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1、物业租赁合同范本四篇*物业租赁合同范本*物业租赁合同范本1: 全额付款合同*中文:*甲方(出租方):*身份证号码:_联系地址:_联系电话:_*乙方(承租方):*身份证号码:_联系地址:_联系电话:_鉴于甲方为合法拥有该物业的所有权人,愿将该物业出租给乙方居住使用,经双方友好协商,达成以下租赁合同:一、租赁物业地址:_二、租金及付款方式:乙方一次性支付租金(金额)_元,不可分期付款。三、租赁期限:自_年_月_日起至_年_月_日止,总共租赁_个月。四、物业使用权:乙方在租赁期限内享有该物业的合法使用权,不得擅自转租或转让。五、维护责任:甲方负责对物业进行定期维护保养,乙方应当爱护物业设施,避免损坏

2、。六、违约责任:任何一方如违反本合同约定,应当承担相应的违约责任。七、解决争议:双方一旦发生争议,应友好协商解决,协商不成的,提交本地法院解决。八、本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各持一份,自签字盖章之日生效。*甲方:*签字_ 日期_*乙方:*签字_ 日期_*英文:*Party A (Landlord):*ID Number: _Address: _Phone Number: _*Party B (Tenant):*ID Number: _Address: _Phone Number: _Whereas Party A is the legal owner of the property and is

3、 willing to rent it to Party B for residential use, the following leasing contract is agreed upon after friendly negotiation:1. Property Address: _2. Rent and Payment Method: Party B shall pay the rent of _ yuan in full at one time, without installment payments.3. Lease Term: From _ (date) to _ (dat

4、e), a total of _ months.4. Property Use Right: Party B has the legal right to use the property during the lease term and shall not sublease or transfer it without authorization.5. Maintenance Responsibility: Party A is responsible for regular maintenance of the property, and Party B shall take care

5、of the property facilities to prevent damage.6. Breach Liability: If either party violates the terms of this contract, they shall bear corresponding breach liability.7. Dispute Resolution: In case of disputes, the parties shall resolve them through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fails, the dis

6、pute shall be submitted to the local court for settlement.8. This contract is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, effective from the date of signature and seal.*Party A:*Signature_ Date_*Party B:*Signature_ Date_*物业租赁合同范本2: 分期付款合同*中文:*甲方(出租方):*身份证号码:_联系地址:_联系电话:_*乙方(承租方):*身份证号码:_联系地


8、方各持一份,自签字盖章之日生效。*甲方:*签字_ 日期_*乙方:*签字_ 日期_*英文:*Party A (Landlord):*ID Number: _Address: _Phone Number: _*Party B (Tenant):*ID Number: _Address: _Phone Number: _Whereas Party A is the legal owner of the property and is willing to rent it to Party B for residential use, the following leasing contract is

9、 agreed upon after friendly negotiation:1. Property Address: _2. Rent and Payment Method: Party B shall pay the monthly rent of _ yuan before the _ of each month, divided into _ installments.3. Lease Term: From _ (date) to _ (date), a total of _ months.4. Property Use Right: Party B has the legal ri

10、ght to use the property during the lease term and shall not sublease or transfer it without authorization.5. Maintenance Responsibility: Party A is responsible for regular maintenance of the property, and Party B shall take care of the property facilities to prevent damage.6. Breach Liability: If ei

11、ther party violates the terms of this contract, they shall bear corresponding breach liability.7. Dispute Resolution: In case of disputes, the parties shall resolve them through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fails, the dispute shall be submitted to the local court for settlement.8. This contr

12、act is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, effective from the date of signature and seal.*Party A:*Signature_ Date_*Party B:*Signature_ Date_*物业租赁合同范本3: 物业维修合同*中文:*甲方(出租方):*身份证号码:_联系地址:_联系电话:_*乙方(承租方):*身份证号码:_联系地址:_联系电话:_鉴于甲方为合法拥有该物业的所有权人,愿将该物业出租给乙方居住使用,根据物业维修规定,双方达成以下维修合同:一、维修内容:甲方

13、承诺对物业内设施设备进行定期维修保养,确保正常运行。二、维修责任:乙方需负责对物业内的日常家居设备进行保养,避免故障损坏。三、维修通知:在发现物业设备出现问题时,乙方应立即通知甲方或物业管理处进行处理。四、维修费用:维修费用由甲方承担,但乙方如因使用不当导致设备损坏,应当承担维修费用。五、维修时效:甲方和乙方应在设备出现问题后尽快进行维修处理,保证设备的正常使用。六、违约责任:如因一方违约,导致维修无法及时进行,应承担相应的违约责任。七、解决争议:双方一旦发生争议,应友好协商解决,协商不成的,提交本地法院解决。八、本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各持一份,自签字盖章之日生效。*甲方:*签字_ 日期_*

14、乙方:*签字_ 日期_*英文:*Party A (Landlord):*ID Number: _Address: _Phone Number: _*Party B (Tenant):*ID Number: _Address: _Phone Number: _Whereas Party A is the legal owner of the property and is willing to rent it to Party B for residential use, according to the property maintenance regulations, the followi

15、ng maintenance contract is agreed upon by both parties:1. Maintenance Content: Party A promises to regularly maintain and service the facilities and equipment in the property to ensure proper functioning.2. Maintenance Responsibility: Party B is responsible for the regular maintenance of household e

16、quipment in the property to prevent damage and faults.3. Maintenance Notification: When issues arise with property equipment, Party B should promptly notify Party A or the property management for resolution.4. Maintenance Costs: Party A bears the maintenance costs, but if equipment damage is due to

17、improper use by Party B, they shall cover the maintenance expenses.5. Maintenance Timeliness: Party A and Party B should promptly address equipment issues after they arise to ensure their normal operation.6. Breach Liability: In case of a breach by either party causing delays in maintenance, they sh

18、all bear the appropriate breach liability.7. Dispute Resolution: In cases of disputes, the parties should resolve them through friendly negotiation. If unsuccessful, the dispute shall be submitted to the local court for settlement.8. This contract is made in duplicate, with each party holding one co

19、py, effective from the date of signature and seal.*Party A:*Signature_ Date_*Party B:*Signature_ Date_*物业租赁合同范本4: 物业管理规定*中文:*物业管理规定*一、入住通知:承租方搬入物业时,需提前通知甲方,并提交入住登记表并核实身份证明。二、物业使用:承租方在居住期间需注意保护物业设施,不得擅自改变物业结构或进行违规装修。三、卫生清洁:承租方需保持物业卫生、整洁,定期清理垃圾,保持良好环境。四、安全保障:承租方需遵守物业安全规定,禁止在物业内进行违法犯罪活动。五、邻里关系:承租方需与邻居和

20、睦相处,避免因噪音或其他因素干扰他人生活。六、违约处理:承租方如违反物业管理规定,甲方有权终止合同,并要求承租方立即搬离。七、解决争议:若甲方与承租方因物业管理发生争议,应先协商解决,无法协商的,可提交有关部门调解。八、本管理规定自签字生效,双方各持一份,保留法律追究权。*甲方:*签字_ 日期_*乙方:*签字_ 日期_*英文:*Property Management Regulations*1. Move-In Notice: The tenant must notify the landlord in advance when moving into the property and sub

21、mit a registration form along with identity verification.2. Property Use: The tenant should protect the property facilities during the lease term, without making unauthorized structural changes or renovations.3. Cleanliness: The tenant is responsible for maintaining the propertys cleanliness, regula

22、rly disposing of garbage, and keeping a good environment.4. Safety Measures: The tenant must comply with property safety regulations and refrain from engaging in illegal activities on the premises.5. Neighbor Relations: The tenant should maintain harmonious relationships with neighbors, avoiding dis

23、turbances such as noise or other factors affecting their daily lives.6. Breach Handling: In case of tenant breach of property management regulations, the landlord has the right to terminate the contract and require the tenant to vacate immediately.7. Dispute Resolution: In the event of a dispute bet

24、ween the landlord and tenant regarding property management, they should first attempt to resolve it through negotiation. If unsuccessful, relevant authorities may mediate.8. These management regulations are effective upon signing, with each party holding a copy and reserving the right to legal action.*Landlord:*Signature_ Date_*Tenant:*Signature_ Date_

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