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1、英语词汇系列练习题(二)1. 单项选择1) We had a picnic last term and it was a lot of fun, so lets have one this month. A. the other B. some C. another D. other2) The education system rather than the teachers is to _ the overburden on the students. A. blame for B. care for C. allow for D. answer for3) My mother alway

2、s gets a bit _ if we dont arrive when we say we will. A. anxious B. ashamed C. weak D. patient4)- Would you help me sweep the floor? - _, Id rather water the flowers.A. Not particularly B. Anyway but C. Anything but that D. With pleasure5)Im certain Davids told you his business troubles. _, its no s

3、ecret that he owes a lot of money to the bank. A. Anywhere B. Anyway C. Therefore D. Though6) Lily hoped she would pass her driving test at the first _. A. aspect B. attack C. effort D. attempt 7) He is easy to get along with. _ that, he is a determined boy. A . Apart from B. Beside C. Except D. In

4、addition8) Recently more and more farmers have _ the government rather than nature for help.A. lived up to B. centered on C. attended to D. appealed to9) The environmentalists said wild goats _ on the vast grassland was a good indication of the better environment. Aescape Babsence Cattendance Dappea

5、rance10) Theyoungmanhadno _ forhardworkAappetite Btaste Cjoy Denjoyment11) Now a lot of new technology developed by scientists will be _ improving the quality of rice and wheat. A. used to B. applied to C. suited to D. accustomed to12) But for her mothers sudden illness, she would never think of bre

6、aking this _ with you. A. appointment B. schedule C. arrangement D. interview13) Chinese arts have won the _ of a lot of people outside China Aenjoyment B. appreciation C. entertainment Dapplication14) At the meeting they discussed three different _to the study of mathematics. A. methods B. apartmen

7、t C. approaches D. ways15) It displeases my parents when Richard and I stay out late at night. My parents dont _ of Richard and me staying out late at night.A. approach B. allow C. appeal D. approve 16) A completely new situation will _ when the examination system comes into existence.A. arise B. ri

8、se C. raise D. approve 17) The more I think about him, the more reasons I find for loving him _ I did. A. as much as B. as long as C. as soon as D. as far as18) - Im green at everything. - Dont worry. _you get older, you will get more experience.A. As B. Till C. If D. While19) You should be _ of you

9、r _ conduct. A. shameful; ashamed B. ashamed; shameful C.shame; shameful D. ashamed; shame 20) Before building a house, you will have to _ the governments permission. A. get from B. assess C. receive D. ask for21) Examinations are not the only means of _ someones ability. A. assisting B. praising C.

10、 valuing D. assessing22) When foreigners think of China, they always _ it with the Great Wall.A. advertise B. associate C. attach D. combine23) Rose was wild with joy _ the result of the examination. A. to B. at C. by D. as24) -Look, what is he doing there?-As far as I know, he is reading a note _ t

11、he present from his aunt with passion.A. attaching with B. attaching on C. attached to D. attached for25) A man is being questioned in relation to the _ murder last night. A. advised B. attended C. attempted D. admitted26) In order to change attitudes _employing women, the government is bringing in

12、new laws. A. about B. of C. towards D. on27) The company is starting a new advertising campaign to _ new customers to its stores.A. attend B. attract C. stick D. transfer28) The increase of the number of the students makes the limited computers not _to each student. A. available B. affordable C. hel

13、pful D. acceptable29) Its not easy for a student of _ intelligence to meet the requirements of a world leading university. A. regular B. natural C. available D. average30) There was a large box behind the door and Peter couldnt _ falling over it in the darkness. A. awake B. resist C. avoid D. preven

14、t31) Can you do the job alone, or do you want someone to _ you? A. affect B. assist C. apply D. arrange2. 根据英文释义选用下列单词填空:analysis apology anxiety annoy ancestor attitude argue astronaut avenue authority1) _ a careful examination of something in order to understand it better2) _a short story based on

15、 your personal experience3) _ to make someone feel slightly angry and unhappy about something4) _ the feeling of being very worried about something5) _ an expression of regret for having done something wrong 6) _ someone who travels and works in a spacecraft7) _ he opinions and feelings that you usu

16、ally have about something8) _ the power you have because of ones official position9) _ usually a wide street of houses, often in the suburbs and lined with trees10) _ to disagree with someone in words, often in an angry way3.选用下列词的适当形式填空:Part 1anyone arrangement appreciation anyhow approach astronau

17、t available athlete appointment average1) I wrote him a letter to show my _ of his thoughtfulness.2) You are all new comers here. Try not to make _ to strangers.3) There were no tickets _ for Fridays performance.4) - Hello, is _ home? - Yes, were here.5) - How can I run a mile in such a short time?-

18、 I think it possible, for the _ runner can run 2 miles in fifteen minutes.6) The family are making _ for his birthday party.7) You should phone his secretary if you want to make an _.8) Alice, you should learn to help your mother with some housework. You have grown up, _.9) - Ann wants to be an _. -

19、Does she really like to travel and work in a spacecraft?10) It was discovered that three of the Olympic _ had taken drugs. Part 2 arrival awake attention article anniversary anxious amount atmosphere appearance attempt 11) The couple celebrated their 20th wedding _ in January. 12) _ of births, marri

20、ages and deaths appear in some newspapers. 13) The _ made of leather cost much more than those made of plastic. 14) He might have been killed but for the _ of the police.15) -Why do you drink so much coffee?- Well, so long as it doesnt keep me _ in the night, I see no harm in it.16) The Chinese are

21、looking forward to the first _ to land on the moon after Yang Liweis successful trip to space.17) You will never be through all your homework tonight if you dont pay your _ to it. 18) After an _ wait, Audrey was told that her son was safe. 19) Women are more concerned than men about their personal _

22、.20) The girls being educated in an_of simple living was what her parents wished for.Part 3 appropriate apparent approval ashamed applicant appetite anxiety apology angle analysis artificial authentic aspect average awkward anywhere authority21) She was so _ of cheating on the test that she went and

23、 told the teacher.22) Dont eat the cake, or youll spoil your _.23) We agreed with his acute _ of the political situation.24) Try looking at the affair from a different _.25) He caused his parents great _ by cycling long distances alone26) Please accept our _ for any inconvenience we have caused.27)

24、She had many good qualities despite her _ rudeness.28) As the wages were low, there were few _ for the job.29) Plain, simple clothes are _ for school wear.30) It is just three months since we received official _ to go ahead with the project.31) This orange drink contains no _ flavouring or colouring

25、.32) On the course she received a thorough training in every _ of the job.33) The government is the highest _ in the country.34) In France dogs can go _ their owners can because people there love pets very much.35) Youve put me in a very _ position and now I dont know how to deal with the matter.36)

26、This new model of car is so expensive that it is beyond the reach of those with _ incomes.37) Is that an _ painting or a copy?4.选用下列动词的适当形式填空: Part 1 attack analyze apologize avoid appear answer announce appreciate arrest arrange attempt 1) David _ for his not being able to inform me of the change i

27、n the plan.2) He was _ by the police and charged with _ murder.3) When the bell rang _ the end of the class, students came out by twos and threes.4) I knocked at the door and nobody _.5) Ten minutes earlier and we could have _ the accident.6) If you have a lot of things to do, just make a list and _

28、them in order of importance.7) You need to sit down and _ why you didnt pass this examination.8) It was only when I reread his poems recently that I began to _ their beauty.9) Mr. Smith is one of those men who _ to be friendly, however, it is very hard to deal with.10) Beijing was _by such a terribl

29、e sandstorm as few citizens had ever experienced before. Part 2attract appeal approach attend assume arm annoy arise argue11) _ by the beauty of nature, the girl from London decided to spend another two days on the farm.12) The crowd _ themselves with sticks and stones and fought with the police.13)

30、 How many of us _a meeting that is not important to us would be interested in the discussion?14) He _ that a dam might actually increase the risk of flooding.15) We must _ him to be innocent until he is proved guilty.16) The mosquitoes _ me so much that I couldnt sleep.17) Many difficulties have _ a

31、s a result of the change over to a new type of fuel.18) With spring _, the wind became warmer. 19) The movement _ to the public to donate money generously to the poverty-stricken areas. 5.选用下列短语及词组的适当形式填空:Part 1appeal to apply for answer for approve of be anxious about be aware of one another applyt

32、o anything but apart from 1) When living in the city, he was always being disturbed by the noise of _ sort or _. 2) I _ really _ you. You shouldnt have left home without a word.3) The program “Super Girl” on Hunan TV _ especially _ young people. 4) Mrs. Forester has _ my attending the conference tha

33、t I am expecting.5) _ a flat tyre, we had faulty brakes.6) He is _ a fool. He found out your trick at once.7) You will have to _ your wrong doing one day.8) A youngster ought to have some practical experience in a library before he or she _ a place at a library school. 9) More and more people _ the

34、dangers of drinking and driving.10) In this way they can better _ theory _ practice.Part 2as good as as much as as well as well as might as well as it is as it were as if as far as as with as for attend to set aside argue with attend to 11) When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks _ it

35、were broken12) On that rainy night, he walked _ the small town which was 20 miles away to call a doctor in.13) He was expecting to have completed the job by now. _, hes only halfway through it.14)The scholar has knowledge and ability _. He is equal to the research work.15) _ running, learning a fore

36、ign language requires a strong will.16) Now that you have got a chance, you _ make full use of it.17) You can ask the others, but _ myself, Ill be busy in the office18) - I wonder what has become of your company? - Havent you heard about it? It is _ ruined because of bad management.19) _ I know, she

37、 can earn _ 500 dollars a week.20) He is my best friend, my second self, _.21) E-mail, _ telephones, is playing an important part in daily communication.22) We _ the waiter about the price of the meal.23) Rip was a kind man. He was ready to _ everybodys business but his own.24) The old couple tried

38、to _ some extra money for some purpose.6. 选用下列词的适当形式填空:sound sight thought invitation loss requirement risk suggestion expense knowledge service1) At the _ of the coming examination the boy felt very nervous. 2) He paid a visit to their home for drinks at the _ of the newly-married couple. 3) At the

39、 _ of the gun the birds in the tree flew away in all directions. 4) He hesitated at the _ of her face suggesting her disagreement with his plan. 5) At the _ of the doctor he takes regular exercise to keep fit. 6) He built up a successful business but it was all done at the _ of his health.7) At the

40、_ of the bus conductor all the passengers showed their tickets.8) We rescued more than 50 children at the _ of our lives.9) A good salesman is never at a _ for words.10) My telephone is at your _ until yours is repaired.11) Altough he is young, he has a great appetite for _ of economics. 7. 翻译:1) _

41、(我会很感激的) if you could lend me a hand with my homework.2) With two children _(要上中学) in the nearby town soon, the parents are working hard.3) _(尽管她年轻), Mary has gained rich experience in society.4) They gave him a warm welcome _(他一到).5) - Would you like to go to play tennis with me in the school court this weekend?- I am sorry I cant. _(改日怎么样)?6) Do let your mother know all the truth. She _(似乎有人已经把一切都让她知道了)7) The new technology _ (已被采用) agriculture.8) 他们总是为钱争吵。 _9) 你本来应该避免再次提到他的错误。 _10) 我们急切想知道他是不是安全到达了。 _

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