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1、1This time last week Roy Woods, a bus conductor from Streatham, in South London, was worried about money. He _1_ $ 20 from his landlady(女房东). Today he is _2_, for last Saturday he won $ 120,000 on the football pools(赌注).Last night he was interviewed(采访) on television by reporter Stan Edwards.EDWARDS

2、: Well, Mr Woods, _3_ are you going to do now? Are you going to give up your _4_ on the buses?WOODS: Yes, Im going to _5_ at the end of the week.EDWARDS: And what other plans(计划) have you _6_?WOODS: Well, Im going to buy a house.EDWARDS: Have you got a house of your own now?WOODS: No, no, we _7_ in

3、a flat(公寓房间).EDWARDS: Have you got a _8_?WOODS: Yes, Ive got an old Ford, _9_ Im going to buy a new carand my wife says shes going to have _10_ lessons!( ) 1. A. received B. paid C. sent D. borrowed( ) 2. A. poor B. rich C. old D. ill( ) 3. A. how B. when C. what D. where( ) 4. A. job (职业) B. idea C

4、 .football D money( ) 5. A. start B. work C. finish D. return( ) 6. A. found B. thought C. seen D. got( ) 7. A. work B. live C. play D. meet( ) 8. A. car B. friend C. class D. television( ) 9. A. so B. but C. and D. for( ) 10. A. teaching B. music C. TV D. driving2 One day a rich man wanted to sell

5、some goods(物品) in another town and buy some things there. He _1_ to take ten servants(仆人) with him. They would carry the goods and also some _2_ to eat on their way. The rich man said to _3_ of his servants, Ali, you are the _4_ and the weakest one. You may _5_ the lightest load(担子) to carry. Ali th

6、anked him and chose the _6_ load. It was their food bread. The rich man said, How foolish(愚蠢) you are! Thats the heaviest one. But Ali was _7_ to lift it up. And so they set off. Four hours _8_, they stopped for a rest. They all _9_ some of the bread. Then there was _10_ bread for Ali to carry. Each

7、 time they ate some, the load became smaller and lighter. At last the clever servant had nothing to carry.( ) 1. A. agreed B. liked C. decided D. refused( ) 2. A. food B. goods C. water D. meat( ) 3. A. all B. both C. none D. one( ) 4. A. tallest B. smallest C. busiest D. fastest( ) 5. A. find B. gi

8、ve C. choose D. carry( ) 6. A. lightest B. smallest C. best D. biggest( ) 7. A. glad B. worried C. sorry D. tired( ) 8. A. early B. later C. past D. last( ) 9. A. loved B. put C. called D. ate( ) 10. A. more B. little C. less D. no3A shop owner closed his shop and went home. He was very _1_ but just

9、 as he went to bed the telephone _2_. A man asked, What time do you open your shop?The shop owner was _3_ about this phone call. He put down the receiver without answering and went _4_ to bed. A few minutes _5_ the telephone rang _6_ and the man asked the _7_ question. The shop owner became very _8_

10、 and he shouted, You neednt ask me when I open the shop for I wont let you _9_ Oh, no. I dont want to _10_ in, the man said, I want to go out.( ) 1. A. happy B. glad C. tired D. early( ) 2. A. ring B. rang C. rung D. rings( ) 3. A. unhappy B. interested C. late D. worried( ) 4. A. upstairs B. downst

11、airs C. back D. home( ) 5. A. ago B. later C. before D. after( ) 6. A. again B. once C. more D. soon( ) 7. A. another B. one C. same D. new( ) 8. A. angry B. happy C. sad D. strict( ) 9. A. up B. in C. out D. away( ) 10. A. get B. try C. climb D. walk4When Mary Smith was a _1_, she wanted to be a te

12、acher, _2_ she liked children. When she was twenty, she began teaching in a small school. She was a good teacher, and she _3_ a lot with the children in her class. They _4_ her teaching.One day _5_ of the girls in her class said to her, Miss Smith _6_ does a mans hair become grey before his beard(胡子

13、) does?Mary laughed and answered, I dont know. Helen, do you know?I dont know _7_, Miss Smith, said Helen, but it happened to my father. The _8_ children in the class laughed when they heard this.Then a boy said, I _9_, Miss Smith! A mans hair becomes grey _10_ because its sixteen years older than h

14、is beard.( ) 1. A. woman B. student C. teacher D. wife( ) 2. A. so B. but C. that D. because( ) 3. A. cried B. shouted C. learned D. laughed( ) 4. A. refused B. enjoyed C. thought D. wanted( ) 5. A. one B. a C. an D. two( ) 6. A. when B. how C. why D. whether( ) 7. A. too B. either C. also D. neithe

15、r( ) 8. A. some B. few C. other D. another( ) 9. A. think B. know C. guess D. sure( ) 10. A. fast B. slowly C. first D. quickly5While Tom and Mary were on holiday at the seaside, they enjoyed _1_ the seagulls(海鸥). They _2_ a lot about these lovely birds. They will often come close to you when you ar

16、e eating anything. If you _3_ pieces of bread to them they at once snatched(抓住) it up.Seagulls swim well, but they do not often dive for fish. They are also good at _4_ with their wings. When a seagull is in the sky he puts his legs _5_ his body. Tom often watched them _6_ to the ground because he l

17、iked the way they _7_ the air with their wings and brought down their feet before they _8_ the ground. Mary liked to see them gliding(滑翔) over the _9_ as they often do, without moving their _10_. But she said she didnt like the noise they made.( )1. A. catching B. shooting C. watching D. playing( )

18、2. A. understood B. learned C. studied D. thought( ) 3. A. threw B. took C. sent D. thought( ) 4. A. swimming B. flying C running D. rising( ) 5. A. under B. about C. on D. in( ) 6. A. come B. to come C. go D. to go( ) 7. A. held B. beat C. put D. kept( ) 8. A. hit B. arrived C. got D. touched( ) 9. A. water B. beach C. sky D. ground( ) 10. A. eyes B. feet C. legs D. wings

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