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1、人教版(一起)一年级-上Unit1 school单词:book ruler pencil schoolbag teacher I have a an 课文:I have a pencil. I have a rule.I have a book. 练习:Stand up, Joy. Show me your pencil. Sit down, please.Close your eyes. I have a ruler . I have a schoolbag. I have a book.Open your eyes. Whats missing? Pencil.Story time: go

2、od night! Show me your schoolbag. I have a schoolbag. Open it . show me your ruler. I have a ruler. Show me your pencil. I have a pencil. Show me your book. Open your book. Hi! Im Angel. Good morning!歌谣:Hello, pencil!Hello, ruler!Hello, schoolbag! Hello!Hello, book!Hello, teacher!Hello! Hello! Hello

3、!I have a pencil. I have a book.I have a beautiful schoolbag, too.I have a ruler.I have a teacher.Hello! Hello to you!Unit2 face单词:face ear eye nose mouth this is my 课文:Touch your mouth. This is my mouth. Touch your nose. This is my nose.练习:touch your. This is my.Story time: good morning! Touch your

4、 mouth. This is my mouth. Touch your ear. This is my ear. Touch your nose. This is my nose. Touch your face. This is my face. Touch your tail. I have no tail.歌谣:Look at my eye.Look at my ear.Look at my nose.Look at my mouth.And my little face. My little faceI have two ears. I have two eyes.One littl

5、e nose.One little mouth.I have two ears.I have two eyes.One little face. One little face.Unit3 animals单词:dog bird tiger monkey cat what it 课文:Whats this? Its a tiger. Whats this? Its a dog练习:whats this? Its a .Story time: good morning! Good morning! Whats this? Its a monkey. Whats this? Its a bird.

6、Whats this? Bye-bye! Whats this? Bye-bye! Whats this? Bye-bye!歌谣:Cat, cat, what do you see? I see a dog looking at me.Dog, dog, what do you see? I see a bird looking at me.Bird, bird, what do you see? I see a monkey looking at me.Monkey, monkey, what do you see? I see a tiger looking at me.Two littl

7、e black birds sitting on a hill. One named Jack, one named Jill.Fly away Jack, fly away Jill. Come back Jack, come back Jill.Two little black birds sitting on a hill. One named Jack, one named Jill.Unit4 numbers单词:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten how many are there课文:How many tigers

8、are there? Five. How many birds are there? Nine.练习:How manyare there? Hello, joy. Show me five.Story time: Bill, Andy and Joy this is for you. Thank you. How many are there? One, two, three Lets share! OK! One for Joy and one for me.One for Andy and one for me Oh, no!歌谣:One finger, two fingers, thre

9、e fingers, four. One, two, three, four, five fingers more. Six fingers, seven fingers, eight fingers, nine. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten fingers. hooray!One little, two little, three little Indians.Four little, five little, six little Indians.Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians.Ten littl

10、e Indian boys.Unit 5 colours单词:black yellow blue red green colour课文:Oh, a bird! What colour is it? Its yellow A dog! What colour is it? Its black.练习:What colour is it? Guess! Whats this? Its a pencil. What colour is it? Its yellow.Story time: Wow! Balloons! A red balloon please. Oh, a yellow balloon

11、, and a green balloon! Oh, a blue balloon! A big black balloon, please. Help! Help!歌谣:Red, red, l like red.Yellow, yellow, I like yellow.Black, black, I like black.Blue, blue, I like blue.Green, green, I like green.Red and yellow and pink and green.Purple and orange and blue.I can sing a rainbow.Sin

12、g a rainbow.Sing a rainbow now.Unit6 fruit单词:apple pear banana orange do you like yes no课文:Do you like bananas? Yes, I do. Do you like pears? No, I dont.练习: Do you like.?Story time: A gift for you. Thank you What is it? Oh no, a fish! Oh no, a banana! Do you like bananas? Do you like fish?歌谣:l like pears. I like apples. I like oranges. I like bananas. They are all good to eat.Apple round, apple red.Apple juicy, apple sweet.Apple apple I love you.Apple sweet, I love to eat.

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