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1、考研复试常见英语口语话题关于个人方面常见的问题1. What kind of personalities do you think you have?2. What basic principles do you apply to you work?3. Do you think you are introverted or extroverted?4. What types of people dont you like to work with?5. What do you think is the most important thing to you to be happy?6. Wo

2、uld you like to describe yourself as what kind of person you are?7. Would you like to tell me your weak points and strong points?8. What types of people do like to work with?9. Are you more a follower or a leader?10. What attitude do you take towards life?关于兴趣爱好常考的话题1. Do you have any special intere

3、sts other than your job?2. What are your hobbies?3. What other interests do you have?4. What kind of recreations do you most enjoy?关于家庭的常见提问1. Whats your marital status?2. Could you tell me something about your family?3. Do you spend much time staying with your family?关于工作和经验的问题1.What is important t

4、o you in a job?2.Your resume says you have had some experience working in a foreign representative office in Shanghai, may I ask why you left?3.What qualifications do you have that make you feel you will be successful in your field?4.Please tell me your present job.5.What have you learned from the j

5、obs you have had?6.What kind of jobs have you had?8.Please tell me about your working experience.9.Where do you want to be five years from now?10.What is your career objective?关于教育和学习经历的提问1.what is your major?2.Which university did you graduate from?3.What course did you like best?4.How did you get

6、on with your studies in college?5.What subject did you major in at university?6.When did you graduate from university?其他相关的口语复试的问题1.What would you do if.?2.Why should we accept you?3.What qualities are needed to get a promotion in a company?4.What do you think is more important in getting a job, education background or experience?5.What qualities are the basic requirements for leading positions at all levels in a company?6.Why do some honest and loyal employees remain unprompted after many years of hard work?

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