1、 社会保障制度论文:我国开征社会保障税问题研究【中文摘要】当代社会的一大热点问题就是社会保障制度的改革和完善。尽管我国从开始建立社会保障制度以来已度过几十年的时间,但由于我国的经济情况、人口数量、城镇收入差距等问题,致使我国的社会保障制度的资金缺口大,资金筹集机制尚不完善,并且在全国范围内出现了严重的不均衡现象。在经济发达的沿海城市,居民享受到得社会福利远远优于贫困地区。且不同所有制企业间的差距也在逐步扩大。这种不公平性会严重制约和谐社会的构建,甚至会破坏社会团结和稳定。为此,为了进一步探寻一种新的社会保障制度基金的筹集体制,即开征社会保障税,并对其进行深入探讨,尤为重要。本文旨在运用规范与实
3、了深入的思考。并对我国是否适宜开征社会保障税这一问题做出了必要性和可行性分析,进一步指出,社会保障税的征收不仅必要,而且对整个社会的稳定和经济的发展起到至关重要的作用。第四部分是分析国外征收社会保障税的成功经验,进行比较借鉴,为我所用。第五部分基于社会保障税征收的事实出发,对未来征收的税制框架、相关法律法规体系构建和配套的改革方面提出了基本设想。最后,本文得出的结论是:在当前经济形势下,无论从社会内部的公平性考虑还是从与国际接轨的外部考虑,开征社会保障税都是大势所趋。【英文摘要】One of the hottest issues in the modern society is the imp
4、rovement and reformation of our social security system. Although the social security system has already been built up in China for several decades, the current economic situation, large population and huge income difference between cities and towns generate the shortage of funds in social security s
5、ystem and financing mechanism still need to be improved. Moreover, it leads to the imbalanced social benefit throughout the country. In some of the developed coastal areas, people can have more benefits than the poor areas; the workers who are working in the companies that have different forms of ow
6、nerships are having different social benefits as well. This imbalance will restrict the construction of harmonious society seriously, even can destroy the social solidarity and stability. In order to explore a new financing mechanism for raising sufficient social security fund, which is called socia
7、l security tax, in this paper, the author used normative analysis and empirical analysis methods to discuss the meaning of collecting the social security tax. Besides, the author also used the successful experiences in developed countries for reference and combined them to the situation of our socie
8、ty. On the other hand, the author discussed the advantages and disadvantages for collecting the social security tax in depth as well. Finally, the author concluded that the current situation in China suits for collecting the social security tax and stated his own ideas about the importance of the re
9、levant policies and regulationsestablishment.This paper contains five chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the research background, the meaning of choosing this topic, relevant literature review, research methodology, research framework and innovations, respectively. Chapter 2 illustrates the social secur
10、ity system and its related conceptions. Moreover, the author defined the social security taxs origin, development, features and functions systematically as well. Chapter 3 combines the economic situation and the existing problems in current social security system in depth for discussion. Chapter 4 a
11、nalyses whether China suits for social security tax collection or not and points that it is not only necessary for the stability of society but also important for the economic development to collect the social security tax. Chapter 5 bases on the fact of social security tax collection, demonstrates
12、the opinions about design of taxation framework, relevant policies and regulationsestablishment. In the end, the author gets the conclusion that in the current situation, no matter considering the internal social balance or acting on international convention, collection the social security tax repre
13、sents the general trend.【关键词】社会保障制度 社会保障税 税制设计【备注】索购全文在线加好友: 同时提供论文写作一对一指导和论文发表委托服务【英文关键词】Social security system Social security tax Tax framework design【目录】我国开征社会保障税问题研究摘要4-5Abstract5引言7-12(一) 论文背景及意义7-8(二) 文献综述8-10(三) 研究方法10-11(四) 创新点与不足11-12一、社会保障税理论分析12-16(一) 社会保障税的概念12(二) 社会保障税的起源
14、和发展12-13(三) 社会保障税的特征和作用13-16二、我国开征社会保障税必要性及可行性分析16-24(一) 我国现行社会保障制度概况及其存在的问题16-19(二) 我国开征社会保障税的必要性分析19-21(三) 我国开征社会保障税的可行性分析21-24三、国外开征社会保障税的借鉴及对我国启示24-28(一) 国外社会保障税的三种典型设置方式24-26(二) 对我国开征社会保障税的启示26-28四、未来我国开征社会保障税的制度构建28-33(一) 我国开征社会保障税的构想28-29(二) 未来我国开征社会保障税的具体制度设计29-31(三) 未来我国开征社会保障税的相关配套措施31-33结
15、语33-34参考文献34-36后记36苗木供应合同书甲方:乙方:周至县哑柏镇绿星苗圃经甲乙双方协商同意, (以下简称甲方)从周至县哑柏镇绿星苗圃(以下简称乙方)购买银杏苗木,(用于渭政办发2010205号文件,渭南市区绿化),并就相关事宜达成以下协议:一、 苗木数量: 二、 苗木规格:胸径15cm以上,主干通直,树头完整,枝条匀称、丰满,无病虫害,树形美观。三、 苗木价格:每株计人民币四、 该价格包括:苗木费、挖掘费、包装费、装车费、拉运费五项。合计人民币( )五、 付款方式:任务完成后,10日内一次付清。六、 有关事项:1、 土球规格:苗木所带土球直径1.2米以上,厚度60cm以上,卸车前完
16、整不破裂。2、 包装规格:土球包装腰带无间隙宽度12cm以上,纵扎草绳间隙在2cm以下。绳杆高度40cm,缠冠高度2米。3、 所有苗木必须是播种培育,均为本苗圃苗木,严禁从外省、外地调动,由此产生的不良后果,由乙方负责。4、 乙方必须按照甲方时间、地点、数量要求按时送苗。(送苗地点,渭南市城区)并保证我县任务完成居全市前三名。5、 苗木结算数量以接收方接收单上的数据为准,因不符合合同条款中苗木规格要求的,接收方拒绝接收的苗木由乙方自行处理。六、本合同未尽事宜,甲乙双方同意协商解决。七、合同条款违约,造成经济损失,由造成损失方全额赔偿。八、本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,自签字盖章之日起生效 二0一0年十二月