day, Napoleon goes to Rodneys concert. He enjoys the music very much. He wants to see Rodney. So he asks others to invite Rodney to his box. Rodney is worried because he doe

11、snt have full dresses. He says he cant see the Emperor like that. But when Napoleon knows that, he says, “There is no request between two emperors.” Then people call Rodney Music Emperor.1. Napoleon goes to the concert to _.A. watch a balletB. listen to music C. have a meeting D. see Rodney2. Napole

12、on wants to _ the writer of the music.A. seeB. tell C. teachD. find3. The _ is called Rodney.A. musicB. musician C. emperorD. opera4. The writer is worried because _.A. his music is not very goodB. Napoleon is an emperorC. he has some other things to doD. he doesnt dress very well5. Rodney is an emp

13、eror too, because _.A. his music is very beautifulB. Napoleon thinks he is an emperorC. he wants to be an emperorD. he meets the Emperor Napoleon.五. Cloze testHave you ever seen snow? A lot of people in the world have not. A lot of countries 1_ have snowor they have it only on the tops of very high

14、mountains. In Scotland and in the north of England, there is quite a lot of snow every 2_, but in the south of England, there is usually 3_.When a student from 4_ country like Malaya or Indonesia comes to Britain in autumn for the first time, he feels cool at first. There are 5_dark clouds, gray sky

15、 and cold rain in Britain in autumn, and most students from warm countries do not like this.But snow is different although it is very 6_ . Perhaps, after several dark mornings, the student wakes up one day, and there is a lot of 7_ in his room. He thinks, “Is it so late?” and jumps out of the bed. B

16、ut no, it is not very late. He 8_ out of the windowand there is the 9_, on the ground and on the roofs of the houses and 10_. The light in his room came from that clean, beautiful white snow. 1. A. oftenB. neverC. onlyD. ever2. A. springB. summerC. autumnD. winter3. A. littleB. a littleC. few D. a f

17、ew4. A. a coldB. a windyC. a warmD. a rainy5. A. noB. notC. oftenD. even6. A. dirtyB. badC. beautifulD. handsome7. A. lightB. darkC. windD. bright8. A. sees B. looksC. looks atD. reads9. A. rainB. windC. for D. snow10. A. somewhereB. nowhereC. everywhereD. anywhere【试题答案】一. 15 CDCAD 610 BBDCA 1115 DA

18、CCC二. 1. on 2. in 3. from 4. for 5. at 6. in 7. for 8. drink 9. lot 10. presents三. (A)Saturday Sunday Get up Get upGo to the noodle shopGo to the park and go on the lake in a boatGo to the stadium and play basketballHave hamburgers for lunchGo to the park for a picnic lunchStay home to do homework and reviseGo to the computer center, buy some computer booksGo to Kens house to check email and watch TV(B)15 BABDD五. 15 BDACC 610 CABDC- 4 -用心 爱心 专心

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