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1、1 高中英语词法之现在分词高频考点知识梳理高中英语词法之现在分词高频考点知识梳理 单选题 1、Chinas National Highway 318,_ over 5,000 kilometers from Shanghai to Zhangmu,Tibet,is known as the heavenly road“for its amazing views.Ato extendBextendedCextendingDbeing extended 答案:C 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:中国的国道 318 号,从上海到西藏樟木,延伸出 5000 多公里,因为它的令人赞叹的景观,被熟知为“天堂之

2、路”。分析句子成分可知,is known as 是整个句子的谓语动词,所以空格处应填非谓语动词,extend 与主语 Chinas National Highway 318 之间的关系为主动,所以用 extending。故选 C。2、In 2012 MoYan won the Nobel Prize for Literature,_ a host of imitators.AinspiringBinspiredChaving inspiredDto inspire 答案:A 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:2012 年莫言获得了诺贝尔文学奖,这鼓舞了一大群模仿者。此处是现在分词作结果状语,表示自然

3、而然的结果;to do 表示出乎意料的结果,故排除 D 项;B、C 两项不能作结果状语。故选 A。3、_,there is a festive atmosphere in the air.AWhen the Spring Festival approached BWith the Spring Festival approaching CAs the Spring Festival approaching DWith the Spring Festival approached 答案:B 2 解析:考查 with 复合结构。句意:随着春节的临近,空气中弥漫着喜庆的气氛。分析句子可知,此处作时间

4、状语,连接词“When”和“As”引导时间状语从句,后面接完整的句子,介词“with”构成复合结构,“the Spring Festival”与“approach”之间是主动关系,应用现在分词形式。故选 B 项。4、People sit uncomfortably on plastic chairs,_ through old magazines,all of _ have been read hundreds of times previously.Alook;thatBlooking;whichClooking;whomDlooking;that 答案:B 解析:考查非谓语动词和非限制性定

5、语从句关系词。句意:人们不舒服地坐在塑料椅子上读旧杂志,这些杂志以前已经被读过几百次了。第一空 look 用现在分词作伴随状语;第二空需要使用关系代词 which 代替先行词magazines 引导非限制性定语从句,which 作介词 of 的宾语。故选 B 项。5、_ on the subject for half an hour,Liu Ying suddenly realized she had done the wrong subject.ATo be workingBWorkCHaving been workingDHave worked 答案:C 解析:考查现在分词的完成式。句意:

6、研究这个题目已经半个小时了,刘英突然意识到她选错了题目。此处表示动作从某一时间开始,一直持续到现在,所以用现在完成进行时,前半句没有主语,需要用非谓语动词形式,此处work 和逻辑主语 Liu Ying 是主动关系,所以用现在分词形式,故选 C 项。6、_ to speak,Ill start making preparations tomorrow.ATo have been invitedBTo be invited CHaving been invitedDHaving invited 答案:C 3 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:因为邀请我去讲话,我明天就得做准备。分析句子可知,句子谓语动

7、词是 start,invite 用非谓语动词形式作原因状语,根据句意可知,“邀请去讲话”先于“开始准备”之前,用完成式,且 invite与逻辑主语 I 是被动关系,用现在分词的完成式的被动式,不定式常用来作目的状语,故选 C 项。7、You may have noticed how busy tree squirrels are in fall,_ for every last seed and nut that can be found and stocking their tree homes with enough food _ them through winter.Ato searc

8、h;to be gottenBsearching;to get Chaving searched;gottenDsearch;getting 答案:B 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:你可能已经注意到,树上的松鼠在秋天是多么忙碌,它们不停地寻找着能找到的每一粒种子和坚果,为它们的树屋储备足够的食物以度过冬天。分析句子结构,句子已有谓语动词 are,空处需填非谓语动词形式,第一空 search 和 squirrels 为逻辑上的主谓关系,结合“stocking”可知,使用现在分词形式searching 作状语;第二空需用动词不定式 to get 作目的状语。故选 B。8、_ only 96 gram

9、s,the great all-round electronic dictionary is portable and easy to use.AWeighingBWeighedCBeing weighedDHaving weighed 答案:A 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:这本大而全面的电子词典仅重 96 克,便于携带和使用。分析句子可知,空处应用非谓语形式,动词 weigh 和逻辑主语 the great all-round electronic dictionary 之间是主谓关系,应用现在分词作状语。故选 A 项。9、_ this,he spread some food on the

10、table and produced a bed from the floor.AHaving saidBBeing saidCHaving been saidDTo say 4 答案:A 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:说完这个,他就把一些吃的摆在桌上,然后打了个地铺。分析句子可知,选项中所给的 say 在这里应该作状语,say 与主语 he 之间属于主动关系,B、C 选项都使用了被动语态,与句意不符,此处表示该动作发生在谓语动作之前,应用现在分词的完成式。故选 A 项。10、Can you recognize Tom?_him before,I do not know what he look

11、ed like.ANot having seenBHaving not seen CNot to have seenDTo have not seen 答案:A 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:你能认出汤姆吗?我以前没见过他,不知道他长什么样子。分析句子结构,可知 see 在句中应用非谓语动词形式作原因状语,“see”与其逻辑主语“I”之间是主动关系,用现在分词,此处see 发生在谓语动词之前,应用现在分词的完成式 having done 形式,且为否定形式,要在前面加 not。故选 A。11、He was surprised to find a lot of people_ at the bac

12、k of the room _ masks.Aseating;wearingBsat;wore Csitting;wornDseated;wearing 答案:D 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:他惊讶地发现很多坐在教室后面的人都戴着口罩。A.seating 请.就做;wearing 穿着,戴着;B.sat 坐;wore 穿着;C.sitting 坐;worn 穿着,戴着;D.seated 请.坐;wearing 穿着,戴着。分析句子,第一空需要 seated 作后置定语修饰名词 people,表示坐着的状态;第二空动词 wear 在句中作宾语补足语,补充说明宾语 people,与 people

13、主动关系,应使用现在分词。故选 D 项。5 12、Many students _ confidence find it hard to accomplish the difficult learning tasks.AlackedBlackingClacking ofDlacked in 答案:B 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:许多缺乏自信的学生发现很难完成困难的学习任务。lack 用作及物动词,表示“缺乏,补足,没有”;lack 用作不及物动词,表示“缺乏,补足,没有”,常与 in 搭配;lack 用作名词时,常与 of 搭配。此处为非谓语,与主语是逻辑主谓关系,应用现在分词,表主动,作后置定

14、语。故选 B。13、His curious words left me _ about his real purpose.I dont think I should take them_.Awonder seriouslyBwonderingliterally Cto be wonderingfor grantedDwonderedas usual 答案:B 解析:考查副词及短语。句意:他奇怪的话使我想知道他的真正目的。我觉得我不应该从字面上理解它们。短语leave sb.doing 意为“让某人处于某种状态”,seriously“严肃地”,literally“逐字地”,短语 take.for

15、 granted“认为理所当然”,as usual“像往常一样”,根据句意,故选 B。14、The gallery takes a cut of the artwork sold,with prices_ from$1 to$100.ArangedBrangingCbeing rangedDrange 答案:B 解析:考查现在分词。句意:画廊从售出的艺术品中提成,价格从 1 美元到 100 美元不等。该句使用短语 range from to,意为“范围从.到.不等”,分析句子成分可知,“with prices_ from$1 to$100”为“with+宾语+宾补”复合结构,选项中所给核心词“

16、range”与宾语 prices 之间为主动关系,故应用现在分词的主动形式,故选 B。6 15、Young people who report_ in life and thus have developed a slack attitude towards life are called the generation of“lying flat”.Ato feel stickingBfeeling stickingCfeeling stuckDto feel stuck 答案:C 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:那些感觉生活停滞不前,因此形成了一种懒散的生活态度的年轻人被称为“平躺一代”。根据

17、who 引导的定语从句中有谓语动词 report,无连词,且 Young people 和 feel 之间是主动关系,可知要用现在分词;stuck 是形容词,意为“被卡住的,停滞不前的”,作 feel 的表语。故选 C 项。16、Back from his two-year medical service in Africa,Dr.Lee was very happy to see his mother_good care of his family at home.AtakingBtakenCto takeDbe taken 答案:A 解析:考查非谓语中现在分词作宾补。句意:在非洲医疗援助两

18、年回来后,李医生很高兴看见妈妈把家人照顾得很好。分析句子可知,本句中用到了结构:see+宾语+补语,本结构中补语可以用省略 to 的不定式,表示动作全过程;用现在分词,与宾语为主谓关系,表示动作正在进行;用过去分词,与宾语为动宾关系,表示被动动作。本句中 his mother 和 take care of 是主动关系,所以现在分词作宾语补足语,故选 A。17、Yesterday,President Xi delivered his New Year message to the whole country,_that China will achieve its beautiful dream

19、 in the new year.AhopesBhopingChopedDto hope 答案:B 解析:考查非谓语。句意:昨天,席主席向全国人民发表了新年贺词,希望在新的一年里中国可以实现她美好的中国7 梦。根据句子结构可知,“hope”在句子中做伴随状语,和主语“President Xi”是逻辑上的主谓关系,所以要用现在分词形式。故选 B。18、The barriers to unity presented by European geography and very limited technology made it hard for a would-be conqueror to c

20、reate a vast empire,eliminating competitors and _his will over vast areas.ACommittingBcorrespondingCtransformingDimposing 答案:D 解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:由欧洲地理带来的统一的障碍以及有限的科技让一个潜在的征服者很难创造一个大帝国,很难消除敌人并且很难将自己的意愿强加给这一广阔的区域。根据句意可知,此处意为“强加意愿”,表达为 impose ones will。A.committing 承诺、忠于;B.corresponding 符合,相一致;C.transform

21、ing 转变;D.imposing 把(自己的观点、信仰)强加于。故选 D。19、They thought _ important to look right and left when_the road.Aits;crossBit;to crossCit;crossingDit was;to cross 答案:C 解析:考查 it 用法和非谓语动词。句意:他们认为过马路时左右看很重要。第一空为结构 think it adj.to do sth.,it 作形式宾语;第二空分析句子结构可知 cross 在句中应用非谓语动词形式,与逻辑主语 they 构成主动关系,故用现在分词作状语。故选 C。2

22、0、You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.Well,now I regret _ that.Ato doBto be doingCdoDhaving done 答案:D 解析:8 考查现在分词。句意:你在会上提出异议,真够勇敢的。现在我后悔那样做了。由前面的“brave enough to raise objections at the meeting”可知,句子表示“我后悔在会上提出异议”,regret doing/having done sth.是固定短语,意为“后悔做某事”,因此空格处用 doing/having

23、 done,故选 D。21、_many times,he still repeated the same mistake when _the experiment.AHaving told;doingBTelling;having done CHaving been told;doingDTo tell;having been done 答案:C 解析:考查非谓语动词和省略句。句意:尽管被告知了很多次,他在做实验时还是重复着同样的错误。第一空,分析句子结构可知 tell 在句中应用非谓语动词形式,此处 tell 发生在谓语动词 repeated 之前,故应用 having done 形式,且与

24、 he 构成被动关系,故用 having been done;第二空,在 when 引导的时间状语从句中,当从句主语和主句主语一致且从句含有 be 的某种形式时,可省略从句的主语和 be,从句完整形式为“when he was doing the experiment”,相当于省略了 he was。故选 C。22、The film was a success,_ huge audiences and winning many awards.AattractedBattractingCto attractDbeing attracted 答案:B 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:这部电影很成功,吸引

25、了大量的观众并赢得了许多奖项。句中逻辑主语 The film 与attract 之间为主动关系,所以用现在分词作状语。故选 B。23、He dived into the water,_ only his face _.Aleaving;exposedBleaving;exposing Cleft;exposedDleft;exposing 答案:A 9 解析:考查现在分词作伴随状语和过去分词作宾语补足语。句意:他潜入水中,只露出了脸。句子主语 He 和 leave 之间是主动关系,是现在分词作伴随状语;固定搭配:leave+宾语+宾语补足语,此处 his face 和 expose 之间是被动

26、关系,是过去分词作宾语补足语。故选 A。24、Covid-19 lasted nearly half a year around the world,_ everybody in many ways.AaffectingBaffectedCaffectDto affect 答案:A 解析:考查非谓语动词辨析。句意:Covid-19 在全球持续了近半年,在很多方面影响着每个人。句子的谓语是 lasted,空格处填非谓语,affect 和逻辑主语 Covid-19 之间是主动关系,用现在分词作状语。故选 A。25、As we know,sport _ both men and women,has

27、become an important form of entertainment.Aappealed toBappeals toCappealing toDto appeal to 答案:C 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:众所周知,吸引男人和女人的运动,已经成为娱乐的重要组成部分。分析句子可知,主句是 sport has has become an important form of entertainment.,as 引导定语从句,故_ both men and women 做后置定语,修饰 sport,用非谓语动词形似,故排除 A、B 项,且 sport 与 appeal to 是主动关系

28、,用现在分词表示主动关系,故选 C。小提示:26、The man _ at the meeting is the one _ on the ground.Areferred to;lyingBreferred;lying Creferring to;layDreferring;laid 10 答案:A 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:会上提到的那个人就是躺在地上的那位。分析句子可知,俩空处均应使用非谓语动词。空 1,由于动词短语 refer to 与所修饰词 The man 之间是被动关系,应使用过去分词作后置定语;空 2,动词lie 与所修饰词 the one 之间是主动关系,应使用现在分词作后

29、置定语。故选 A 项。27、_,they went home,_.ATheir work had been finished;singing and laughing BThey had finished their work;sang and laughed CTheir work finished;singing and laughing DAfter their work finished;singing and laughing 答案:C 解析:考查独立主格结构和非谓语动词现在分词。句意:工作完成后,他们又唱又笑地回家了。分析句子以及选项可知,句首为独立主格结构“主语+分词”作状语;如

30、果状语部分为从句,则必须有从属连词引导,故排除 AB 两项;如果状语部分有从属连词(after),从句中不可省略谓语,故排除 D 项。句尾因动词 sing 和 laugh 和主语 they 之间是主动关系,用现在分词作伴随状语,排除 B 项。故选 C 项。28、You may have noticed how busy tree squirrels are in fall,_ for every last seed and nut that can be found and stocking their tree homes with enough food _ them through wi

31、nter.Ato search;to be gottenBsearching;to get Chaving searched;gottenDsearch;getting 答案:B 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:你可能已经注意到,树上的松鼠在秋天是多么忙碌,它们不停地寻找着能找到的每一11 粒种子和坚果,为它们的树屋储备足够的食物以度过冬天。分析句子结构,句子已有谓语动词 are,空处需填非谓语动词形式,第一空 search 和 squirrels 为逻辑上的主谓关系,结合“stocking”可知,使用现在分词形式searching 作状语;第二空需用动词不定式 to get 作目的状语。故选 B

32、。29、_ the old guy a full physical exam,the doctor still couldnt come up with any possible explanation for the pain.AGivenBTo giveCHaving givenDBeing given 答案:C 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:给老人做了全面身体检查后,医生依然不能对于这种疼痛提出任何可能的解释。分析句子结构,逗号后有一句完整的话,逗号是以动词开头的,要用动词的非谓语动词形式,且 give 和逻辑主语the doctor 之间是主动关系,用现在分词的形式;且 give 发生在

33、谓语动词 come up with 之前,故用现在分词的完成形式。故选 C。30、Internet literature has become a new trend,_ people of all ages.AappealedBappealing toCattractedDdrawing to 答案:B 解析:考查动词和动词短语辨析以及非谓语动词。句意:网络文学已经成为一种新的趋势,吸引着各个年龄段的人。A.appealed 有吸引力,有感染力;B.appealing to 对有吸引力;C.attracted 吸引;D.drawing to 接近。空格处和谓语动词之间没有连词,所以应用非谓语

34、形式。表示“对有吸引力”可用动词短语 appeal to 或动词 attract。appeal to 或 attract 和逻辑主语 Internet literature 构成主动关系,所以应用现在分词作状语。故选 B。31、They use computers to keep the traffic _ smoothly.ArunningBto runCworkingDto work 答案:A 12 解析:考查动词词义辨析和非谓语动词。句意:他们用电脑来保持交通畅通。A.running(顺着某物)移动;B.to run(顺着某物)移动;C.working 工作;D.to work 工作。由

35、“use computers to keep the traffic”和“smoothly”可知,句子表示“他们用电脑来保持交通畅通”,也就是车顺次移动,空格处意为“(顺着某物)移动”,keep sb.doing 意为“使某人一直做某事”,因此空格处是 running。故选 A。32、That day,she got to the campus earlier,_ the 6:15 subway from Panyu Square.AcaughtBto have caughtCto catchDhaving caught 答案:D 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:那天,她从番禺广场乘 6 点 15

36、 分的地铁,提前到了学校。分析句子可知,谓语动词是 got,故 catch 用非谓语动词形式作原因状语,catch 与逻辑主语 she 是主动关系,用现在分词形式,根据句意,catch 这一动作先于谓语动词 got,故用现在分词的完成式,故选 D。33、_ in the queue,the old man suddenly realized he had left the money at home.ATo waitBTo have waitedCWaitingDHaving waited 答案:C 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:这位老人在排队等候时,突然意识到他把钱落在了家里。根据句意和句子结

37、构可知,前半句是非谓语动词做状语,表示伴随,即 wait(等待)和 realize(意识到)同时发生,且 wait 和逻辑主语 the old man(这位老人)是主动关系,所以应用现在分词作状语,故选 C。34、In a world still so many problems,it is essential for us to create a global community with a future of peace and prosperity.Afaced;sharingBfacing;shared Cfacing;sharingDfaced;shared 13 答案:B 解析:

38、考查非谓语动词和形容词。句意:在当今仍面临许多问题的世界里,构建和平繁荣的人类命运共同体至关重要。第一空,分析句子结构可知 face 在句中应用非谓语动词形式,与逻辑主语 world 构成主动关系,故应用现在分词作定语;第二空,修饰后文名词 future,表示“共享的”应用形容词 shared。故选 B。35、The phrase“Buddha-like youngsters”_ to some of the post-90s generations with a casual attitude to life has been well received by netizens since

39、it was created.Ato referBreferringCto be referredDrefer 答案:B 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:词组“佛系青年”指的是一些对生活持有随意态度的 90 后,这一词组自创造之日来已经被广大网友接受。根据句子结构可知该句谓语动词为“have been received”,且没有连词,空格处动词应为非谓语形式。且“the phrase”意为词组,和“refer to”意为指的是,构成主动关系,故需要用现在分词 referring。故选 B 项。36、Kirl and I entered the art room,completely _ the r

40、ule that no student may enter the art room without permission.Ato ignoreBignoredCignoringDto be ignored 答案:C 解析:考查现在分词。句意:基尔和我进入了美术室,完全无视学生未经允许不得进入美术室的规定。本句主语是Kirl and I,谓语动词是 entered,空处句子无连词连接,也没有主语,所以空处为非谓语动词。此处是现在分词做伴随状语,Kirl and I 与 ignore 在逻辑上是主动关系。故选 C 项。37、_ my daughter was going off to sleep

41、,I asked if shed like that little doll on her bed.14 ASeeingBTo seeCSeeDSeen 答案:A 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:看到我女儿要去睡觉,我问她是否想要那个小娃娃在床上陪她。分析句子结构可知,“I asked if shed like that little doll on her bed.”是主句,所以空处是非谓语动词作状语,动词 see(看到)的逻辑主语是主句主语 I(我),且二者之间是主动关系,应用现在分词形式,故选 A。38、When Zhou Kais mother saw him _ the front do

42、or without a jacket on,she eyed him _.Aapproaching;anxiousBapproach;anxious Capproaching;anxiouslyDapproach;anxiously 答案:C 解析:考查现在分词和副词。句意:当周凯的母亲看到他不穿夹克走近前门时,她焦虑地看着他。根据“she eyed him”可知,此处是指看着他走近前门,see sb doing 意为“看见某人正在做某事”,此处用现在分词作宾语补足语。修饰动词 eyed 应用副词 anxiously 表示“焦虑地”作状语。故选 C。39、Principal White ha

43、s been working in the school for about 20 years,_ all his energy to teaching and researching as well as the running of a healthy school.AdevotedBdevotingCto devoteDand devote 答案:B 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:怀特校长在这所学校工作了近 20 年,致力于教学、科研和学校的健康运营。句中已有谓语动词,且不是并列句,空处应该用非谓语,空后有其宾语 all his energy,主语 Principal White 和动词d

44、evote 是主动关系,用现在分词作伴随状语。故选 B。40、Mother is always worried about her son.She often watches him _ the street.15 AcrossBto crossCcrossingDacross 答案:C 解析:考查现在分词。句意:母亲总是担心她的儿子。她经常看着他过马路。表示“看着某人正在做某事”短语为watch sb.doing sth.,用现在分词表正在进行的动作。故选 C。41、These women _ works of the highest quality,any survey of the 19

45、th century English literature must include them.Ahaving producedBhave produced Cwere producedDhaving been produced 答案:A 解析:考查独立主格。句意:这些女性创造出了最高品质的作品,任何对 19 世纪英国文学的研究都必须包含她们。分析句子可知,设空处所在部分为独立主格作状语,逻辑主语 these women 和 produce 之间为主动关系,应用现在分词,且该动作明显发生在谓语动词 must include 之前,应用现在分词的完成时形式 having done。故选 A。小提

46、示:42、No sooner had the bell_ that the class was over rung _ the students rushed out of the classroom for the dining hall.Aindicated whenBindicatingthan CindicatingwhenDto indicatethan 答案:B 解析:考查非谓语动词和状语从句。句意:下课铃声刚一响,学生们就冲出教室,奔向餐厅。句中 bell 与 indicate 之间为主动关系,所以现在分词作定语;no soonerthan 一就,为固定结构,引导时间状语从句,主

47、句16 为过去完成时,than 后面的从句用一般过去时。故选 B。43、_ his famous number 23 shirt,Michael Jordan became the most successful basketball player in the history of the game.AWoreBWearingCWearsDWear 答案:B 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:穿着他著名的 23 号球衣,迈克尔 乔丹成为了篮球运动史上最成功的篮球运动员。分析句子结构可知 wear 在句中应用非谓语动词形式,与逻辑主语 Michael Jordan 构成主动关系,用现在分词作状语。故

48、选 B。44、Once,_ to dinner at a university,he was put on the spot when the president suddenly asked him to give a speech.Abeing invitedBto be invited Chad been invitedDhaving been invited 答案:D 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:有一次,一所大学邀请他去吃晚饭,校长突然请他演讲,把他弄得十分尴尬。he was put on the spot 是主句,此处使用非谓语动词,强调“被邀请”发生在主句动作之前,应用现在分词的完成式。故选 D。45、The other day,when passing by his house,I observed him _ football in the yard.Ato playBplayedCbeing playedDplaying 答案:D 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:有一天,我经过他家时,看见他在院子里踢足球。observe sb.doing sth.观察某人正在17 做某事,现在分词作宾语补足语,表示正在进行的动作。故选 D。

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