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1、六年级英语上册期末测试班级_ 姓名_ 得分_一、找出下列每组单词中不属于同一类的选项(5分) ()1.A.footB.trainC.planeD.subway()2.A.postcard B.bookstoreC.magazine D.comicbook()3.A.policeofficer B.fatherC.pilotD.worker()4.A.angryB.sadC.happyD.wear()5.A.teachesB.tomatoesC.watchesD.reads二、读一读,补全句子(5分)1.Whereisthe_ _ (科学博物馆)?Itisnexttothepostoffice.

2、2._(左转弯)atthecinema.3.Howdoyoucometoschool?Usually,Icome_(乘地铁).4.HelivesinAustralia,buthe_ _(学习中文). 5.Youshould_ _(深呼吸)andcounttoten.三、单项选择 (20分)()1.canIgotoShanghai? Youcangobyplane.A.WhatB.WhereC.How()2.Sarahgoingtosupermarketthisevening. A.areB.amC.is()3.TomsmotherteachesEnglish.Whatdoeshismother

3、do?A.Shesapolicewoman. B.Shesateacher. C.Shegoestoworkbycar.()4.-Howhegotoschool? -Hetoschoolbybus.A.dogoesB.doesgoC.doesgoes()5.Dont be .Youshouldtakeadeepbreath. A.happyB.afraidC.angry()6.Ifyoulikescience.Youcanbea. A.secretaryB.scientistC.pilot.( ) 7、How can I there? A、get to B、get C、 getting( )8

4、、How can I the post office?A、 get B、get to C、to( )9、What does your aunt do? She is a _.A. businessman B. writer C. factory( )10.Shes going to _the Great Wall next week. A. visit B. visits C. visiting D. is visiting ( )12. I want to send the postcard. Ill go to the . A. nature park B. library C. post

5、 office( )13. Mike and John are insects in the classroom. A. look B. watch C. watching( ) 14.Where is the zoo? Turn left the restaurant. Then you can see it. A. in B. on C. at( )15. This is a book Robots. A. about B. but C. at( ) 16. Mandy pictures in Renmin Park everyday. A. draws B. draw C. is goi

6、ng to draw( )17. There are lots of cows and horses . A. on the playground B. on the farm C. in the hospital( )18、If you like helping sick people. You can be a . A. teacher B. doctor C. postman( )19、The work at sea. They work hard and stay healthy. A. fisherman B. fishermen C. fishermans( )20、Its ver

7、y cold outside. You should . A. wear warm clothes B. wear T-shirt C. wear shorts四、连词成句(5分)1.his,is,afraid,he,father,of(.)2.mother,my,me,is,angry,with(.)3.goes,by,to,school,bus,Sarah(.)4.go,the,at,dont,red,light(.)5.do,you,to,come,school,how(?)六、选择正确的答句(5分)。( )1. What are you going to do? A. By train

8、.( )2. When are you going? B. Take a trip.( )3. Where are you going? C. Yes, I am.( )4. How do you go to the zoo? D. At 3 oclock.( )5. Are you going to use any books? E. Im going to Beijing.七、 根据句意,用所给词的正确形式填空。(每题1分,共5分)1. Tomorrow, I am _( go ) to have an art lesson. 2. She is going to _ ( cook ) C

9、hinese food this weekend. 3. Will you go to_ (take) a trip on your holiday ?4. Chenjie often _ ( go ) hiking on weekends. 5. Look! My brother is _ (watch) TV. 八、选择正确的单词完成句子(5分)。1.Stop and wait at a (yellow, red) light.2.-Whats he _ (do, doing) now? He (writing, is writing) a letter.3. Does Henry (li

10、ve, lives) in Yunan?4. Ill buy an English (dictionary, dictionaries) for my cousin.5. Zhang Peng can eat (pizza, coffee) in the Italian restaurant.九、 大家来找茬。 选出句子中错误的一项,并把正确答案写在横线上(10分)。1. How do Sam feel now? A B C _2. You should to see a doctor. A B C _3. What should I doing? A B C _4. The cat is a

11、 police office. A B C _5. Because the mice is bad. A B C _十、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1.My name _ (be) Lily. I _ (be) twelve years old and _(study) in Chigang primary School. Now let me _(tell) you something about my class. Mrs. Wang is our English teacher. She _ (teach) us very well and she _ (like) _ (play

12、)sport. Look! She _(run) outside. Yang Ming likes _ ( do ) word puzzles. Hang Hua likes _ ( do ) kung fu. 十一、读短文,回答问题 (10分)MypenpalisLily.ShelivesinNewZealand(新西兰).ItsnexttoAustralia(澳大利亚).Sheisaquietgirl.Shelikesfootball.Shewantstobeafootballcoachinthefuture.Shegoestoschoolonfoot.Shehasabrother.His

13、nameisJill.Heisonlyfive.Helikessinging.Herfatherisabaseballplayer.Hermotherisareporter.SheworksinaTVstation.Shelikesusingcomputers.Theybothgotoworkbycar.Theyareveryhappy.(一)读一读,选一选()1.WhereisNewZealand?A. ItsnexttoAmerica.B.ItsnexttoAustralia.B. C.ItsnexttoChina.()2.Howdoesherparentsgotowork?A.Onfoot.B.Bybus.C.Bycar.()3.Wheredoeshermotherwork?A.Sheworksinastation.B.Sheworksinauniversity.C.Sheworksincinema.

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