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when walt disney was drawing阅读题.docx

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1、when walt disney was drawing阅读题When Walt Disney was drawing his first cartoon, he was not successful. He was fired from a newspaper for not being creative enough. However, he didnt give up. He kept on drawing and finally became one of the most famous cartoonists in the world.Walt Disneys cartoons ar

2、e still popular today. Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy are some of the most famous cartoon characters in the world. These characters have appeared in many different forms of media, including movies, TV shows, and theme parks.Walt Disneys success is not only because of his creativity. He was als

3、o a hard worker and a good businessman. He started his own animation company and made it successful. He also created a successful theme park called Disneyland.Walt Disneys legacy is not only in his cartoons but also in the impact he had on the world. His work has brought joy to millions of people an

4、d has also created many jobs for artists and other professionals. Walt Disneys life and work are an inspiration to many people around the world.1. When did Walt Disney draw his first cartoon?A. When he was a child.B. When he was fired from a newspaper.C. When he started his own animation company.D.

5、When he created Disneyland.2. What does the underlined word legacy mean in the last paragraph?A. His cartoon characters.B. The impact he had on the world.C. His hard work and creativity.D. The success of his animation company.3. What can we learn from Walt Disneys life?A. We should give up easily when we fail.B. We need to find a successful company to work for.C. We should create our own successful business.D. We should not only focus on our own success but also make a positive impact on society.

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